TH E WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN l OCATION DATE 'DIE 'l'IIITE HOUSE AUGUS'J.' 1 , 1983 TIME DAY WASHINGTON I D. c. 8 :36 a .m. M:l'lDAY PHONE ~ :c ~ g 0. a:' Q.. a: 8 :36 The Presi dent went to the South Grounds. 8: 37 8 :44 The President flew by Marine helicopter fran the South Grounds to Andrews AFB , Maryland. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A. " 8: 56 10: 26 The Presi dent flew by Air Force cne fran Andrews AFB to Dci::>bi ns AFB , Atlanta, Georgia. For a list of passen­ ge rs, see APPENDIX "B. " 10: 30 'Ihe President was greeted by : Col. John H . Smith, Base Ccrrrnander, Dd::Jbins AFB Zell B. Miller, Lt. Governor (t:r-Georgia) Thanas B. Murphy, Georgia State Representative (D) Johnny Isakson, Georgia State Representative (R) George Israel, Mayor (R--Macon , Georgia) and Pres ident, National Conferenoe of Republican Mayors Lillian Webb, Mayor (R--Norcross, Georgia) The President went to his rrotorcade. 10: 34 11:00 The President rrotored fran Debbins AFB to the lbbert F. Maddox Atrlitorium, At lanta Civic Center. He was acCOTq?anied by: Janes A. Baker III, Chief of Staff Edwin Meese III, Counsell or 11:00 'Ihe Presi dent went to the holding roan. The Presi dent was greeted by the President of the American Bar Association (ABA) Morris Harrell. 11:05 The Presi dent, accarpanied by Mr. Harrell, went to the o ff­ s tage announcerent area. 11:05 11: 30 The Presi dent attended the 105th Annual ~~ting o f the ABA . Merri:>e rs o f the press The President, aocarpanied by Mr. Harrell, went to his seat on the plat form. For a list o f platf orm guests, see APPENDIX "C. " 11:08 The Presi dent was introduced by Mr. Harrell. 11:12 ? The President addressed guests attending the meeting. Page_ l_ot____]_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION OATE AUGlST 1, 1983 ATLl\NTA CIVIC CEN'IER TIME DAY ATI.ANTJ\, GEO~ 11: 30 a . m. MCNDAY PHONE ~?• u _______,. CL~ a.• er• 11: 30 'lhe President returned to the holding rocrn. 'lhe President returned to his rrotorcade. 11:49 ll:52 'lhe President notored fran the Robert M. Maddox Au:iitorium to the Exhibit Hall. He was accarpanied by Mr. Baker. 11:53 'lhe President went to the holding rocrn. ll:55 'lhe President went to Rocro 104. 11:55 12:10 'lhe President participated in a photo opportunity with a group of Georgia Republican leaders. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "D." 'lhe President returned to his rrotorcade. 12:16 12: 46 'Ihe President notored fran the Atlanta C'..ivic Center to Dd:>bins AFB . He was accaripanied by Mr. Baker. 12:55 2:11 'Ihe President flew by Air Force One fran Dd:>bins AFB to Andrews AFB, Maryland. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "E . " 2:24 'Ihe President went to his motorcade. 2:24 2 :44 'Ihe President notored fran llndrews AFB to the South Grounds of the White House. 2 :46 'lhe President went to the Oval Office. ? ? 'lhe President rret with: Sanruel R. Pierce, Jr. , Secretary of Housing and Urban Developrent (Hl,'O) Jdln S . Herrington, Assistant for Presidential Personnel 3: 13 'lhe President returned to the second floor Residence. 3:41 3:42 p 'lhe President talked with his Speechwriter, Bentley Elliott. 4:51 4 :53 R '1he President talked with his Assista'lt for National Security Affairs, William P. Clark. 'lhe President rret with: 4:58 5 :02 Mr. Clark 4:58 5 :20 John J . LOuis, Jr., Allbassador of the U.S . to the lhited Kingdon of Great Britain and NOrthern Ireland (UK) Page_2_ ot_3_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION OATE AUGUST 1, 1983 '!HE WHITE HO!.SE WASHING!rn , D. C. TIME CAY 7: 30 p.m. ~AY PHONE ~ :0 ...._ _______. ';"~ a;~ Q. a: 7 :30 'Ihe President and the First Lady had dinner. 10 : 40 'Ihe President retired. EMJ Page_ 3 _ of_3_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE AUGl5T 2 , 1983 'IHE WHI'IE HOIBE Wl\SHINGI'ON, O.C. TIME DAY 7: 48 a . m. TUESDAY PHONE "~ "~ Q. a: ..' a:' 7: 48 'lhe President and the First Ledy had breakfast. 9:03 'Ihe President went to the Oval Office. 