318 SHORTHAMPTON. OXFORDSHIRE. [KELLY'S SHORTHAMPTON (or Chilson) is 8 chapelry and and burials, I773· The living is annexed to the vicarage township in the parish of Ohar'lbury, 2 miles north-west of Charlburv, joint ·net yearly value £3'57• including from Chal'lbury statibn, on the Oxford and Wotceste1' 300 acres of glebe, in the gift of St. John's College, section of the Great. Western railway and 5 south from Oxford, and held since 1903 by ths Rev. Julius D. Payne Chipping Norton, ir the Northern division of the M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford, and surrogate, who eounty, hundred and petty sessional division of Ohad­ re·sides at Oharlbury. Pudlicote Hom;e; the r~idence of lington, union and county court district of Chipping Bernard Whitaker esq. is a plain mansion of stone, Norton, rural deanery of Chipping Norton, archdeaconry approached through an avenue of trees. The principal and diocese of Oxford. The l'iver Evenlode flows landowner is Vernon J. Watney esq. J.P. Qf Cornbury through and is crossed by two bridges one from Short­ Park, who is lord of the manor. The soil is stone hampton to Chadlington and the other conneds Ohilson brash; subsoil, brash rock. The chief crops are wheat, and Pudlicott. The church of All Saints is a small and barley and roots. The area is 1,671 acres of land and plain structure of mixed styles, consisting of chancel, 7 of water; rateable value, £2,668; the population in nave, south porch and a turret over the chancel arch I90I was I52. -containing one bell: the chancel was rebuilt about 182o, and has a modern east window ; the chancel arch, on OHILSON and PUDLIOOTE are hamlets, the fm'mer the south side of which is a large blocked hagioscope, three-quarters of a mile west-south-west of the village; is Early English: the nave, considerably wider than the the latter I~ miles west-north-west. Thel'e is a Primi­ -chancel, b.as a Norman north wall, l'e"taining one small tive Methodist chapel at Ohilson, erected in r867. ilriginal window: the south doorway a.nd three windows SHOOKS COPPICE, 1 mile south, wat~ formerly extra­ are Perpendicular, and there is a low-side window of parochial. the Decorated period: the font is plain, and possibly Letters through Charlbury, Oxon. arrive at 7 a.m. ~orman: the church was completely Testored in 1902-3, Oharlbury, . 2~ Uliles distant, is the nearest money at the cost of V. J. Watney esq. and re-opened on All order & telegraph office Saints' day, 1903. During the renovation a number of :ancient wall paintings of the 13th, I4th and I5th cen- Wall Letter Box, Ohilson, cleared at 7 & 9 45 a.m. &; turies were discovered and carefully disclosed by Mr. 5.30 p.m. week days only Mainwaring J ohnston, of London; they mostly represent Elementary School, Ohilson, erected in IB75, for 66 various saints: there are 100 sittings. The register of children; average attendance, 35; Herbert Hedge5, baptisms dates from the year 165o; marriages, 1656 ; master SHORTllA.MPTON. OHILSO.N. Green Emmanuel Edward, grocer Whitaker Bernard, Pudlicote house Barrett William Jarvis, farmer, Ohil­ beer retailer Robinson Eli, farmer Barrett Arthur Edward, farmer, son farm • Shorthampton farm Olaridge Augustine Thomas, insur­ ance agent SHOTOVER, see Forest Hill. SHUTFORD (East and West) are townships in the in the gift of New College, Oxford, and held since 190-l parish of Swalcliffe, 5 miles west from Ban bury station by the Rev. Thomas Jordan .Moulder M. A.. of Balliol <Jn the main line from London to Birmingham of the College, Oxford, who resides at Swalcliffe .. Here are Great Westel'n nilway and Banbury terminal station small Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. on a branch from Verney Junction on the London Wenman Aubrey Wykeham-Musgrave esq. of Thame a.nd North Western railway, and about 24 north-west Park, is the principal landowner of West Shntford from Oxford, and in the Northern division of the and Lord Sa ye and Sele is sole landowner and lord county, Banbury and Bloxham petty sessional divi- of the manor of East Shutford. The manorial rights of sion, hundred, union and county court district of West Shutford are extinct. The soil is various. The Banbury, rural deanery of Deddington, archdeaconry crops are general. The area of West Shutford is 95~ tmd diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Martin acres; the rateable value, £r,293; and Ea6t Shutford, is a small building of stone, in mixed styles, prin- 409 acres; rateable value, £38 8 ; the population in Ig<li <'ipally Early English, and consist~ of chancel, nave of was of East Shutford, 12; and of West Shutford, 271. three bays, north aisle, south porch, chapel and a low Sexton, William Oompton . .embattled Perpendicular tower at the north-west angle Post, T. & Telephone Call Office (to places within a containing 2 bells: the south arcade of the nave is Deco- limited distance).