$ibltatbfra Cindimna PHILATELIC SECTION ! S ~ 8 0 ---i-ifl -1Ö T Q POSTAGE STAMP CATALOGUE AND dalUdoxxd u i i r c . TWENTIETH EDITION, REVISED, CORRECTED, AND BROUGHT UP TO THE PRESENT TIME. uv DE. YIN EE, EDITOR OF OFFER’S POSTAGE STAMP ALBUM. LONDON : W I L L ] A M S T E V E N S , 421, S T R A N D . * t/Hffcoa : StUlWfcltÿ, aC.SR», & CO., pKtSTEä?, WBtTERtMPJ. PREFACE. T he Editor of “ Oppen’s Postage Stamp A lbum," on submitting this Catalogue for public approval, begs to remark that it does not profess to comprehend all the numerous varieties of perforation, watermark, &c., col­ lected by many philatelists. A ll primary issues and marked variations in colour, &c., will, however, be found duly noted, and the list made up to date of publication. Little mention is made of essays or fictitious stamps, and none of forgeries : so many of the former, and, we regret to add, of the latter also, are rife, that a partial notice would be incomplete, and a full one exceed our bounds. Berger Levrault on essays, and the contributions of Pemberton, Stourton, Atlee, &c., on forgeries, in separate works, or in tbe pages of the “ Philatelist” and “ Stamp Collector’s Magazine,” should be well studied. W e retain our own essays, from patriotic motives; that of New Brunswick, for its singular history ; those of Zurich, as being the first foreign postal emanation ; and a few others in expectation of official issues. Tbe Editor and Publisher hope this work will find favour in the eyes of the philatelic public, and trust their patronage will soon afford oppor­ tunity for the adoption of any friendly suggestions towards the improve­ ment of future editions. London, November, 1876. * f« “ • CONTENTS E U R O P E . Album Catalogue P A Q R PAOE A l s a c e .................................................................................................................. 1 9 A u s t r ia ...................................................................................... 2 1 B aden ...... ..................................................7 2 Ba v a r i a ............................................................................. 10 3 Be l g i u m ................................................................................................................13 4 B ergedore ............................................................................................................16 5 Br e m e n ................................................................................................................ 17 ib. B reslau (see P russia) ................................................................................... 83 23 B r u n s w i c k ...................................................................................................... 18 5 Dan u bian P rincipalities (M oldavia and W allachia) . 20 6 D an ubian Steam N avigation Co m p a n y ............................................19 ib. D e n m a r k ...........................................................................................................23 ib. D resden (see Saxony) .............................................................................. 92 27 E lsass (see A lsace) .......................................................................................... 1 9 F i n l a n d ................................................................................................................26 7 F r a n c e .......................................................................................................... 28 8 G erman E mpire ............................................................................................ 34 9 G reat B ritain and I r e l a n d .................................................................... 36 10 G r e e c e ................................................................................................................42 14 H amburg, Free City of ......... 44 ib. H a n o v e r ............................................................................. 48 15 H e l ig o l a n d ................................................................................................ 51 ib. H o l l a n d ................................................................................................................52 ib. H u n g a r y ..................................................................................................... 5 4 ib, I c e l a n d ................................................................................................................55 17 I onian I sles (vide G reece a ls o ) .................................................................... 60 14 I taly ......................................................................................................................... 56 17 L e v a n t .....................................................................................................................60 18 L ivonia (vide R ussia a l s o ) ....................................... • . 61 ib. L orraine, or L othringen ................................................................................ 1 9 L u b e c k ............................................................................................................... 62 18 L uxembourg ........................................................................................................... 64 19 M alta ................................................................................................................65 ib. M ecklenburg-Sc h w e r i n ......................................................................... 66 20 M ecklenburg-S t r e l i t z .................................................................................. 67 ib. M o d e n a ............................................... 68 ib. Mo n t e n e g r o ................................................ ................................................ N a p l e s ................................................................................................................ 69 21 N orth G erman P ostal Di s t r i c t ................................................ 70 i&. N orw ay ............ 72 ib. O ldenburg, Grand D u ch y.............................................................................. 74 22 P a p a l St a t e s ............................................................................................. 76 23 P a r m a ................................................................................................................78 t'6. vi CONTENTS. Album Catalogue PACE PAGE Poland ..... ....................................................... 79 23 Portugal . .................................................................................. ..... 80 24 P r u s s i a ....................................................... 83 ib. Ro m a g n a ........................................................................................... 80 25 R u s s i a ......................................................................... , . 87 ib. Russian Lo c a l s...................................................... 89 20 Sa r d in ia .................................................................................................... 91 33 Saxony 92 ib. Schleswig and Holstein ................................................................ 95 ib. S ervia .... ................................................... 97 34 S icily ..................................................................................................... 99 ib. Spain .......................................................................................................... 100 35 Sweden ......................................................................... ......... 105 37 Sw i t z e r l a n d ........................................................................................ 107 38 T hurn and T axis—Postal Convention, a. Northern States 113 40 b. Southern States. ib. ib. T urkey ....................................................... ............................................. 117 41 T uscany ................................................................................................. 120 42 V eneti a .................................................................................................... 122 2 W u R T E M B U R G ................................................................................................ 124 42 ! ASIA. Carul ......................................................................................................... 120 43 Ca s h m e e r ............................................. ft. t&. Ce y l o n ......................................................................................................... 127 44 D e c c a n ................................................................ ” . ’ ! 129 ib. E ast Indies ................................................................................................ 130 ib. H ong-K ong. ............................................................................................132 45 Ja p a n ........................................................................... ib. 133 Java, &c. (Dutch C o l o n i e s ) ................................................................ 134 4G K oorshed-jah (see D eccan) .....................................................................129 ib. P e r s i a ..................................................................................................... 135 ib. Portuguese Indies . ..... •¿6. ib. Pu n j a b .................................................................................
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