102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY of metacercariae of Uvulifer ambloplitis (Hughes, Margolis, L., G. W. Esch, J. C. Holmes, A. M. Kuris, 1927) in juvenile centrarchids. Journal of Para- and G. A. Schad. 1982. The use of ecological sitology 69:746-749. terms in parasitology (report of an ad hoc com- —, and . 1984a. Population biology of the mittee of the American Society of Parasitologists). trematode Uvulifer ambloplitis (Hughes, 1927) in Journal of Parasitology 68:131-133. juvenile bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, and McDaniel, J. S., and H. H. Bailey. 1974. Seasonal largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Journal population dynamics of some helminth parasites of Parasitology 70:466-474. of centrarchid fishes. Southwestern Naturalist 18: —, and . 1984b. Effects of the trematode 403-416. Uvulifer ambloplitis on juvenile bluegill sunfish, Spall, R. D., and R. C. Summerfelt. 1970. Life cycle Lepomis macrochirus: ecological implications. of the white grub, Posthodiplostomum minimum Journal of Parasitology 70:475-492. (MacCallum, 1921: Trematoda, Diplostomati- —, and . 1985. Black-spot caused by Uvu- dae), and observations on host-parasite relation- lifer ambloplitis (Trematoda) among juvenile cen- ships of the metacercaria in fish. Pages 218-230 trarchids in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. in S. F. Snieszko, ed. A Symposium on Diseases Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of of Fishes and Shellfishes. Special Publication No. Washington 52:30-35. 5, American Fisheries Society, Washington, D.C. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 55(1), 1988, pp. 102-103 Research Note The Taxonomic Status of Alaria marcianae (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) JOHN C. PEARSON' AND ALLEN D. JOHNSON2 1 Department of Parasitology, University of Queensland, St. Lucia 4069, Australia and 2 Department of Biology, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota 57069 ABSTRACT: Alaria marcianae and A. americana are campanulatum) from Douglas Lake, Michigan. similar but distinct species. Alaria canis is retained as Examination of their experimental mesocercar- a junior synonym of A. americana. KEY WORDS: Trematoda, Diplostomidae, mesocer- iae (USNM Helm. Coll. No. 55122) revealed that cariae, adults, Alaria marcianae, Alaria americana, the dorsal spination was the same as Pearson Alaria canis, taxonomic status, synonomy. (1956) described in Alaria canis (=A. americana) and not the same as Johnson (1968) found in A. La Rue (1917) described a mesocercaria from marcianae. Cort and Brooks (1928) described the the gartersnake, Thamnophis marcianus, and dorsal spination of the cercaria as extending back named it Cercaria marcianae. Though Cuckler to the level of the ventral sucker, then absent (1940) showed that it belonged in the genus Alar- medially over the posterior portion, a condition ia, Walton (1949) first formally proposed the differing from that in the cercariae of both A. combination Alaria marcianae. Dubois (1970) americana and A. marcianae and so presumably compared descriptions of the mesocercaria of A. in error. Cort's (1918) description of the spina- marcianae by La Rue (1917), Cort (1918), and tion of Agamodistomum marcianae from Doug- Cort and Brooks (1928), but not Johnson (1968), las Lake, Michigan, agrees with that of A. mar- with that of the mesocercaria of A. canis by Pear- cianae as seen by us. Thus, Cort (1918) and Cort son (1956) and decided that they referred to a and Brooks (1928) found both A. americana and single species. A. marcianae in Michigan. This was confirmed Cort and Brooks (1928) identified as Agamo- by studying wholemounts of mesocercariae from distomum marcianae (=mesocercaria of A. mar- Michigan made by K. Wu (USNM Helm. Coll. cianae) mesocercariae recovered from tadpoles No. 79097) that revealed a mixture of A. amer- (species not given) exposed to cercariae from nat- icana and A. marcianae under a single coverslip. urally infected Planorbis trivolvis (=Helisoma tri- As Dubois (1963) had earlier proposed A canis volvis) and Planorbis campanulatus (—Helisoma as a synonym of A. americana based on adult Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME 55, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 1988 103 characters, he (1970) then proposed A. ameri- mm long with an ejaculatory pouch wall 33 (23- cana as a junior synonym of A. marcianae. We, 39) Mm thick, while those of the latter measured too, consider A. canis a synonym of A. ameri- 