CALL FOR PApERS ANNOUNcEMENT programming is assumed. If you are a International Symposium on Clima- AMS Short Course: A Beginner’s moderately experienced Python pro- tology (IV SIC), 16–19 October 2011, Course to Using Python in Climate grammer, this course will be a poor João Pessoa, Brazil and Meteorology, 21–22 January fit for you; please consider taking 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana the other AMS short course “Using The fourth edition of the IV SIC will Python in Climate and Meteorology: be held at Tropical Tambaú Beach Re- The application of object-oriented Advanced Methods.” sort in João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, programming and other advances in All attendees will need to bring a Brazil, 16–19 October 2011. It will computer science to the atmospheric laptop (with power adapter) that has be placed under the general topic sciences has in turn led to advances Python installed on it. Instructions of “Impacts of Climate Change on in modeling and analysis tools and will be e-mailed to registered attend- Urban Areas” aiming to discuss how methods. The open-source language ees before the course begins on how the global climate change is affect- Python has been at the forefront of to install Python. Because the course ing the Brazilian cities and possible the application of such advances, is two days, to maximize learning solutions to mitigate this influence. through general science packages value for students, there will be op- In this context, the themes involve such as scipy and matplotlib, as well tional homework assigned at the end climate change impacts and envi- as atmospheric science–specific of day one that will be discussed the ronmental sustainability and health projects such as PCMDI’s CDAT and next day. in urban areas, extreme events in ESG end-user tools, NCAR’s PyNGL, For additional information, please time, new technologies in weather and COLA’s PyGrADS, resulting in a contact the short course organizer: forecasting and climate vulnerability robust computing environment for all Johnny Lin (e-mail: johnny@johnny- of coastal urban areas, and regional kinds of atmospheric science, includ- lin.com). 9/11 reliability models and future climate ing (but not limited to) modeling, scenarios. time series analysis, air quality data ANNOUNcEMENT The working languages of the IV analysis, satellite data processing, in AMS Short Course on Using Py- SIC will be Portuguese and English. situ data analysis, GIS, visualization, thon in Climate and Meteorology: The organization will provide simul- gridding, model intercomparison, Advanced Methods, 21–22 January taneous translation (Portuguese to workflow integration, and very large 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana English or English to Portuguese) for (petabyte) dataset manipulation and the lectures of the invited speakers. access. The AMS Short Course on Using The IV SIC will be attended by Still, to many atmospheric scien- Python in Climate and Meteorol- renowned researchers as Dr. Carlos tists, object-oriented programming ogy: Advanced Methods will be held Nobre (Secretary of Policy and Pro- in general, and Python in particular, 21–22 January 2012 preceding the gram Research and Development/ seems mysterious and remote, and 92nd AMS Annual Meeting in New Brazil), Dr. José Antonio Maren- as a result, find the idea of learning Orleans, Louisiana. Preliminary go (National Institute for Space Python to be daunting. Additionally, programs, registration, hotel, and Research/Brazil), Dr. Jason West while a number of tutorials and general information will be posted (University of North Carolina), other curricula exist to introduce a on the AMS Web site (www.ametsoc. Dr. Gregory R. Carmichael (Univer- newcomer to Python, few are geared org/MEET/annual/index.html) in sity of Iowa), Dr. Gustavo Carrió (Col- to the specific needs of atmospheric mid-September 2011. orado State University), Dr. Carlos scientists. This course provides a The application of object-oriented Corvalán (World Health Organiza- gentle introduction to Python for the programming and other advances in tion), etc. atmospheric scientist, specialized to computer science to the atmospheric Papers can be submitted and the needs of the field. While we ex- sciences has in turn led to advances presented in Portuguese, Spanish, or pect all participants will have basic in modeling and analysis tools and English. The deadline for submission programming experience—including methods. The open-source language is 31 August 2011. For further infor- basic knowledge of variables (integers, Python has been at the forefront of the mation, please visit www.sic2011. floats, strings), loops, conditionals (if/ application of such advances, through com/eng. (9/11) then), and functions—no other ex- projects such as PCMDI’s CDAT and posure to Python or object-oriented ESG’s end-user tools, resulting in a 1244 | SEPTEMBER 2011 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/03/21 08:58 AM UTC robust computing environment for Users are expected to bring their novice meteorologist may face when all kinds of atmospheric