Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 166 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Friday, September 2, 1988 Labor Day: 'A day's work is a day's work' One of the many American customs has segments of society that few countries can some of Labor Day's highlights before the District of Columbia. been to celebrate the first Monday in Sep- equal. holiday became: Even though many Americans are serv- tember as Labor Day in honor of all work- Ever since man can research, the right - 1882 Peter J. McGuire suggested the ing in various lands overseas and in the ers. This holiday has grown in importance, of the worker to one day each week for rest idea of Labor Day. Armed Forces, they still have the opportu- ranking next to Washington's Birthday, has been recognised. The Fourth Com- - September 5, 1882 First Labor Day nity to observe our holidays, including Independence Day and Thanksgiving. mandment says, "Six days shalt thou labor parade was established in New York. Labor Day. Labor Day also marks the end of summer and do thy work." And the great drama- 10,000 workers showed up. When this holiday was inaugurated, holidays, the reopening of school and the tist, Bernard Shaw, remarked: - October 9, 1884 Federation of Organ- one writerstated this: "Its celebration takes beginning of the fall business activities. ized Trades and Labor Unions of the the form of parades by labor organizations, In an editorial in the Los Angeles Times A day's work is a day's work, neither United States and Canada voted to make meetings conducted by labor leaders, of September 5, 1954, Theodore Saloutos more nor less, and the man who does it Labor Day a national holiday. speeches, picnics, and athletic events and wrote: needs a day's sustenance, a night's repose, - 1887 Oregon celebrated state holiday contests." and due leisure, whether he be a painter or honoring labor to be followed by Colo- The willingness to recognize Labor a plowman. rado, Massachusetts, New York and New By the turn of this century, while vari- Day in the United States might be attrib- But for a while, countless workers were Jersey. ous unions still featured their parades, uted to the strength of our representative not given their just rights. Various social - 1894 Labor Day was a legal holiday in Labor Day was becoming more and more a institutions, the spirit of compromise that injustices came about through the indus- 30 states and President Grover Cleveland day for enjoyment, gatherings with prevails, and the dynamic character of our trial revolution with the invention of ma- approved an act making it legal in the friends, picnics at the seashore or in the economy, which extends benefits to all chinery, use of steam and electricity and Distict of Columbia. mountains, for varied athletic contests, who are willing to work.Labor Day has adoption of the factory system. - 1928 All 48 states except Wyoming attendance at ball games, etc. Now, many become an intergral part of the American Since those times, many forms of ex- and and the Philippines had passed such use the time for rest, since it is the end of way of life. It reflects a degree of optimism pressions have been used to try to get the provisions. vacation and the beginning of strenuous and mutual confidence on the part of all worker just time off. The following are - Today it is celebrated in all 50 and the fall activities. Federal Women's Program committee holds Motivational Seminar By BETTYE P. MARTIN establish what they wanted in any endeavor include making a series of decisions based succeed or be an opportunity to learn Deputy EEO Officer both personally and professionally and upon refining what you want and seeing something needed to reach the goal. how to go about achieving those goals. more relevant facts. Visualization and Seeing the complete picture may in- On the nights of Tuesday Aug. 23, and experimentation should occur. (Visualiz- clude seeing the beliefs, fears, or assump- Aug. 30, Ms. Debora Haughton presented Haughton suggested making a written ing a mental picture of a possible solution, tions that are producing unintended results a Motivational Seminar in the Fleet Train- list of things you want (goals) and to see the imaging it to see if it might work and then or preventing the goal from being ing Group Auditorium (FTG) facts that are relevant to what you want checking it out). achieved. Ms. Haughton concluded the This seminar was sponsored by the (what you now have or where you now workshop with the Million Dollar Success Federal Women's Program committee. are), then how to achieve your goal