0 DOCUMENT RESUME ED 112 021 CE 004 768. TITLE Career: Secondary School Career Education. .INSTITUTION Dependents Schools (DOD), Washington, D.C. Pacific Area. PUB DATE Nov 74 NOTE 598p.; Available in Microfiche only due to marginal legibility of original copy. For related elementary school handbook, see CH 004 767 EDRS PRICE MF-$1.08 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Career Education; Classroom Materials; Curriculum Guides; *Instructional Materials; Integrated Curriculum; *Learning Activities; Occupational Clusters; Resource Guides; *Secondary Education; Teacher Developed Materials; *Units of Study (Subject Fields) ABSTRACT The purpose of the handbook isto provide a resource to teachers for integrating career education into secondary level subject areas in order to reveal to students the broad range of career possibilities and the relevance of subject matter to the world of work. The first 19 pages of the document discuss the broad objectives of the program, the articulation of career education goals, and an overview of the program's elements. The remaining 530 pages of the document consist of career education resource packets cf / learning activities for the following subjects: art (20 pages), business education (30 pages), foreign language (6 pages), home 'economics (170 pages), industrial arts (3 pages), language arts (123 pages), music (6 pages), physical education--health and leisure (19 pages), science (63 pages), social studies (67 pages), and transactional analysis (38 pages). Many of the packets include teaching suggestions and objectives and many offer forms, illustration testing, instruments, and resource guides.(BP) ( ********************************************************************** ** DoCument- acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials nof available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtai e best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reprodu ility are often encountered and this affects the quality * , * of the mcrcfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * via the RIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * * responsile for the quality of the original document. Reproductions/ * * supplied y EDRS 'are the best that can be made from the original., * ********************************************************************** U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT 5 BEEN REPRO DuCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGAN,ZTON OR tO,N. AT,NO IS POINTS OF vIEW OP OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSR,LY REPPE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL ,N5T,TuTE OF EDut.TON P0s,T,oN OR POL,CY CAraP SECXDIRY SCI OOL CAREEF' EDLCATFr: PACIFIC AREA DEPARMENT.OF DEFENSE SCHOOLS' EDWARD C. KILLIN DIRECTOR NOVENBER 1974 CAREER CAREER (A;,:rer/). n. 1. Progress orgeneral course,. of action of a person through life, or through somephase of life... F carriere, racecourse I FOREWORD Career Education in the PacificfIrea DOD Schools is Oesinnea to prepare our studentswith necessary skills required to adapt to our rapidly changingtechnological society. :asic acaderic skills, good work habits, workvalues, decision making skills, and a knowledge of self are among:ne iroor- tant objectives in ourcareerlducation program. The secondary school career educationprogram provides rany of our students exploratoryand occupational training expe- riences through work study programs, careercounseling pro- grams, and discretetraining programs. The purpose of this handbookis to provide a resource to teachers for integrating careereducation'into subject area disciplines in order to reveal tostudents the broad range of cereerpossibiliti'es and the relevancy of subject matter to the world of work. EDWARD C. KILLIN Director DOD Schools 1 V ACKNOWLEDGMENTS SECONDARY SCHOOL CAREER EDUCATION HANDBOOK .4 1. This handbook is'designed for professional personnel concerned with secondary school education in the DOD Overseas Schools, Pacific Area. It is designed for use by all teachers in all educational programs. 2. This handbook was written during a summer workshop by a committee of District III teachers and by specialists frog, the Area Curriculum Center. 