216t2017 Top 200 Most Influential ALrthors 2017 Home > Inspirational People > Authors Top 200: From J.K. Rowling to T. Harv Eker, These Are the Most Influential Authors in the World INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE . TOP LISTS Authors Top2OO: From J.K. Rowling to T. Harv Eker, These Are the Most lnfluential Authors in the World g DERIN CAG 9 2 Min Read Whether you're a would-be Author or have spent decades being one. You could be worse-off than to read the short biographies of Authors who've been through the journey before. So we've compiled a list from top Authors. lt's a list of influential people at effectively having soft-power and being pro-active, particularly in the digital sohere. Here's what some of them said about this list: https://richtopia.com/i nspirational-peopldtop20Gauthors 1t30 Top 200 Most Influential Authors 2017 E L James @E_L_James @Richtopia @colleenhoover You got me onto a list! Thank you. Reminds of your mate and the Soho House photo. tl 7:22 PM - 16 Feb 2017 215 il Catherynne Valente ETJ @catvalente Hey, that's pretty cool. twitter.com/Richtopia/stat... 7:01 PM - 16 Feb 2017 19 Michelle Sedas @MichelleSedas Fun! S F twitter.com/richtopia/stat... 7:03 PM - 16 Feb 2017 2 Zak Bagans @Zak_Bagans Looking foruvard to writing the next book! F twitter. com/richtopia/stat. 7:13 PM - 16 Feb 2017 475 651 Chris Collins @CollChris Good morning TY hi I love it. My little effort's called Valley of Flowers. #books #writing #vof #india twitter. com/Richtopia/stat. 7:'13 PM - 16 Feb 2017 https://richtopia.com/i nspirational-people/top20Gauthors ZN 216t2017 Top 200 Most Influential Authors 2017 t ,sB Sally Foley-Lewis @SallyFoleyLewis Thank you! lmpressive list, I'm honoured, humbled & chuffed! twitter. com/richtopia/stat., . 7:05 PM - 16 Feb 2017 Rita Cosby @RitaCosby @Richtopia @DerinCag How fantastic!!! Great honor!! Thank you so much! #richtopia 7:19 PM - 16 Feb 2017 Are you listed? Grab your badge! Our Authors list is an automatic algorithm based on social media influence, Klout scores and a secret recipe. We take into account various metrics from Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Youtube, Linkedln and Instagram. This listgets updated once a year. All entries https://richtopia.com/inspirational-people/top20Gauthors 3i30 2J16t2017 Top 200 Most Influential Authors 2017 are considered by our admins, and Richtopia reserves the right to accept or forbid people from the list as it deems fit. Follow these Authors to keep up with trends. You will also learn what resources they use to stay in the know. The 2OO Most Influential Authors toT;lto F"il";-lto ,"1 pewer*d nyRise€ Power Rank Author Score J.K. Rowling 1. * Author 100 (new) Michael Moore 100 2,* Filmmaker ('Michael Moore ln TrumpLand', 'Fahrenheit 9/11', (new) 'Sicko'), author ('Stupid White Men', 'Here Comes Trouble'), citizen (USA, Flint, TC). Newt Gingrich 99 3,* H u sb a n d, fath e r, g ra n df ath e r, citize n, sm a ll b u si ness/??an, auth o r, (new) former Speaker of the House. John Green 99 4.* I am an author (Looking for Alaska, The Fault in Our Sfars, etc.), a (new) YouTuber (vlogbrothers, crashcourse, etc.), and a person who does not cast movies. Anupam Kher 5.* Acto r/Te ach er/Author/M otiv atio na I Speake r/@U N_Wome n Ch am pio n (new) of Gender Equality @HeForShe Rob Lowe 99 6.* Actor, best-selling author, producer and founder of @Profile4Men, a (new) lifestyle brand of essentials for men. Happy husband and father of two great young men. Chelsea Handler 98 7. * Comedian, TV personality and Psychic. Snapchat: ChelseaHandler (new) https://richtopi a.com /i nspi rational- peopl dtop20Gauthors 4t30 2/16t2017 Top 200 Most Influential Authors 2017 Power Rank Author Score Karl Rove 98 8.* Former Deputy Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush, Author of (new) A/Yf besfse ller, Courage & Conseq uence, and new book, The Triumph of William McKnley David Axelrod 98 9.* Director, UChicago lnstitute of Politics. Senior Political Commentator (new) @CA//V. Author, Believer: My Forly Years in Politics. Views expressed nere are my own. T. Haru Eker 98 10. The Officiat T. Harv Eker Twitter Account. Author of #1 NY Times * bestselling book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (new) Shashi Tharoor 97 11. MP for Thiruvananthapuram. Author of 16 books. Former Minister of Sfa/e, G ovt. of I n d i a. F o r m e r U n d e r Se c reta ryG e n e ra l, U n ite d N atio n s. i RIs do not imply endorsement (new) Rachael Ray 97 12. TV Personality, author and cook Rachael Ray's of'ficialTwitter Feed * (new) Lori Greiner 97 13. Inventor, Entrepreneu4 Besf-Selling Author & Shark on ABC's * #SharkTank. 