TV'S ROCK(Y) ROAD (Editorial) . Columbia Heading To All-Time Industry Sales Mark . Pickwick Grant- ed Option To Buy U.S. Record Co. Racks . RCA, Mem TapeOffer LinesBudget . in g s ibt l it o Novembier22 c1969 Don England 75(t To National Tape As Exec VP In NY . Col's 0.0 Cash Box 'Fully-Equipped' West Coast Scene . Noonan Metromedia GM ... Plan London Studio Complex Shocking Blue HARRY NILSSON'S HIGH MUSICAL RATINGS INT'L SECTION BEGINS ON PAGE 63 NOTHING CURES LIKE, TIM AND These are the words of Laura Nyro Words she has interpreted to transcend their own definitions.Words from The single is from her her new single,"Time and Love:' 4-45041 ewYorkTendaberry album. Where words, music and feeling come together. On Columbia Records.,. Like time and love. FiC 1122 4-track reel-to-reel tape/ 18 10 0630 8-track cartridge 14 10 0610 4-track cartridge/ 16 10 061C cassette THE INTERNATIONAL MUSIC-RECORD WEEKLY VOL. XXXI — Number 17/November 22, 1969 Publication Office / 1780 Broadway, New York, New York 10019 / Telephone. JUdson 6-2640 /Cable Address: Cash Box, N. Y. GEORGE ALBERT President and Publisher MARTY OSTRO W Vice President IRV LICHTMAN Editor in Chief EDITORIAL MARY GOODMAN Assoc. Editor ALLAN RINDE West Coast Editor JOHN KLEIN BOB COHEN BRUCE HARR S EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS MIKE MARTUCCI ANTHONY LANZETTA ADVERTISING BERNIE BLAKE Director of Advertising ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES STAN SOIFER, New York HARVEY GELLER, Hollywood W OODY HARDING Art Director TV's COIN MACHINE & VENDING ED ADLUM General Manager ED KELLEHER, Assistant Rock(y) Road CAMILLE COMPASIO, Chicago LISSA MORRO W, Hollywood CIRCULATION THERESA TORTOSA, Mgr. CHICAGO HOLLYWOOD CAMILLE CO MPASIO HARVEY GELLER 29 E. Madison St. 6430 Sunset Blvd. Chicago 2, III. Hollywood, Calif. 90028 Phone: (312) Fl 6-7272 Phone: (213) 465-2129 Television has yet to find the formula We believe there is a good deal of ENGLAND "yes" to all these queries and, if one DORRIS LAND — if one exists at all — that will make 3 Cork Street the sound of contemporary music a goes along with this response, then it's London, W1 , England dark, indeed, for future prime-time Tel: 01-734-2374 prime-time showcase that can stick. The problem is not one of the ability prospects for today's hit pop sounds. Perhaps that's the way it's got to be. HOLLAND of rock to draw audiences on variety ITALY PAUL ACKET shows that feature the music, but Television may be mistaken — and the MARIO PANVINI ROSATI Theresiastroat 59-63 rest of us, too, for that matter — in the Galleria Passarella 2 The Hague seemingly one of coming up with pro- Milan (Italy) Tel: 837700 duction values that can sustain a contention that kids can be treated as Tel: 790990 BELGIUM a "mass audience" who will set aside a Etienne Smet strong audience rating week after week GERMANY Hugo Verrieststraat 87 time-period each week for their viewing CHRISTIAN TOERSLEFF and, hopefully, year after year for a Sint•Niklaas (wass) 2 Hamburg 56 pleasure. Maybe only the Beatles, Tel: (03) 76.48.80 rock-only format. Leuchtturmeg 30 What's wrong with the Music Scenes, Elvis Presley, Diana Ross and the Su- Tel: 24-91-94-86 SCANDINAVIA SVEN G. WINCWIST the Hullabaloos, the Shindigs that premes, and their once-in-awhile spe- BRAZIL Kaggeholmsvagen 48, PEDRO FRAZAO Stockholm-En skede, were born with the promise of cap- cials are attractions they will mentally DE VASCONCELOS Sweden, Tel: 59-56 85 turing millions of youngsters and pencil-in as "must" viewing. The suc- Rua Frei Caneca, 11, Apt. 13 122 40 cess of a Tom Jones and Johnny Cash, Sao Paulo, S.P., Brazil AUSTRALIA other interested groups? Is it illusionary Tel: 239.40 18 RON TUDOR to assume that youngsters who buy whose summertime replacement show ARGENTINA 8 Francis St., records necessarily form a "mass returns to ABC-TV soon, on a weekly MIGUEL SMIRNOFF Heothmont, Victoria