Battle of Gettysburg Civilian Accounts at the Adams County Historical Society - 2019 Name Type of Account Residence/Location Subject Information Armor, Delia Newspaper Article East Middle Street, Gettysburg Resident Armor, Hannah Mary (Sheads) Newspaper Article South Washington Street, Gettysburg Resident Arnold, George Letter Center Square, Gettysburg Resident Arnold, Mary Catherine Newspaper Article York Springs, Adams County Resident Aughinbaugh, Emma (Wert) Obituary Carlisle Street, Gettysburg Resident Aughinbaugh, Nellie Booklet Carlisle Street, Gettysburg Resident Bache, Richard Article Union Army Surgeon Non-Resident Bacon, Georgeanna Woolsey Booklet United States Sanitary Commission/Nurse Non-Resident Baer, George Article Cordorus Township, York County Resident Baltimore Daily Gazette Article Chambersburg, Pennsylvania Non-Resident Barbehann, Mary (Tawney) Newspaper Article North Stratton Street, Gettysburg Resident Barker Hotel Article Littlestown, Adams County Resident Barlow, Francis Letter Union General Combatant Barr, Agnes Manuscript Baltimore Street, Gettysburg Resident Baugher, Edward Article East Berlin, Adams County Resident Baugher, Gideon Account Center Mills, Butler Township Resident Baugher, Henry L. Article Pennsylvania College Resident Bayley, Harriet Hamilton Account Old Carlisle Road, Cumberland Township. Resident Bayley, William Hamilton Account Old Carlisle Road, Cumberland Township Resident Beard, Elizabeth R. (Plank) Account Cumberland Township Resident Bell, Robert Major Article Straban Township Resident Bellows, Henry W. Article Visitor to Gettysburg Non-Resident Benner, Jacob Account Baltimore Street, Gettysburg Resident Benner, Josiah Farm Article Straban Township Resident Benner, Oliver F. Account Straban Township Resident Bergstresser, Rev. George Article Baltimore Street, Gettysburg Resident Biggs, Basil Newspaper Article Cumberland Township Resident Bigham, James L. Booklet Freedom Township Resident Bigham, Mrs. James P Account Freedom Townshp Resident Bikle, Philip Account Pennsylvania College Student Battle of Gettysburg Civilian Accounts at the Adams County Historical Society - 2019 Name Type of Account Residence/Location Subject Information Black, Sue King Account Straban Township Resident Blackford, William W. Booklet Staff of General JEB Stuart Combatant Bliss, William Typescript Emmitsburg Road, Cumberland Township Resident Bollinger, Lavinia (Vina) Account East Middle Street, Gettysburg Resident Bowman, Mary Article Historical Fiction Boyer, Martin Account Butler Township Resident Bradley, Joseph H. Account Visitor to Gettysburg Non-Resident Braim, Annie M. Letter Cumberland Township Resident Bream, Francis Letter Cumberland Township Resident Bream, John M Account Butler Township Resident Brenisholtz, Samantha (French) Account Waynesboro Non Resident Bricker, Leonard Account Taneytown Road, Cumberland Township Resident Brinkerhoff, Emma J. (Lawver) Obituary Harrisburg Road Resident Brinkerhoff, Henry J. Obituary Mummasburg, Franklin Township Resident Brinkerhoff, Isaac Article Gettysburg Resident Broadhead, Sarah M Booklet Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg Resident Brooklyn Eagle Article Visitor to Gettysburg Non-Resident Bucher, Theodore P Account Viisitor to Gettysburg Non-Resident Buehler, Fannie J Booklet Baltimore Street, Gettysburg Resident Buehler's Warehouse Account Carlisle Street, Gettysburg Resident Buford, Brigadier General John Advertisement Union General Combatant Burns, John L Account Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg Resident Bushman, Emmanuel Account Breckenridge Street, Gettysburg Resident Bushman, Mary Newspaper Article Breckenridge Street, Gettysburg Resident Bushman, Samuel Account Breckenridge Street, Gettysburg Resident Bushman, Sarah (Sadie) Article Breckenridge Street, Gettysburg Resident Callis, John B. Newspaper Article Lieutenant Colonel 7th Wisconsin Combatant Carpenter, Dr. John Newspaper Article McKnightstown, Franklin Township Resident Carson, Robert D Newspaper Article York Street, Gettysburg Resident Carter, Isaac Book Cumberland Township Resident Battle of Gettysburg Civilian Accounts at the Adams County Historical Society - 2019 Name Type of Account Residence/Location Subject Information Chamberlain, Dr. C. N. Account Camp Letterman, Gettysburg Non-Resident Chambersburg Newspaper Article Franklin County Non-Resident Chrismer, John E Newspaper Article York Street, Gettysburg Resident Christian Commission, U.S. Article In Hospitals Non Resident Christian, William S. Account Colonel 55th Virginia Combatant Clarke, Rev. James Freeman Article Visitor to Gettysbug Non-Resident Clutz, Liberty Augusta (Hollinger) Account York Street, Gettysburg Resident Cobean, James Hervey Account Bell's Adams Co. Cavalry Combatant Cochrane, Henry Clay Article Gettysburg Address Non-Resident