17, 1906. 10 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY. JANUARY TAX FOR GOOD CBESfENT SEVEN WINS. PLANS FOR OCEAN RACE. Rolg Fo7/r Yachts Already Named New-York State AutomobSi Nerc-York A. C. Skaters for Defeat Brooklyn Club Challenge Cup. ation in Favor of Pl Champions at Hockey. Ameeting of the The owners of four yachts— la, the Tanisr- director* of the \\*y",*» signified Automobii Association Slat The hockey seven of the Crescent Athletic Club, tane. the Mopsa and the Gauntlet— have was held « '^ assembly r of ,h., . fh* champions of the Hockey League, met of competing In the ocean race for r>om h Oth r«| n« lr Amateur their Intention lam H. Hotchkis* t'\ **' defeat last night at the hands of aeven of the Brooklyn Ya. 111 Clubs challenge cup. which la praattltg the the A discussion was held nr New-York Athletic Club at the St. Nicholas Rink now held by the New- Etochelle Yacht Club. At a -h- meeMn. i club, G. P. to the «ooa road, to be by a poore of 2 posls to 1. The victory of the recent meeting *>f that at -which Gran- CWWlrect^fa committee, presided, and from the aentha, iSt?, S:atc- "winged foot" team a preat surprise. bery. of the regatta expreated b- \u0084 was chairman arrange Is evident that Between the halves, the ecore was tied at a special committee waa appointed to de« the autom-nlliM* ax. '° h when operate with the oth, - «JS^"U3 *• 1goal each, the betting was 2 1on the Crescents tails of the race. It was decided that the start u«~r 8 of rr' *. to Yacht Club contributin a .mall L>l winning out. Wall and Lifflton, usually steady and \u25a0hall be made off the New-Rochelle annu.-.l tax to be " course will be maintenance of the highways u-'??' th* brilliant, were not form last night, LdfTHon horse o" Saturday July '\u25a0 The to be W> i in Point thence to and around the aid. The Stlt« missing- to score, whllo nround Monfauk May to followlns resolutton a3 some excellent chances Northeast End Lightship, off Cape thonce adopted: wL7Zun^'TOocaiyS \u25a0Wail allowed himself to be drawn out from his Brooklyn Club house. the finish, off Yacht -will ' position much. The New-Rochelle Yacht Club's committee Resolved. Trat. as the sens* n .i too from the Brooklyn club on Jan- State Aotociol AscociaUbn "*-Toi% played meet a~>committee should accept \Lh as ICJ Sherriff. Dobby. Shiebler and O'Flyr.n ,,„.,. the residence of •r. i. <»ranner> w a reason«We prorlsrSTi , aUo" well, ... to the mot. - wall. rists of 'h» looWai and M.cKenzie. at goal, was like a stone of State r.Vvi^ &" fact, after, other of the deed of eift.gift. After thisthu cost tl.. maintenance"', .f "-, "£har ecfti» In both goals were well looked "Will- and other conditions will dratt in© built by Star- aid. pn/wi ,i .f.?JV 1 iams, York, after shot. xnee-tine the New-Rocheße committee I."^'r -n»is for New- stopping shot drcular of the race, giving full information to made by the State! r^n;enance v Castlemsn played the star game for the "winged yachtsmen desiring to enter boats. The their matter of frar n*a measure by whi^h .v foot" men, with the veteran Fenwick at cover tax will be impose w, 3 «fer«d to " point a close second. , tS ££?«£ committee tii power T. ,-A length AMERICAN RULE IMPRACTICABLE. N .York -ni Time after time Castleman rushed the of was elected to membership. The reporu of tl., the ice without being blocked. Coolican was al- fleers and chairmen committee, ways the In- of w-re nZj* with him on the forward line. It was So Say Danish and German Delegates at and the treaaur< report and game the year, and showed the ass.v^M fastest most exciting of Conference. to be in a prosperous and satisfactory never for one moment did the r-ace slacken. ternational Yachting condW The total membership ot tbe Stats division "^ After seven minutes' play Fenwick got tlie puck, .Tan. 16. During the discussion of th» twenty-frre hundred, ajad Castleman London. an mcrewe or by pretty combination work with rule at to-day's session of the inter- sand during the year, weitS minute O'Flynn measurement but arvi eompriaei scored the first point, only a lat<^r nattonal yachting conference at the Langham clubs scattered throughout ftrT^" made a brilliant run down the Ice with Sherriff, of the State At the <*« when near the net Hotel Vice-President Manning, in the absence of the meetinc the dlr« the latter receiving the pock adoption ton were tcnJtiej a scoring- a n»at goal. representatives, advocated th* at loach! and American BEFORE DOORS WERE OPENED. eon the Waldorf-Astoria an the