Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1941-1942 Student Newspapers 5-6-1942 Connecticut College News Vol. 27 No. 22 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1941_1942 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 27 No. 22" (1942). 1941-1942. 12. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1941_1942/12 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1941-1942 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. PALM •• LX.RAltT 081lt'NBlOTlttUT OOILLEe.ll NEW LONDo., OOMK. ONNECTICUT OlLEGE Vol. 27-No. 22 New Lodon, Connecticut, \~'ednesdar, Maf 6, 19-1-2 5e per Copy Palmer Library Wings from ew London Hall Pres. Blunt Tells Important Letter On Informal Opening Of '43 Calendar; c.c. Dimout Penalties To the Students: Of Library Will Your response to the dim- Curricula Changes out is excellent. In only a Take Place a 9 The change in next year's aca- very few cases have students demic program and the calendar been careless about pulling Bernhard Knollenberg, as announced in the 1942-43 cata- their curtains when there is a logue were outlined briefly by light in a room. The necessity Librarian From Yale President Katharine Blunt in her of maintaining the dimout Chapel talk of May 5. The most 1007(' will continue unchanged Lniverslty, To Speak until further notice, and we numerous changes will be made The informal opening or the in the music, art, romance lan- must not relax our vigilance. As a continuing reminder new additions to the Palmer Li- guage, and history and govern- brary will take place on Saturday ment departments. to students, we have estab- lished penalties for failure to afternoon, May 9. Mr. Bernhard In explaining the music accept this new civic respon- Knollenberg, university librarian, changes, President Blunt said: sibility-to pull the curtain Yale university, will speak in the When a new chairman comes, na- when there is a Jight in a west reading room at 3:30 p.m. turally there will be changes; this room from which Long Island The guests for the occasion will is no criticism of the out-going Sound can be seen. For the include librarians from the state chairman. The appreciation first offense we have set a of Connecticut, friends from New courses will be somewhat longer, fine of $10, for the second, courtesy Alumnae News London, and the Honor students six points; this is a decision made $25, and for the third, suspen- from the four classes. Although in line with discussions of the stu- sion for the remainder of the the three new wings, which were dent-faculty - forum and currtcu- year. started in February, 1941, have lum committee. There will be a All campus houses will be New Enlarged Palmer Library been open (01" student use since new member of the department inspected every night by stu- the beginning of the second sem- in piano and theory, replacing dent wardens and aides, and ester this year, Saturday marks Miss Ray Ballard, who has re- by the night watchmen. Mem- Now Houses 100,000 Books the official opening when guests will be shown through the build- signed. bers of the Disaster Services by Marilyn Sworzyn '43 of the main 0001' that houses cur- ing. The library will be open to will inspect from time to New History, Math Courses With the recent completion of rent periodicals and the card cata- the public from 7 to 9 p.m. that time. Any uncovered win- logues. evening. Other changes include a longer dows will be reported to Miss the addition to the Palmer library art appreciation course. In his- Connecticut college marks anoth- The extra-illustrated and rare Mr. Knoll nberg. who holds de- Brett, and students whose books of the late Elijah L. Palm- grees {rom Harvard and Yale, tory and government there will rooms are involved will be er milestone in intellectual be a new course, Federalism. The achievement. H, brother of George S. Palmer, practiced law from 1916 until 1938 billed by the Bursar for the comprise the library's most valu- personnel is not settled, and Miss All hammering and drilling has when he accept d his present po- appropriate fine. These fines able collection. The gilt of 5,000 sition as university librarian at Hannah Roach is the acting chair- must be paid within a week subsided at last. Fewer Connecti- volumes, valued at over $100,000, Val. lle Is also known as an man of the department. In mathe- (or arrangements made with cut college students are now get- matics, Miss Julia Bower is the was made by Mr. Palmer's widow. author, having published several the Bursar). If this is not ting lost in the stacks, and the The collection is