Rafoela 3978 Tel: 870-5677 audience" who will be drawn to a video basis could mean that only a program Buenos Aires MEXICO counterpart of their aural delights? Is with a dynamic, performing host (and Tel: 69-1538 SALVADOR ARREGUIN ANTONIO SENS the rating-game the real culprit, with one with far more than teen appeal) is CANADA Tiber 100 — 7 y 8 Pisos network intolerance of shows with less the only basis on which pop music can WALT GREALIS Mexico 5, D.F. RPM Tel: 25-39-52 11-62-96 than Top 10 appeal? Do the producers succeed on its own on TV. 1560 Bayview Ave. JAPAN Toronto 17, Ontario of these shows display a subconcious Meanwhile, these shows and the Adv. Mgr. Tel: (416) 89-2166 SHOICHI KUSANO condescension or even lack of know- variety hours of Ed Sullivan, Andy Editorial Mgr. FRANCE ledge of how the kids really want to Williams plus the various late-night MORIHIRO NAGATA CHRISTOPHE IZARD 466 Higfashi-Olzumi digest their diet of rock? Do kids really "talk" shows continue to offer a stream 24, Rue 0:.tave Feuillet Neirimaku Paris XVI Tel: 870-9358 want to be pinned down by a regimen of rock talent exposure. Until the kids Tokyo of rock when they would rather do change their habits or someone does SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2S per year anywhere in the U.S.A. something else, knowing that their arrive at the right formula, rock music Published weekly by Cash Box, 1780 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10019. Second class postage paid at Hartford, Conn. 06105 record libraries afford them the oppor- on TV will have to be content with U.S.A. Copyright , 1969 by The Cash Box Publishing Co., Inc. All tunity to play their favorites at their riding on the coattails of shows with rights r d. Copyright under Universal Copyright Convention. own convenience? a broader entertainment perspective. cashBox CashlexTOP100 vi rs. C O M E T O G E T H E R 3 4 I CA N 'T G E T N E X T T O Y O U 6 7 B LIS T E R E D Beatles Apple 2654 2 8 emptations-Gordy 7093 19 15 Johnny Cash-Columbia 45020 67 78 S O M E T HI N G lb EL E A N O R RIG B Y 468 W H OL E L O T T A L O V E Beatles Apple 2654 3 2 Franklin-Atlantic 2683 50 62 Zeppelin-Atlantic 82 - 3 W E D DI N G B E LL B L U E S 3 6 T U R N O N A D R E A M C O L D T U R K E Y Fifth Dimension-Soul City 779 1 box Tops-Mala 12042 36 37 .9 Plastic, Ono Band Apple 1813 81 - A N D W H E N I DI E 3 7 JIN G O #o G E T IT FR O M THE BOTTOM Blood, Sweat & Tears Columbia 45008 Santana Columbia 45010 42 46 Steelers-Date 1642 79 89 $ S MIL E A LITTLE SMILE FOR ME 3 8 L O V E WI L L FIND A WAY W H A T Y O U G A V E M E Flying Machine-Congress 6000 7 Jackie DeShannom Imperial 66419 45 55 Marvin Gaye P. Tarnrni TerrelliTamla 54187 - - T A K E A LE T T E R M A RIA 3 9 G R O O V Y GRUBWORM 7 2 S T. L O UIS Fl Cireasves-Atco 6714 9 17 Plantatinn 28 43 48 tisy beats Rare Earth 5009 80 86 7 B A B Y IT S Y O U I GU E S S T H E L O R D M U S T B E AI N 'T IT FU N K Y N O W PT. 1 Smith Dunhill 4206 5 4 4111 4113 IN N E W Y O R K CIT Y James Brown King 6280 83 • ELI 'S C O MI N G Nilsson-RCA 0261 49 60 T U R N, T U R N, T U R N I hree Dog Night Dunhill 4215 13 1 7 T H E S E EY E S Judy Collins Elektra 45680 - 91 F O R T U N A T E S O N Jr --• & All Stars Soul 35067 52 53 DON 'T LE T L O V E H A N G Y O U U P Creedence Clearwater Revival Fantasy 634 17 28 115 4 2 R O O S E V EL T & IRA LEE ferry Butler Mercury 72991 - lc) N A N A H E Y H E Y KIS S HI M G O O D B Y E Tony Joe White-Monument 1169 48 61 7 6 GI R L S IT AI N 'T E A S Y Stearrl I uhlona 1St,/ 30 44 R AI N D R O P S K E E P FA LLI N ' O N M Y iioney Cones-Hot Wax 6903 84 93 11 S U S PICI O U S MI N D S H E A D C U PID Elvis Presley-RCA 9764 4 3 B.J. Thomas-Scepter 12265 63 74 Johnny Nash-Jad 220 LE A VI N G O N A JE T PL A N E 12 S E E R U B Y FA L L 7 8 FA N C Y Peter. Paul & Mary•WB/7 Arts 7340 26 39 • I.
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