Gateshead - Heworth - Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Team Valley - Gateshead Go North East 93 Effective from: 05/09/2021 Gateshead InterchangeGateshead CollegeGateshead StadiumHeworth InterchangeFelling Square Windy Nook Queen Elizabeth HospitalRetail World MarquisTeam Way Valley NorthGateshead End Interchange Approx. 3 7 17 21 23 26 37 42 50 journey times Monday to Friday Gateshead Interchange 0508 0538 0608 0626 0644 0705 0721 0741 0812 0832 0855 0915 0935 0955 15 35 55 Gateshead College 0511 0541 0611 0630 0648 0709 0725 0746 0817 0837 0859 0919 0939 0959 19 39 59 Gateshead Stadium 0514 0544 0614 0633 0651 0712 0729 0751 0822 0842 0902 0922 0942 1002 Then 22 42 02 Heworth Interchange arr 0522 0552 0623 0642 0700 0721 0738 0800 0831 0851 0911 0931 0951 1011 at 31 51 11 Heworth Interchange dep 0523 0553 0624 0644 0702 0723 0741 0803 0833 0853 0913 0933 0953 1013 these 33 53 13 Felling Square 0527 0557 0628 0648 0706 0727 0746 0808 0838 0858 0918 0938 0958 1018 mins. 38 58 18 until Windy Nook 0529 0559 0630 0650 0708 0729 0749 0811 0840 0900 0920 0940 1000 1020 past 40 00 20 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 0531 0601 0633 0653 0711 0732 0752 0814 0843 0903 0923 0943 1003 1023 the 43 03 23 Retail World Marquis Way 0541 0611 0643 0704 0724 0746 0806 0828 0855 0915 0935 0955 1015 1035 hour 55 15 35 Team Valley North End 0552 0616 0649 0710 0730 0752 0812 0834 0901 0921 0941 1001 1021 1041 01 21 41 Gateshead Interchange 0559 0623 0657 0718 0738 0805 0825 0845 0910 0930 0950 1010 1030 1050 10 30 50 Gateshead - Heworth - Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Team Valley - Gateshead Go North East 93 Effective from: 05/09/2021 Monday to Friday (continued) Gateshead Interchange 1415 1435 1455 1515 .... 1535 .... 1552 .... 1610 .... 1630 .... 1650 1710 1730 Gateshead College 1419 1439 1459 1519 .... 1539 .... 1556 .... 1614 .... 1634 .... 1654 1714 1734 Gateshead Stadium 1422 1442 1502 1522 .... 1542 .... 1559 .... 1617 .... 1637 .... 1657 1717 1737 Heworth Interchange arr 1431 1451 1511 1531 .... 1551 .... 1609 .... 1627 .... 1647 .... 1707 1727 1747 Heworth Interchange dep 1433 1453 1513 1533 .... 1553 .... 1611 .... 1630 .... 1650 .... 1711 1732 1750 Felling Square 1438 1458 1518 1538 .... 1558 .... 1616 .... 1635 .... 1655 .... 1716 1737 1755 Windy Nook 1440 1500 1520 1540 .... 1600 .... 1618 .... 1637 .... 1657 .... 1718 1739 1757 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 1443 1503 1523 1543 .... 1603 .... 1621 .... 1640 .... 1700 .... 1721 1742 1800 Retail World Marquis Way 1455 1518 1538 1558 1608 1618 1628 1638 1648 1658 1708 1718 1728 1738 1759 1814 Team Valley North End 1501 1524 1544 1604 1614 1624 1634 1644 1654 1704 1714 1724 1734 1744 1805 1820 Gateshead Interchange 1510 1533 1553 1615 1625 1635 1645 1655 1705 1715 1725 1735 1745 1755 1816 1829 Monday to Friday (continued) Gateshead Interchange 1750 1810 1835 1903 1935 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205 2235 2305 Gateshead College 1754 1814 1839 1907 1939 2009 2039 2109 2139 2209 2239 2309 Gateshead Stadium 1757 1817 1842 1910 1942 2012 2042 2112 2142 2212 2242 2312 Heworth Interchange arr 1807 1827 1852 1919 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 Heworth Interchange dep 1809 1828 1853 1920 1951 2021 2051 2121 2151 2221 2251 