HINDU SANDESH HARI OM MANDIR Hindu Society of Metropolitan Chicago Non Profit Organization under IRS Sec. 501©(3) VOL. 70 No. 10, OCTOBER, 2017 6 NORTH 20 MEDINAH ROAD, MEDINAH IL 60157 Phone: 630 980 0900, www.hariommandir.net Executive Board Board of Trustees Vipan Wadhera Sat Pal Salwan President Chairman 630 550 8839 847 477 2769 Ashok Sharma Krishan Tejpal Vice President Vice Chairman 630 550 6693 630 629 0770 Anita Rawal Naveen Paul Secretary Secretary 630 229 4603 518 312 4657 A.G. Mohansundr Chandru Bhojwani Treasurer 847 895 7126 630 336 1892 Ram Verma 630 529 4509 Indu Wadhwa Publication Mahendra Thakkar 630 205 0552 630 665 8125 Ramesh Bhardwaj Subhash Sharma Inside Property 630 653 0553 Mgmt. 630 217 2340 Upma Hardy 630 307 9028 Madhu Gupta Outside Property Mgmt. ************************* 847 439 1573 बुद्धिहीन तनु जाननके सुनिर पवन-कुिार । MANDIR TIMINGS ************************* बल बुनि नबद्या दे िोनह हर कलेस नबकार ॥ Gopal Tiwari Open: 8:00am – 1:00pm Buddhiheena tanu jaanikai sumirau pavanakumāra Special Events Open: 3:00pm – 8:00pm Bal buddhi bidyā dehu mohi harahu kalesa bikāra 630 860 2774 _________________________ _ Shubh Sharma Meaning: Close: 1:00pm – 3:00pm Food & Prasad "Considering this person as intelligence less, I **Except Saturday, Sunday, 847 946 1863 remember Lord Hanuman. Give me strength, Holidays & Special Events intelligence and knowledge, cure my body ailments and mental imperfections" Priest: Pandit Dinesh Kumar Manager: Hardev Raj Oct. 2017 PROGRAM 8:00 am Everyday MANGLA AARTI 8:00 pm Everyday SHAYAN AARTI 11:00 am–11:30am Every Sunday VEDIC HAVAN 11:00am -12:15pm Every Friday YOGA CLASS by Anita Rawal Sun. Oct. 1st 11:30 am – 1:00pm Congregation: Bhajans by Bhavana Mantri Sponsors : Gopal Family Tue. Oct. 3rd 7:30pm – 8:00pm HANUMAN CHALISA PATH by Pt. Dinesh ji & Suchitra Sarkar Sat. Oct. 7th 6:00pm - 9:00pm DEVI JAGRAN: : Bhajans by Mr. Subhash Sharma & Mandali Fundraising at Meadows club at 6pm Sponsors : Shisher, Rashmi, Rajan, Shikha, Vibhhas Sinha ( See attached flyer) Sun. Oct. 8th NO CONGREGATION Karva chauth puja 2pm-7pm ( see flyer) KARVACHAUTH POOJA Tue. Oct. 10th 6 :30pm – 8:00pm HANUMAN CHALISA PATH by Pt. Dinesh ji & Suchitra Sarkar Wed. Oct. 11th 1:00pm-3:00pm LADIES SATSANG ( Bhajans 1- 2 pm) ( Talk on Gita by Hersh Khetarpal 2- 2:50pm) Sun. Oct. 15th 11:30am –1:00pm Congregation: AMRITVANI PATH by Goldy-Happy, Rekha-Kailash Mehta, Kavita Kumar and Rama Kapoor group Sponsors: Dr. Rishi and Dr. Ravi Garg, Manisha Garg, Aruna Lal, Suman, 4:00pm – 6:00pm Shashi & Dr.Krishna Pahuja SADHU VASWANI SATSANG: All are Welcome Tue. Oct. 17th 7:30pm – 8:00pm HANUMAN CHALISA PATH by Pt. Dinesh ji & Suchitra Sarkar Thurs. Oct. 19th 6:30pm-8:00pm Lakshmi Pooja and Diwali celebrations ( See attached Flyer) DIWALI CELEBRATIONS Sun. Oct. 22nd 11:30am – 1:00pm Congregation: GOVERDHAN POOJA ( CHHAPPAN BHOG) GOVERDHAN POOJA (CHAPPAN BHOG) Sponsors: Open/ Sponsor (s) Welcome Tue. Oct. 24th 7:00pm – 8:00pm HANUMAN CHALISA PATH & BHAJANS by Madhu Kalia & Mona Sharma Sun. Oct. 29th 11:30 am – 1:00pm Congregation: Baba Balak Nath Ji Chauki by Shama Sharma & group Sponsors : Open/ Sponsor (s) Welcome