guests Z, The second half opened with tfio Crescents on the New-York Yacht Club's formula. He said GENERAL VIEW OF MADISON SQUARE GARDEN JUST of offensive and LiS'on and Sfoerrif? kept Williams of the Automobile Club of America. of the most brilliant he did so in order to evoke a full Albert R. buav. Dobby made one arriving at anBWJ*«™understanding Bbattock, chairman of the sood dashes of the ir.';me, and. when near goal, papp^d subject In the hope of &*. too to careful < f OPPOSE ROAD RACING. committee of the Automobile Club of to Llfflton. who was going fast take delegates both said ARMORY SHOW POPULAR. Amtdca aim. and the rubber went wide. Sherriff went off ?th?Danish^n dG*rman yesterday that he believed In the for W^eth.y Uiat the American rule wa un- THE "AUTO"HOLDS SWAT that Massacnuastil for two minutes slashing. '"onsTdered Impracticable The generalf plan, and he thought if this could Just aft^r Sherriff fc'ot U\fk on the ice Castle- trustworthy and almost every be'snaidtt Cooljcan, by team g*U into comment on the part of the other members Association in about owner of an aatomoUb] would man and clever work. trend of pa Doing a Rushing American Automobile be rhd Crescent territory, and CooUcan shot the goal of the conference was in the me direction. Manufacturers to contribute a small maa <-.. ;year, gave be the which rnnu \u25a0which his team the lead and proved t<> CROWDS AT THE GARDEN. be readily collected by meana of an annual winning point. Tbera was no further scoring, In Business in Cars. Favor of Speedways. '.!<•«\u25a0» spite of the hard efforts cf the champions to at FOR A YACHTING CLASS. He said: game. NEW Association yesterday least tie the At the Armory show the attendance was even The American Automobile There are now about thirty th.ius^r.4 autnmoMli* Flv^ minutes before the came ended Castleman expressed Itself at the meeting of Its board of in the State of New-York, and if a goal, bnt it waa offside, and not allowed. Cars Sell Themselves, So Keen Are larger, last night. Ifthat is possible, than on the annual license $150 »ach Vida! shot to Provide Racing see, directors in the «9th Regiment Armory as being of this would amount toawS He was put off a minute later for roughing Dobby. An Effort WillBe Made two previous evenings. Many came only to a year There are now seven opppsed races except upon specially con- •„ completed hundred BOmZ Ne-w^Tork A- C- C). Posttfoa Cre«cent A. C. (1). Buyers to Place Orders. but many also came to buy, and the various manu- to road road built and hy Srate aid if tfT,,i for the "Has Beens." speedways. The resolution passed waa as $150 a mile t-> main these roads this Williams Goal MoKenzie facturers reported a rushing business. The women structed $:\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0•.. wo-'ld Whit« Point O'Flynn meeting: of yacht owners Judging by tho crowds follows: quire an expenditure of per annitm. Ir thi Ftow-lelt Coverpoint Wall (captain) Itis proposed to hold a which filled Madison all but outnumbered the men, particularly In the owners of automobiles contributer: om-'hird of oreanlzlng a Square 135,006 annum, of thS Caet'«raan Forward LiffUon at an early date for the purpose Garden ajid the 69th Regiment Armory afternoon, and, judging from scraps of conversa- Resolved. That It Is the sense of the board of it would be per an- this sum conla X«ck4 Forward SnerrilT adopting a eystem of of the Association readily be raised by a tax of r>(ll»&ouEh Dobby special handicap class and yesterday, where the two big automobile shows tion, they seemed to be quite as well posted as directors American Automobile year. license On!v cki"'• Forwar advisable, with the Idea of that special soeedways for automobile racing and apiece a Cooiican Forward Bhiebler rules, as may be deemed nre beinjr held, one week will"be filltoo short to the average man in tho matter of technical testing of oars have become necessary, and that A3 the State is about to expend to».«00.m in Goals Fenwick a"d Ctxdican for New-York Athletic providing eatisfartory racing for boats, which bufld- Club; ShTrifr for Tes<-ert Athletic Chlb. B'frrees—Will- accommodate those who are interested in the knowledge. JlcKenzie, both ot Hockey present rating have little or no flying- machines, balloons, man- iam Kuss»!l and Dr. Club. under the ; universal horseless vehicle. As a. rule, one visit is not Tho exhibition of chance to win inthe regular open classes. carrying kltps, etc.
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