ArArmadillmadilloo LiterLiteraryary GazGazetteette A Publication of Lonestar Mensa Volume XXXI Number 8 August 2004 For the story behind these photos, turn to page 5. Top Right: Bruce Belland and Jane Thompson 1959 Springlake Amusement Park courtesy George Thompson Main: Bruce Belland and Jane Thompson October 2003 Atlantic City, New Jersey courtesy Nick Peper (band keyboardist) Insert: The Four Preps: Marv Ingram, Bruce Belland, Glen Larson, Ed Cobb courtesy Bruce Belland Lonestar Mensa Officers and Staff † -- Elected position (voting) ‡-- Appointed position (voting) Web Site: http://www.lsm.us.mensa.org * -- Appointed position (non-voting) President † www.us.mensa.org Karen Werner 1229 Corporate Drive West , Arlington, TX 76006-6103 9110 Curlew Drive, Austin 78748 Newsletter Editor * (512) 291-4677 [email protected] Rachael Stewart Vice President † (512) 407-9753 [email protected] Margaret Wofford 506 Canion St, Austin, TX 78752 (512) 266-8065 [email protected] Contributing Editors for August: Jane Thompson Treasurer † Kathie Blair (512) 502-9083 [email protected] Members at Large † Helen Siders (512) 799-6985 [email protected] Janet Kres Publication Information (512) 836-5773 [email protected] Mark Kres POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to: (512) 836-5773 [email protected] ARMADILLO LITERARY GAZETTE Program Chair * c/o American Mensa, Ltd., 1229 Corporate Dr West, Arling- Volunteer needed. Please contact Karen Werner (see “President”) ton, TX 76006-6103 if you are interested. The ARMADILLO LITERARY GAZETTE (USPS 554-650), Publicity * the offical publication of Lonestar Mensa, Group 786 of Paul Anderson American Mensa, Ltd., is published monthly at 13106 (512) 259-7824 [email protected] Bidwell Dr, Austin, TX 78729. Periodical Postage Paid at Newsletter Circulation Manager * Austin, TX. Helen Siders (512) 799-6985 [email protected] Mensans who are not members of Lonestar Mensa may sub- scribe for $10.00 per year. Send subscription requests to the Testing Coordinator * Sam Waring publication address. (512) 453-0730 [email protected] Submission Information: Submissions of all types will be Membership ‡ accepted. The deadline is the 15th of each month. Submis- John Neemidge sions may be by email (ASCII/text format only) to the news- (512) 310-7863 [email protected] letter editor or by snail mail in typed format. Anonymous Bryan-College Station Area Coordinator submissions are not accepted, although the author’s identity Jim Miller may be withheld upon request. The editor reserves the right (979) 777-9546 [email protected] to edit for clarity and length. Items in this newsletter may be Waco Area Coordinator * reprinted in other Mensa publications, with credit given, ex- Jerry Lenamon cept for those works copyrighted by the author. (254) 399-9450 Advertising Rates and Policies Ombudsman/Arbiter * Non-commercial: Lonestar Mensa members may submit 2 Kelly Wagner per year at no charge. 4 line maximum, subject to editor’s (512) 443-9650 [email protected] discretion as to date of publication. SIGHT Coordinator * Steve Vaughan Commerical: Business card sized (2" x 3") ads are $10 for (512) 388-5970 [email protected] one month, $25 for three months, and $40 for six months. Publication may be delayed due to space considerations. Ads Regional Vice Chairman (RVC) must be camera-ready, and should be submitted electronically Dan Wilterding (817) 573-4454 (before 10PM) if at all possible. We reserve the right to edit for content if [email protected] necessary. Rates for other sized ads or other time periods are 504 Atchley Dr, Granbury TX 76048 available upon request. The deadline for ad submission is 5 American Mensa, Ltd. days before the general newsletter deadline. (817) 607-0060 [email protected] Please submit ads to the newsletter editor. 2 A Word to the Wise year’s AG in New Orleans, just a hop, skip and jump -by Karen Werner, President from here. Well, the good news is that I had Speaking of visiting old friends and making new ones, a great time at the AG and didn’t our own RG is fast approaching. If it’s not yet on your lose any more money than I had calendar for Labor Day weekend, put it there. And send set aside to lose. The bad news is in your registration. Of course, walk-ins are more than that I lost that entire amount. I did, welcome and very much appreciated, also. There are rates however, attend several talks on for a single day, as well, if you can’t make the whole how to win at Video Poker and weekend. Black Jack, and I intend to get educated and be ready to Hospitality will be fantastic this year, with offerings from put that information to use on my next trip. I also attended Ray O’Connor and other volunteers who will be adding a talk on how to maximize profits in the stock market,. to the feast. Beer, wine and soft drinks will abound. Check