will Ms. Haughton states that experimenta- Plan of Paul J. Meyer, Founder and Chair- Ms. Haughton's presentation cited the emerge. tion is a crucial part of the creative process man of the Board of SMI International, principals necessary for participants to How to get what you want often will and any attempt to reach the goal either will Inc. Caribbean Naval Lodge slates CAPTAIN'S HOTLINE scholarship fund raising dinner 4800 (Navy Resale ACTIONLINE, 4355) By JOSA DIRK ROSE chicken will be cooked on the grill and we will also offer beans, chips and a juice." The Caribbean Naval Lodge, which is Tickets for the meal cost $3.75 for under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge adults and $2.75 for children. If you do not When calling the Captain'sHotline, to walk alone on Sherman Ave. of Massachusetts, will be sponsoring a purchase a ticket, dinners can be paid for at please leave your name and phone Reply: When the children are walking chicken dinner sale eat in/take out Sunday, the event. The Lodge will also be accepting number. Anonymous calls will only be to and from school,the speed limit on Sept. 11, in front of the Navy Exchange donations for the scholarship fund. answered in the case of fraud, wastte Sherman Ave. by the school is 20 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and abuse. Hotline calls will be miles per hour. This is reinforced by The fund raiser, a first for the Carib- Waters also mentioned that a car wash, published in the newspaper or an- Security. The speed limit is slow bean Naval Lodge, is intended for the W.T. T-shirt sale and a hot dog sale were also swered by phone to the caller. enough to allow pedestrians to walk Sampson High School scholarship fund. events the Lodge was thinking about, but safely to and from school. The first According to Don Waters, a coordina- were still in the early stages of planning. Query: I have a problem with the day of school went very well. All tor of the event, people can either eat at the For more information about the event motorists not yielding to the pedestri- residents are reminded to drive event or take it home. or to purchase a ticket, call Waters at4164, ans at the crossing on Sherman Ave. carefully, especially now that school "We hope to have a tent set up with Bill Knowles at 4154, or Michael Basnight by McDonald's. This is a very danger- is in session. tables for the people," said Waters. "The at 4203. ous area. Query: I would like to know why Reply: Safety dictates that if a pedes- government vehicle number 9418065 trian is in a crosswalk or crossing the was doing personal moves in Grana- Armed Forces voting information road, moving vehicles yield to the per- dillo Point Aug. 27? son on foot. Additionally, pedestrians Reply: The vehicle number is wrong. Armed Forces Voters Week is drawing Simpson, 4101; Operations, Ensign Nor- should not step into moving traffic just We do not have a unit by that number. to an end. If you haven't registered to vote ton; Ordnance, GMG2 (SW) Stafford, because they are standing at a cross- If the caller had left a name and phone yet, it's not to late. See your Voting Assis- 4679; PAO, JOC Smith, 4502; Port Serv- walk. Please use common sense, and I number we could have called to tance Officer and get registered. The base ices, EMC Bailey, 4898; PWD, UTCS can't voice this point enough: do eve- follow up. Use of government Voting Officers are: Blackmon, 4126; Supply, DPC Potts, rything safely. vehicles is approved only on rare Admin, YNC Abbott, 4511; BCT, 4616; and Security, MAC Holt, 4145. occasions. This does not appear to be RMC Mead, 4788; Chaplain, RP1 Bour- If you are unable to get assistance from Query: I would like to know where one of them. geois, 2323; Clubs, Mr. Gorinac, 2304; the above personnel, contact Lt. Gary the last bus stop is for the base bus. Intel, Sgt. Bell, 4210; NBCPO, Mrs. B.J. Smith at 4511. Some drivers stop at Sherman and the Query: I am having a problem getting entrance to the hospital, and others say a work request taken care of. it is not a stop. Reply: The caller had called the Reply: The last bus stops are the Hos- Housing Trouble Desk and the project pital and the ferry landing. manager about a tree limb over the power line in Villamar. One limb was Query: I am concerned about the AM cut, the other was not. Public Works V . TE and PM kindergarten children having has the work request and will take to walk home by themselves. I have care of the work once higher priority called transportation and the school items are completed.
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