
The Message The Newsletter of the Parish of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill 10030 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, ON Canada L4C 1T8 AWL FOR THE GOOD ,elcome to the Summer/Fall editio of St. Mary’s parish ewsletter, ;The Message.’ ,e hope that as you read a d e joy these updates a d re'lectio s o the happe i gs i Newsletter Relection our busy church, that you will be b The Rev. Matthew McMillan stre gthe ed i your wal9 of faith. As you read, may you rejoice i all that we are able to do i 7od’s ame through our shared efforts. Our ope i g re'lectio for The Message is a story about how 7od is prese t i all thi gs. 2t is a challe ge a d call to us too, to be ope to ta9i g time, re'lecti g a d searchi g for i spiratio a d hope i our life’s jour eys. ,he we persevere, as you see i this story, 7od will be there with us a d will always bless us> 2 1809, Simo Re ee 3raille a d his wife Mo ique welcomed their fourth child i to the worldAa lively boy amed 8ouis. They lived i a small sto e house ear Paris where 3raille was the local har ess ma9er. 8eather wor9i g tools are da gerous, so the toddler had bee i structed ot to go i to his fatherBs shop alo e. 3ut whe 8ouis was still small, he slipped i to the shop, a d with curiosity started to ha dle all the fasci ati g tools. As 8ouis was i specti g a awl, the sharp tool used to pu ch holes i leather, he slipped a d pu ctured a In this Issue Summer Service Summer Newsletter Re'lectio .................................. 1 Diaconal Discernment Update .................................... 2 Schedule Pastoral Care Committee .............................................. 3 What’s going on at St. Mary’s? .................................... 4 Remember from June 24 th Summer News & Updates ............................................ 6 u til September 2 nd our Property Update ................................................................ 7 Family Ministry .................................................................. 8 10C30 a.m. worship service A True Inspiration .......................................................... 10 time has cha ged to 140th Birthday of the Bell .......................................... 10 Special Services This Fall ............................................ 12 9:30 a.m. Programs and Classes ................................................... 14 Special Events ................................................................... 15 Our 8:00 a.m. service will Green Lent & Solar Energy ......................................... 16 co ti ue at the same time Looking Ahead ................................................................. 17 Outreach Update ............................................................. 20 as always. Mission Statement : We, the people of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, called by God and commi+ed to ,esus Christ in the ower of the Holy S irit, see. to live and ma.e .nown, in word and ac0on, the good news of God%s love in the world. 1sing our gi2s, we worshi , roclaim, learn, serve, reach out, welcome others, and develo a caring and sharing community of believers. 1 The Message - Summer/Fall 2018 part of his eye with the tool. The i jured eye became i fected. The little boy could ot 9eep his ha ds from rubbi g a d scratchi g the wou d, a d soo the i fectio spread to his other eye as well. ,he 8ouis was o ly ., he became completely bli d. 8ouis was fortu ate e ough to study at the Royal 2 stitutio for 3li d Douth i Paris. He eEcelled as a orga ist, a d at twelve years old bega as9i g the questio FHow ca the bli d read-G Over his summer brea9 at home, 8ouis was determi ed to 'i d the a swer. As he moved a d groped arou d his father’s shop i search of the right tool for his tas9, the awl prese ted itself as perfect for the job. The awl would ma9e the raised dots he had see i the Fre ch military system of F ight writi g.G A d with the very i strume t that had bli ded him, 8ouis wor9ed a d wor9ed u til he had created a system of dots whereby the bli d could read a d write, wor9 math problems, a d compose music. ,hat is your awl A is there somethi g that has crippled you, either by What is our awl' your ow doi g li9e you