MOLECULAR TOOLS FOR LIFE SCIENCES bioAffinity Matrices Chemicals Buers & Reagents Primers & Enzymes Recombinant Proteins Lectins Antibodies BioKits Plant Media Separopore™ A bioPLUS™ chemicals B bioPLUS™ buffers & reagents C PCR primers & enzymes D rProteins bioActive & Anti-microbial Peptides E Proteins & Enzymes plant & animal lectins F Antibodies Immunology Reagents G bioKits H genomics, immunology Microbiological & PlantMedia™ plant growth regulators I A Separopore™ bioAffinity Matrices ® bioaffinity matrix for protein purification www.bio-world.com 1.888.bio.PLUS bio-WORLD Toll Free 1.888.bio.PLUS (8:30 AM - 5:30 PM EST) 4150 Tuller Rd, Suite 228 Fax 614.792.8685 molecular tools and laboratory essentials Dublin, OH 43017, USA Phone 614.792.8680 E-Mail [email protected] bioaffin ymatrices “Indispensable tools for protein purification” Separopore™ • Sepharose® • MagneZoom™ • BlackPearl™ • Bioalginate • Nanogold • Biosilica • StrepTalon™ • Coated Microplates Products Overview Affin y Chromatography and Separopore™ Matrices Affin y chromatography is an important tool to purify 20181045 Separopore® 2B 2 % Agarose biological molecules such as enzymes, antibodies and receptor proteins. The principle of affin y purific tion is 20181053 Separopore® 2B-CL 2% Agarose based on the specific i teractions between different molecules, like the interaction of antibody and antigen, 20181054 Separopore® 2B-MB Separopore® 2B-MB receptor and ligand, enzyme and substrate or enzyme and 20181031 Separopore® 4B 4% Agarose inhibitor. The conventional method for the purific tion of proteins is very laborious and the yields are often very low. 20181032 Separopore® 4B-CL 4% Agarose-CL On the other hand affin y chromatography is very specifi , 20181033 Separopore® 4B-MB Separopore® 4B-MB takes much less time and the purified p otein is of high quality with high yield and high specific a tivity. 20182006 Sepharose® 4B 4% Agarose The most widely used affin y matrix is based on Sepharose® 20182008 Sepharose® 4B, Lyophilized Sepharose® 4B (beaded form of cross-linked porous structure of agarose). 20181043 Separopore® 6B 6% Agarose bioWorld’s Separopore® is equal to Sepharose® in all physical & chemical properties but is more economical. Separopore™ 20181036 Separopore® 6B-CL 6% Agarose-CL affin y chromatography combines the size fractionation and 20181035 Separopore® 6B-MB 6% Agarose MB binding the target molecules to the affin y matrix followed by liberating the molecule from the matrix using different 20182007 Sepharose® 6B 6% Agarose reagents. Bead Agarose 2% 4% 6% 8% % Product Standard Macro CL Standard Macro CL Standard Macro CL Standard Macro CL Bead size 50-175 150-265 50-175 50-175 150-265 50-175 50-175 150-265 50-175 50-175 150-265 50-175 Range (μm) 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 20181045-4 20181054-1 20181053-4 20181031-4 20181033-4 20181032-1 20181043-4 20181035-4 20181036-1 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 20181045-1 20181054-2 20181053-1 20181031-1 20181033-1 20181032-2 20181043-1 20181035-1 20181036-2 Vol. Size/Cat. Number 500 ml 500 ml 500ml 500 ml 500 ml 500ml 500 ml 500 ml 500ml 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 