Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1918-1919 Student Newspapers 5-26-1919 Connecticut College News Vol. 4 No. 22 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1918_1919 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 4 No. 22" (1919). 1918-1919. 26. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1918_1919/26 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1918-1919 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. Connecticut College News Vol. 4 No. 22 NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT, MAY 26, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS TRUE HAPPINESS WITHIN: MR. GRIFFITH BRINGS SENIORS, JUNIORS THE WHOLE TRUTH AND DR. PHELPS REASSURES BACK "NIJINSKI" SPORT THEIR MEN NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH In his lecture to the college on Mav The return of old friends is always Datntv, vart-cotored evening dresses Clyde Fitch's Tlw Trutlt was the play 6th, Professor 'William Lyon Phelps of welcome to C. C. students but the and men's stiff, black evening suits. in presented by the Dramatic Club in the Yale began by quoting, ';The happiest welcome is alt the more ardent when the middle of the afternoon-surely, it gymnasium on Saturday, May 16. person is he who thinks the most in- they bring new friends with them. was a gay enough sight to make the It was considered a most successful teresting thoughts," He continued by wtien Mr. Char-lea E. Griffith played bashful and ill-behaved sun elbow his part of the Prom. festivities by the saying that tr-ue happiness, like virtue, way through the thick grey mist- here a year ago he immediately made Juniors and Senters and all their comes from Within, and is not de- a host of rrtends for himself and his clouds, and take a peek at the gay men friends. pendent upon other people or things violin. On May 9th when he again spectacle. For was it not the very, Shall any of us ever again believe a without. Some people's happiness de- visited the college, this time with very first Prom. that Connecticut' word Fanchon Hartman says? Shall pends upon what is said about them. COllege had ever witnessed? we not inevitably think of her as They allow their enemies to judge Mrs. Gi'iffith as his accompanist, he Perhaps after all Mr. Sun .hid his Becky Warder, the most fascinating whether they shall be happy or nor. made many new friends who had not face on purpose, knowing that the liar in the world? Helen Perry, as Other people let th eir- happiness be had the opportunity of hearing him heavy looks of the poor Juniors would MI'. Warder, played the forgiving hus- stolen from them by misfortune. last year. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith pre- be changed to smiles when they saw band most convincingly. M. P. Tay· Happiness should be an inseparable sented a charming program composed how ntcely things were going to turn part of the personality. of rnecea by German and American 101' drew a continual succession at out. While the long lines of electric laughs every moment that she was on If the original proposition is true, composers. Among those by Ameri- lights over the court beamed a lonely the stage. Her red skirt, her earrings, that the happiest man is he who has can composers was l\'.jjillski by Mac- welcome through the' mists, with .no and her nasal voice were irresistible, the most interesting thoughts, then Millan which Mr. Griffith played last expected tea tables to keep them Dora Schwartz, as the villian, and we all grow happier as we grow year and which on both occasions was company, Prom. guests were enjoying Marion Hendrie as the injur-ed wife older. Hence the first secret of lifo received enthusiastically. Rondino by '~', Wontinuul on vaae 8, column 1.) portrayed the trials and tribulations is to grow old eagerly. The fear of Beethoven was another which was es- of the eternal triangle with deep un- (Continued on oooe 5, column 3.) pecially appreciated by the audience as HOUSE ELECTIONS derstanding. Jeanette Sperry, as well as the Minuet by Beethoven. Becky's father, made a delightful rep- Elections of house presidents were VOLLEY BALL BATTLE AileI' the Musicale, there was danc- robate. ing, some of the girls playing the held in the dormitories Wednesday Indeed, the whole play was acted The preliminary matches between piano, and punch was served. It was night, May 14th, for the year 1919-'20. with skill arid -Precision, and was a the class volley ball teams were close, good to have all the classes and Blackstone, .reesre Menzies. most gratifying example of the ex- exciting and well played, and in act- Faculty together for an all college Plant, Margaret