No. 59 1635 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 1968 CORRIGENDUM sectiJorn 20 lof (the PU!b1~c Wlorks !Amendment Aat [1952, I, SiI' Arthur Bsplie IP:OTnitJt, BamolD'et, ,the GloV'erno;r-Genetral 101E New Zealand, hereby proclaim iaJIld declaJJ.1e thiaJ1: ItJhe ISlaid 1Jam.d is IN Ithe notice dated Ithe 23rd ,day 10fMay 11968 lalod puhlished hereby set apa:rt, a:s f'fom 'the 30th day of September 1968, iin Gazette, 27 JUIIle 11968, NO'. 41, p. 1089, dedaJ11ng .lia:nd fior Ithe pllOper deve10pment ior use 101£ Ithe lIand purSUlaIIllt to taken tflo,r Iiolad ,in BLock IV, OI1aJhiri Survey DilSitrict, 01Joflo­ subsectiJo[l (1) lof seCition 47 lor the TIOW'll aJIlJd OOUlll!trry nanga Oounty, for the des:criplt~on Io:f the third larea 10£ the Planning Act 1953, :and in 3Joaolfdirunce with ltihe loper:albive Sdhedu~e Ithereto, wbiiJdh reads "0 IlWJ.1es 0 mlo,ds 119..1 peJ.1Ches " , d;~strict scheme IOf the BioIlOugh of Whialmtane. read "0 acres ,I I100d 19"l peJ.1ches", which lIas;t-menti!oned descrtiptilolU lappears lim Ithe tl1Ioltioe lsigrned by the Minlislter loE Works. SCHEDULE (P.W. 34/28111; D.O. 117 j7 /28) SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL Ith!ose p'ieces lot ~alUd ;~tuIa\ted in mock II, Whlakal!Jalne Survey Dis'triot, BloiflOugh :of Whalm'tiane, de~orlihed as f:o:Hows: Land Held for Better Utilisation and State Housing Purposes A. R. P. Being Set Apart for a Limited Access Road iin the City of Hamilton 5 3 110.6 !Bamt AllJotment 272, P1aII'isih lo!f WiaJimana; Cloiliou:red Mue lOin pm. 3 2 0 Pam AlLotment 295, Pa:rirsh iolf Waimma; aolomed ArRTHUR IPORlRITT, GO'vemol'-Generral yelLow Ion plan. A PROCLAMATION As 1!he same are mo~e parti;culJaJrly de:l~neated Ion the pLan PURSUANT to seotion 4 oE the Public Works Amendment Act maJrked iP.:W.D. 1126492 (8.'0. 33~364) depos~ted in Ithe loffice OlE 1963, I, Sir Arthm Espie P:o:rri1Jt, BaJrO'nelt, the Oover~lOr­ Ithe Minislter tOlE Wiorks at IWelling;1JolU, lrund Itherelon ClollJoured Generall 'Of N em Zealand, Ihereby declare the laJnd desolll1ed <liS ahove-mentioned. in ,1!he iSohedule hereto iDO he set apa'rt for a limited access Given under ,the h'Wnd IOf HJils Excdlency Ithe GioV'eI"nJOr­ mad from and ra!£ter the 301J~ day 0:£ September 1968. GeneraJ., and issued UIIlder the Seal 10~ New ZeIa.Ilia:nd, this 23rd day o£ Augus,t 1968. SCHEDULE [L.s.] 'PERCY ,B. M.JIjEN, iMinister of Works. SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! ALL illlose pieces of land situated in Bock II, Hamilton Survey (P.W. 50/774; D.O. 43/5/0/6) District, City of Hamilton, described as !follows: A. R. P. Being 3 0 31.4 Part Allotments 24 and 25, Te Rapa Parish; Land Taken for Road and for the Use, ConvenJ'ence, or coloured sepia on plan. Enjoyment of a Road in Block XVI, N garuroro Survey o 1 23.7 Palt Lot 3, D.P. S. 355; coloured yellow on plan. District, Hawke's Bay County As the same are more particularly delineated '0n '~he plan marked M.O.W. 21791 (S.O. 44086) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured ARTHUR 'PORlRITT, Govemor-Geillerral as above-mentioned. A