20181045-2 20181054-3 20181053-2 20181031-2 20181033-2 20181032-3 20181043-2 20181035-2 20181036-3 1 L 1 L 1L 1 L 1 L 1 L 1 L 1 L 1 L 1 L 1 L 1 L 20181045-3 20181054-4 20181053-3 20181031-3 20181033-3 20181032-4 20181043-3 20181035-3 20181036-4 Chemical Stable in very strong and basic solutions and also in dissociating reagents. Stability Antimicrobial 20% Ethanol Storage Temperature: 4 °C Agent * Sepharose® is a Trademark of GE Healthcare. Separopore® is a Trademark of bioWorld SKU # Product Base Type Ligand Product Name Separopore® >> Base 20181045 Separopore™ 2B None Separopore™ 2B 20181053 Separopore™ 2B Crosslinked None Separopore™ 2B-CL 20181054 Separopore™ 2B Macrobeads None Separopore™ 2B-MB 20181031 Separopore™ 4B None Separopore™ 4B 20181032 Separopore™ 4B Crosslinked None Separopore 4B-CL 20181033 Separopore™ 4B Macrobeads None Separopore™ 4B-MB 20181043 Separopore™ 6B None Separopore™ 6B 20181036 Separopore™ 6B Crosslinked None Separopore™ 6B-CL 20181035 Separopore™ 6B Macrobeads None Separopore™ 6B-MB Separopore® >> Activated 20181058 Separopore® 4B None Aldehyde Separopore® 20181002 Separopore® 4B None CDI-activated Separopore® 20181003 Separopore® 4B None CNBr-activated Separopore® 4B 20181062 Separopore® 6B None CNBr-activated Separopore® 6B 20181004 Separopore® 6B-CL None DEAE Separopore® 20181007 Separopore® 4B None EAH Separopore® 20181008 Separopore® 4B None ECH Separopore® 20181009 Separopore® 4B-CL None Epoxy-activated Separopore® 4B 20181064 Separopore® 6B-CL None Epoxy-activated Separopore® 6B 20181025 Separopore® 4B-CL None NHS-activated Separopore® 20181051 Separopore® 6B-CL None NHS-activated Separopore® 20181073 Separopore® 4B-CL None Octyl Separopore® 4B 20181074 Separopore® 4B-CL None Phenyl Separopore® 4B 20181038 Separopore® 4B-CL None Thiophilic Separopore® 20181039 Separopore® 4B-CL None Tosyl-activated Separopore® 20181084 Separopore® 6B None CDI-activated Separopore® 20181085 Separopore® 4B None CH Activated Separopore® 20181102 Separopore® 4B-CL None Butyl Separopore® For available sizes & current prices, visit: www.bio-world.com proteins>>A-2 active ligands>>live proteins>> active ligands>>live proteins>>ac SKU # Product Base Type Ligand Product Name Separopore® >> Derivatives >> Amino Acid Ligands 20181063 Separopore® 4B-CL D-Alanine D-Alanine Separopore® 20181067 Separopore® 4B-CL L-Aspartic Acid L-Aspartic Acid Separopore® 20181068 Separopore® 4B-CL L-Glutamic Acid L-Glutamic Acid Separopore® 20181050 Separopore® 4B Glutathione Glutathione Separopore® 20181077 Separopore® 4B Glutathione Glutathione Separopore® (Lyophilized) 20181044 Separopore® 4B Glutathione Glutathione Separopore® (Microbeads) 20181088 Separopore® 4B-CL Glutathione Glutathione Separopore® SF 20182013 Separopore® 6B-CL Glutathione Glutathione Separopore® HR 20170004 Separopore® 4B-CL Glutathione OnePass™ GST-Tagged Protein Purific tion Columns 20181065 Separopore® 4B-CL Glycine Glycine Separopore® 20181069 Separopore® 4B-CL L-Histidine L-Histidine Separopore® 20181070 Separopore® 4B-CL L-Lysine L-Lysine Separopore® 20181058 Separopore® 4B None Aldehyde Separopore® 20181071 Separopore® 4B-CL L-Phenylalanine L-Phenylalanine Separopore® 20181002 Separopore® 4B None