Davres. cellent work~hich the Dramatic Club clition to that, ie we may judge from function before the breaking up which wtntbrop, ..La Fetra Perley. has been doing throughout the year. the attitude of the audience, decidedly is coming so shortly and the Com- North"Cottage, Laura Batchelder. \ amusing. In the first series '21 was mencement festivities. The other houses will elect their victorious over- '22 and in the second presidents next year. CELIA HALTS AGAIN It is certainly to be boned that a \ '19 conquered their old rivals '20. visit from Mr. and Mrs. Griffith will When Cecelia halted in Norwich on The teams playing in the first match become a yearly institution and that NEWS ELECTIONS the evening of May 13th, she found a. were: they will count C. C. among their packed house to witness her per- Freshmen-Captain, Catherine Me- The results of the competition for friends, formance, which went off with pro- Car-thy, Grace Fisher, Helen Coops, assistant business manager were that fessional smoothness, and was a tre- Gordon, Traurig, Duncan, G, Smith, W. at a regular meeting of the staff held mendous success. Norwich showed Warner, Tuthill. Thursday night, May 15th, Wrev A. A. ELECTIONS its appreciation of the peppy music Sophomore-c-Caotatn, Marion Adams. Warner '22 was elected assistant busi- and the dainty and effective dances, by wutr, Dreyr z-, 'Watrous. Rohan, Eddy, At the meeting of the Athletic Asso- ness manager, and Blanche Finesilver repeated encores. Arkin. Marvin, Brazos. Roche. Rich, ciation held on Friday, May 9th, ot- '22 Sophomore Proof Reader. Never did Mary Chipman, as Cecilia, Raythwtch. fleers were elected for the following look more charming nor sing- with bet- Contestants in the second match year. It was voted that foul' regular IS THIS DRAMA? ter effect, and Miss Blue, in the role 01' were : meetings were to be held next year, in lover, was a decided credit to the Juntor-c-Captctn, Fern Smith, Allen, Dr. Wells, summing up the char- place of monthly meetings, and that Navy. Helen Perry, as Eddie, added Tabor, McGowan, Doyle, Hotchkiss, acters in Cyrano de Bergerac: the fine for absence WOuld be raised just the right touch of comedy with HUlburt, warner, Howard, Nagy, Bar- "And how about Rageneau (the from ten to twenty-five cents. her witty remarks. low, Buller. pastry cook)?" President, Mildred Boward '20. About '$120 was made by the sale of Senior-Captain, Lennon, Anderson. SOme brave spirit: "I think he is music of "Halt, Cecilia!" and by the Vice-President, Harriet Allen '20. Ansley, Barnes, Carns, Esuenschent. very well defined." sale of candy, part of which Mr. Pet- Emerson, Hastings, Hatch, Kugler. Secretary, ~arjorie Doyle '20. Dr. Wells: "I think he is a per- erson donated for the purpose. The 'White, Pomeroy. Treasurer, Dorothy Wulf '21. sontfted role." (Continued on vaDe S, column 3.) .. 2 THE CO ECTICUT COLLEGE EWS Connecticut Collere News homes of well known citizens, Plant were all close Interwoven- can buy an enormous bag of peanuts House. North Cottage, Blackstone. and A changing melody. for ten cents more, and you still have foul' cents left for and Hcot'lce ESTABLISH ED 1916 Winthrop House. which was named touvoops sticks to eat on the way home. I say Published Weekly after one of the early governors of From its first moment "you can't-e-yes, but not if you are Connecticut. The day has had, EDITORIAL STAFF cursed with an aesthetic sense that Miss Junior Prom. is the first prom- The pulsing, stirring, measure, Edltor-in-cblef-Alis<m Hastings '19 will not let you forget that Charlie ising debutante of the younger set, and The Hngertng, haunting rhythm, Associate Edltors- The poignant. yearning, cadence, Chaplin is crude, that the heroine has Miriam Pomeroy '19 will doubtless receive much attention gold teeth, that the hero has about as Fanchon Hartman '20 in the daily press, of which this paper Of a song. '] 9. much brains as a Dale green worm, and Irene Wholey '20 is but one admiring representative. News EdJtor- that the licorice is prohably made-or Julie Hatch '19 pigs' feet. Prom. week-end activities opened on ManagIng Editor-- THE ADVANTAGES OF The summary of all this raving Is Friday afternoon with an Informal Thl! Kathryn Hulbert '20 BEING COMMONPLACE "Sour Grapes." '21. Dnnsant. The gymnasium decorations Art and Publfelty Editor- ElJzaheth Williams '20 were especially attracuve -laurel Being commonplace is not the worst Assistant Art and Publicity Mgr.- apple blossoms and ferns around the affliction in the world, In fact it has AND AS TO CRUSHES! May Buckley '19 room and roses on all the tables.
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