^ ' **cii • ^i*. ~i a « o M THURSDAY, JUNE S, 1966 FACE TWENTY-EIGHT jianrt;(Bt^r lEtt^nitts if^ratb Average DaiO^ Net Frees Ran The W e o ilw Far the Week Ended James O. Davis, son of Mr. e t v . a .. About Town and Mrs. E. O. Davis of 226 M e y n , INS Mountain Rd., a member of the Gtonr, 37th Officer Candidate . Course, SOUTH COVENTRY FIRE DEPT. 40-45, *4nM efenaee ef U.S. Marine Corps, Quantico, 1 4 ,1 9 9 Robert W. Ttcmey, the son lEurnttw Jhralii Motoly atOe w»rmw to* of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Tier-1 Va., was graduated and com­ e< the Audit ney of 102 Glemvood St., grad-! missioned last week. He has •f droolstloB merrew, Wch In Nto uated from Saint Francis C ol-: been assigned to the Basic Of­ Mtmehester— A City of ViUage Charm lege, Biddeford, Maine, May 30 ficer's Course, also at Quantico, ndth a bachelor of arts de^ee. for further training. BINGO BINGO VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 208 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWCli SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1965 (Claselfled Advertlsinf en Pnge 81) PRICE SEVEN P. A. C. BALLROOM Royal Black Preceptory will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m, at Cadets Preach 26 VILLAGE STREET. ROCKVILLE Orange Hall. EVERY FRIDAY S P.M. At SA Citadel EVERY M O N DAY— 8 'P.M. The Newcomer's Club of the MAIN ST.. SOUTH COVENTRY Manchester YWCA will have its annual dinner-meeting and in­ Three male cad<‘ *a of The stallation of officers Tuesday, Salvation School for Of­ June 15 at 6:30 p.m. at Willie's ficer's Training, New York Steak Hou.se. Reservations may All Signals Appear ‘Go City, will participate in services be made with Mrs. George Feist- Sunday at the Citadel. They hamcl. 446 W. Middle Tpke. < This will be the final meeting of will speak at a Teen-age Pray­ this season. er Breakfast at 8 a.m., Sunday School at 9:30. Holiness Service at 11. Prayer Meeting Mrs. Prancine Philippe, idee at 6:30 p.m. and a Pratse Ser­ president of the Vernon Wom­ vice at 7. They will aKso con­ en's Club, will hold a meeting duct a brief service at Laurel of the program committee on Manor Convalescent Home at 2 For Full Gemini Projeci Tiicsday, June 8 at 8 p.m. at JUNE SALE p.m. her home on Ridgewood Dr., The cadets will be commissi­ Vernon. oned next week at graduation exerci.ses in New York City. On Pinebursf Domestic and Imported A .vacation church school They have completed a two- Space Capsule Back workshop for teachers and' year course of.study at the staff will be held tonight at 7 1 school. in Luther Hall. Emanuel Lu- | Cadet Norman H. Voisey, theran Church. The school will |guest preacher at the 11 a.m. be held at Emanuel July 6-16 service, is a third generation To Original Schedule for children ages 3 through | Salvationist on both sides of eighth grade. Pre-registration I his family. He is a graduate of will begin next week. Anyone! CANNED HAMS HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — Astronauts James A. Mc- Kennedy Collegiate institute, In the community is welcome j Windsor. Ontario. Canada, and Divitt and Edward H. White II whirled into the second and may contact the church for is a Canadian citizen. He wa-s The holiday ham de­ day of their marathon space mission today, their spir­ Information. a cornetist with the New York mand fooled us. In­ OSCAR MAYER its high and their flight plan back on schedule after Ik Staff Band for manv years. some hectic early hours during which White took a Cadet Ernest C. Koenemund, stead of a can of ham Ipeclal Trim ■li ATHLETE’S FOOT GERM v(x:al .soloist, is a fourth gener­ celestial stroll. t on every order . the The Mission Control Center HOW TO KILL IT ation Salvalioni.st from Win- (Herald Photo by Saternis) which McDivitt's son Mike, 8, sted. Last summer he served demand was for Frank- said everything appeared favor­ plays, defeated the Falcons 3-2. IN ONE HOUR able for the Gemini 4 spacecraft with the New Britain Corps. Tongren^ Celebrate 25 Years furts... Hamburg and HAM McDivitt was asleep at the time T-4-L must stop the itch and Cadet Ronald M. Lowry of Mr. and Mrs. Paul V, Ton-<y to complete its full 97-hour, 50- the word was relayed. burning or your 48c back at CKoico ctnttr minute mission. Altoona. Pa., played football in gren of 15 Summit St. are mar­ students at Lincoln School. The Steaks. This leaves now avaiUblo U Grissom also read this head­ any drug store. In 3 to 5 days. i