Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 28 November 2, 2020 Opus 2 - Official Court Reporters Phone: +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.opus2.com November 2, 2020 Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 28 1 Monday, 2 November 2020 1 Our present intention, as I say, subject to those 2 (9.30 am) 2 representations , is to continue. 3 (Delay in proceedings) 3 Please, everyone, be as careful as they can. There 4 (9.40 am) 4 may be some further provision made during the lockdown 5 Housekeeping 5 to try and avoid any unnecessary contact that there may 6 6 be, but we would ask everyone, obviously, to take care 7 7 for their own safety and everyone else’s safety in the 8 8 meantime. 9 9 MR GREANEY: Sir, thank you very much indeed. May we echo 10 10 your remarks and make plain that the inquiry legal team 11 11 has a strong determination to continue with physical 12 12 hearings so long as that remains possible and safe. 13 13 SIR JOHN SAUNDERS: Okay, thank you. 14 14 MR GREANEY: Could I next ask, please, that Mr Allen be 15 15 sworn. 16 16 MR JAMES ALLEN (sworn) 17 17 Questions from MR GREANEY 18 18 MR GREANEY: I’ll begin by asking you, please, to give us 19 19 your full name. 20 20 A. My name is Peter James Allen. 21 21 Q. But you’re known as James? 22 22 A. Yes, please. 23 23 Q. I would like to begin by asking you about your career. 24 24 I believe you began a career in the events industry in 25 25 1995? 1 3 1 1 A. Yes, that’s correct . 2 2 Q. Working at City University in London? 3 MR GREANEY: Sir, I think we are now broadcasting. 3 A. Yes. 4 Obviously there has been a major development over 4 Q. Then between 1998 and 2000, were you the events manager 5 the course of the weekend in that the Prime Minister has 5 at the London Docklands Arena? 6 announced that there is to be another national lockdown. 6 A. Yes. But that actually was 1998 to 2002, so that is 7 That is capable of having an impact upon our proceedings 7 4 years in London. 8 and indeed inevitably will do so and I know that you 8 Q. I see. I think I ’ve taken the dates from your 9 wish to say something about that. 9 statement. 10 SIR JOHN SAUNDERS: Obviously the announcement came as 10 A. You have, which were not correct. 11 a surprise to us, as it appears to have done to 11 Q. We’ll get it right now. 1998 to 2002, you worked as the 12 everyone, including those actually making the 12 events manager at London Docklands Arena? 13 announcement, so we obviously didn’t have time to make 13 A. That’s right. 14 complete provision or discuss it in detail before the 14 Q. Which has since been demolished? 15 weekend. We have, however, had discussions over the 15 A. Yes. 16 weekend. Our present intention is to continue to hold 16 Q. During the period you worked there, what were the main 17 these hearings even while the lockdown is going on. 17 events that were conducted? 18 I understand the present intention is for courts to 18 A. We did a lot of events, both ice hockey, conferences, 19 continue, so there would appear to be therefore no 19 exhibitions and also music concerts, and big award shows 20 reason why we shouldn’t continue. 20 like the MOBOs and the Brit Awards. 21 Of course it ’s very important that people make their 21 Q. I’m going to be careful about dates given what you’ve 22 own decisions about whether they come here and we will, 22 just said to us. 23 of course, listen to representations made by core 23 Following your employment at the Docklands Arena, 24 participants as to what we should do and how we should 24 did you move to work at the Glasgow Braehead Arena? 25 proceed. 25 A. That’s correct, from 2002. 2 4 Opus 2 [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 November 2, 2020 Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 28 1 Q. Were you the operations director there? 1 A. I believe so, yes. 2 A. Yes, I was. 2 Q. Because, as most will know, you did attend the arena 3 Q. And can you give us a flavour of the type of events that 3 that night, did you not? 4 were conducted at that arena, please? 