1/Cultural Consultant of Xuzhou Tea Culture Research Association 2/Consultant of Tea Ceremony Research Center of Pengcheng Academy 3/General Manager of Runsi Qihong Xuzhou Company 漫谈中国茶文化:informal discussion On Chinese Tea Culture 之认识中国茶 Understanding Chinese Tea To taste life, and decipher the world, the Chinese get their inspiration from tea, Xi Jinping 一、茶的起源与历史 Origin and History of Tea 1、什么是茶?What is tea? • 茶者,南方之嘉木也……Tea, Jiamu in the South • 发于神农,闻于鲁周公,兴于唐,盛于宋 • Originated in Shennong, heard in Lu and Zhou Gong, flourished in Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty. 2、饮茶的四个阶段 Four stages of tea drinking • 第一个阶段是生吃药用;The first stage is taking it as medicinal herbs. • 第二个阶段是熟吃当菜;The second stage is usage as cooked food. • 第三个阶段是烹煮饮用;The third stage is for cooking and drinking. • 第四个阶段是冲泡饮用; The fourth stage is brewing and drinking. 二、认识中国茶 2. Understanding Chinese Tea 1、茶叶的分类:1. Classification of Tea • 以季节划分(春茶、夏茶、秋茶、冬茶): • Classification by season (spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea, winter tea) • 以产地划分(徽茶、川茶、滇茶、闽茶等) • Distribution by origin (Hui tea, Sichuan tea, Yunnan tea, Fujian tea, etc.) • 以生长环境划分(高山茶和平地茶) • Dividing by growing environment (Alpine/high mountain Tea and level land Tea) • 以发酵程度划分(绿白黄青红黑) • Dividing by fermentation degree (green, white, yellow, light greeen,black and dark) 2、中国十大名茶: Top Ten Famous Teas in China 西湖龙井:West Lake Longjing Tea 洞庭碧螺春:Dongting Biluochun 祁门红茶:Keemun Black Tea 君山银针:Junshan Silver Needle Tea 黄山毛峰:Huangshan Mao Feng 武夷岩茶(大红袍):Wuyi Rock Tea (Dahongpao) 安溪铁观音:Anxi Tieguanyin Tea 信阳毛尖:Xinyang Maojian Tea 都匀毛尖:duyun maojian tea 六安瓜片:Liuan Leaf Tea 3、中国茶区分类:Classification of Chinese Tea Groups • 江南茶区:Jiangnan Tea District: • 江北茶区:Jiangbei Tea District: • 西南茶区:Southwest Tea District: • 华南茶区:South China Tea District 三、茶叶的成分及功效 Composition and efficacy of tea 茶叶中含有300多种对人体有益的化学成分,其中 所含的蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、碳水化合物及各种 维生素和矿物质等,基本上都是人体所必需的成分 。另外茶叶中还含有多种功能的药用成分,如茶多 酚、咖啡碱、脂多糖等。茶叶中含量最多的是茶多 酚,具有杀菌、消炎、抗氧化、防辐射、抗癌、降 血脂等作用,可以去除促使人体老化的自由基,以 延缓人的衰老。 Tea contains more than 300 kinds of beneficial chemical constituents, including protein, amino acid, fat, carbohydrate and various vitamins and minerals, which are essential ingredients for the human body. In addition, tea also contains a variety of functional medicinal ingredients, such as tea polyphenols, caffeine, lipopolysaccharide and so on. Tea polyphenols are the most abundant in tea. They have the functions of sterilization, anti-inflammation, anti- oxidation, radiation protection, anti-cancer, blood lipid lowering and so on. They can remove the free radicals that promote human aging and delay human aging. 四、饮茶宜忌与注意事项 4. Taboos and precautions for tea drinking • 按照季节饮茶:Drink tea according to the season • 根据体质选茶: Tea Selection Based on Physical Constitution • 妇女适量饮茶: Women drink tea in moderation • 儿童宜饮淡茶: Children should drink light tea: • 新茶饮用并非越快越好:New tea drinking is not the sooner the better • 饮茶之忌(高浓度、高温度、冲泡次数过多、不冲洗、饭前饭后、隔夜茶 ):Avoid drinking tea (high concentration, high temperature, too many times of brewing, not washing, before and after meals, overnight tea) • 预防“醉茶”:Prevention of "drunken tea" • 冠心病患者需酌情饮茶: • Patients with coronary heart disease should drink tea as appropriate • 神经衰弱者晚上不宜饮茶: • People with neurasthenia should not drink tea at night • 部分患者不宜饮茶(胃病、发烧、贫血、便秘等) • Some patients should not drink tea (stomach disease, fever, anemia, constipation, etc.) 