UPCOMING EVENTS: Karva Chauth Sunday Oct. 8th Dhan Teras Tuesday Oct. 17th Deepavali Thursday Oct. 19th Goverdhan Puja Friday Oct. 20th Bhai Dooj Saturday Oct. 21st Nov. 2017 PROGRAM 8:00 am Everyday MANGLA AARTI 8:00 pm Everyday SHAYAN AARTI 11:00 am–11:30am Every Sunday VEDIC HAVAN 11:00am -12:15pm Every Friday YOGA CLASS by Anita Rawal Sat. Nov.4th 6:00pm - 9:00pm DEVI JAGRAN: Bhajans by Mr. Subhash Sharma & Mandali Sponsors : Baljit & Nita Maini & Family Sun. Nov. 5th 11:30 am – 1:00pm Congregation: Talk on Mudra, Sawar Shastra & Pranayam by Ramesh Gupta, Bhajans by Pandit Raghubir Ji Sponsors: Shashi Prasad Tue. Nov. 7th 7:30pm – 8:00pm HANUMAN CHALISA PATH by Pt. Dinesh ji & Suchitra Sarkar Wed. Nov. 8th 1:00pm-3:00pm LADIES SATSANG ( Bhajans 1- 2 pm) ( Talk on Gita by Hersh Khetarpal 2- 2:50pm) Sun. Nov. 12th 11:30am – 1:00pm Congregation: CHILDRENS’ DAY CELEBRATIONS Sponsors : Singla & Garg family Tue. Nov. 14th 6 :30pm – 8:00pm HANUMAN CHALISA PATH by Pt. Dinesh ji & Suchitra Sarkar Sun. Nov. 19th 11:30am –1:00pm Congregation: AMRITVANI PATH by Goldy-Happy, Rekha-Kailash Mehta, Kavita Kumar and Rama Kapoor group Sponsors: Dr. Rishi, Dr. Ravi Garg, Manisha Ji, Aruna Lal, Suman, Shashi & 4:00pm – 6:00pm Dr. Krishna Pahuja SADHU VASWANI SATSANG: All are Welcome Tue. Nov. 21st 7:30pm – 8:00pm HANUMAN CHALISA PATH by Pt. Dinesh ji & Suchitra Sarkar Sun. Nov. 26th 11:30am – 1:00pm Congregation: Bhajans by Tara Swaminathan with Puran Dada on Tabla Sponsors: : Open/ Sponsor (s) Welcome Tue. Nov. 28th 7:00pm – 8:00pm HANUMAN CHALISA PATH & BHAJANS by Madhu Kalia & Mona Sharma UPCOMING EVENTS: Geeta Jayanti Thursday Nov. 30th Daylight Saving Time end Sunday Nov 5th Please contact Ms. Shubh Sharma 847-946-1863 to sponsor food. Thanks to all food sponsors of September : Shama Kapur, Indu & Anil Lamba, Shashi & Anil Prashad, Neelesh Gupta & Family, Singla & Garg Family, Setia & Kalani Family, Salwan Family, Bharti & Family PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Brothers, Sisters and loving young friends, Jai Shree Ram! We had a very busy month of September with programs & activities for our all-round development – BODY, MIND & SOUL!!! Yogiraj Omprakash ji Maharaj and Dr. Sandeep, from Faridabad, India held a week long Musical Yoga and Meditation Camp in the Mandir Basement. This was a very unique experience where participants performed the Exercises and Asanas in a fun filled atmosphere, humming popular Hindi songs/bhajans. People also benefitted from Guru Ji’s vast knowledge of Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Healing Tips. Dr. Sandeep, who is an accomplished Doctor & Physiotherapist helped several Devotees to cure day to day ailments with his massage techniques and simple exercises. The Camp concluded with an intense session on Meditation and a pure Vedic Havan performed by Guru Ji for the wellbeing of ALL the members of the HOM Parivar and Community at large. We also celebrated the auspicious 9 Days of Navratrey with great Enthusiasm and Joy. HOM is truly Blessed to have Devotees who sing & dance in praise of Maa Durga during these special Holy Days. A Vishal Mata Ki Chowki was organized