g 8ouis, or someo e else’s- 2s it a divorce, the death of someo e you love, a lost career, or somethi g else- As we e ter i to these wo derful a d re'lective seaso s of summer a d fall, may we let 7od lead a d guide our jour ey. ,he we do so, 7od will ofte surprise us, bri gi g us to a d e courage us to e ter holy spaces. A d i these holy spaces we will u cover ew opportu ities a d ma y u eEpected blessi gs. 3lessi gs that will help to reshape our lives a d offer comfort to others as well. ,he we persevere a d wal9 with 7od, His mercies a d good ess will 'low, a d Awl the world will be blessed> Yours in Christ, Fr. Matthew+ at St. Mary’s. ,e have prese ted our pla s to 3ishop Fe ty, who has give us his Episcopal permissio to proceed o this jour ey. This process will i volve the parish discer i g if our commu ity is ope to this type of mi istry, as well as reviewi g possible ca didates, to see whether their gifts are what the commu ity eeds i its’ curre t co teEt. Ordai ed Deaco s focus their mi istry o leadi g our church i ways of servi g the broader commu ity, while also ta9i g o leadership roles i pastoral care, educatio , services, a d other duties as assig ed. These positio s, as i the past, are o -stipe diary a d would be u der the directio of St. St. Mar $s Diaconal Discernment Update Mary’s Parish Priest. Our process will co ti ue ow At our parish vestry i February 2018, the parish gave with formal meeti gs a d reviews from the Diocesa their co se t for our church to begi a process of Commu ity of Deaco s a d we will wor9 to 9eep the eEploratio , with regards to eEpa di g the role of Deaco s parish i formed as this process u folds. The Message — Summer/Fall 2018 2 St. Mary’s A glica Church mobility issue, has suffered a loss, or is movi g to lo g-term The Pastoral Care Committee care. This will e sure that the parishio er is co tacted a d The Pastoral Care Committee would li9e to ta9e this op- offered a Pastoral Care visit with Commu io a d A oi ti g portu ity to share with the co gregatio , i formatio if desired. about the Committee’s role a d to e courage the co gre- 2t is importa t that the parishio er is offered support from gatio ’s commu icatio with the Committee. the St. Mary’s family. Accordi gly, please advise Ja Mills, Our Role Ho orary 8ay Pastoral Assista t, if you are aware of a y parishio er who is eEperie ci g a y of the circumsta ces Our role is to co duct 8ay Pastoral Care visits a d/or tele- me tio ed above. pho e co versatio s with members of our co gregatio who are u able to atte d St. Mary’s due to health a d/or Similarly, please also advise Hele Eva s, who provides our mobility issues, or who are sufferi g a loss. Parish Card Mi istry Lwhich e tails se di g greeti g cards to parishio ers from the St. Mary’s familyM. These cards cover a Duri g our visits we commu icate St. Mary’s ews a d ra ge of circumsta ces a d i clude F2 SympathyG, F7et ,ellG offer the 3ulleti , The A glica Newspaper, a Daily a d FThi 9i g of DouG messages. Hele ’s Mi istry is a Devotio publicatio , a d Prayer Shawls. Committee importa t o e a d offers assura ce to abse t parishio ers members offer a 9i d, atte tive ear, Commu io , a d that while they are abse t, they are ot forgotte by the St. Prayer whe requested. Certai Committee members are Mary’s family. also authoriHed to provide A oi ti g. Thank you Our Committee members ta9e preparatory trai i g, obtai The Pastoral Care Committee a Police Iul erable Sector Chec9 a d commit to mai tai - i g strict co 'ide tiality, prior to bei g approved by the 2 cumbe t for this Mi istry. ,e meet ofte o the .th Su day of the mo th with Father Matthew to discuss i co 'ide ce a y co cer s regardi g the parishio ers we visit. Who We Are 2 itiated by The Revere d Mar9 Ji gha duri g his i cumbe cy, our Committee is chaired by Father Matthew a d curre tly co sists of the followi g membersC Ja Mills, Ho orary 8ay Pastoral Assista t (in her 14 th year of dedicated Lay Pastoral Ministry) Sharon Hanns Lucille King Elizabeth Lane John Martin Joe McEwen Jenny Rogers Ron Smit Rhelda Stockall 2 the eve t that you feel called to this Pastoral Care Mi istry, please spea9 to Father Matthew.
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