4. Articles, Classified chiefly by Period A. From the Fifteenth Century to the French Czigany, Istvan Revolution A kuruc allam katonai helyzete es a szatmari beke [Military situation of the Koruzen State and the peace of Szatmar] Ames, Glen Joseph Colbert's Grand Indian Ocean Fleet of 1670 HK (1990) No. 3, 30-55 MM V. 76 (1990) No. 3, 227-240 Davies, J. M. The Due de Montmorency, Philip II and the House of Anderson, Fred Savoy: a Neglected Aspect of the Sixteenth-Century The Colonial Background to the American Victory French Civil Wars World Turned, 1-17 EHR V. 105 (1990) No. 417, 870-892 Baes, Christian Les armees dans les Pays-Bas a la fin du regne de Charles Descimon, Robert Quint. Contribution a l'etude de leur organisation Les barricades de la Fronde parisienne. Une lecture RBHM V. 28 (1989/90), 257-268 sociologique Bitterlin, L. Ann V. 45 (1990) No. 2, 397-422 La Revolution fransaise a-t-elle eu une influence DeVries, K.R. significative dans le monde arabe? AfAs V. 163 (1989/90), 106-123 A 1445 Reference to Shipboard Artillery TC V. 31 (1990) No. 4, 818-829 Borreguero Beltran, Cristine Di Fusco, Sergio Administracion y Reclutamiento Militär en el Ejercito Le fortezze secondo Nicolo Machaivelli Borbonico del Siglo XVIII RS V. 20 (1990) No. 1, 19-44 CIH V. 12 (1989), 91-101 Domokos, György Kassa 1662. evi inventariuma [Inventories of Kassa in Boyer, P. 1662] Les justifications d'ordre spirituel a l'engagement dans HK (1990) No. 3, 104-139 les armees franfaises du XVIe siecle Pensee, 53—62 Eccles, W.J. The French Alliance and the American Victory Bulgarelli, Massimo [American Revolution] L'affare delle sepolture a Modena nella seconda meta World Turned, 147-163 del XVII secolo. Questioni mediche, amministrative, Edwards, Mark U., Jr. tecniche, architettoniche, militari Lutherschmähung? Catholics on Luther's Responsibili- SU V. 14 (1990) No. 51, 3-42 ty for the Peasants' Wars CathHR V. 76 (1990) No. 3, 461-480 Bullon de Mendoza, A. Ferling, John Las guerras de la Vendee y las guerras carlistas George Washington and the American Victory Repercusiones, 473—92 World Turned, 53-70 Conway, Stephen Forster, Η. The Great Mischief Complain'd Of: Reflections on the Die niederländische Schule und ihr Einfluss in der Misconduct of British Soldiers in the Revolutionary War Eidgenossenschaft am Beispiel von Bern und Freiburg WMQ V. 47 (1990) No. 3, 370-390 zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts Pensee, 63—78 Cornell, V.J. Socioeconomic Dimensions of Reconquista and Jihad Frey, Sylvia R. in Morocco, Portuguese Dukkala and the Sa'did Sus, British Armed Forces and the American Victory 1456-1557 [American Revolution] World Turned, 165-183 IJMES V. 23 (1990) No. 4, 379-418 Harfield, A. Courtes, F. Richard Cannon and the Conquest of Mauritius, 1810 La raison dans la guerre JSAHR V. 68 (1990) No. 276, 233-242 Pensee, 23—34 A. From the Fifteenth Century to the French Revolution 15 Harms, Detlef McDonald, F.M.S. Städtisches Militärwesen im späten Mittelalter The Timing of General George Monk's March into MGesch V. 29 (1990), 441-448 England, 1 January 1660 EHR V. 105 (1990) No. 415, 363-376 Hase, Alexander von Die These von der »puissance ephemere«. Guibert McGurk, J.J.N. angesichts der preußischen Monarchie, 1773 Casualties and Welfare Measures for the Sick and MGM V. 48 (1990), 9-26 Wounded of the Nine Years War in Ireland, 1593—1602 JSAHR V. 68 (1990) No. 273, 22-35; No. 275, 188-204 Houlding, J.A. & Yates, G.K. Corporal Fox's Memoir of Service, 1766—1783: Quebec, Martin, James Kirby Saratoga and the Convention Army The Continental Army and the American Victory JSAHR V. 68 (1990) No. 275, 146-168 World Turned, 19-34 Jalla, Ferruccio Mears, J. A. Gli ultimi scritti di Giosue Janavel: le Istruzioni militari The Thirty Years' War, the »General Crisis«, and the del 1688 e 1689 Origins of a Standing Professional Army in the BSV (1989) No. 164, 21-62 Habsburg Monarchy CEH V. 21 (1988) No. 2, 122-141 Kaplan, Roger The Hidden War: British Intelligence Operations Dur- Milford, Elizabeth ing the American Revolution The Navy at Peace: the Activities of the Early Jacobean WMQ V. 47 (1990) No. 1, 115-138 Navy Kelenik, Jozsef MM V. 76 (1990) No. 1, 23-36 Α hadügyi forradalom es hatasa Magyarorszagon a tizenöteves haborii idöszakaban [Revolution of the Nelson, Paul David military system and its impact during the Fifteen Years The American Soldier and the American Victory War] [American Revolution] World Turned, 35-51 HK (1990) No. 3, 85-95 Neubeurg, V. Dr Lee's Petition [1760s] Klucina, Petr JSAHR V. 68 (1990) No. 276, 221-226 Der Platz des hussitischen Militärwesens in der gesamt- europäischen Entwicklung