shelved in the acting chairman. A new person new comfortable chairs are rapid- books in addition to numerous done suspension will follow Palmer Memorial Room (201) contributions to the Atlantic has been appointed for full time even though it is a first or ly being broken in. The novelty work in that department. The named in memory of Elijah Palm- Monthly and to Harpers. Ire second offense. of the new addition may already er. first year course will be "An In- be wearing off, but the increased serves in the position of librarian It is our earnest hope that for the American Oriental octety troduction to Mathematical Analy- advantages of the enlarged struc- New York Times 011 Film our dimout will be 100% ef- and the Connecticut Academy of sis." A six-point course in statts- fective because each of us ac- tures are only beginning to be The library has recently ac- tics in economics and a three- Arts and Science. cepts her individual responsi- realized. quired a Recordak for th~ read- Tea will be served in Windham point course in mathematics will ing of newspaper film. Microfilm bility for any room in which Palmers Gave $100,000 House after the talk. Among be offered. A new course will also there is a light. for the New York Times from be given in Latin American litera- The new addition to the Palmer those who will pour at the tea or Katharine Blunt January, 1940 to date are now act as hostesses will be: Mrs. ture in the romance language de- library was made possible chiefly available for use in the Recordak Marjorie Dilley through the $100,000 endowment Laubenstein. Miss Warner, Mrs. partment. machine. A Society for Visual Malcolm Jones, and Miss ary. gilt in 1931 of Mr. and MI's. Education machine for reading Look Ahead in Choosing Majors George S. Palmer of New London President Blunt wl11 entertain book film has been donated by MI'. and Mrs. KnolJenberg at an "What will you have in mind as who donated the money (or the Mrs. Rosamond Beebe Cochran, Mrs. Ray Directs informal sup PCI'. you choose your courses?" the original structure. $40,000 was re- who is an alumnae trustee of the President continued. "Think first ceived from the Carnegie founda- Student guides chosen from the Play For U.S.O. class of '26. junior and senior classes will as- in what you will get the most in- tion. The additional costs were The class of '41 furnished the tellectual satisfaction; you are The Flattering Word, a one-act met by college appropriations. sist the librarians in conducting carrel lights. Several of the blue guests through the library. more likely to be useful if you comedy by George Kelly, will be Shreve, Lamb, Harmon, archi- comfortable chairs are the mascot can throw your whole heart and presented at the U.S.D. Club in tects for the new addition, fol- gilt of the class of '42. Other mind into your work Look ahead, lowed the blueprints for the east New London on Monday evening classes, the Carnegie foundat_ion, Dr. Sockman To Be not just at next year. Your job and west wings which were and individual philanthropists, should not be the only criterion in May 18. Mrs. Josephine Ray, Con- drawn up by Mr. Charles A. Platt, have given large donations for Vespers Speake.' See "Pres. Chapel"-Page 4 necticut college students, and two the original architect. the purcnase of books. students from Admiral Billard Previous to 1923 the library Miss Lavina Stewart IS the Sunday, May 11 was housed in New London Hall. chief librarian, and Miss Florence academy have graciously donated The Rev. Ralph W. Sackman. Mr. Bucheister To their time and services to the pro- When the new structure was com- King is associate librarian. Eleven pleted the Connecticut college stu- trained staff members and numer- minister of Christ Church in ew duction. The cast is as follows: York City, will speak at the Ves- dents formed a book brigade to ous students assist the librarians. Speak On May 11 the Reverend Mr. Rigley, William pers service in Harkness Chapel Windam; Mrs. Rigley, Carolyn transfer the books to their new The Ornithology club will pre- on Sunday. May 10, at 7 o'clock. Thomson '43; Mrs. zooker. Lucille quarters. sent Mr. Carl W. Bucheister, who Graduated from Ohio Wesleyan Wolfe '45; Lena Zooker, Elizabeth One hundred thousand volumes Phi Beta Kappa To will speak on "Birds Along the university, which later awarded Cockran '44;, and Eugene !esh, now line the library shelves ~s him the honorary degree ot D.O., Maine Coast," on May 11, at 7 :30 compared to 18,000 books avail- Hold Banquet On Jerome Patterson.
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