Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4 Volume 5 Number 2 February, 1964 Article 4 1-1-1964 Insect pests of cotton in the Ord River irrigation area K T. Richards Follow this and additional works at: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture4 Part of the Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Entomology Commons, and the Plant Biology Commons Recommended Citation Richards, K T. (1964) "Insect pests of cotton in the Ord River irrigation area," Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4: Vol. 5 : No. 2 , Article 4. Available at: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture4/vol5/iss2/4 This article is brought to you for free and open access by Research Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4 by an authorized administrator of Research Library. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Insect pests of cotton in the Ord River irrigation area Cover Page Footnote I am indebted to Mr. C. F. H. Jenkins for advice throughout the project and to Dr. K. H. L. Key, Mr. I. F. B. Common and Mr. T. G. Campbell, for a number of pest identifications listed in this article. This article is available in Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture4/vol5/iss2/4 INSECT PESTS OF COTTON IN THE ORD RIVER IRRIGATION AREA By K. T. RICHARDS,* B.Sc. (Agric.) COTTON is grown in the Ord Valley of north Western Australia, mainly as an annual, irrigated crop during the hot summer months of the "wet season". It is usually planted in November-December and harvested March-May. This period of growth corresponds closely to that of maximum insect activity. Detailed entomological investigations, Fortunately the list does not include the commenced at Kimberley Research Station Mexican boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis during the 1959-60 wet season, have shown Boh., a major cotton pest which has been that cotton is liable to attack from a large excluded from Australia by strict quaran­ number and variety of insect and mite tine measures. pests. Some of these are general feeders which attack other crop and weed plants, while others are more specific, attacking MAJOR PESTS only members of the family Malvaceae, Tobacco Cluster Grub the family of plants to which cotton Prodenia litura (P). belongs. This pest, also known as the cotton leaf- With its succulent leaves and highly worm, Egyptian cotton worm and cotton nutritious fruiting parts, cotton is a most cutworm, is recorded from many of the attractive food for insects. Stems, leaves, cotton growing areas of the world, with squares (buds), flowers, bolls (fruit) and the notable exception of U.S.A. It is the seeds are readily attacked as they become most serious pest of cotton in Egypt, and available. The plant can replace lost is at present in the same category in the leaves and squares to a certain extent but Ord River area. destruction of the maturing bolls is an Although noted in the Ord River area irreplaceable loss and protection from pests many years earlier, Prodenia was first is most important at this stage. recorded causing significant damage to Although over 20 different cotton pests cotton on Kimberley Research Station have so far been recorded in the Ord during the 1956-57 wet season. However, Irrigation Area, investigations have shown it was not until the latter part of the 1960- that on the basis of incidence of attack, 61 season, that serious damage was degree of damage and ease or difficulty of recorded. Considerable damage was ex­ control, only six of these can be considered perienced throughout the following two major ones. wet seasons, causing experiments on cotton to be seriously affected. The pests are described below roughly in order of decreasing importance at the During the past two seasons it has been present time. The relative status of the very difficult to control this pest with various pests could change in the future. certain insecticides and resistance, par­ ticularly to the chlorinated hydrocarbon The list is arranged according to "wet types, has been suspected; this question is season" conditions, but if cotton is also to being investigated at the present time. be grown during the "dry season," then changes in pest status would also occur— Description for example, red spider and the loopers The moth of this Noctuid has a wing span would be of greater and lesser importance of about 1£ in. The forewings are greyish- respectively. brown, marked with a complicated pattern * Entomologist, Kimberley Research Station Kununurra. 79 Journal of Agriculture Vol 5 No 2 1964 Insect-damaged cotton bci (right) compared with an un­ damaged boll. The importance of insect control is obvious of whitish bands and streaks and with Life History, Habits and Damage blue-grey areas near the tip and base. The The eggs hatch in from two to four days. hind wings are pearly-white with a dark The newly-hatched larvae swarm over the brown line just inside their rear margins. leaf and attack the surface tissues, bring­ The eggs are usually laid in clusters on ing about partial or complete skeletonisa- the undersides of the leaves. Some clusters tion of the leaf. The effect thus produced have been found to contain over 2,000 eggs; is an early, reliable sign of Prodenia the average number is about 400. The egg infestation. mass is usually covered with fine brown Later, the larvae eat right through the scales from the abdomen of the female. leaf. For the first few days the larvae Individual eggs are almost spherical in remain clustered together but then gradu­ shape, longitudinally ribbed and pearly ally disperse by crawling, the use of silken green or light brown in colour, later turn­ threads and other means, over the whole ing dark grey. plant. The newly-hatched larva is greyish- The leaves are voraciously attacked, green with a conspicuous black head and giving the plants a very ragged appear­ appears somewhat hairy. In the later ance. Squares, flowers and young bolls are instars, the general colour may be grey, also readily attached, the floral part being green, creamy, brown, pinkish or black and particularly favoured. the typical black, half-moon or triangular Infestation of squares results in these shaped markings along the back of the parts becoming "flared"—that is the brac- larva usually become much more obvious. teoles are spread outwards, away from the A yellow or orange-coloured line can often bud. A similar effect is produced however, be seen along each side of the dorsal line. following attack by other caterpillar pests and such squares are invariably shed. The presence of a pair of black marks, The larger, more mature bolls, although sometimes fused, about one quarter of the extensively scarred on the outside, are way along the back from the head and only occasionally entered and then initially another smaller pair at a slightly shorter by the more mature larvae. Many larvae distance from the opposite end of the can be found sheltering and feeding inside larva, also assist in distinguishing Prodenia the involucre of bracts surrounding the from other caterpillars found on cotton. flower buds, also within the flowers; this The fully-grown larva is almost 2 in. habit greatly increases the difficulty of long. The pupa is chestnut-brown in control by insecticides. colour, shiny in appearance and about The larvae also spend considerable time, | in. long and § in. in diameter. particularly during the heat of the day, 80 Journal of Agriculture Vol 5 No 2 1964 Prodenia litura Earias huegch Pectinophora gossypiella The tobacco cluster grub Rough bollworm Pink bollworm Heliothis punctigcra Anomis planalis Cosmophtta tlava Climbing cutworm Cotton looper Cotton semi-looper 78704—(2) 81 Journal of Agriculture Vol 5 No 2 1964 low down on the plants and on the ground Rough Bcllwcrm where they shelter in cracks of the soil and beneath fallen plant material, moving Earias huegeli Rog. up the plants again in the evening to A related species, known as the spotted continue their feeding. bollworm, Earias fabia (Stoll), is also Stems and petioles are chewed and bored found attacking cotton in the Ord Area, by the larvae, resulting in the "felling" of but is of minor importance. foliage and fruit. Roots and germinating seeds may also be damaged and seedlings Description and young plants may be cut off at ground The moth of this pest measures f in. level in a typical cutworm manner. across the outstretched wings. The fore- wings are marked with a wedgeshaped At certain times, mass migrations of area which extends from the base of each Prodenia larvae off the cotton plants have wing to the tip; there are also three broken been observed. Numerous larvae of all lines across each wing. These markings sizes can then be seen moving around on may be green or straw-coloured, green the ground below and away from the crop being the usual coloration during the wet in typical army worm fashion. season and straw-coloured during the This phenomenon has also occurred with drier weather. The hindwings are silvery- an infestation on safflower and may be due grey with a brownish suffusion at the to a crowding effect or reduced palatability margins. of the maturing plant. The eggs are small, rounded and bluish The pest is active throughout the year in colour. The fully grown larva is about but activity declines considerably during % in.
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