/ ___ . • •crncBH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18,194t ■■ iHitttrIirsf(t €«»ttitio HrraUk AveragTDi^ChStSBir The Wsatksr rma Mmmrn at Oeiqbab IStt The Asbury group wilt, meet to­ Miss Marion Pearl, daughteb^of week's counfe of Instruction in the announced today.'Tbe average ac­ morrow ■from 10:30 on at the Mr. anp Mrs. Stephen D. Peari, of George Ashworth operation o f the large guns that 4,800 to Get count is $50, It was said. A bout Town South Methodist church. Work Woodland street, a atudent at arm American planes. against en­ Christmas 'Club savings are a emy attack. boon to local shopping since the win bo on quilts. The members Naasem College, Bpriogrirle, Me., Is Made Sergeant CARD HaatUm AoSH WiU provide m lr own huchea will begin a six weeks period of checks are distributed Just as t1i« Dotcu Boctatjr • • The e<kJrae of Instruction con­ Club Checks Christmas bujrbig gets fully \m- mt ‘temaniMi LuUitnui churdi will student toaching at-the Farming- sisted, In part, of training in air­ The son bom yesterday at Me­ ton, Conn., High school Nov. 30. Fort Myers, Fla., Nov. 18—ITie der way. PARTY M anchetter^A City of VUlago Charm « M t St tlM Uemorlsl hCMpital to- craft Identification and recogni­ A Christmas Club will soon be a(|lit at t o'clock to propsre sup- morial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Miss Pearl ls,fln the School of graduation rnd promotion to ser­ tion, a close atudy of the mcchr.n- Christmas Savings by Francis Warren of '353 Center Home Economics at Na.*ison. geant of George Ashworth of 135 started at the Savings Bank for SETBACK AND. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ' pUss for ths hospital. It is hoped ism of the .30 and .50 caliber ma­ next year. «) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1942 ttwro Will be a r>«l turnout of the street, has been named Francis Center street, Manchester, Conn., chine guns, inatrpetion in methods This Method Total ;VDL. LXn., NO. 48 Arthur Warren, Jr. PIVOT BRIDGE aaMDbers. Past Matrons and Patrons of has been announced at A. A. F. of estimating the speed and dis­ Flexible Gunnery school. Fort My- tance of a plane, rifle and machine $235,000 This Year. The annual banquet and stag The Emblem Club will hold Its Chapman Court, No. 10, Order of , “nie usual monthly meeting of Amaranth, wilt hoM a meeting in cra, Fla., by Col. Delmar T. Spiv­ gun practice on, ground ranges, party o f the Army and Navy club MASONIC TEMPLE annual Charity bridge tomorrow ey, commanding officer 'of the training In the operatioiSof mod­ will be held'at 6:30 tonight in the As AUied Convoy N eared African Shore Hose company No. 2 of the Man- evening at eight o'clock at tKe the Masonic Temple tomorrow The Savings Bank of Manches­ diester Fire Department will be evening at eight o’clock: southwest Florida aerial gunnery ern and complex power turret op­ club house at Main and Forest Thursday 8:15 P. M. BIka home in Rockville, which is school. ter will distribute $235,000 in American/Airmen Three Tough Armies held this evening at headquarters erated guns, and finally, practice streets. Reservations Indicate tbkt open to men and women players. Christmas Club aavlngs to 4,800 Admissioii 35e at M«<" and HilUard streets. The War stamps will be awarded as Sergeant Ashworth haa Just firing from a plane at a target about 100 of the members will at­ li scheduled for t o'clock prises and refreshments will be Girl Scout Council completed an intensive five towed behind another plane. depositors on December 1, It was tend. and refreshments will be served. sm-red at the conclusion of the SeefciiQg Japanese ■esaion. A son, their first child, was To Hold Banquet Contact Axis Units;^ bora at S t Francia hospital last Corporal WUHam Haberem who n l^ t to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gee Is stationed at Clarksville, Tennes- of Birch Mountain Road. Mrs. Gee Manchester Girl Scout Council Destroyer Force ase, is spending a. ten-day fur­ was the former Miss Gertrude Members and the Leaders associa­ R E A O v lough with his parents, Mr. and Bryant of this town. tion will hold a banquet tomorrow lira. lOcbael Haberem of Purnell Van Nearer Beng^isi evening at the Y.M.C.A. at 6:30, Delta Chapter, No. 51. Royal at which the guest of honor will Bombers Hunt Through Arch Masons, will confer the be Mrs. Emily Greeley, Itinerate May Allow Mrs. Harriett Horan, of Har­ Mark Master Mason degree at Its representative from the National Spotty Weather as Converge on Bizerte> riett's Beauty Salon, last night meeting in the Masonic Temple Girl Scout headquarters, who has Allied Ground Force teach Point About 50 entertained the members of her beginning at 7:30 tonight been