Codori, George J Account Gettysburg Resident Colver, Michael Article Gettysburg College Resident Confederate Letters Article Confederate Army Combatant Conover, David A Account Mt. Joy Township Resident Cooke, Joseph Account 18th Pennsylvania Cavalry Combatant Crawford, John S. Account Farmhouse along Harrisburg Road Resident Crocker, James F Account Adjutant, Pickett's Division Non-Resident Croll, Jennie S Account Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg Non-Resident Cronise, Margaret S Account Middletown (Biglerville), Butler Township Resident Cross, Andrew B Account United States Christian Commission delegate Non-Resident Crounse, Lorenzo Newspaper Articles New York Times Reporter Non-Resident Cuff, Keziah Typescript West High Steet, Gettysburg Resident Culler, Martin Luther Account Lutheran Seminary student Resident Culp, John H Account Washinton Street, Gettysburg Resident Culp, Julia Census Record West Middle Street, Gettysburg Resident Cunningham, Frances Account Freedom Township Resident Currens, Alexander farm Account Emmitsburg Road, Cumberland Township Resident Dailey, Dennis Burke Newspaper Clipping Liieutenant, 2nd Wisconsin Combatant Davidson, M. Account Washington Hotel, Carlisle Street Non-Resident Deardorff, Mary Bushman Power Account Breckenridge Street, Gettysburg Resident DePeyster, James Watts Account Visitor to Gettysburg Non-Resident Battle of Gettysburg Civilian Accounts at the Adams County Historical Society - 2019 Name Type of Account Residence/Location Subject Information Dermody, Joe Obituary Rupp's Tannery, Baltimore Street Resident DuBois, N. Newspaper Articles Visitor to Gettysburg Non Resident Duboraw, Isaac Newton Account Co. K, 1st Pennsylvania Reserves Resident Dudley, William W. Newspaper Article Colonel, 19th Indiana Combatant Dustman, Henry Typescript Chambersburg Pike, Gettysburg Resident Epley, Amanda Newspaper Article Wagon Hotel, Baltimore Street Resident unidentified person regarding account of a distant Eppelman, John Account relative (GNMP file) Non-Resident Ertter, Adam Account St. Francis, West High Street, Gettysburg Resident Essick, Abraham Rev. Article York Street, Cumberland Township Resident Evans, Clement Diary Colonel, 31st Georgia Combatant Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia Article "E.W.D." Non-Resident Fahnestock, Gates Account Baltimore Street, Cumberland Township Resident Fahnestock, Henry Account West Middle Street, Cumberland Township Resident Fairchild, Charles Account 2nd Wisconsin Combatant Farnum, Eliza A Account Nurse in Hospitals Non-Resident Feiser, Peter Newspaper Article New Oxford, Adams County Resident Finnegan, Albert Magazine Article 6th United States Cavalry Combatant Fisher, Mary Caldwell Account York County Resident Fleming, Margaret (Murray) Letter Carlisle, Cumberland County Non Resident Forney, John Damage Claim Mummasburg Road, Cumberland Township Resident Rodel, Josephine (Forney) Diary Gettysburg Address Non Resident Foster, Catherine M.W. Account South Washington Street Resident Franklin Repository, Chambersburg, PA Article Visitor to Gettsyburg Non-Resident Frey, Martha (Benchoff) Obituary Tawneytown Road, Cumberland Township Resident Gallagher, Mary Emeline (Wilson) Typescript Baltimore Street, Gettysburg Resident Gardner, Leonard Marsden Rev. Account York Springs, Adams County Resident Garlach, Anna (Kitzmiller) Newspaper Article Baltimore Street, Gettysburg Resident Gelbach, John W Obituary Hamiltonban Township Resident George, George Newspaper Article Emmitsburg Road, Gettysburg Resident Battle of Gettysburg Civilian Accounts at the Adams County Historical Society - 2019 Name Type of Account Residence/Location Subject Information Giddings, S.M. Account Visitor to Gettysburg Non-Resident Giffin, Samuel Autobiography Adams County Resident Gilbert, Elizabeth (Mrs. Jacob) Newspaper Articles Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg Resident Gilbert, Emma (Mrs. Daniel) Typescript Gettysburg Resident Gitt, Daniel Newspaper Article Arendtsville, Franklin Township Resident Given's Paper Mill Newspaper Article Mt. Holly Springs, Cumberland County Non-Resident Gladfelter, Christiana Newspaper Article Near East Berlin, Hamilton Township Resident Globe Inn Newspaper Article York Street Gettysburg Gordon, John B Newspaper Article Confederate General Combatant Griest, Charles W Account York Springs, Adams County Resident Gross, George J Newspaper Article Visitor to Gettysburg Non-Resident Gruel, Margie A (Fahs-Smith) Newspaper Article Chambersburg Street Resident Guinn, Catherine Farm Account Cumberland Township Resident Guinn, Mrs. A.M. Letter Greenmount, Cumberland Township Resident Hahn, Lucy Mary (Walter) Newspaper Article Granite Hill near Hunterstown, Straban Township Resident Affadavits of John Forney & Wm. Guinn, Hall,
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