CDI-activated Separopore® 20181075 Separopore® 4B-CL Poly-L-Lysine Poly L Lysine Separopore® 20181003 Separopore® 4B None CNBr-activated Separopore® 4B 20181062 Separopore® 6B None CNBr-activated Separopore® 6B 20181004 Separopore® 6B-CL None DEAE Separopore® 20181007 Separopore® 4B None EAH Separopore® TM 20181008 Separopore® 4B None ECH Separopore® Pass 20181009 Separopore® 4B-CL None Epoxy-activated Separopore® 4B bioAffinity Columns & Cartridges 20181064 Separopore® 6B-CL None Epoxy-activated Separopore® 6B One 20181025 Separopore® 4B-CL None NHS-activated Separopore® Separopore® >> Derivatives >> Lectin Ligands 20181051 Separopore® 6B-CL None NHS-activated Separopore® 20181073 Separopore® 4B-CL None Octyl Separopore® 4B 20120000 Separopore® 4B-CL Arachis hypogaea (peanut) Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) lectin Separopore® 20181074 Separopore® 4B-CL None Phenyl Separopore® 4B 20120001 Separopore® 4B-CL Artocarpus integrifolia Jacalin (Artocarpus integrifolia) 20181038 Separopore® 4B-CL None Thiophilic Separopore® (jacalin) lectin Separopore® 20181039 Separopore® 4B-CL None Tosyl-activated Separopore® 20120005 Separopore® 4B-CL Concanavalin A Concanavalin A (Con-A) 20181084 Separopore® 6B None CDI-activated Separopore® (Con A) Separopore® 20181085 Separopore® 4B None CH Activated Separopore® 20120006 Separopore® 4B-CL Erythrina Erythrina Cristagalli Lectin (coral tree) 20181102 Separopore® 4B-CL None Butyl Separopore® Cristagalli Lectin Separopore® 20120002 Separopore® 4B-CL Glycine max Glycine max (soybean) Separopore® (soybean) lectin 20181018 Separopore® 4B-CL MB Wheat Germ Wheat Germ Agglutinin Separopore® Agglutinin (WGA) MB 20120003 Separopore® 4B-CL Lens culinaris Lens culinaris (lentil) Separopore® (lentil) lectin 20120004 Separopore® 4B-CL Ulex europaeus lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA) Sep- aropore® Call 1.888.BIOPLUS to order. proteins>> active ligands>>live proteins>> active ligands>>live proteins>>aA-3 SKU # Product Base Type Ligand Product Name bioWorld’s Protein-A Separopore® Performance Compare & Save Eluted Protein Eluted (µg/µl settled beads) Brand of Protein-A Agarose Matrix Separopore® >> Derivatives >> Protein Ligands 20181060 Separopore® 6B Avidin Avidin Separopore® 20181001 Separopore® 4B Calmodulin Calmodulin Separopore® 20181006 Separopore® 4B E. coli protein E.coli protein Separopore® 20181012 Separopore® 4B Gelatin Gelatin Separopore® 20181013 Separopore® 4B Heparin Heparin Separopore® 20181016 Separopore® 4B KLH KLH Separopore® 20181026 Separopore® 4B Papain Papain Separopore® 20181029 Separopore® 4B-CL Protein A Protein A Separopore® 20101028 Separopore® 4B-CL Protein A Protein A Separopore® (Lyophilized) 20181042 Separopore® 4B-MB (Blue) Protein A Protein A Blue Separopore® 4B-MB (Macrobeads) 20181086 Separopore® 4B-MB (Red) Protein A Protein A Red Separopore® 4B-MB (Macrobeads) 20181041 Separopore® 4B-CL Protein A View-IP™ Protein A Red Separopore® 4B 20181101 Separopore® 4B-CL Protein A IgGPure, Protein-A Separopore® Kit 20181030 Separopore® 4B-CL Protein G Protein-G Separopore® 20182016 Separopore® 4B-CL Protein G Protein G Sepharose®
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