J__, iL, 11/04/19 Revised SFPD 369 and SFPD 142 Form As of September 2019, the San Francisco District Attorney, Victim Services Division has been relocated to 350 Rhode Island Street North Building, Suite 400N, San Francisco, CA 94103. The new phone number is 628-652-4100. Forms SFPD 369 Victims of Crime and SFPD 142 Special Victims Unit Follow Up and Referral Card have been revised and translated into Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Tagalog. Members shall immediately begin use of the revised SFPD 369 and SFPD 142 forms (Rev. 11/19) and recycle outdated forms. A copy of the revised forms are attached to this bulletin and can be picked up or ordered from Supplies, located in the basement of the Hall of Justice. WILLIAM SCOTT Chief of Police Any questions or clarification regarding this policy should be made to sfpd.writtendirecrivessfgov. org who wi//provide additional guidance about the directive. Victims of Crime The San Francisco Victim /Witness Assistance Program is a Special project to assist victims of crime in many ways by providing: • Assistance and emotional support. • Referral services. (If V/WAP cannot provide the aid you need, it can put you in touch with those who can.) • Help to eligible victims in applying to the State Victims' Compensation Fund if you are a California resident and as a direct result of a crime of violence: - You have been physically injured (including domestic violence or sexual assault). - You lost wages or income due to time off work. - Someone you have been legally dependent upon for support has been physically injured or died. - You have legally assumed or voluntarily paid the medical or burial expenses of the person who has been physically injured or died. SFPD 369 Front (Rev. 11/19) FOR INFORMATION CALL: San Francisco District Attorney's Victim Services Division - Victim/Witness Assistance Program 350 Rhode Island Street, North Building, Suite 400N, San Francisco, CA 94103 (628) 652-4100 Hours: 8:30 am. - 4:30 p.m. Juvenile Justice Center 375 Woodside Avenue, Room 134 San Francisco CA 94127 (415) 753-7800 Hours: 8 am. - 5 p.m. For Emergency Assistance: Call 911 For reporting of the incident to the police: Call (415) 553-0123 or go to your nearest Police Station as soon as possible. SFPD 369 Back (Rev. 11/19) SERVICES FOR CHILDREN Special Victims Unit Child Abuse Hotline 415-558-2650 Comprehensive Crisis Services 415-970-3800 or 415-970-4000 FOLLOW UP & REFERRAL CARD Child Trauma Program 628-206-5311 TALK Line Family Support Cent( / Parent referral Incident Report or CAD (24 hr) 415-441-KIDS (5437) Safe Start 415-668-0494 number Date SERVICES FOR YOUTH Time Huckleberry House 415-621-2929 Larkin Street Youth Service 415-673-0911 National runaway safe line 1-800-RUNAWAY 800-786-2929 Reporting Officer____________________________ or text: 66008 Star_______ SEXUAL ASSAULT S.F. Trauma Recovery Center 415-821-3222 SF Women Against Rape (Crisis Line-24 hr) 415-647-7273 Special Victims Unit TTY FOR HEARING IMPAIRED 850 Bryant St Room 500 (Mon - Fn, 9am - 5pm) Suicide Prevention Mainline 415-781-0500 Contact Number: 415-553-9225 Suicide Prevention Crisis Line ITY 415- 227-0245 THE SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT INVESTIGATES THE FOLLOWING CRIMES FOR OFFENDERS Men's Program -- Mann Hotline/Crisis Line 415-924-1070 Child Abuse/Juvenile POCOVI (Spanish speaking) 415-552-1361 Domestic Violence Elder Abuse A.D.A. (Americans with Disabilities Act) Financial Crimes If an alternative format is needed contact the 415-837-7221 Human Trafficking Internet Crimes Against Children A.D.A. Coordinator at: TTY 415-575-5827 Missing Person (handled by station) Sexual Assaults HUMAN TRAFFICKING Stalking National Human Trafficking Hotline 888-373-7888 Sex Offender Unit (290 registration) or Victim can text to BeFree (233733) VICTIM CONFIDENTIALITY ADVISORY Government Code 6254(0(2) and Penal Code 293/293.5 Human Trafficking Tip Line (24hr) 415-643-6233 Government Code 6254(0(2) gives you the right to request that your name not become part of a public record, including release API Legal Outreach 415-567-6255 to the media, if you are the victim of one of the following crimes: Asian Women's Shelter 877-751-0880 220, 236.1, 261, 261.5, 262, 264, 264.1, 265, 266, 266a, 266b, Freedom House 650-488-0831 266c, 266e, 266f, 266j, 267, 269, 273a, 273d, 273.5, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.2, 288.3, 288.5, 288.7, 289, 422.6, 422.7, VINE (Victim Information and Notification Evervdav 422.75, 646.9, or 647.6 Need to know an inmate's custody status? Despite official restraint of the person alleged to have committed domestic violence/sexual assault, the OBTAINING POLICE REPORT: restrained person may be released at any time. For further information on an inmate's custody