2321 Felling Square 1814 1832 1857 1924 1955 2025 2055 2125 2155 2225 2255 2325 Windy Nook 1816 1834 1859 1926 1957 2027 2057 2127 2157 2227 2257 2327 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 1819 1837 1902 1928 1959 2029 2059 2129 2159 2229 2259 2329 Retail World Marquis Way 1832 1849 1914 1938 2008 2038 2108 2138 2208 2238 2308 2338 Team Valley North End 1838 1854 1919 1943 2013 2043 2113 2143 2213 2243 2313 2343 Gateshead Interchange 1847 1902 1927 1951 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 2350 Gateshead - Heworth - Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Team Valley - Gateshead Go North East 93 Effective from: 05/09/2021 Saturday Gateshead Interchange 0508 0538 0608 0638 0708 0738 0808 0838 0855 0915 0935 0955 15 35 55 1555 Gateshead College 0511 0541 0611 0641 0711 0741 0811 0841 0859 0919 0939 0959 19 39 59 1559 Gateshead Stadium 0514 0544 0614 0644 0714 0744 0814 0844 0902 0922 0942 1002 Then 22 42 02 1602 Heworth Interchange arr 0522 0552 0623 0653 0723 0753 0823 0853 0911 0931 0951 1011 at 31 51 11 1611 Heworth Interchange dep 0523 0553 0624 0654 0724 0754 0824 0854 0913 0933 0953 1013 these 33 53 13 1613 Felling Square 0527 0557 0628 0658 0728 0758 0828 0858 0918 0938 0958 1018 mins. 38 58 18 until 1618 Windy Nook 0529 0559 0630 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0920 0940 1000 1020 past 40 00 20 1620 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 0531 0601 0633 0703 0733 0803 0833 0903 0923 0943 1003 1023 the 43 03 23 1623 Retail World Marquis Way 0541 0611 0643 0713 0743 0813 0843 0913 0935 0955 1015 1035 hour 55 15 35 1635 Team Valley North End 0552 0616 0649 0719 0749 0819 0849 0919 0941 1001 1021 1041 01 21 41 1641 Gateshead Interchange 0559 0623 0657 0727 0757 0827 0857 0927 0950 1010 1030 1050 10 30 50 1650 Saturday (continued) Gateshead Interchange 1615 1635 1655 1715 1743 1803 1818 1842 1902 1935 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205 2235 2305 Gateshead College 1619 1639 1659 1719 1747 1807 1822 1846 1906 1939 2009 2039 2109 2139 2209 2239 2309 Gateshead Stadium 1622 1642 1702 1722 1750 1810 1825 1849 1909 1942 2012 2042 2112 2142 2212 2242 2312 Heworth Interchange arr 1631 1651 1711 1731 1759 1819 1834 1857 1917 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 Heworth Interchange dep 1633 1653 1713 1733 1801 1820 1835 1858 1918 1951 2021 2051 2121 2151 2221 2251 2321 Felling Square 1638 1658 1718 1738 1806 1824 1839 1902 1922 1955 2025 2055 2125 2155 2225 2255 2325 Windy Nook 1640 1700 1720 1740 1808 1826 1841 1904 1924 1957 2027 2057 2127 2157 2227 2257 2327 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 1643 1703 1723 1743 1811 1829 1844 1906 1926 1959 2029 2059 2129 2159 2229 2259 2329 Retail World Marquis Way 1655 1715 1735 1755 1823 1841 1856 1916 1936 2008 2038 2108 2138 2208 2238 2308 2338 Team Valley North End 1701 1721 1741 1801 1829 1846 1901 1921 1941 2013 2043 2113 2143 2213 2243 2313 2343 Gateshead Interchange 1710 1730 1750 1810 1838 1854 1909 1929 1949 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 2350 Gateshead - Heworth - Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Team Valley - Gateshead Go North East 93 Effective from: 05/09/2021 Sunday Gateshead Interchange 0508 0538 0608 0638 0708 0738 0808 0838 0900 0930 00 30 1700 1730 1800 1835 