1.66-2.06 mm long with the pouch wall always cana, as comparison of the holotype of A. amer- less than 20 /urn. icana with experimental adults of Pearson (1956) If, then, there are two similar species, A. mar- showed in both a thick-walled ejaculatory pouch cianae and A. americana, care must be taken in (see below), and, as pointed out by Johnson differentiating them, especially when setting up (1968), both were described from the dog. How- experimental lines from natural infections with ever, we do not agree that A. americana is a the most readily available stage, the mesocer- synonym of A. marcianae. caria. The type specimens of A. marcianae are me- socercariae, hence recourse to the mesocercaria Literature Cited is the ultimate arbiter in deciding the taxonomic Bhatti, I. H., and A. D. Johnson. 1972. Enzyme his- status of this species. Pearson (1956) distin- tochemistry of the holdfast organ and forebody guished between the mesocercaria of A. ameri- gland cells of Alaria marcianae (La Rue, 1917) (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae). Proceedings of the cana with uniform dorsal spination and that of Helminthological Society of Washington 39:78- A. marcianae with incomplete dorsal spination 87. (implied but not explicitly stated), but failed to Cort, W. W. 1918. The excretory system of Aga- point out that he had confirmed this difference modistomum marcianae (La Rue), the agamodis- tome stage of a fork-tailed cercaria. Journal of from some of La Rue's original material of Cer- Parasitology 4:130-134. caria marcianae. Johnson (1968) also found in- , and S. T. Brooks. 1928. Studies on the ho- complete dorsal spination in the mesocercaria of lostome cercariae from Douglas Lake, Michigan. A. marcianae and later (1970) used this character Transactions of the American Microscopical So- to separate A. marcianae from A. americana in ciety 47:179-221. Cuckler, A. C. 1940. Studies on the migration and a key to mesocercariae. Johnson (1968) consid- development of Alaria spp. (Trematoda: Strigeata) ered the difference in spination more significant in the definitive host. Journal of Parasitology than differences in size of mother sporocysts, me- 26(Suppl.):36. tacercariae, and adults, in position of furcal ex- Dubois, G. 1963. Statut des Alariinae Hall et Wigdor 1918 (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae) et revision de cretory pores in cercariae, and in thickness of quelques alariens. Bulletin de la Societe Neucha- ejaculatory pouch wall in adults. A further dif- teloise des Sciences Naturelles 86:107-142. ference is seen in definitive hosts; A. marcianae . 1970. Synopsis des Strigeidae et des Diplo- is primarily a parasite of felids and mustelids stomatidae (Trematoda). Deuxieme Fascicule. and A. americana of canids. Memoires de la Societe Neuchateloise des Sciences Naturelles 10:259-727. In brief, A. marcianae differs from A. ameri- Johnson, A. D. 1968. Life history of Alaria mar- cana in having a larger mother sporocyst (> 14 cianae (La Rue, 1917) Walton, 1949 (Trematoda: mm cf. < 10 mm), a cercaria with marginal furcal Diplostomatidae). Journal of Parasitology 54:324- excretory pores (cf. submarginal), a mesocercaria 332. 1970. Alaria mustelae: description of me- with spination dorsally interrupted between socercaria and key to species. Transactions of the pharynx and level of ventral sucker (cf. spination American Microscopical Society 89:250-253. dorsally uninterrupted), a smaller metacercaria La Rue, G. R. 1917. Two new larval trematodes from (656 urn av. cf. 1,250 yum av.), a smaller adult Thamnophis marciana and Thamnophis eques. (< 2 mm av. cf. > 2 mm av.) with a thinner ejacu- Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 35:1-12. latory pouch wall (<20 nm), an<3 mustelids and Pearson, J. C. 1956. Studies on the life cycles and felids as common definitive hosts (cf. canids). morphology of the larval stages of Alaria arisae- We are first reporting here measurements of ma- moides Augustine and Uribe, 1927 and Alaria can- ture adult worms of A. americana (see Pearson, is La Rue and Fallis, 1936 (Trematoda: Diplosto- midae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 34:295-387. 1956) and A. marcianae (see Bhatti and Johnson, Walton, A. C. 1949. Parasites of the Ranidae (Am- 1972) from experimentally infected dogs. Adult phibia). XIV. Transactions of the Illinois State worms of the former species measured 2.47-2.71 Academy of Science 42:161-164. Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington.
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