120 patents, 450+ producfs. Show on @QVC. Order my book : http s ://t. co/a i n Ssq d 3 BH (new) Shep Hyken 97 14. Shep Hyken, customer service and experience expeft, keynote * speaker and NW besfse//ing author, helps companies deliver AM AZ I N G cu sto m e r se rvice exoe rie n ces! (new) Ken Blanchard 96 15. Speaker, Leadership/Busrness Guru, and Author of over 50 books, * including The One Minute Manager. Read my blog at http s ://t. co/e 2 q 6 c7 SWy m F a ce b oo k : htt p s t/t. co/B9y PTT 7 0 BS (new) https ://ri chtopi a.com /i ns pi rational - peopl e/top20Gauthors 5/30 21612017 Too 200 Most Influential Authors 2017 Power Rank Author Score Bret Baier 96 16. Bret Baier:Chief PoliticalAnchor Anchor Executive *. @FoxA/ews. & * Editor of @SpecialReport. tVYf besfselling author. #ThreeDaysinJanuary book available now. (new) Chris Anderson 96 17. CEO of @3DRobotics, runs @DlYRobocars, @DlYDrones, * @Dronecode. Wrote Long Tail, FREE, Makers. Ex Wired, Economist, Nature, Science. (Profile photo by Joi lto) (new) Chris Colfer 96 18. New York Times Bestselling author, Golden Globe winning actor, * Member of 2011 TIME 100, Grammy nominated singer, screenwriter... still mastering motor skills. (new) Barkha Dutt 95 19. Barkha RaniJamke Barasti Hai. Emmy Nominated Journalist. Author. * Wannabe Lawyer. Contributing Columnist @WashingtonPost . Argumentative! Yaaron Ka Yaar (new) Maureen Dowd 95 20. Op-Ed columnist, Pulitzer Prize winner, @nytopinion. Author: Year of ' Voting Dangerously "Bushworld: Enter at Your Own Risk" and "Are * Men Necessary?" (new) Lisa Bevere 95 21. Wife to John-Mom of 4 men-Gmama-Minister-New York Times * Bestselling Author & co-founder Messenger lntl (new) Dambisa Moyo 95 22. Global Economist, Author, lnvestor in the future. * (new) Nicole Lapin 94 23. Host of Hatched on The CW, NYT Bestselling Author of Rich Bitch, * Re d b o o k co I u m n i st, C N BC/C N N/Bl oo m b e rg An ch orla dy Alum...money never s/eeps & neither do L (new) https://richtopi a.comii nspi rational- people/top20Gauthors 216t2017 Too 200 Most Influential Authors 2017 Power Rank Score Jack Welch 94 24. Author, Commentator, and Executive Chairman of the Jack Welch * Management lnstitute, a busrness school offering an MBA at Strayer (new) Dr. Michio Kaku 94 25. Official Twitter of Theoreticat Physicist, Famed Futurist, Bestsetting * Author, On-Air Personality, and Public Speaker, Dr. Michio Kaku. (new) Brad Thor 94 26. #1 New York Times Besfse//rno Author * (new) E. L. James 93 27. Author of Grey and the Fifty Shades Trilogy. #Fangirl * #lncurableRomantic (new) Gaprice Grane 93 28. tVYf Besfse lling Author/Screenwriter/TV Writer/ Facebook: * htt p s ://t. co/rqtJ zh U BAT I n sta g ra m a n d S n a pch at : ca p rice c ra n e (new) \ l" Lisa Rinna 93 29. i3f Actress, HosL NY Times Best Se//rng Author, Wife of Harry Hamlin, --'r Mother of two beauties, designer of the Lisa Rinna Collection on * QYC - United Talent Agency (new) Amber Benson 93 30. i am trying to break your heaft * (new) Brian Grazer 92 31. I make movies and TV, but l'm curious about everything! NYT * Bestse//lng author of A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. (new) httpsJ/richtopia.com/inspirational-people/top20Gauthors 7t30 216t2017 Top 200 Most lnfluential Authors 2017 Power Rank Author Score GEI GI Peter Guber I 92 32. IIr--l CEO Mandalay; Owner NBA's Golden State Warriors; Owner Los III--r * Angeles Dodgers; Owner LA Football Club (MLS); Prod.-Rain Man, Batman; Tellto Win:#1 NYT bestseller (new) Suze Orman 92 33. Emmy Award Winning TV Show Host, Number One Nfflmes Besf * Selling Author, Motivational Speaker and America's Most Trusted Personal Finance Experi (new) Steve Doocy 92 34. NYfrmes bestselling author, journalist & hosf of America's #1 cable program * mornrng news (new) Nancy O'Dell 91 35. Co-hosf of @etnow. Mom. Journalist. Producer. Author. Designer. * Spokeswoman. Philanthropist. MDA ALS Nat. Ambassador, n Grad! (new) Rick Bayless 91 36. Chef: Frontera/Topolo/Xoco/Lefia, 7 Beard Awards,9 Ckbks, Emmy * noms 4 Mexico-l Plate @ a Time, Top Chef Masters U cipient of Mexico's Order of Aztec Eagle (new) Zak Bagans 91 37. Host/ Executive Producer Travel Channel's #1-rated serles * @GhostAdventures Owner of The @HauntedMuseum SUPPORIER a daSPCA NY-Times Bestselling author (new) Daniel Burrus 91 38. #7 Besfse//ing #Author, Global#Futurist, lnnovation Expert and #Keynote #Speaker. One of the World's Leading Futurists on Global * #Trends and #lnnovation. (new) Mariel Hemingway 90 39.
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