\rz ZT _M ).. :Z ,'/W**1 )lz 4\ ,./rrr-,-C,iit- e\, 4\ )< TTffiBT\ )i< )rz \r\ frW * l.l ).. :Z\ffi$-=Yl:t;-/r\\\--1 /7tY ).. f$ft;#;/ ).. )i< ,: District Survey ).' R*port (D.s.R.) i5 rn respect of Minor Mineral (Sand) of Subarnapur f ;i: odisha p..p;;;Jas District, ).. per Notification No. I41(E) x January Dated r5th ii) ' ,2016 and S.o. sori 6) DateJ is.ol.zors ir Ministry J*"1.o_r*.rrt,hr...t oi,re ;i: ( & afiLut. )< ( MoEFMoRF &,&o CC),r'nr r1'^-- change- ).. I,i.. H -u,rr Cor..rr*;;ffi.bovernment of fndia. ).. )'.., l6dFrFq x\r/ :Z 'I *,t.ts,*t*j'rj'rt)"1u''t' r i ..i- :--' -::::::::::::::- sZ z'i(-z'ii I ,, lsutl-+._Aruou,ro,, sugg.-t<lt-qPunj I _-...)__i ,/,-r,.r1"..-..r'*-'-,-. 1i i)1) ;!<]---,-,,:..,^),;;;":1:;';":./l\ I _ -.- )i.|rf:;.r.-,:*"=;;4,';;,.j. ]'r ;t 1-ti..-[ii}'tliiitilli ,, -,.---,.,*,.,,u, I )i - ,"':,:! 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I sfz I :i.;,1;.:,.;--: :'"?.>":: i i--..-.iJ*n**i''''---- DBii''t'Eo"@"n: ;:*, i l 7at;i. /l\ '- l .--- i i -"-i :".r;i 1 I z'iiru*.\rz l^**'.,,1"=:'.3,"i:"j-'li:,.,:*|*y :J rlz r," 7ri-:l: ai(,.D ,lY vuuqr rrdPuf I"rIStfiCt )K ik Pagel )< )< x)()")<)")<)<)<)()()i'z)i(r()<r().1)()i.z)i<)i().1I<r().1).-).2)<*)i(}*)i()i()..I<)1.;i: rlz rlz 4\ ).' )<.X ).. )( >1... )... )< )i< )i< )< )i< )i< )i( rlz fi ft ;f .e1es,K)<)...)..2>1...>K>K>1...)..2)..2)<)()..)< _rlz_:J/--{z:t_ 7N rlu District Survey :L- rlz Report ( D.S.R. ) of Subarnapur District 7rr *fe4\ rlu TABLE 7tl OF CONTENI1S 7N rlz Sl 5lz. 4\ No. rlz Cont"# Page 7N 311 rlz No. 4\ Introductiort 7N rlz 7 rlz 3 7N rlz f)rra^rio*',,rw :{. l\,f,rurulg :lz. 4\ ) vY l-t l\ Acuvlly m the Dtstrict 4\ 4 rlz ---Ill-. 7ti The li cf vrnf lyr,,rrE;l\,,ti l^^^^- :-^ -i --;- rlz 3 ^i-^ re.lstrs ur ulstflct wlth location, 7rs period ',re area and rlz of validity 5 4\ T)pfqilo D^ {z ^f )tdtLy Ieuelveo m last three 4 years 7N- rlz - 8 4\ T-)ofqilo .J,-^ri^--.^ zr rlz ^fry uLruuLton oI 4\ 5 )and ln last three years :l/- rlz - 9 4\ D fr I 7N rlz r r\.,vsDD ur rr'p'slrlon-ltl 4\ 6 or sedrments in the rivers of the District z( rlz 7N 11 zi J/- Ga-o-olrwrc.r D-^fr 4\ 7 I rultltr u.l- Lne l-,lstnct 7F rlz 7N - - l2 7N rlz T rl TT+ili-^+.:^.^ n^,-- -;---lI 4\ !s'u uL,rD.Lr(r, raLLern ln tne Dlstrlct: Forest, 7l': rlz 8 Agriculture, 7ri Horticulture, Mining etc. 13 Z\ I rlz zr rP1-t.ro; uy ,rv6r4PrrJ ^^ ur ule l-/lslnct zi rlz 9 4\ 13 -{Z rlz foll. r /t^-+L -fl---^ 7rr r\qurrcr.rr.P";' lyrurtLll ---:-wrse zr rlz 10 I(4lnruil data of-the District 7rt - t4 zr rlz (lo^l^^., 4\ 11 vrvSJ l 7N i rlz ctll(I^-J 1 rurtrfan Yyealtn] 7N zr i rlz 15 7N /^\ T\i^+-i^r zi rlz 7N 15 rlz - 4\ t6 !z rlz 4\ 7N Drainage- 18 7ttrlz 12 tr.r. :lZ rlz 4\ 19 q l; D z( rlz L r,e.xLurris 4\ 13 or lmpoftant Klvers and Streams zt rlz 7N 2t zr rlz A lT\^^^^:+:^--- 7rt l4 ;PUDrtluII 7Nl{z )< sfz rlz 7N :lz .S|/- Sz -rlz_ District Survey Report on Minor zr - ^,I Page 2 )i+ rlz 7ti 7ts_ "K>1">K>1"fi.,l<;f'e2;z)..z>f..z2;z2;z)'.1)<)()(fiff9f.21z)..)..)().1)i()i<)()i..)i.f )..2)(}()()i..)K:1.: ).'>1.')<)<),k>K>(1.>1..>K>i<>i<>K>K>1..>K)f.z)f.zgf.zg()\z)<r\z.r\2.).1).2)<)<)<),<)i<)i..)..1).4r()<?'! 7f\ zl\ '! 'rr 't\ "\ 'r\ 'f\ 4\ 4\ 4\ )i< sE -4\rL!z Z\ . rrz 7'r 7N JISTRICTD SURVEY REPORT F'OR SAND s1-;rTpt-1's sk )i( - : 4\ )< OFrIE' SUBARNAPURsrT,, A Dr\I a D DISTRICTr! )i/r :|Z.'*'Zi Se - 4\ slz "4\{zNz 7ts Nz 7ts FOREWARp )i< c4\ rL :lz 7N 7't The provisions incorporated .:Z in Gazetle Notification No.S.O.l41(E) dtd. )i< 15.01'2016 ;k and s.o. 190(E) dtd.20.01 .2016 issued by the Ministry of Environment, Fores, ii, )" & climate change, Govt. of India has given rlz birth to DEIAA ( District Environment Impac, ;|.: ID Assessment Authority) &DEAC ( Districr Experr Appraisal 4\ committee ) which needs to u" i[ }|.2 constituted on approval of expert members :Z by the Revenue Divisional Commissioner. The ).. (|) primary functions of these above two bodies are grant 4\ to Environmental Clearance (EC) for category of 82 i[ )i< Projects prior to the Quarryl mining of Minor Minerals in whole district. slz The >i< o main purpose of preparation of District survey Report is to identisz 7N the mineral resources if and mining activities )K along with other relevant data of district. This report contains details ;[ ?! of Lease, Sand mining and Revenue which comes from minerals )i( )< in the district. This reoort is prepared ' )ia on the basis of data collected from different concerned departmentr. a ,u*.y i, sZ i.