3. The following committee prepared the Secondary School Career Education Handbook: Mrs. Marlene Free Subic Naval' Station, Philippines Miss Kristine Hellman Tainan Air.Station, Taiwan rr. Claudio Johnson S 4 Wagner High School, Clark Air Base, Philippines" Me. Al Kellers Magner High School, Clark Air Base, Philippines Dr. James Paulsen Math Coordinator Area Curriculum Center, Japan ,Mr..Walter Peik, Instructional Media Coordinator Area Curriculum Center, Japan Mr. Thomas Preble Music Coordinator Area Curriculum Center, Japan M. Thomas Riley Career Education Coordinator Area Curriculum Center; Japan Mr. Steve Schrupp Wagner High Schdol, Clark Air Base, Philippines Mr. !tilton Sosnick Agner High School, Clark Air 1,ase,Philippines Mr. Elliot Tucker %agner high School, Clark Air Lase, Philippines Project Director: Dr. Daniel L. Stabile Career Education Coordinator DPN III (Philippines- Taiwan) 4. The following school districts andState Departments of Education have granted the Pacific Area DODSchools permission to reproduce selected portions of hanabooksand curriculum guides to be utilized in this project: Auburn University, School of Education Auburn, Alabama Ceres Unified. School District Ceres, California P. K. Yonge Laboratory School, Collegeof Education University of Florida, Gainsville "Cobb County Public Schools Marietta, Georgia UniverSity of Hawaii, EducationalResearch & Development Center Honolulu, Hawaii anyon-OwyheeSchool Service Agency Caldwell, Idaho Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois . Maryland State Department of Education Baltimore, MarylAnd Morriion Company Education Corporation Little, Falls, Minnesota Bernalilio Public Schools, Career Services Center Bernatilio, New Mexico State of New Mexico, Department of. Education Santa Fe, New Mexico Syracuse City School District, T. A. Levy Jr. High School New York '7 State Coard for Vocational Education 'oisrzrck, ':ortn Dakota Akron Public Schools Akron, Ohio Tulsa Public Schools Tulsa, Oklahoma Springfield Public Schools Springfield, Oregon City of Pawtucket, Public SchoolDepartment Pawtucket, Rhode Island Serving K-14, Statewide CareerEducation Watertown, South Dakota Memphis City Schools L:oard of Education Memphis, Tennessee San Antonio Independent SchoolDistrict San Antonio, Texas Raleigh County Schools, RaleighCountry Research and Development Project in Career Education Beckley, West Virginia 5. The following were responsiblefor typing, editing, and- illustrations: Barbara Pavlat Executive Secretary DPI! III - Program Division Norli4zJocson, Clerk-Typist DP!! III - Program Division Rhonda Kelly Proofreader, volunteer Nancy Walsh Typist, volunteer. DONALD L. GRANT Superintendent 6, 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS ti PURPOSE . 1 HGH SCHOOL CAREER EDUCATION OBJECTIVES 2 ti ARTICULATION OF CAREER EDUCATION COALS 3 CLUSTER DEFINITION3 AND OCCUPATION'i 7 CLUSTER UHEEL 8 CRITERIA OF DIFFERENT L2VELS TIITHIN A piv:NOCCUPATION 9 Consumer and ,Homemaking Marketing and Distribution 10 Office Occupations It Marine Science Occupations 11 Transpottation Occupations . 12 I Agri-Business Occupations . 12' Construction Occupations 13 Manufacturing Occupations . 14 Public Service Occupations 14 Health Occupations Fine Arts and Humanitie; Occupations 16 Environmental Occupations '16 Communication and Media 17 Hospitality-Recreation Occupations 17 - personal Services 'Occupations 18 SPECIFIC' DISCIPLINES 1 19 , Aft 19 Business Education . 40 . 9 t. 72 Fr,reign Ilinguages 80 Home _:conomics 252 Industrial Arts 266 * Language Arts 390 Music 397 .p. Physical 2.ducation-Health-Leislre 418 Science 482 *Social Studies 551 ;chi -11 4 Transactional Analysis.for High k r, 10 1 PURPOSE The purpose of the High School CareerEeucation_Aesources_Packet-is to provide teachers, administrators, andspecialists in the DOD Dependents Schools, Pacific, with practicalapproaches and suggestions concerning career education and subject areas. It is designed to be a flexibletoo with suggested activities includedt, make career education an integrate( part of every area of study throughout theschool year. The pages of that packet ma:7 be remr'ed for duplicationor revision. Take out your staple rem, er and replace the stapleswith brads or brackets foreasy access t, the wealth of information provided. High SchoolCareerEduca- tion Iesource Packets have been developedand distributed to allsecon- dary teacher's throughout the DOD4DependentsSchools, Pacific. ResOurce :,achets for the following curriculumareas are complete. Art Language Arts Business Education Math Foreign Language Music Health Physical Education Home Economics Science Industkial Arts Social Studies . 2 HIGH SCHOOL CAREER EDUCATION OBJECTIVES, In a high school career education program the necessity of supporting the three phases of career education; career awareness, career explo- ration, and career preparation is mandatory. Students move through and re-enter the career development latter at different speeds and times. In order to provide a program designed to meet'the needs of the student all three phases must be present. In-Addition to the broad objectiveS of increasing knowledge about occupations and work setting, students are provided with experiences in job seeking, job application- and job inteyiews; develop greater understanding of employer-employee relationships and other factors impinging
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