9: 04 9: 30 'Ihe President met with: James A. Baker III, Chief of Staff F.dwin Meese III, Counsellor Michael K. Deaver, Deput:y Chief of Staff 9 : 30 9: 45 'Ihe President met for a national securi ty briefing with: Ceorge H. Bush, Vice President Wi lliam P. Clark, Assistant for National Security Affairs Geoffrey T.H. Kemp , Si:ecial Assistant for National Securit:y Affairs R:nald F. I.clunan , Senior Director of Defense Prograrrs and Arms Cbntrol, National Securit:y Cbuncil (NSC) Fred Wet tering, Staff ~aroer , NSC Alphonso Sapia-Bosch, Staf f Mattler, NSC Mr. Baker Mr• .M;!ese Mr. Dea ver 10 :03 'Ihe Presi dent went to the cabinet Roan. 10 :03 11:13 'Ihe President participated in a meeting to review the legislative agenda and to discuss Central Jlrrerica with ~publican Merrbers of Cbngress. For a list of a t tendees , see APPENDIX "A. " 11:13 'Ihe President went to the Fbosevelt Roan. 11:13 12:22 'Ihe President met to d i scuss current military issues with the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) . For a lis t of atten­ dees, see APPENDIX "B." 12:22 'Ihe President returned to the Cabinet R:x:lm. 12:22 1 :10 'Ihe President participated in a Issues Briefing l uncheon. For a list of attendees , see APPENDIX "C." 1:10 '!he President ret urned to the Oval Office. 1: 33 '!he Presi dent went to the East lbcrn. Page_ l _ 01_4_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE AUGUST 2, 1983 'lllE WHI'IE HCU3E WASHINGI'CN, D. C . TIME DAY 1 : 33 p. m. TUESDl>.Y PHONE ~ ::i ..______ -I ";!!! a:g 0. a: 1 : 33 2:10 'lhe President participated in a briefing on improving managerrent and reducing fraud, waste and abuse with a group of top government managers and appointed leaders. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "D. " Mer.lbers of the press 2:10 '!he President returned to the Oval Office. 3:05 '!he President returned tto the Cabinet Roan. 3:05 4:06 '!he President participated in a Cabinet Council on legal Policy and Cabinet Council on Food and Agriculture rreetings. For a list of attendees , see APPENDIX "E. " 4:06 'Ihe President returned to the OVal Office. 4:06? 4 :11? 'Ille President participated in a photo opportunity with: Senator Ted Stevens CR-Alaska) Senator Frank Mw:kONski CR-Alaska) Pepresentative D:>n Young CR-Alaska) Joe L. Hayes, Alaska State Pepresentative CR); and Speaker of the House of Representatives Mrs. Joe L . (Diane) Hayes Dean Larson, artist who painted "Mt. ~ley," ccmnissioned by the ~laska State House of Representatives Pamela J . TUrner, Deputy Assistant for Iegislative Affairs 4: 11? 4 :16? 'Ihe President met with: Senator William Cohen CR-Maine) Agnes Yarnell I.ePage , sculptress; currently working en a bust of the President Ms. Turner 4:16? 4: 21? 'Ihe President participated in a photo opportunity with Senator Arlen Specter CR-Pennsylvania) and Patrick Warren, an epileptic who walked across the country to dem::nstrate that epilepsy is a controllable malady. For a list of other atte.rrlees, see APPENDIX "F." 4:21? 4: 26? 'Ille President met with: Pepresentative Dan Daniel CD-Virginia) John F. Shine, private consultant to Representative Daniel ccntinued Page-2._ot_A_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION OATE AUGl.ST 2, 1983 '!HE WHITE ROI.SE TIME OAY WASHINGION, D.C. 4:21? p.rn. TlJES[ll>,Y PHONE ~ ~ ______..,. !!!Q. a:~ Q. a: continued Philip B. Jcyoe, Vioe President of Sales, M&M/Mars candies James M. Pinelli, Jr. , National ACCX>unts Manager, M&M/Mars candies Mr. Baker M. B. Oglesby, Jr. , D:?puty Assistant for Legislative Affairs 'lhe purpose of the rreeting was to present the President with a a::mrem::irative Presidential Editioo of the M&M' s 1984 Olyrr{lic J:ecanter. 4 :26? 4: 31? 'lhe President participated in Fhoto q>portunity with: Representative George O'Brien (R-Illinois) Mrs. George (Mary I.cu) O'Brien 1'"rrj Sue Brenkacz, 1983 Miss Teenage America fran Joliet, Illinois 'lheodore Brenkacz, father Mrs. Theodore (Mary Ellen) Brenkacz Mr. Baker Mr. Oglesby 4:31? 4:36? '!he President participated in a photo opportunity with: Representative John Kasich (R-Chio) Mr. Baker Mr. Oglesby 4:38 '!he President went to the State Dining !born. 4:38 5 :49 '!he President participated in a meeting to discuss the legislative agenda with rrembers of the Senate Steering Ccmnittee. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "G. " 5:49 '!he President returned to the secood floor Fesidenoe. 5:54 5 :59 p 'lhe President talked with Polly t".adenwalk, National President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Worren 's Cl ubs. 6:04 6:06 p '!he President talked with Ms. Madenwalk. 6:09 6 :10 p '!he President talked with Mr. Deaver. 6:12 6 :18 p '!be President talked with li. Cleirent Stone, Cllainran of the c::crroined Insuranoe Conpany of America, Northbrook, Illinois. Page__ 3 or __ 4 Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE 'lHE WHI're HOOSE AUGU5T 2, 1983 WJ\.SHlNGIOO, o.c.
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