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' . ek r "i 1 %.*, /i 4: 4 1. 000 Ss,' ,...4' ":',1-.:.0,711,174 ,,- A., 7,7-..--m---- -, .. g-77.-7 a .-.f,, .' 1T"- :o , 7-r-.7 4, ¡.t!.., :',...!i 1,_....; . ..1'.. 4A "*.%;t . ... '.. -'-.SA::.-5::."--:.114...'f,,I......, , " 1 */ . i. '7 V .' I., 't;,7`.1731- r'; s ' :1.7:-Vrl'..... ..: ......;1;11.4,' : .... :- . .-... * t +,-....il po. :'.: 9 V ;-: . ; , , . 1' AI . .. , . , . ,ir''' 9 . MP - 7:;:4:. ...; a ., . N t !..i e. - , A. alb ,Ir.,... ..1 1.,:i. 4.. '1.:i./'. h a F.... ... 9 9. I-1 I.,. : .tr'. [Cr." Sy . : ?..?. % - .,.../i.- F. : 04..... P 1.1!a . 1 4 r:1. f'.1.14,. Y.3,....!1...,.:. ,.:.i.t..ii ,...7..7.1._ h 01Y L4..; ,. ,... .1. , . !.. ,. ,, ) i ., . :1....i. O. , 4".--', '. ''I ; 4 .,i. r..-7-..'.. 1. .*/.. ,.'., . s 4 .. i ,# 4tt 4 k. 4. id: .1 I, .4t..'.: il ,,-s.44 I f .... s Ilb i . l'ire... .. 1 4 , s $ ." 1' ;...&r.112 * kift..) 6' t -. .7 ADDITIONAL COPIES *. e owWSPIIRLICATION KAT 8111'AWARD nog *TH11 summers min o, DOCUMMT. II I.°ovum' anramdio(mica .. % WASIIIKOTON, D. C. 41P I 1.i ..e. 30 CENTSfER,OOPY !. t; . .4% ' ' rs",,sts -°-:?;Skl..1 hip I . 4 ri t. MM. ). wr ,.¡41.1 so . mbi.? e .. - e . ,ar; 1 . tiÌ..r. a 3 . c. Va,è. _14. ". ; r* f .441 r' e 4.:k , . a , I 4f " 4 Wi r. a"3 1 * I : 4.. ? 0 ' 4 # .... i a ; h . .. ..-1 at-TI ,. ' . 'rt -:4',. & . .0,.,..,1 . _, . .4. ..." s W.'' l : .4 117, r% ; :47: ; i -fts, ,. ., *6,0.Pg`if ."104y "4- ;1.irief * /1440 ,* -It r1f4 4. '94;31 :1!( 4 ;4tV P,14,!:`;:'N* '.4 I, '. 4X4 At.4 lir. '.. it? .; . ... t , v .. ,,, , k*." to'Cl. A ...i... , - -reliaN4411"t ittitr.k44' fe ier,i;:4 , . a 1/4! .3 1 e ..,, tt Of:'Pi.. ' ' 641-4' ., I{ lt *k041-4,.t <A, .kl t .:-.4:.....'4-'-#10.1%., 4.11.1i4:... 41 r ,":"-;' 'V"1 4; ', 2 e- **4';.+): 41'..1.;;..%.01.1g 1Ae.;a , ..":1 r4;,: '.ZiIt - 4i- ...:".amg,i1 _it a.v....,orm . ,. r r5"Zre .1; ;Pr" ,rz I. , 111 . a ../35SC;27 e. 201930 C. JUN -,100,00.41111M Ms. S." s. 02-ir CONTUNTS I -.7 MO t 4 , Pass I. United AtatesBureau of Education 1 . II.Principal Stateschool officers______.0, r III. 1 County andother localsuperintendents ofschools -' 4-' .a IV.'Thiperintendents .. so of public schoolsin cities andtowns PM MP V.Public-sehoolbusinessmanagers 48 VI.Presidents cifunNersities and colleges ____ __ 49 I Presidents of junior coUesges e___ ___ ___ 57 Heads ofdepartments oteducation -1.I IN MbOW . .-,--- . 59 Ix.Presidents , pr deans of schools of theolofq _ .. .. 67 Presidentsor deans of schools of law -bar 71. '.,1 xf.Presidents . ,or deans ..of schools of medi ine - 4' .73 1 A:1 . w k xII.Presidentsordeans ofschools of dent _ Zt? I try__..e.a, ... ...... WM.=I 75 XIII. Presidentsor deans of schools of phamary 70;:.; x IY. Presidents ofschools of osteopathy , - IS)111 - 77. .'.% XV. }, Presidentsor deans ofschóolsof veterinary _ . edicine . 