Derby Academy Head of School Search 56 Burdit Avenue | Hingham, Massachusets Applicatons Due: July 1, 2020 Independent Day School: Co-ed For July 1, 2021 Derby Academy At A Glance HISTORY & OVERVIEW OF THE SCHOOL Founded: 1784 Founded in 1784 by Sarah Derby as one of the earliest coeducatonal schools in the country and the oldest co-educatonal independent Type: Co-ed Independent school in New England, Derby contnues to focus on the ideas of Day School community, generosity, and the vision of providing children with the Grades: Pre-K—8th best educaton available. Enrollment: Targeted 300 The vision of Sarah Derby has impacted countless generatons of families. Now in its third century of leadership, Derby remains true to its Average Class Size: moto: “Improve Both Mind and Heart.” Dedicated faculty, innovatve 15 students curriculum, and an array of community and leadership opportunites Student-Teacher Rato: 6:1 contnue to ensure children are supported in their academic and social development, enabling students to become lifelong learners and Faculty with Advanced successful members of their community. Degrees: 35 VISION, CORE VALUES & DIVERSITY STATEMENT Tuiton for 2020-2021: K - $26,910 - Vision 8th Grade - $37,675 Derby Academy will prepare Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8 students Annual Operatng Budget: to be knowledgeable, compassionate, and efectve leaders in a world $11.5 million that is changing rapidly. This will be accomplished by ofering exemplary programs that set high expectatons in an atmosphere which nurtures, Financial Aid: $1.1 million supports, and encourages all students to reach their potental. We will Financial Aid awarded to ofer a curriculum distnguished by its breadth of focus together with its ability to teach the new core competencies students need to be 12% of student body productve citzens in a more interconnected world. The faculty will Endowment: $12.5 million help students master the skills and concepts that provide the foundaton for future learning through a rich variety of experiences Afliatons: NAIS, AISNE, that ignite a passion for lifelong learning and responsible citzenship. NBOA, Elementary School Head Associaton 56 Burditt Avenue | Hingham, Massachusetts | derbyacademy.org 1 Derby Academy recognizes that in order to remain a school of excellence, we must contnue to atract and retain talented faculty who are dedicated to inspiring students to learn and who are diligent in the implementaton of the School’s mission. We must also strive to identfy a broader and more diverse group of families who are commited to the mission of the School, and who will make positve contributons to the school community. Preservaton of the quality of teaching and learning will require sufcient funding for compettve salaries, innovatve programs, and generous fnancial aid. Advancement eforts will focus on refning and expanding fundraising eforts and will strive to increase the school’s endowment in order to keep tuiton afordable. The faculty and administraton will work to create and sustain efectve partnerships with all families by encouraging open lines of communicaton, cultvatng a common vision, and ensuring that interactons are mutually respectul. In doing so, we seek to be an atractve opton for a diverse group of students, families, and teachers. Together we will create and sustain an inclusive, equitable community which values diversity and multculturalism, and provides maximum opportunites for learning. Core Values Derby Academy is a school in which strong interpersonal relatonships and rigorous programs work together to ensure that children fourish. We Value: ñ Excellence ñ Personal responsibility, civility, collaboraton, and good sportsmanship ñ A love of learning and creatve expression ñ The relatonship between teachers and students ñ The partnership between the School and parents ñ Respect for individual diferences, cultures, customs, and beliefs while seeking points of unity ñ A multcultural school community and an innovatve curriculum that provide maximum opportunites for learning 56 Burditt Avenue | Hingham, Massachusetts | derbyacademy.org 2 Statement of Diversity and Inclusion At Derby Academy, we recognize and value the characteristcs that contribute to each individual’s full identty to include race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, culture, natonality, family structure, language, sexual identty, socioeconomic background, physical diferences and learning styles. Our mission is to cultvate a school community infused with a multplicity of voices and perspectves. By moving beyond individual experiences, we learn to think critcally, adapt, communicate, collaborate, imagine, understand, and grow. Our goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment where each person freely brings his or her whole self to school each day, confdent that every individual will be respected. We believe that being a truly inclusive community requires constant atenton, at tmes involving moments of uncertainty and misunderstanding. We dedicate ourselves to use conversaton as a catalyst for the growth and change we seek. ACADEMICS Derby’s academic curriculum builds from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8, creatng confdence through achievement and emphasizing the strong work ethic needed for long-term success. Students learn by doing, using Derby’s classrooms and facilites for exploring creatve problem-solving. Engaged faculty and cross-disciplinary projects foster the essental skills of innovaton, critcal thinking, collaboraton, and a lifelong passion for learning. Derby graduates gain admission to top secondary schools and experience a high level of success wherever they choose to go afer Derby. Primary School Derby’s Primary School classrooms are joyful places of exploraton and discovery, where the foundaton for future academic and social learning can be found and where strong, respectul relatonships are at the heart of the school day. Derby frmly believes that when a child feels safe, respected, supported, and well -known by the adults in the community, he or she will thrive. Social and emotonal learning is vital to the academic success of every child. 56 Burditt Avenue | Hingham, Massachusetts | derbyacademy.org 3 The unique Mind and Heart curriculum begins in the Primary School and contnues through Grade 3, blending together the Responsive Classroom and Open Circle programs to guide the youngest students in their journey toward healthy social growth and peer relatonships. The Responsive Classroom focuses on ensuring the academic setng is developmentally appropriate, has a positve sense of community and is efectvely managed. This approach promotes an empathetc, caring community centered on the social and emotonal growth of every child. Students and teachers work together from the Open Circle curriculum, which develops children's skills for recognizing and managing emotons, developing empathy and positve relatonships, and fostering problem-solving skills. Lower School (Grades 1-3) In the Lower School, children are learning to be independent problem-solvers and positve members of their school community. An advanced academic program, motvated peer groups, and a supportve network of teachers inspire students to push their thinking and make deep connectons across subject areas. In the Lower School classrooms, children are learning to be allies with their peers, to think for themselves in ethical ways, and to be accountable for their words and actons. At each grade level reading, writng, and math specialists are an integral part of the teaching team. Regular team meetngs allow for important conversatons about student work and cross-curricular planning, allowing for student learning to build upon a deeper understanding within a broader experience. Middle School (Grades 4-5) The Middle School years inspire children’s curiosity to reach well beyond the classroom. Derby’s Middle School division builds on the foundatonal skills established in the Lower School while supportng the children as they tackle more complex areas of study and develop as adolescents – intellectually, socially, emotonally, and physically. The homeroom-based program in Grades 4 and 5 integrates the ‘heart’ of Derby’s mission to guide students “toward an awakening sense of personal responsibility.” 56 Burditt Avenue | Hingham, Massachusetts | derbyacademy.org 4 Middle School students’ academic worlds expand through an interdisciplinary, project-based approach that challenges and engages the whole child as they move toward more abstract thinking, intellectual growth, and independent problem solving. The Open Circle program includes core concepts of leadership, self and social- awareness, decision-making, and belonging. This curriculum permeates all areas of student life and encourages students to develop the skills necessary to negotate relatonships, solve problems in teams, and build a beter understanding of their role in their community. Building on their foundatonal skills in science, math, reading, writng, history, and Spanish, as well as expanding opportunites in the arts, sports, extracurricular actvites, community service, and student leadership, the Middle School years provide a well- rounded life on campus in which students’ growth, discovery, and increased independence prepare them for successful years in the Upper School and beyond. Upper School (Grades 6-8) Students fnd their voice, join the conversaton, lead, and make change. With the confdence and skills instlled in Middle School, Derby students approach their Upper School years with a sense of
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