PROCLAMA'I1]ON Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ PURSUANT tlo Ithe Public WiO!fks ACit 11928, I, Sill' Arthur Bspie General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Porritt, Bianonet, Ithe G!ovei'n!or-Gooeral !of New Zealland, this 19th day of Auguslt 1968. hereby pToclalim land dedlare Ithialt Ithe ]Jrund desaribed tin the [L.s.] PiEJRCY B. AlLEIN, Minister of Wo'rks. Firslt Schedule hereto is Ihweby rt:a~en DOT mad, a:nd the 1Jamd descriibed in !the Seaoilld Schedule herel~o ~s hereby !tJa.ken flOr GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! the use, ClO!J1Ven'ience, :0[' enjoymOOlt lof a Tload; laJlUd I ailslO (P.W. 72/1/2B/0; D.O. 71/2B/4/0) declare thut 'th!is IPT1oollama:tiolll shiall \tlake effeat lOin and lafirer the 30th day '01£ Sepltember ,1968. Land Held for a Rubbish Dump in the Borough of Whakatane FIIR'ST SOHEDUiLJE Set Apart for the Proper Developme11lt or Use of the Land, HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT Pursuant to Subsecti'on (1) of Section 47 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1953, and in <Accordance with the ALL thiat pieoe 101E ;land ,OOInJ1Ja:itnlling '1 'J.1olOd 11 pellchesSl~tuJa!ted Operative District Scheme 'of the Borough of Whakatane iln BllOck XNl, Nglalrur!oTlo Survey Di:s;uri:dt, iHawke'ls Bray Oounty, Hawke's Bay R.D., (alIld beiIng paTlt !Jolt 11, (D.lP. 3273, be~lng pant BlJorck 8~,MlalIIaekalmhio CIiOwn Gra:nt 'District; AiR11HUR IPOiR!RITT, GO'vernO!r-General coilJoured sep'i:a Ion ,p]m. \A 'PlROOLAlMATION [SEiCOND SCHFJDULEJ WHEREAS thie li3.lUd de~CI1ibed in I~he Schedule ihweilo WIaS itaken for a rubbish dump and veslted in the Mayor, OouncillO!rs, and HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT Citizens O!f Ithe Borough of Whakatane by PliOdamation dated IALL Itoot piece 10'£ 1JaJlJ!d 100nl1Ja!ilnJing 21.4 pel1dhes lSiltUiated in !the '10th day oiE March '1948, and published lin Gazette, 11 B1Jolck XW, Nglaru11O[i0 SUJfVey lDisltrict, Hawke's Bay County, March 1948, Viol. I, p. 263: now, Ithef'elfloTe, pursUlail.1!t ro Ha:wke's Blay RID., ood ibleing p!a!rt Il.JOlt 11, D,iP. 3273, being 1636 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 59 pant B~ock 84, iMlalI1aJekakiaJhio CTiown GmnJt Dist'fiat; co~oured servants, agents, visitors, and licensees, at all times, by day or seplila, edged srepilia, Ion p'larn. night, with or without vehicles, to go, pass, repass, and drive As 1!he same laTie mOTe paJr6'cuklirly delineated Ion Ithe p1!an vehicles along, over, upon, and through the land described marked M.o.rW. 22480 (S.O. 5754) depiolsWted :Un the 'office 101£ in the said First Schedule, such easement to be !forever the 'M1i.lI1lister lof WiO'fklS I3Jt WelLlinglbon, a:nd Ithere/oln coloured appurtenant to the [and described in the Second Schedule as a'bto,ve-mentilorned. hereto. OiVlen under It:hiem1Jd loff Hiis EXicelletncy ltihe Govern'O:r­ Genel1a!l, IMlJd issued under Ithe Seia:l lof New Zeal!a:nd, Ith~s FIRST SCHEDULE 23rd day,off August ,1968. NORm AUCKLAND LAND DIS1RICT [L.s.] 