Between those two money-making avenues, I expect to out the rest of this newsletter for RG-related volunteer retire in style in about 80 years. I also attended a talk opportunities. Additional help is always needed. There called “The Animal Within Us.” I learned that men aren’t will be non-stop activity in the Games Room, as well as intentionally dogs; they just can’t help themselves. At least speakers and other arranged activities. First and foremost, I think that was what the speaker was trying to say, you will most certainly make new friends, in addition to although it’s possible the message got garbled in the seeing old ones. translation. Finally, if you are not registered to vote or need to update Seriously, though, I did what I set out to do. I visited old your voter registration, do so now; all of you surely have friends and made new ones, and got a little education in an opinion about this year’s upcoming election. the process. Everyone should make plans to attend next 3 July ExComm Meeting Minutes Helen also mentioned that the June ‘Dillo mailing which -submitted by Margaret Wofford, Vice President goes out the last week in May conflicts with her attending Houston’s Memorial Day RG. Attendees agreed that Attending: Karen Werner, President; Margaret Wofford, someone else could mail next year’s June issue. Vice President; Kathie Blair, Treasurer; Janet Kres, Member at Large; Mark Kres, Member at Large; Helen John reported that the LSM phone still rings at his house, Siders, Member at Large; and John Neemidge, but very infrequently, and he questioned whether it was Membership Chair. worth the monthly charge for the distinctive ring. Most contacts are made by e-mail now anyway and the National Karen convened the meeting at 5:45. Office will give out the phone number of a local officer if Karen reported that the North Village library has scheduled the group requests that they do so. Attendees agreed to another group in their meeting room for the second discontinue the number after National Testing Day. Monday time slot. She reserved the second Tuesday for Karen adjourned the meeting at 6:45. monthly meetings. Attendees agreed to move the ExComm meetings to the second Tuesday also. Sam Waring told Karen that Michele Vaughan worked with him in a recent testing session and is now qualified to proctor. Sam mentioned that he had to eject two people from the last session for cheating. Janet plans to work August Monthly Meeting Announcement during the next test session and then will also be qualified Beginning in August, the Monthly Meetings have to proctor. changed from the second Monday to the second Tues- Karen reported that the ExComm must approve a day of every month. scholarship chair and she must submit the name to The August Monthly Meeting will be held on Tuesday, National by August. She has three prospects. Moved, August 10, at the North Village Library, 2139 W. Ander- John, seconded, Helen, that any of the three scholarship son Lane, beginning at 7:00 p.m. chair prospects proposed by Karen are acceptable to the ExComm and Karen may submit any of those names to This month’s speaker will be Pamela Kinney, Director of National. Motion passed unanimously. Volunteer Services for Family Eldercare. Family Eldercare provides services to older adults and people with disabili- Attendees discussed the amount of the scholarship award. ties and the people who care for them. Their mission is to Moved, Janet, seconded, John, that LSM award $300 in advocate for older persons and those with disabilities so the next scholarship contest. Motion passed unanimously. that they can remain in their homes and their communi- Kathie mentioned that the dedicated scholarship fund ties. currently has only $276. Attendees agreed that this year’s RG scholarship revenue will probably make up the They provide a wide range of services geared toward this difference but that any remaining shortfall can come from goal, including, for example, caregiving, guardianship general funds. services and subsidized housing. Ms. Kinney will tell you what Family Eldercare can do to keep you, a friend or a John reported that in the near future he will mail out loved one independent, either now or later on down the postcards to local members for an informational gathering road. This organization presents a vast array of services, and party related to September's Regional Gathering. big and small, to older persons and persons with disabili- John was appointed by Karen and unanimously approved ties on a sliding scale, based on the income of the person as National Testing Day Coordinator for 2004. needing care. Some of our own members have already Helen reported that the post office has Rachael Stewart’s used their services in the care of their loved ones.
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