. .' . - - ~ ' ( ,, Beckett's 'Krapp' - page 8 VOL. XXI, NO. 20 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 an independent student newspaper se"ing Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Senate parietals resolution passes with unanimous vote By DAVID T. LEE "This still allows them (the Uni­ The Senate also passed a News Staff versity) to give the ultimate resolution to "protest the term penalty," said Senator John Gar­ 'tenant' in regards to student The Student Senate enacted a diner. government class government unanimous resolution last night "They have to uphold an and the S.A. B." when applying extending dorm visitation hours image," said Judicial Coordina­ for office space in Lafortune Stu­ and relaxing penalties for parie­ tor Maria Cintron. "Sometimes dent Center. The resolution was tals violations. they (the University) do things unanimous. While admitting the serious na­ just to make a point." ture of a parietals violation, the It states that "if the Lafortune resolution aims to "make it less The resolution also pushed Student Center is truly for stu­ likely for the first-time violator to back morning visitation hours to dents, then Student Government be suspended," said Senator 10 a.m. and evening hours on ... must have permanent office Sunday to 12:30 p.m. The latter Brian Holst. Specifically, it states space in the Center." that only "repeated violations" of change is being recommended In other business, Senator parietals can "result in suspen­ because many dorms have mass John Gardiner has organized an­ sion or dismissal." at late hours on Sunday. "It is up to the individual hall other forum to discuss students' The resolution, however, sanc­ to set the regulations," said dghts at off-campus parties, spe­ tions a severe penalty for "an in­ Holst. At the moment every hall cifically focusing on the legality dividual who already has a poor has adopted the most stringent of using breathylyzers. The record or who disregards the reg­ parameters for visitation hours, meeting will be tomorrow at 7:30 ulations concerning parietals." he said. p.m. in the Library Auditorium. Geneva talks could 'break the ice' for Soviets and U.S., Reagan says Associated Press only for their treatment of as "a particularly disturbing ex­ Daniloff, an American journalist ample of Soviet transgressions UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. · Pres­ arrested in Moscow, but also for against human rights. The Soviet ident Reagan told the U.N. Gen­ their treatment of civilians in Union bears the responsibility for eral Assembly yesterday "the ice Soviet-occupied Afghanistan and the consequences of its action." of the negotiating stalemate their insistence on supporting could break" during the current Marxist-Leninist insurrections The president gave no clue as round of Geneva arms talks with around the world. to what those consequences the Soviet Union. Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard might be. Although Reagan said "a pall A. Shevardnadze listened to Later, as he was going into a has been cast" over U.S.-Soviet Reagan's address, making notes meeting here with foreign min­ relations by the Nicholas Daniloff without signaling any emotion, isters of U.S. allies, Reagan told affair, he did not suggest the and sat quietly as representa­ reporters, ''I'm not going to com­ case would stand in the way of tives of other nations applauded ment now. Everything's too del­ progress toward reducing both as Reagan finished speaking. icate." medium- and long-range nuclear On arms controL however, weapons. An administration official, Reagan's tone was unusually Referring to the FBI's arrest in briefing reporters about the conciliatory. August of a Soviet employee of speech on condition he not be He said the Soviets, while un­ the United Nations accused of identified, said that after Reagan willing to accept U.S. proposals spying for the Kremlin, Reagan received a letter Friday from So­ for a 50 percent cut in intercon­ said, "Misusing the United Na-· viet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev, tinental missiles, bombers and Pipe down The Observer/Joe Vitacco lions for purposes of espionage he asked that the speech be submarines, have "now does a grave disservice to this reviewed to "make sure the tone embraced our idea of radical organization. The world expects was not nasty." reductions in offensive sys­ Matt King commandeers the cockpit of the Holtkamp prac­ better." But Reagan cited Daniloff's ar­ tems." tice organ. He uses a computerized sheet of music as he Reagan's speech used stern rest and his subsequent confine­ types away on the many keys of the instrument. words to criticize the Soviets, not ment to Moscow on spy charges see REAGAN, page 3 Israeli troops poised by Lebanon United Limo bomb scare Associated Press terday that Isreal closed all rael has been bringing more access to its self-designated equipment, including artillery, disrupts South