4 A. Yes, I did. 5 A. Yes. Again, it was a smaller arena, only about 5,000 in 5 Q. And you will also give evidence at that stage, on your 6 capacity, and again it did ice hockey, basketball, and 6 return to the witness box, about matters such as the 7 we introduced concerts at that time as well. 7 relationship between SMG and Emergency Training UK. 8 Q. By concerts, do you mean music concerts? 8 A. Yes. 9 A. Yes. 9 Q. So I will touch upon some of those issues at this stage, 10 Q. There came a time when you moved to the 10 but I will not be delving into them and I will ask you 11 Manchester Arena; when was that, please? 11 more when you come back and we would ask everyone who 12 A. That was in 2003. 12 will ask you questions to respect that division . Does 13 Q. When you moved in 2003 to the arena, was it to work as 13 that make sense? 14 the event director? 14 A. Yes. 15 A. That’s correct. 15 Q. Next, at this very early stage of my questioning, I want 16 Q. So from that point in time, were you an employee of SMG? 16 to ask you about what might be described as 17 A. Yes, and also in the two previous buildings , SMG 17 accountability . 18 operated both Docklands and had the contract in 18 On 22 May 2017, as everyone knows, about 14,300 19 Braehead. 19 people came to the arena in order to attend a concert by 20 Q. I see. So you’ve therefore worked for SMG for a period 20 Ariana Grande. 21 of 22 years −− 21 A. Yes, correct . 22 A. Correct. 22 Q. Did SMG have a responsibility for the safety and 23 Q. −− since 1998 and had worked there for 19 years in 2017? 23 security of those people, every one of them? 24 A. Yes. 24 A. Yes, they did. 25 Q. You held that role, I think, for the next 7 years until 25 Q. And as general manager, did you have a personal 5 7 1 2010 when you became assistant general manager; is that 1 responsibility for the safety and security of each one 2 correct? 2 of those people? 3 A. Yes. 3 A. Yes, I did. 4 Q. Then in January of 2013 were you promoted to the 4 Q. In your view, did SMG discharge its responsibility ? 5 position of general manager at Manchester Arena? 5 A. Yes. 6 A. Yes, I was. 6 Q. Does that answer apply both to the period leading up to 7 Q. You still hold that role now; is that correct? 7 22 May −− 8 A. Yes. 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. And it follows from what you’ve said that you held that 9 Q. −− and also to 22 May itself? 10 role on 22 May of 2017? 10 A. Yes. 11 A. Yes, I did. 11 Q. In your view, did you discharge your personal 12 Q. So just to draw those few strands together, as 12 responsibility ? 13 of May 2017, you had 22 years’ experience working in the 13 A. Sorry, can you explain that further? 14 events industry? 14 Q. Yes, of course. A moment ago you explained that you 15 A. Yes. 15 considered, as no doubt is correct , that you had 16 Q. And many years working at what might be described as 16 a personal responsibility for the safety and security of 17 a senior level within that industry? 17 those who attended the Ariana Grande concert. My 18 A. Yes. 18 question is : do you consider that you discharged that 19 Q. Just so everyone understands, at this stage, Mr Allen, 19 responsibility ? 20 you’re going to be giving your evidence about the 20 A. To other people? 21 security arrangements at the arena. 21 Q. Yes. 22 A. Correct. 22 A. To a wider group? 23 Q. But you will return, as you know, probably in 23 Q. Yes, to the people who attended that concert. 24 chapter 10, to give evidence about your experiences on 24 A. Yes. 25 the night of the attack. 25 Q. You think you did discharge it? 6 8 Opus 2 [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 November 2, 2020 Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 28 1 A. No, sorry. No. 1 understand a little more about SMG as an organisation. 2 Q. Let’s just take a pause because everyone will appreciate 2 First , what does SMG stand for, if anything? 3 that giving evidence is a stressful experience and 3 A. It doesn’t, really . It was a made−up name for its 4 I don’t want you to commit to anything that isn’t your 4 original contract back in the 1970s.
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