spending the month of No­ Price Jump Bible Sales Tripoli-Bengasi Trian­ staff, the occasion being the birth­ vember working with the local Ooses Within 25 Miles South and 15 day of Albina Kaskey, one'of her The Army and Navy Club aux­ Girl Scout organisation. Miles from Eastern gle; Allied Planes and operators.. The evening Included iliary will not meet Monday eve­ Miles of Buna; Eight To Milkmen Show Jump dtoear, theater and afterwards a ning of next week. The next regu­ Shore of Gulf ^ of Parachute T roopen bowling session. lar meeting will Uke place Mon­ Vessels Off Coast. day evening, November 30 at.the S irt^ Apparently Build Up Air Power in Special Inducements to O f Quarter The Mothers arcle of the Sa­ usual hour. 2) Gen. MacArthur’s Head­ Preparation for Final cred Heart will meet at 8 o'clock N-Start Your Sputnem Wing of Brit­ quarters, Australia, Nov. 19. Stimulate/ Production tomorrow night at the home of ish Pursuers of Rom- Boom Quite Convincing Assault to Wipe Axis M m George Johnson, 22 Camp- — (JP)— American heavy May Be Offered to YOU CAN FILL SCHOOLS Xmas Shopping From North Africa. Srid road. But There’s More To It Than Just The Food— ^You’ll Need bombers »hunted through Avert Shortage Note, mel*s Broken Army. | Proof Nation Seeking spotty weather today for a Solace in Prayer; If You FUI Japanese destroyer force off London, Nov. 19.— (tPi—l Their Bins NOW! Cairo, Nov. 19.—(/P)— Van­ the New Guinea coast near Waohlagton, Nov. 19.— — guards of Britain’s Eighth Sold to All Crosses. Three of the toughest Armies W'lth Special inducements to stimulate Table Linen, Dishes and Cooking Utensils. Get Them At Hale’s. Buna while Allied ground Army' have reached a point assembled by the U i^ed Na­ OLD ____ Cold Or Coke milk production may be offered Shop In forces closed within 25 miles about 50 miles south of Ben­ Chicago, Nov. 19—(;P)—There's tions since the start of ihe dairymen if no other means is RECORDS K e^ the school bonoo warm o f that Papuan beachhead. Re­ gasi and 15 miles from the boom In the Bible business— war converged on the Bi- i aaxt winter by baying eoal now! ports from New Guinea did not found of averting a threatened Mast bo tn ..9 eastern shore of the Gulf of quite convincing proof that a na­ zerte-Tripoli-Bengasi triangle Don’t let tnmsportatloB eonges- > Manchester Indicate what Job may have been shortage. today in lighting contact with vago if jrw want to keep tlea prevbat Um ochoola from Seconds of Rosemary steaming toward their African objective, ships In the Anglo-American coqvoy churn up wakes as Sirte, overlooking the main tion at war is seeking solace in ENAMEL aaslgned to the eight deatroyers Government food agencies, faced playlag the kMtod. deploying off Buna, although tbe they approach the area selected for landing operations. This picture, transmitted by radio from coastal road between Bengasi prayer. Axis forces^ while Allied *^1® paM ter oM rec- Stores! Basco Finish with the possible need of ration­ London to New York, shows only a small part o f the entire convoy. planes and parachute troop-I o f gnaatlty. * CANNEL COAL noon communique said they ap­ ing principal dairy products be­ and Agedabia, it was dis­ But the mothers, wives and sweethearts of the men in the era built up air power In prepara^l AND BRIQUETTES ROASTERS parently planned to aid the ground cause of rising war demands, de­ closed today. These forces appar­ forcea being pinned againat the ently were the southern wing of armed forces aren't the only buy­ tion for the final assault to wipa f Manchester Chamber bated proposals to offer such in­ ers of the Bibles, says an authority the Germans and Italians from I KEMP'S SEAMAN White Damask coaat. centives aa Federal subsidies or the British pursuers of Marshal Have Tried to Hold Poaltiona Rommel's broken Axis Army. The on the distribution of the Testa­ North Africa. As the Americana'I Itie. FUEL A SUPPLY CO. higher prices. Laval Granted and British squeezed the last I to Seamen Coni Co. of Commerce $ 1 . 3 9 to Obaervers recalled that In past Reds Take Initiative, communique said they had made ments imd GospelSi They're be­ I 7U Main St. TM.8680 operatlona the enemy generally The latter method would involve ing sold to all classes of people, Axis foothold from east and 'west, I Poln Coni Co. raising the price ceilings establish, contact with the enemy south of haa tried to hold poaltiona rather Bengasi yesterday while Allied and sales this year, he said, prob­ a motorized colunm of Fighting | DINNER than attempt Naval evacuation ed by the Office of Price Adminis­ M ore Powers ably would be 25 per cent more French waa reported driving up I bombers.
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