'PElRCY B. ~EiN, iMlinister 0If Works. ALL those pieces of land situated in Block III, Tangihua GOD SAVE mE QUEEN! Survey District, NOl1th Auckland R.D., described as follows: (rP.W. 40/745; D.O. 16/80/3) A. R. P. Being 1 0 8.3 Part Section E. 9, Block III, l'angihua Survey District; coloured yellow on plan. 2 0 314.4 IPQirt Section IS.W. 9, 'Blolck IN, Tangihua Survey Land Taken for the Development of Water Power (West 'District; coloured blue on plan. Gore Distribution Depot) in the Borough of Gore As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked 'M.O.rW. 21308 (S.,o. 45100) deposited in the office AlRTRUR IBORIRITI, 1G0vemorJGeneiral of the IMinisiuer of Wiorks at Wellilnglton, and ltihereonc<ioured as above-mentioned. A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zearland, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the SECOND SCHEDULE Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the development of NOR1H AUCKLAND LAND DIS1RICT water power (West Gore distribution depot). ALL that piece of landoontaining 243 acres 3 roods 17 perches situated in Tangihua Survey District, North Auckland R.D., SCHEDULE and being Seotion 14, Block III, and being the whole of the land contained in certificate of title, Volume 241, flolio 300, SOU1HLAND LAND DISlRICT North Auckland Land Registry. ALL that piece of land containing 29.1 perches, being Lot 3, Given under the hand of His Excel[ency the Govemor­ D,'P. 7098, being part of an approved subdivision of part Lot General, and issued under rthe Seal olf New Zealand, 1, D.P. 6441, being part Section 58, Block LXXII, Hokonui Ithis 23rd day 'of AugUiSt 1968. Survey DistricL Part balance certificate of title, Volume 106, folio 41, Southland Land Registry. [L.s.] 'PBRCY B. M.;1;ErN, Mlinister of Works. Given under the hand of His EXicellency the Governor­ GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! General, and issued under the 'Seal of New Zealand, (P.W. 24/4725/1/2; D.O. 94/26/12/0) Ith:is 2nd day·Of rAuguslt '196'8. [L.s.] JlIEIRCY lB. ~EiN, 'Mlinister of Works. GoD SA VB THE QUEEN! Land Set Apart as Provisional State Forest Declared to be (P.W. 92/18/20/6; D.O. 92/18/20/6) Subject to the Land Act 1948 AlRTHUR 'PORlR'FIT, Governor-General Land Taken for Hospttal Purposes in the City of Takapuna APROCLAJMATION PURSUANT to subsection (2) .aif section 19 of ,the Forests Act AlRTHiUR 'P!ORlRITf, Governor-Gerneral 1949, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor­ A HROCUAlMlAT1]jON General of New Zealand, aoting Ion the joint reco[Ilmenda:/J1on of the Minister of Lands and of rt:he Minister of Forests, 'PURSU1\NT I~O Ithe :Pub1i!c WioTkJs IArat 11928, I, Sirr lAr!thur Bspie hereby prtoclaim and decllJare dmt Itlhe ~and described in tlbe iPlolrritt, B:aJIlonet, the Grovenn/Oir-GerneiI1a:l loi{ New Zealarnd, Schedule hereto, being provisional rState !forest reserve set hereby prtodlraim Ialnd rdedl!a~e IthaJt the md desor~bed lim the apart by Proclamation dated the 20th day df November 195i1, Scheduie helreltJo 1:S Iherelby rtrakern IfrOir ihJosrpirtta;} pUifrpOI8eS IaJlld and published rin Gazette, 29 November 1951, Vol.
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