Gateshead College 0512 0542 0612 0642 0712 0742 0812 0842 0904 0934 04 34 1704 1734 1804 1839 Gateshead Stadium 0514 0545 0615 0645 0715 0745 0815 0845 0907 0937 Then 07 37 1707 1737 1807 1842 Heworth Interchange arr 0522 0553 0623 0653 0723 0753 0823 0853 0915 0945 at 15 45 1715 1745 1815 1850 Heworth Interchange dep 0523 0553 0623 0653 0723 0753 0823 0853 0917 0947 these 17 47 1717 1747 1817 1851 Felling Square 0527 0557 0627 0657 0727 0757 0827 0857 0921 0951 mins. 21 51 until 1721 1751 1821 1855 Windy Nook 0529 0559 0629 0659 0729 0759 0829 0859 0923 0953 past 23 53 1723 1753 1823 1857 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 0531 0601 0631 0701 0731 0801 0831 0901 0926 0956 the 26 56 1726 1756 1826 1859 Retail World Marquis Way 0541 0611 0641 0711 0741 0811 0841 0911 0937 1007 hour 37 07 1737 1807 1837 1908 Team Valley North End 0552 0616 0646 0716 0746 0816 0846 0916 0942 1012 42 12 1742 1812 1842 1913 Gateshead Interchange 0559 0623 0653 0723 0753 0823 0853 0923 0950 1020 50 20 1750 1820 1850 1920 Sunday (continued) Gateshead Interchange 1905 1935 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205 2235 2305 Gateshead College 1909 1939 2009 2039 2109 2139 2209 2239 2309 Gateshead Stadium 1912 1942 2012 2042 2112 2142 2212 2242 2312 Heworth Interchange arr 1920 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 Heworth Interchange dep 1921 1951 2021 2051 2121 2151 2221 2251 2321 Felling Square 1925 1955 2025 2055 2125 2155 2225 2255 2325 Windy Nook 1927 1957 2027 2057 2127 2157 2227 2257 2327 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 1929 1959 2029 2059 2129 2159 2229 2259 2329 Retail World Marquis Way 1938 2008 2038 2108 2138 2208 2238 2308 2338 Team Valley North End 1943 2013 2043 2113 2143 2213 2243 2313 2343 Gateshead Interchange 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 2350 Via: West Street, A184, Hawks Road, Saltmeadows Road, Neilson Road, Old Fold Road, Elliot Road, Eastwood Gardens, Pattinson Gardens, Hepburn Gardens, Abbotsford Road, Sunderland Road, High Heworth Lane, Watermill Lane, Crowhall Lane, Coldwell Lane, Windy Nook Road, Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Old Durham Road, Beacon Lough Road, Kells Lane, Chowdene Bank, Kingsway, Marquis Way, Kingsway S, Kingsway N, Lobley Hill Road, Bensham Road, West Street This information is provided by Nexus on behalf of Local Authorities, and is updated as and when changes occur. Nexus can accept no liability for any errors or omissions herein To Heworth Gateshead Central Taxis 93A Effective from: 22/05/2016 Friars Goose Nest Road Heworth Interchange Approx. 1 6 journey times Monday to Friday Friars Goose 1640 Nest Road 1641 Heworth Interchange 1645 Via: Nest Road, Stoneygate Lane, Sunderland Road This information is provided by Nexus on behalf of Local Authorities, and is amended / updated as and when changes occur. Nexus can accept no liability for any errors or omissions herein Gateshead - Team Valley - Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Heworth - Gateshead Go North East 94 Effective from: 05/09/2021 Gateshead InterchangeTeam Valley NorthRetail End World MarquisLow WayFell Queen Elizabeth HospitalFelling Square Heworth InterchangeGateshead StadiumGateshead CollegeGateshead Interchange Approx.
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