high school and was an out­ If theere are no hitches, Tongrens are members of the convanitnt tixtl line from today's Houston Post, infected skin sloughs off. Then standing member of the track ried 25 years today. They will Pinehurst with t o o America's longest mamned which drew a chuckle from watch HEALTHY skin appear! team. He will preach at the 7 Church of the Nazarene. space flight will end at 12:06 be honored with an open house Mr. Tongren ov’ns and op­ many canned hams. White; I NOW at Weldon Drug Store. p.m. service. at their home on Sunday from p.m. EST Monday with a para­ "Aw, Ed, please get back in ' erates the Tongren Real Elstate and makes hams in chute landing in the Atlantic 2 to 6 p.m, to be given by their Agency and is secretary and a the spaceship!” I cans the budget's best 350 Work to Free Subway Motorman Ocean 400 miles southwest of White was reluctant to return daughter, Mr.s. David Parker. director of the STS Corp. He is Bermuda. All friends are invited to at- al.so a representative of Sta- to the Gemini 4 Thursday and ; buy for Pinehurst cus­ Oscar Mayer Firemen carry subway motorman Martin Patterson, 60, toward ambulance During a pass over the Hous­ Christopher C. Kraft Jr., mis­ tmd. vens Brothers of Vernon. He after his rescue from accident at underground train storage yard in Brooklyn. ton control center on the 14th sion director, practically had to ^ h'he couple was married June is a 32nd degree Mason, a mem­ tomers . 3. 1940 in Bloomfield at Bloom­ Some 350 policemen, firemen and hospital aides worked to free Patterson after orbit today, White told capsule order him to get back in. ber of Manchester Lodge of Morrell's Morrell Ham i.s an old fa­ SPECIAL TRIM communicator Virgil I. Grissom John Hodge, the overnight, field Federated Church by the Masons, and a member of vorite with Manchc.ster he was pinned up to the waist in his train cab when the 10-car train rammed Rev. Thomas Foxall. Mrs. Ton- into a track-ending bumper wall. He was reported in critical condition at a a few more details about his 20- flight director, told newsmen Sphin.x Temple of the Shrine. FULLY COOKED people and you will find this minute excursion into space today that during the night Mc­ gren is the former Evelyn Rose From 194'7 to 1952, he was a 3-lb. Oscar Mayer Ham the Brooklyn hospital. (AP Pbotofax.) Jones, the daughter of the late during orbit No. 3 Thursday. Divitt and White managed to professional midget race car leanest you ever served. get back on the original flight FREE Mr. and Mrs. George Jones. driver but abandoned that pur­ Keep both hams under re­ White described the "vivid plan. She was bom in Windsor and suit to give more attention to HAM blue” waters of the Gulf of Mex­ frigeration. lived most of her life in Bloom­ the construction business he ico and the Caribbean. He said The plan had been disrupted TRANSISTORIZED IGNITION he clearly saw Houston, Galves­ field. Her husband came to the was operating at that time un­ HAM Events during the first three orbits with every ’65 Studebaker Hartford area in 1935, having der' his own name. He built Viet Ground Fight ton Bay and even Clear Lake, a when McDivitt made a futile (Costs up to *76 extra on other cars) been born in Norwich. He Is the many homes in the Manchester, smaU lagoon, as he floated on attempt to catch and rendez­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ton- Bolton, Vernon and East Hart­ the end of a golden lifeline more vous with another satellite — 3 a- 2 .9 9 than 100 miles above the earth. Biggest acdvance in ignition systems in over 50 years. gren of East Hartford who cele­ ford areas. In State the burned out second stage of brated their 50th wedding an­ Clear Lake, about three miles the Titan 2 rocket that boosted ‘Are you still there?’, could be the question being asked by Dr, Charles A. Tongren is a veteran of Q ro ccf (Sandwich Shape) long and mile* wide, is near Get sure fire starts, longer-life for niversary’ in May of this year. World War II, spending a year 5 if- 3 .9 9 Boosts Casualties them into orbit. Berry, astronauts’ flight surgeon. Dr. Berry actually monitors medical console Mr. and Mrs. Tongren came the Houtton bom w of both as­ After expanding about 40 per in combat in France and Ger­ tronauts. which keeps track of the spacemen’s blood pressure, pulse rates, respiratory plugs and points, less frequent to Manchester in 1947.
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