77-. XVI,Presidents.etc., of institutionsfor thetrainngof leachers: . (1) Presidents of teacherscolleges _ gl e- 78 (2) -Principalsof State public normal schools alP NO MP. a». a ai 79. Is .(3) Principals 4 of%oity pulAionOrmal schaals_ 81 (4) Principalsof privatephysical trainingschools 82 % (5) Principalsof private -a. nursery, 'kindergarten, andpri- mary training schools ,4 82 -(65Principals of private generaltraining sehbols 82-: XVII. Directors ofsummer schools l 83 XVIII.Educatfonalboards and . foundation& .. 97 *-- XIX.Churcheducational hoardsaud societies Tap, 99 P.: . 6. XX. r Jewis)feducationalorganizations 100 XXI.Superintendentsof Catholicparochial schools X XII. - 101 International usoqiaiionsof ecrucatIon ,.-a Jo. I. e e .1., XXIII, _____ 103 Americanassociationseducationol,citric, andlearned......_.- 104 XXIV.National Congress of Parents andTeachers OD Mb _______ a _ ' of. 185 XXV. Educationalperiodicals 136 . 11 . C .- A a e p. s Ob. b . t ' J . .1. 3. r AL,: e . '' 7:r 6 . .1 - '441. :*',.; .* .t ' . ; tr (4- To% -C. 14" 71r7;1(4ii46%,kii :, 1.4 7.qr4.417::è.,;aP tW I. %. O. 't 1: 4 14, Ilik:61;41 r . j1/4('' :.6. 11'. :, sae 1:0 _ g .e77. 4 11) , 4.. ;;.k`.. OD EDUCATIONALDIRECTORY,1920 fir 1.trri7izo SmiteBpurruor EDUCATION Commissioner of Education,JOhn J. Tigert. Chief Clerk, Lewis A. Halbach. Editorial Division, JamesC. Boykin, chief. Library Division, John D.Wolcott, chief. 4 skate-Neal Dirtstoo, Frank M.Phillips, chief. Alaska Division,Seattle (Wash.) office,Jonathan B.:Wagnejr,chief. Alaska Diision, Washington (D..0.)office, William Hamilton, asilstant&Mt Higher Education .Djcision: . lekttbur J. Klein,_chief. .Ben W. Frasier,specialist in teachertraining., Walter J. Greenleaf,associate specialistin land-grantcollege statistics. Walton C. John,associate specialistin higher education. Rural EducationDivision: 4 Mrs. KatherineM. Cook, eWef. Mina M. Langviek,pecial5ain rural education. , Walter H. tGaumnits,associate specialistin runt' Maratha. Annie Reynotcfs,associate specialistin rural edutation. Tiwon Covert,asAistant specialistin rural education. Edith A. Lathiop,assistant pecialistIn rural education. Citygehools Divistois: e Walterii.Derrenbaugh, Wet s 44, ;!! Mice Barrows. specialist 4.1 schoolbuildings. 1 Mary D. Davis,Specialist, innawry-kindergarten-primaryedueation. Carl A. Jessen, specialist in secondaryeducation. Flormce C.Fox. asseciatespecialist inelementary education. Roberta Ileiningway,Junior specialistin kindergarteiieducation. 8erriceDivision: r Lewis R. Alderman, chief. , . e ' , Industrial EducationReetious.---Maris M. ProMtt, sptinalistin industrialeducation. .`...01, Commercial EducationBection.John O.Maio%specialist in commercial Home education... .-..t..;'; Nconomice Section.Emeline8. Whitcom4pspecialist in home'commies. ,..-''' 4 í. Adult Eduaatimi 80conft.Lew1sR. Alderman,'medalist in adult Lombard, Junior education; WenC.'.::.- 'medalist inhome education ' . pfleeNon of /Pont,* .. 