Bend run Mt:TUI.LA, Israel - Hundreds of "security zone" in south Lebanon into south Lebanon since Israeli troops massed on the amid reports that the Israeli army Thursday. He said the U.N. By ERIC M. BERGAMO tween the Notre Oame circle ready along the northern border was moving reinforcements for headquarters had received Staff Reporter and Chicago's O'Hare airport. yesterday, and an official said a crackdown on Shiite guerrillas. reports of an Israeli troop build­ Units of Notre Dame Secur­ they would move into south up. A bomb threat directed at a ity, South Bend police, Lebanon if needed to aid an (The reports from the southern Israeli army officials, who United Limo bus last Friday af­ Roseland police and tile Notre Israeli-backed militia under at­ port city ·of Tyre and the Bekaa declined to be identified, said all ternoon is still under investi­ Dame fire department were tc~c;k from Shiite Moslem guerril­ Valley' town of Hasbaya in the tours for journalists into south gation by area police, accor­ present when the bus arrived las. foothills of Mount Heni1on said Lebanon were canceled as of yes­ ding to Assistant Security at the main circle bus stop. Residents of this tiny border the area was closed to civilian terday until further notice. Director Phillip Johnson .. town said they had not seen such traffic and declared off-limits for Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin The passengers were taken The anonymous bomb a concentration of troops at the reporters from Israel and has said Israel would not allow off the bus and taken to a safe threat was received by United frontier since Israel pulled the Lebanon alike.) the 1,000-strong South Lebanon distance away from the bus. Limo while the bus was en­ bulk of its forces from Lebanon Israel has blamed Hezbollal1, Army ·to crumble in the face of The baggage was unloaded route from Elkhart to South in June 1985. an Iranian-backed, Shiite ex­ the guerrilla onslaught. He said and the passengers claimed Bend. United Limo then con­ The official denied such action tremist organization, for attacks Israel would back up the their luggage in an effort to tacted South Bend and St. renectecl a policy chang<2. He which killed five United Nations predominantly Christian force see if anything suspicious was Joseph County police. Notre said any operation would be peacekeepers and at least I 2 with helicopter gunships, tanks on the bus. The police and the Dame Security was contacted aimed at "showing the Shiites on Israeli-allied Lebanese and artillery. driver of the bus then at 5:50 p.m. the fringes of the security belt militiamen in the past six weeks. An Israeli officer said Iranian searched the interior of the that it doesn't pay to give shelter Revolutionary Guards have United Limo busses fre­ bus for any explosives. No ex­ and support to Hezbollah." Maj. Dag Leraand, a spokes­ joined the Shiite offensive quently shuttle Notre Dame plosives were found in the (Telephoned reports to lkirut. man for U.N. peacekeepers in against the U.N. and the South and Saint Mary's students be- search. the capital of Lebanon, said yes- south Lebanon, told reporters Is- Lebanon Army. ~--- #--~-..---- Tuesday, September 23, 1986 - page 2 In Brief Decision against calling rapists 'mentally ill' a responsible one The very idea of some acts produces an im­ Astrik Gabriel. professor emeritus in Notre Dame's Medieval mediate and irrepressible feeling of wrongness. Institute, represented the Medieval Academy of America at From our guts, the word WRONG screams out at Cliff the recent 12th Anglo-American Conference of Historians in their mention. London. Gabriel. who represents the United States in the Rape is such an act. It turns stomachs. Stevens International Commission for the History of Universities, Not everything wrong falls in this category. Assistant News Editor presided at a session on "Did Universities 'Train' Learned Murder doesn't. Although unarguably wrong. Physicians?" The London Conference celebrated the I 50th murder doesn't generate the same feeling. Wit­ anniversary of the University of London. - The Observer ness the thousands of people terminated yearly on the silver screen. That's entertainment. One can argue we've got some kind of fascination with it. Rape doesn't work well in movies or TV. Even Northwestern University is withdrawing from a State when the TV docudrama about convicted rapist Department-sponsored anti-terrorist training program, fol­ Ted Bundy was aired, he was never actually lowing allegations that some of its participants were Sal­ shown doing it. After roughing up his victims a vadoran National Guardsmen implicated in human-rights bit. the scene faded out. But in horror and war abuses and murder. Northwestern's president says the pro­ movies, there's a contest running for who can gram had become politicized and "we were concerned that deliver the goriest end to a human life.
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