status, call the San Francisco Sheriffs California Family Code § 6228 provides that victims of the Department at 1-877-411-5588. alleged crimes of DV, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Human Trafficking or Elder Abuse may receive a copy of their incident report within five days of their request, free of charge, unless good cause for delay exists. For further information go to sanfranciscopolice.org/get-service/police- reoorts/obtain-oolice-reoort-or-traffic-collision-reoort and click the tab for "Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Human Trafficking, Elder Abuse" or contact the Crime Information Services Unit (CISU) at 415-575-7232. SFPD 142E (Rev. 11/19) IF YOU NEED FURTHER LEGAL PROTECTION: FOR INFORMATION ON SHELTERS & SERVICES CONTACT: You should seek a Restraining Order from the Superior Court, 24-HOUR HOTLINES 400 McAllister St., Rm. 103, San Francisco, CA 94102, which can: • Remove the abuser from the household; La Casa de las Madres (ADULTS) 877-503-1850 • Restrain the abuser from abusing you and your family members*; (TEENS) 877-923-0700 • Order the abuser to stay away from you, your family, your pets*, W.O.M.A.N. Inc. 415-864-4722 residence, workplace and/or child's school; The National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233 • Prohibit the abuser from contacting you by phone, mail, TALK Line 415-441-KIDS (5437) or third party; Family & Children's Services (FSC) Hotline 800-856-5553 National • Establish child custody, visitation rights, and order child Human Trafficking Hotline 888-373-7888 Asian Women's Shelter Crisis Line 877-751-0880 support payments; • Restrain the abuser from molesting or interfering with minor COUNSELING AND SUPPORT SERVICES FOR ViCTIMS children in your custody; Community United Against Violence (same sex DV)* • Direct the defendant to make specified payments coming due 415-333- HELP (4357) while the order is in effect; La Casa de las Madres • Direct that either or both parties participate in counseling. Adult Crisis * Line (toll free) 877-503-1850 Petitioner must list all family member(s) or other persons as Teen Crisis Line (toll free) 877-923-0700 additional protected parties. WOMAN. Inc. 415-864-4722 For help in getting a restraining order, contact the agencies listed under Survivor Restoration Program of Sheriffs Department 415-734-2312 Restraining Orders and Legal Information. ELDER ABUSE YOU ARE NOT ALONE THROUGH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE Adult Protective Services 415-355-6700 SYSTEM PROCESS. If you need assistance or support at any time, Legal Assistance to the Elderly Inc. 415-538-3333 contact San Francisco District Attorney's Victim Services Division at 350 Anti-Fraud Hotline for Seniors 855-303-9470 Rhode Island Street North Building, Suite 400N, San Francisco, CA Institute on Aging 415-750-4111 94103 (Mon.- Fri., 8:30am — 4:30pm) 628-652-4100. Legal Aid At Work (work protections) 888-864-8335 California Victims' Compensation Program, you may contact: 1-800-777-9229. EMERGENCY HOUSING Asian Woman's Shelter 877-751-0880 The goal of VSD is to help victims mitigate the trauma of La Casa de las Madres 877-503-1850 crime, navigate the criminal justice system and rebuild their Riley Center 415-255-0165 lives: Crisis support services and counseling, information on rights as a crime victim, emergency assistance: relocation, transportation, RESTRAINING ORDERS AND LEGAL INFORMATION safety planning, referral to local resources and services: Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach 415-567-6255 employment, housing, medical/dental, mental health, education, Bay Area Legal Aid 1 415-982-1300 childcare, restitution, funeral arrangement, witness protection. Community United Against Violence (LGBTQ DV)* 415-333-4357 You have the right to file a civil suit for financial losses resulting from the Cooperative Restraining Order Clinic 415-864-1790 abuse, including medical expenses, loss of earnings, and other expenses CROC Appointment for Restraining Orders 415-864-4722 Justice and Diversity Center (Bar Association) from injuries sustained and damage to property, and any other related 415-989-1616 WOMAN. Inc. 415-864-4722 expenses incurred by you or any agency which shelters you. Sexual Assault Victim's DNA Bill of Rights (See Penal Code 680 *Other agencies also serve victims in same sex relationships. for full language) Victim has the right to be informed of the following upon request: SFPD 142E (Rev. 11/19) *If DNA profile developed from rape kit or other crime scene evidence. *Whether or not profile uploaded into Department of Justice database. *If match made between DNA and assailant. *Victim may designate advocate or support person to receive information. .
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