4. Rdwootiosttlystems.James F.Abel, associatespecialist in foreleg educationsystems. :. gehool Legiflation.Ward . W. Kemeckg,assistant specialistin schoollegislation. '' PhysicalEducation and °School'Hygiene ;Dirt/ion: James F. Rogers, chief. Marie M1 Ready,assistant specialistin physicaleducation., Fletcher B. 'Drumlin.,special agent,George PeabodyCollege for Tenn. 'Ateliers, Nashville, .- ILPRINCIPAL STATS SCHOOL 0 caps .. .'0?. Alabama,Moatgoaterv.-8. R. .2st Indwell; StatesuperintendentoeducationiJohn W. AbercroMble,assistant Statesuperintendent; James N. Gunnels, chef clerk. ....4.4 '.. .. Alaska,Jetneau.--LeaterD. Henderson, . commissioner ofeducation. -.. , Arisons, Pheeka.--C. .Case, Statesuperintendent.of public . ; 4 assistant State instruction; J.A. Itlatall tendent. *. I A Arkansas, tie Rock.--y. P.Womack, Statesuperintendent of Steele, publicinstruction;R. T. assistant State Superintendent.;Miss Pearl Davis,deputy Statesuperintendent California,Raeremeato.--WilliamJohn Cooper',superintendent of public.. instruCtion; Sam ,11.Cohn, deputyState superintendent : t 7 .17IVA CanaZane, Salim;Heights.--Ven M.Williams,sopuisiendent of A schools;C. L. Menyalleexecutive secretary ofschools... ' " N a 4. C. !.. ,!,. b-) I . ; 4 f: I , r 0... -.re, , ' .1.i ' )1 .4 . eN 14 -~4.. Ar N .I. ," .%OA.' .' , . a\ : ; 0'; 20A'Va z 3: ,;4 . A "r'r ;" 11/.' -... \* / '.. A. 0: .."' 1..r, / f./..t. * . 4 . .,, '.II . ''' .. it .....It s41,,, . J t:4,,,,..V0 ..,p-,,V.. Ail*...¡,...1,:, I :,,41*,... '' ' . 1 ., ,4:,r, JO' :.:,:r yX,':,ii,,).er-'S., C' itA.A r. 4: " ....:!-I. 2.:Pifli.-2.1.ii:r.14.Mi's 'At _;14?!jtIn7 4,4k4, n '44 H. 2 EDUCATIONALDIRECTORY, 1928 '411 .I 1,.. Cro/srdo, De/mfr.KatherineL Craig, Statesuperintendent of publicinstructlo(rand_ x6e10 save iihnirtan:Emma Ooudy,deputy -Slatesuperintendent ofpublic Instruction. ararseetiest, lanford.A.B. Meredith,commlasioner of'education andsecretary Statist board ofeducation; N. Lento'Mitchell, chill'clerk. De harem, Dotlor.-11. V. Holloway,State superintendentof public Shilling. instruction;Jobs' assistantStatc_swri. tandem Incbarite WO salon's:H. B. KIDS. Stilts superintendentIn charge aft assletaui . elementary 'drools;James 0..Adausa,business111111111CM, District of COmsbia,Witehi ilgtosi.FrankW. Malian. stiperintendent Mmuir, of neogs;8. 11. first sadist-antsuperintendentfwhiteschool.; Rbbert LLii% cock, aitatlt intendent super. ; Rose Lees [lardy, assistantsuperintendent; Jessie La Belie, assistantsuperin. tredent ; G. C. Wilkinson.assistant supertntredent,colored *drools; pc.A. nark. &militant .superintendent:H. H. Long.assistantsuperintendent;, Raymond O. Witmarth, manager. business. Florida, raliohnsiteerW..S.Cawttioi, Slate superintebsktnt orpublic instruction;J. C.., Compton, chiefclerk. 4. Georgia, Attonta.M. L. MegrimState

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