and a well-known artist from India, Raj Tiwari, joined us to sing the Glory of Ma Jagdamba. His beautiful Bhents, mesmerizing Voice and Pleasant personality, made the evening a memorable one! I would like to THANK all my Team Members who join hands and come forward every time, to make the Events in HOM Special, Grand and Successful. As we are marching towards the end of this Year, I would like to APPEAL to all my friends and family of the HOM Parivar, to help me in the ONE LAST BIG Function of the Year “Annual Fund Raiser.” We have special project this year:”Project Elevator” to serve seniors and devotees with disabilities. However, FUNDS are the basic necessity to accomplish anything. So, it is my Humble Request to one & all…please contribute generously for your very own Temple and build a prosperous Future! My Team is working hard on preparing a nice Entertainment Program, a Lavish Dinner, attractive Raffle Prizes, to provide a fun-filled Evening, so hurry and buy your Tickets!!! SEE YOU ALL on Oct. 7th at the Meadows Club! As always, please share your views, suggestions and feedback with any of our dedicated Team Members. We are always looking for opportunities to serve the Community in the best possible way. Looking forward to YOUR Continued Support & Cooperation!!! With Sincere Regards, Vipan Wadhera. JAI MATA DI !!! DEVI JAGRAN Sponsors: Shisher, Rashmi, Rajan, Shikha, Vibhhas Sinha तेरे नाि दा रग ऐसा चनिया ई िा更 , तेरे भ啍ा ने तेरा पल्ला फनिया इ िा更 I 07-OCTOBER-2017 िन दे िनदर नवच तेरी जोत जगाई ऐ, नैणा नवच िैया तस्वीर बसाई ऐ I सभी सज्जनो को सूनचत नकया जाता है की 07-OCTOBER-2017 शननवार (Saturday) शाि के 6:00 बजे िनदर िᴂ अम्बे िा更 का देवी जागरण (Chowki) हो रही है I िनदर के पुजारी जी शाि के ठीक 6:00 बजे पूजा शु셂 करᴂगे I िा更 के भकत सुभाष शिाा जी और रिा कपूर जी अपनी भकत िडली के साथ िाता जी की स्तुनत िᴂ भᴂटᴂ गायᴂगे I रात 8:30pm बजे आरती शु셂 हो जाएगी और उसके उपरात प्रसाद बटेगा I आप सभी से नम्रता सनहत प्राथाना है की आप भारी सख्या िᴂ आकर देवी िा更 के जागरण की शोभा बढ़ायᴂ I अपने सािथाय अनुसार डराई फ्रूट (Dry Fruit) और ताज़े फल (Fresh Fruits) िा更 के चरणो िᴂ भᴂट करने के नलए लाए I जो भी व्यद्ध啍 अपने पररवार की ख़ुशी के नलए या अपनी िनोकािना की पूती के नलए देवी जागरण अपनी और से (ासर) कराना चाहता है, कृपया िनदर िᴂ कैलᴂडर पर अपना नाि नलख दᴂ I जो भी भकत िा更 की स्तुनत िᴂ भᴂटᴂ बोलना चाहता है, वो कृपया 8:00 बजे से पहले अपना नाि सुभाष शिाा जी को दे देवᴂ . कोई और नवशेष जानकारी के नलए सुभाष शिाा जी (815-751-6624) के साथ सम्पका करᴂ I Past Sponsors: January: Executive Board and Board of Trustees of Hari Om Mandir February: Vipan & Sangeeta Wadhera March: Om & Kanan Dhingra & Family April- Dr. Arun & Sushma Verma, Jodh Singh Rawat & Family May- Jasbir Sugga & Family June: Anita –Kumar Chandra, Anu-Sanjay Gupta, Shalini-Manish Verma Payal-Himanshu Jain, Kanchan-Sanjay Karan, Binu-Sunil Nair Arti-Milind Ayachit, Swetha Srini July:Arun Talwar & Family and Natvar Goyal & Family August: Mikky Likha & Family, Vipan Gulati & Family September: Coming Months Sponsors: November: Baljit & Nita Maini, December: Open ANNIVERSARY WISHES Wish everyone having anniversary this month a Very Happy Anniversary.
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