Nutkiewicz, Michael MGesch V. 29 (1990), 351-355 A Rapporteur of the English Civil War: The Courtly Kunisch, Johannes Politics of James Howell (1594M666) Das »Puppenwerk« der stehenden Heere. Ein Beitrag CanJH V. 25 (1990) No. 1, 21-40 zur Neueinschätzung von Soldatenstand und Krieg in der Spätaufklärung O'Donnell, James H. ZHF V. 17 (1990), 49-83 Frontier Warfare and the American Victory World Turned, 115-131 Lender, Mark Edward Logistics and the American Victory Ohlmeyer, Jane H. World Turned, 91-114 Irish Privateers during the [English] Civil War, 1642-1650 Lewinson, Victor A. Duhamel du Monceau: Savant and Naval Architect MM V. 76 (1990) No. 2, 119-133 AmNep V. 50 (1990) No. 2, 132-137 Pasqualucci, P. Loriga, Sabina Hobbes and the Myth of »Final War« L'identitä militare come aspirazione sociale: nobili di JHI V. 51 (1990) No. 4, 647-658 provincia e nobili di corte nel Piemonte della seconda Phelan, I. P. meta del Settecento Marlborough as Logistician QS V. 25 (1990) No. 2 (74), 445-472 JSAHR V. 68 (1990) No. 273, 36-48; No. 274,103-119 Luraghi, R. Le basi ideali della dottrina militare di Raimondo Potter, D. Montecuccoli A Treason Trial in Sixteenth-Century France: the Fall Pensee, 47—52 of Marshal du Biez, 1549—51 EHR V. 105 (1990) No. 416, 593-623 16 4. Articles, Classified chiefly by Period Randall, Willard Sterne Veszpremy, Laszlo Why Benedict Arnold Did It Magyar vonatkozasii forrasok Otranto ostromarol, AmHer V. 41 (1990) No. 6, 60-73 1480—84 [Documents on Hungary about the siege of Otranto] Rankin, Hugh F. Washington's Lieutenants and the American Victory HK (1990) No. 1, 105-112 World Turned, 71-90 Vice, R.L. Razso, Gyula The Leadership and Structure of the Tauber band dur- Matyas hadaszati tervei es a realitas [Matthias' strategic ing the Peasants' War in Franconia plans] CEH V. 21 (1988) No. 2, 175-195 Voltes, P. HK (1990) No. 1, 1-30 Documentos sobre episidios del ano 1706 en la guerra de sucesion Reichel, D. Quelques influences ayant marque la pensee militaire Hisp V. 49 (1989) No. 173, 1053-86 de la Renaissance a 1789: recherche de leurs »filiations« Watanabe-O'Kelly, Helen Pensee, 7—22 Ricchiardi, Enrico Tournaments and their Relevance for Warfare in the Ear- Bandiere delle fanterie straniere al soldo dei Savoia, ly Modern Period 1690—1773 EHQ V. 20 (1990) No. 4, 451-463 Wickwire, Mary B. Spi V. 18 (1989) No. 2, 451-458 Naval Warfare and the American Victory [American Revolution] Rodgers, John M. World Turned, 185-198 Arts of War in Times of Peace: Archery in Honcho Bugei Shodan Woolrych, A. MonNip V. 45 (1990) No. 3, 253-284; No. 4, 413-447 The Cromwellian Protectorate: a Military Dictatorship? Η V. 75 (1990) No. 244, 207-231 Rodriguez-Salgado, M.-J. Wootton, D. From Rebellion to Revolution: the Crisis of the Winter The Spanish Story of the 1588 Armada Reassessed of 1642—3 and the Origins of Civil War Radicalism HJ V. 33 (1990) No. 2, 461-478 EHR V. 105 (1990) No. 416, 654-669 Rossie, Jonathan G. Politics and the American Victory Zahedieh, Nuala World Turned, 133-146 »A frugal, prudential and hopeful trade«: Privateering Schnitter, Helmut in Jamaica, 1655—89 Die »Langen Kerls« von Potsdam JICH V. 18 (1990) No. 2, 145-168 MGesch V. 29 (1990), 457-463 Zarnoczki, Attila Skelton, William B. Fegyverzet, katonai felszereles, hadsereg Magyarorsza- Social Roots of the American Military Profession: The gon Hunyadi Matyas koraban [Army, armament, equip- Officer Corps of America's First Peacetime Army, ment in Hungary in the age of Matthias] 1784-1789 HK (1990) No. 1, 31-65 JMilH V. 54 (1990) No. 4, 435-452 Starkey, Armstrong B. From the French Revolution to 1914 War and Culture, a Case Study. The Enlightenment and the Conduct of the British Army in America, Acchioro, Aurelio 1755-1781 Patrioti e giacobini nell'Italia degli anni '90 CdP V. 46 (1990) No. 529, 13738-13743 WS V. 8 (1990) No. 1, 1-28 Alonsoo Baquer, M. Stradling, R. A. Repercusiones de la Revolucion Francesa en Espana: Prelude to Disaster: the Precipitation of the War of the aspectos militares Mantuan Succession, 1627—29 Repercusiones, 423—42 HJ V. 33 (1990) No. 4, 769-786 Subrahmanyan, S. & Shulman, D. Alumina Fernandez, C. The Men who would be King? The Politics of Ex- Formas de resistencia frente a los franceses: el concepto pansion in Early Nineteenth-Century Northern de guerra total Tamilnadu Repercusiones, 453—72 MAS V. 24 (1990) No. 2, 225-248 Β. From the French Revolution to 1914 17 Andrews, Peter Bevaart, W. The Rock of Chickamauga [George H. Thomas] Koning Willem II en de geconcentreerde defensie AmHer V. 41 (1990) No. 2, 81-91 [Netherlands] Angelow, Jürgen MSMGL V.
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