-Frank Austin, sub-postl'nl!llWr. rated, but the north arcade Transition Norman, to which Letters arrive through Banbury at 7.30 a.m.; dis- period also the font may be assigned; the Early English patched, 5 p.m. ; no delivery on sunday. Swalcliffe, -chapel has 8 Decorated open timber roof and a fine 1~ miles distant, is the nearest money order office Perpendicular screen of black oak, with some remains <Jf colour upon it: there are 160 sittings. The register Elementary School, erected in 1808, for xgo children; of baptisms dates from the year r6g8; marriages, 1702; average attendance, S3; Misses OaTToway, mistresses burials, I699· The living is annexed to the vicarage Carrier to Banbury.-Percy Mills, to the 'flough,' thurs. of Swalc1iffe1 joint net yearly value £224, with residence, & sat . , "Bazeley Misses, Hill cottage Gilkes Bernard, general haulier t Page Goorge, fanner Evans Charlton, Parsonage house Gilkes Henry, farmer Salmon Wm. farmer, Shutford grnda Griffin Simon, shopkeeper Stanley William, carpenter COMMERCIAL. Hughes .Tacob, George & Dragon P.H. Tustain George, farmer Cross Arthur Vincent, grocru- & brewer F~st Shutford Ward Thomas, mason Gibbs Fredk. Louis, gTaveostone cutter Miller James Thomas, farmer, Manor Weals by Eliza (Mrs.), farmer Gibbs John, wheelwright house, East Shutford Wells Daniel, farmer 'Gibbs William, blacksmith Mills Percy, carrier Wrench Wm. & Oo. silk plush mnfrs SIBFORD GOWER and SIBFORD FERRIS the Rev. Leonard Moxon. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. are townships constituting a parish, formed in 184I out of I built in r827 and holding Bo persons, and a meeting -the civil parish of Swalcliffe. on the bord~rs of Warwick- house for the Society of Friends, rebuilt in x8p4, with sit­ shire, 3 miles north from Hook Norton station on the tings for 300. There is a town estate of 2o6a. or. 3~P· Banbury and Cheltenham section of the Great Western now producing £127 yearly,..one-third of which is for the railway, 7~ west-south-west from Banbury and 24 north- poor, one-third for pious purposes and the remaining third west from Oxford, in the North~rn division of the county, for tl).e school; in accordance with the order of the Court Df ·hundred of Bloxham, Banbury and Bloxham petty ses- I Chaqcery in the reign of James I. J. Loggin's charity of sional division, union and county court district of Ban- about £6 yearly is for general purposes. The rent ol bury, rural deanery of Deddingt()Il and archdeaconry and the common land produces about £Io yearly, which is diocese of Oxford. The church of the Holy Trinity, at given in coal to the poor in place of the right of cutting. 'Sibford Gower, built in r84o, is an edifice of stone in the The principal landowners are New Colle~e and Ohrist Early English style, 'Co:1sisting of chancel, nave and a Church, Oxford, R. B. Oddie e.sq. and, Mrs. Waita. -western turret containing a clock and one bell: in I897 a The area is 1,758 acres; rateable value, [2,379; the new porch was built in memory of Miss Elizabeth Dix: population in I90I was 394· 1n r9o6 handsome oak choir !!tails and 8 new organ were Parish Clerk, Thomas Manning. presented by the parishioners : there are soo sittings, Post & M. 0. Office.-Frederick Inns. sub-postmaster. 340 being free. The register dates from the year 1841. Letters arrive fl'om Banbury at 7 5 a m. & I2.ro p.m ; The living is 8 vicarage, with the rectory of Epwell dispatched at r r. IS a.m. & 5.15 p m. week days onl:r. ~nnexed, joint net yearly value £250, with residence, in Sihford Ferris, r mile distant, i;; the nearest telegraph 1he gift of New College, Oxford, and held since 1910 by office .
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