[ 7N carried out by the members of Sub-Divisional -')K Committees constituted for preparation of >,K ;K District Survey Report in the districr. i[4\ )(1. Introduction )i( Subarnapur has figured on the r$itical and cultural map of odisha since I.f,4\ pre- ?i1 historic times as an ancient place i[ of human civilization. The discovery of a large number of ;[ stone tools, rock art of Puja Dunguri 7N3: near Rampur Tahasil and punch marked coins is a ),k testimony primitive sz )i( to human settlements in this region since the 3'd Century B.C.. It was t'i< zsIi: declared a feudatory state by the British in 1867. slz with the division of Bengal in 1g05 it came )i( under the iurisdiction 7ri0 of Lt. Governor of Bengal. This feudatory state merged with Odisha zsif )" province on I't January, Ig48 and became rlz a sub-division under Bolangir district. )i( Subsequently !|| it was created as a separate district and starred functioning w.e.f. 01.04.1993 if )i( with headquarter at Sonepur as per Revenue and Excise Department Notification No.142lglR :2-rlz ;[ \|u 7tl . 7i-i,F r-'rrlrrJlstrict rLL surveyJur vey ReportKeporf, on MinorIurnor MineralMinerar -:lz- of subarnapur District page 3 )i< 4\ :z :4\.slz 4\ 7tlrL )()<)().2).'>K).')...)..2).2>;.2;1)i<)i<)i()i()i().2)<)(2f.2).e).e;f.eI..)..')..)<)i()i<)i<)i<)i<)i<)i<)i< )K)<';<)<>i<),<)..')i<r<r<)i..x<r.4)<)..}<)..2)()..2}<)<)i<)<)i<)i()<>i<)i<)\.)<)\2.)\zr<)<)i...)i< >i< )K slz :fz ,!a dt.27.03.1993 after being carved out'from the undivided Balangir District and renamed as !i: x Subarnapur. ;,t 7N:Zr sl4 )i( It is situated in the western part of the State. The District is boirnded on the north ;[ >i< by Bargarh and Sambalpur Districts, on the east by Sambalpur and Angul Districts, on the )i< south by Boudh District ;,|] and on the west by Balangir District of Odisha. In the Middle Ages i.[ )i< Subarnapur was known as Lanka. The Tibetan historian Taranath refers :Z to Lanka as a place of ),K tantric Buddhism. Buddhist literature of the 8ft century also speaks of Lanka. Laxminkara, 3[4\ ,i<if )'K sister of the Vajrayanist king Indrabhuti of Samb alaka is said to have married prince Jalauka g;.. slz C of Lanka. Further the Greek geographer Ptolemy underlines Lanka as a diamond prone zone 7ts 7N.if )i( located on the bank of the river Manad or Mahanadi. According to historians the Subarnapur rlz )i.; District was known as PaschimaLarkaaround lle century A.D. )i<. ,itC ' :-k- >i< It is known as second Varanasi of India for its cluster of temples ( nearly 108) rlz ;[ having architectural importance and tantric ( mystiques. ;i: sicsic ) It is also called second iil ;,[ Aflahabad for the Meeting Point ( Sangam ) of three rivers Mahanadi, Tel and Suktel. j: )i( SubarnapurI is famous for silk, handloom, prawns, terracotta etc. Textiles and terracotta of )( 7ltrlz rlz ;F Sonepur, Brass metal works and Philigri crafts of Tarva and Binka, Stone carving of Ullunda ;i: ?i1 and Paddy crafts of Dunguripali are recognized all over the state and also in country. In )i+ :lz sz addition, the great zNr-7N3) poet and prophet of Mahima Dharma, Santh Bhima Bhoi was from this iit )i( district. >la slz Overview of Minins Activitv in rhe Di$trict. fir.rtz Zii[ 3: In Subarnapur District, there are very few natural mineral deposits scattered i.' ,it :!z - :f( throughout the area.
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