五、茶具的选用:Selection of tea sets: 茶具,古代亦称茶器或茗器:Tea set, also known as tea wares or tea in ancient times. 是指茶杯、茶壶、茶碗、茶盘等饮茶用具。 It refers to tea cups, teapots, bowls, trays and other tea drinking utensils. 按制作材料和产地不同可分为陶土茶具、 瓷器茶具、玻璃茶具、金属茶具、 竹木茶具、玉石茶具等。 It can be divided into pottery tea sets according to the material and origin. Porcelain tea sets, glass tea sets, metal tea sets, Bamboo and wood tea sets, jade tea sets, etc. 六、用什么水泡茶更合适 What water is more suitable for making tea? • “茶者水之神;水者茶之体” • 水为茶之母 ——张源《茶录》 • 其水,用山水上,江水中,井水下 ——陆羽《茶经》 “Tea is the God of water; water is the body of tea "Water is the Mother of Tea- Zhang Yuan's Tea Records Its water is used in mountains, rivers and wells.—— Lu Yu's Tea Classic 古人好水的标准 The Standard of Ancient Good Water • 清 清澈透明、无杂物:Clear, transparent and free of debris • 轻 软水: Light soft water • 活 水贵在鲜活: Life ;Water is precious in its freshness • 冽 寒、冷。以雪水佳, It's cold and iced. With snow water • 硬水 含较多量的钙镁离子的水称硬水。 (主要有泉水、江河水、地下水、自来水 ) Hard water ; water which contains more calcium and magnesium ions is called hard water.(Mainly spring water, River water, groundwater, tap water) • 软水 不含或含少量钙镁离子的水称软水 (天然雨水、雪水,古为天水,也称天泉) Soft water without or containing a small amount of calcium and magnesium ions(Natural rainwater, snow water, ancient sky water, also known as sky springs) 最好是所品茶产地的山泉水 It's better to have the mountain springs where the tea is produced. 。 名泉佳水:Famous spring water • 天下第一泉 济南趵突泉:Jinan Baotu Spring, the First Spring in the World • 天下第二泉 无锡惠山泉:The Second Spring in the World Wuxi Huishan Spring • 天下第三泉 苏州的虎丘石泉:Huqiu Shiquan, Suzhou, the third spring in the world • 天下第四泉 虎跑泉(杭州西湖:The Fourth Spring in the World, Tiger Running Spring (West Lake, Hangzhou) 大慈山下,“龙井茶”、“虎跑泉” 西湖双绝) Under Daci Mountain, "Longjing Tea" and "Tiger Running Spring"West Lake traditionally paired 天下第五泉 扬州大明寺泉 • The Fifth Spring in the World Yangzhou Daming Temple Spring 七、如何泡茶 How to Make Tea 1、备器 2、煮水 3、备茶 4、温杯 5、投茶 6、冲泡 7、倒茶 8、分茶 9、奉茶 10、品茶 11、洗器 1.Equipment 2, Boil Water 3, Make the Tea 4, Warm the Cup 5. Throw some Tea 6, brew the tea 7, pour the tea 8, share the tea 9. Serve the tea 10, Taste the Tea 11, Wash the equipment 茶道六君子:Six gentlemen of tea ceremony 八、茶艺展示 Tea Art Show (古琴伴奏) Accompanied by Guqin 九、茶道文化 Tea ceremony culture 1、何谓茶道?What is tea ceremony? • 茶道,是在茶事活动中融入哲理、伦理、道德,通过 品茗来修身养性、品味人生,达到精神上的享受。修 行是茶道的根本,是茶道的宗旨,茶人通过茶事活动 怡情悦性、陶冶情操、修心悟道。中国茶道的修行是 “性命双修”。 • Tea ceremony is to integrate philosophy, ethics and morality into tea activities, promote self-cultivation and taste life through tea tasting, and achieve spiritual enjoyment. Practice is the basis and purpose of tea ceremony. Tea people enjoy tea activities, cultivate their sentiments and cultivate their minds. The practice of Chinese tea ceremony is "double cultivation of life and nature". • 茶道就是品赏茶的美感之道; • 是烹茶饮茶的艺术,是一种以茶为媒的生活礼仪 ,也是一种修身养性之道。增进友谊,美心修德 ,学习礼法。 • 茶道精神是茶文化的核心,是茶文化的灵魂。 • 唐代陆羽是中国茶道的创始人。 • Tea ceremony is the aesthetic way to appreciate tea.It is the art of cooking and drinking tea, a kind of life etiquette with tea as the medium, and also a way of self-cultivation. Enhance friendship, cultivate virtue and learn etiquette.The spirit of tea ceremony is the core of tea culture and the soul of tea culture.Lu Yu in Tang Dynasty was the founder of Chinese tea ceremony. 2、茶道法则:Tea ceremony rule • 宋代为“三点”与“三不点”品茶, “三点 ”为新茶,甘泉,洁器为一, 天气好为一,风流倜谠,气味 相投的佳客为一 ;反之, 是为“三不点”。 The Song Dynasty tasted tea for "three points" and "three non points". "Three Points" are that new tea is clean, and like sweet spring, 2.The weather is good, windy and fragrant. 3. The like guests are one; on the contrary,It's for "three non points". 3、中国茶道的表现形式 The manifestation of Chinese tea ceremony • 煎茶,就是把茶叶投入壶中和水一块煎煮。唐代的煎茶 是茶最早的艺术品尝形式。 • 斗茶,最早是以游艺的形式 在文人雅士之间流传。 • 工夫茶,是唐宋品茶艺术的流风余韵,福建、广东潮州 盛行。 *Frying tea means putting tea into a pot and boiling it with water. Fried tea in Tang Dynasty was the earliest form of artistic taste of tea. *Tea fight was first spread among literati and refined scholars in the form of entertainment. *Gongfu tea is the lingering charm of tea tasting art in Tang and Song Dynasties. Prevalent in Chaozhou, Fujian and Guangdong. 4、品茶的三种境界:Three realms of tea tasting 一是喝茶,将茶当饮料解渴。 One is to drink tea to quench thirst. 二是品茶,注重茶的色香味韵形,讲究水质、茶具、环境、气氛,喝时细 细品味。 The second is to taste tea, pay attention to the color, fragrance and rhyme of tea, pay attention to water quality, tea sets, environment, atmosphere, and taste carefully when drinking. 三是得道,在茶事活动中融入哲理、 Thirdly, we should integrate philosophy into tea activities. 伦理、道德,通过品茗来品味人生、 修心养性。 Ethics and morality, tasting life through tea,Cultivate one's original nature. 5、中国茶文化的意义 The Significance of Chinese Tea Culture • 增进人际关系:Enhancing interpersonal relationships • 促进家庭和谐:Promoting family harmony • 有益身心健康:Good for physical and mental health • 能够修心养性:Ability to cultivate one's mind 6、茶道与茶艺的关系 The relationship between tea ceremony and tea art • 茶道是以修行得道为宗旨的饮茶艺术,它是 茶艺与精神的结合,并通过茶艺表现精神。 Tea ceremony is the art of drinking tea with the aim of practicing Taoism. It is the art of drinking tea. It combines tea art with vitality and expresses vitality through tea art. • 茶艺是茶道的基础和载体,茶道 离不开茶艺,茶艺可以独立于茶 道存在。重“艺”,重“表演” Tea art is the basis and carrier of tea ceremony.Tea ceremony can't be separated from tea art. Tea art can exist without tea ceremony. We Emphasize "art" and "performance". 7、茶道与儒释道的关系 The relationship between tea ceremony and Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism • 千载儒释道 万古山水茶 • Thousand Years of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism • 儒以修德 道以修身 佛以修心 • Confucianism cultivates morality and Buddhism cultivates the way of life, Buddhism and mind • 禅茶一味 正清和雅 八正道 • Zen Tea is blindly pure and elegant (正见 正思维 正语 正业 正精进 正命 正念 正定) (Orthodox thinking, Orthodox language, Orthodox business, Orthodox life, Orthodox determination) • 道法自然 天人合一 一期一会 • Daoism, Law, Nature and Man in One Phase and One Session 8、茶道与艺术 Tea ceremony and art 琴棋书画 Fancies of men of letters 诗酒花茶 Poem wine flower tea 茶诗 Tea Poetry 茶诗 Tea Poetry 9、茶道与生活 Tea ceremony and life 茶道即商道 Tea ceremony is a commercial road 商道即天道 Business Road is the Way of Paradise 谢谢大家! 扫一扫.
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