science, in- own laptop. AC and internet access entering the world of forensic meteo- cluding (but not limited to) modeling, will be available. Note that this class rology. The legal field is constantly time series analysis, air quality data is for users with a good knowledge of changing and thus so is the world of analysis, satellite data processing, CDAT/Python. A sister class, aimed expert witnesses. The new changes in situ data analysis, visualization, at beginners, is scheduled concur- in expert rules and procedures will gridding, model intercomparison, rently with this advanced course; stu- be introduced. In addition, the spe- and very large (petabyte) dataset dents without experience in Python cifics of running one’s own private manipulation and access. This short are encouraged to take the beginner’s forensic weather company will be course is designed in modules cover- course. presented and discussed. Attendees ing various areas in which Python is For more information please con- from private sector, government, and used (I/O, visualization, diagnosis, tact Charles Doutriaux at PCMDI, academia are all welcome. The course languages coupling, etc.). 7000 East Avenue, Livermore, CA will be an “active participation” work- As Python’s reach grows in the 94450 (tel: 925-422-1487; e-mail: shop with handouts, discussions, and Atmospheric community, many users [email protected]). (9/11) debate. nowadays have some basic knowledge The forensic sciences are rapidly in CDAT, and use it for minimal day- ANNOUNcEMENT changing and expanding. It is critical to-day operation. But most still do not to remain informed of these changes AMS Short Course on The Art & feel confortable developing advanced and in particular in terms of the me- Science of Forensic Meteorology, diagnosis with Python-based tools. teorological and climatological fields. 22 January 2012, New Orleans, This course aims at breaking this fear Also, it is important that multiple Louisiana and expose users to richer Python fea- forensic fields work together for a tures, leading in turn to the develop- The AMS Short Course on The Art & common goal. This synergy will be ment to new expert diagnosis that can Science of Forensic Meteorology will addressed in the course as well. New be shared back to the community. be held on 22 January 2012 preceding data sources and types of meteoro- The course will span two days the 92nd AMS Annual Meeting in logical and climatolocial datasets and cover mostly features of the new New Orleans, Louisiana. Preliminary will be presented. In addition, the Ultra-scale Visualization Climate programs, registration, hotel, and new graphics and animation tools Data Analysis Tools (UV-CDAT). general information will be posted available to the meteorologist will be UV-CDAT is essentially built on top of on the AMS Web site (www.ametsoc. introduced and discussed. CDAT version 6 but is slated to replace org/meet/annual/index.html) in mid- A luncheon will be provided dur- CDAT itself. The course will introduce September 2012. ing the short course. UV-CDAT’s new features especially in This one-day workshop will pro- It is requested that each partici- the visualization realm. It will also vide an introduction and insight into pant bring at least one of their own help the users to go past CDAT’s basic the rapidly expanding field of forensic graphics from a past forensic case or use and reach into its full power as a meteorology and climatology. The school paper/thesis/presentation that complete analysis tool. workshop is for those from novices to represents their work and gets their Most of the course will be geared experienced forensic meteorologists. opinion or argument across. around discovering and using data The latest advances in the forensic Computers, laptops, or internet for the Fifth Annual Report of the world as well as what it takes to be- access are not required for the course, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate come an “expert” in any field and in however, one may bring their laptop Change (IPCC AR5). The course particular in the meteorological and if they wish. format consists of two days of lec- climatological sciences. The work- This course is sponsored by the tures mixed with hands-on exercises. shop will include a panel discussion of Board of Certified Consulting Meteo- Strong user participation will be en- experts in the field as well as a mock rologists and the National Council of couraged that could reshape the flow deposition in which participants will Industrial Meteorologists. of the course “on-the-fly.” The main take an active role. For more information please con- instructor for the course is Charles Various experts in their specific tact Elizabeth Austin at Weather- S. Doutriaux, Program for Climate fields will also present and discuss Extreme Ltd., 1119 South Mission Model diagnosis and Intercompari- specific studies including good and Road, Suite 331, Fallbrook, CA 92020 son at the Lawrence Livermore Na- bad experiences as well as potential (tel: 775-636-8553; e-mail: eliza- tional Laboratory, California.
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