R\F.,R Purok 6, Cos&Ong., Cfry D Mordyboioy Ie,Efox * 068-6,3-2E91ot 221-1597, E-Mo Octct: 9D!Li4ubasaggip€. 9!! Wcbste: W: I Lvvl.Crcpcdi/Ndoybolor.IE

R\F.,R Purok 6, Cos&Ong., Cfry D Mordyboioy Ie,Efox * 068-6,3-2E91ot 221-1597, E-Mo Octct: 9D!Li4ubasaggip€. 9!! Wcbste: W: I Lvvl.Crcpcdi/Ndoybolor.IE

DE?ARI ENI OF EDUCANON .f#r Regbr x- tldthem ,ltlndonoo DIVIS1ON C: MALAYBALAY CITY r\F.,r Purok 6, cos&ong., Cfry d Mordyboioy Ie,efox * 068-6,3-2E91ot 221-1597, E-mo octct: 9D!lI4UbASAggip€._9!! Wcbste: W: I lvvl.crcpcdi/ndoybolor.IE February 17,2016 F* '**'rai'i:ts-i -o+B j 0tpsd'lr4tAySaUy CIT Di, tSI-. DIVISIO iIEUORAIIDUU '/ ft OCt t RETEA 5i: l.) No. b s. 2016 I l ml6 ltt tO 1., I'ISSEIINATTO OF NEGIONAI. UWORAI{DUM I{O. 5i,i. {Regional lntensive Tt-aining for student-Atlletes to the 2016 Pdarong Pambansa) To: Chief Education Supewisor & staff, curriqrlum Implementation Division Chief Education Supewisor & staff, schools Govemance & Operations DivisioD Public Schools Disb'ict Supervisors/D ishict OIC'S Public/Private Sdlool Heads/AdminisEators All Others conceroed This Division Endosed is Regiotral MemoEaldum o.31, s.2015 entided Rcgioual ltrtetrsive Trdinitrt for Shdent-Attlctes to tte 2016 Pdamng Pambansa ttre content ofwhich is self-explaratory, Wide dissemination oftJris memorandum is hereby enioined. ED L cEso vt a Division Superintendent Lrpuhli( ol thr Phitit't,ircs rct3;'-s- I)cpritn'!or ot f rtn(ern,D REGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO Zoft I ii,Fr Bohltti PefiED 1F;j ('tguJtd J. (ho { i.t. .7!72 t$o 7Cr1 a60it37 r.5G L c Jmu.ry 29, 20t6 1 N.EGIONAL MEMORANDUM \ff.0 No. 3l r 2016 L\*I REGIONAL INTENSIYE TRAINING IIIOR STUDENT.ATHLETES TO TEE 2016 PALARONG PAMBANSA To Thc Stltools Division Slp.rinrcnderfs This Region I [n preprmion for thc2016 Palarong Pambansa in Lcgaspi Ciry. Albry, thc Northefi MirdaDso Rcgionsl Arhl€ric Asrociation (NMRAA) shall hold e REGIONAL TNTENSM TRAINTNG FOn STUDENT A'IULETDS ro bc lpstod rnd c, bosrcd by thc Locil Gov.rnnrem Uniri ofMisrmis Ocaidenr.l aDd Oroquierr City on fcbruary 2l to Mrrch 26. 20t6 2 The lrainin8 aims to: . Enh.rEc tha compdcnc. lcvcl of srdcjlt dilcr6 in thcir Esp.ctiw gons disciplinc; . Frmiliarizc thc housc .ulcs impos€d by thc del€ation; . R-rise tbe overall p€rfororncc of 2016 I'shrong Pambrnla: & . Esablish talnwort and caftrrad€rie sflong r|rembers of the tEsm and cotire dclcSrtion in gcncrEl. I The rdnitl8 ofathletG ihrll be clustcrDd rc.ffdhg to sponr evenrr, ice3sibility of thp lreioirtg venies end av.ilabiliry of facilitics C.luglcr Tr.inio8 P.riod Evcrtr Vcnue Athletica,' Missmis Swimming Arnir Ocaidcntd hdividurUDual Fcb 2l to Mlldr 26, Archcry, Provincial 2016 llsdmimor\ €h6s, Alhlctic Complex (Fc!. ?1, 10100 AM Trble T€nnis, L.wo (MOPAO, Anlrd & RctiirEtioo Taflni\ Oroquiet. Cily 2:00 PM Oricrution "Edukasyon sa P.gb.bago, K.u.Lran.t Kapay.p.m ng lnlrE &yan" Brskctbdl Boys Cagayan dc ()ro Elem & Scc. Bast rbdl Gi.ls Scc Ji Mir Oc. Bascball Elem Ji Mis Ocr c Sofrb.ll Elcm & B.lin8rs.g, Mis Fcb 2l to March 25. Team Events S€c Or 2016 Scpet Talraw Sec Alor.n, Mi$ Oc4 k Tlkrsw Elem Bonbon. CdO F'ootbdlElcm CDO foo$allS.c Valencia Volleyball Elen B Panooq Mis Occ Volleyball Elem C Quezon. Vollcyball Scc B Bukidnon volleybdl Sec C Mrnolo F, Buk Cdo Futsal Plaridcl Mis Occ Billiard Sec Boys Mis Occ Billiard Sec Grls Cam t) Para Gamcs Marcll 27 to N,luch Allcvcnts Cigayan dc Oro 3l 2016 4 TtE training vcrxres of Cluscr B and C ar€ arcas wlrcrc thes€ teams emeretcd as CHAMPION k is adviscd rhat the sclool rnd school division shall provide assis(ancc of food and othcr needs ofthc team that arise thc.cin A&Irt ort Athlete is encouraged for Crucat Athlctc coming froln oth€r divisions 5 Coochcs ol the athl€tes togdhor with the Division Spffts Coordinalors sh.ll make pnor aFangemcnt ro crynply class requirements in ldwnce with thcir rq{rE€tive clsss advrscrs ind subjcc{ tcachers As statcd rn thc RDPUBLIC ACT NO. 10676 w}ich was approvc{ August 26, 2015'AN ACT PnOTECTING TtlE AMATEUR NATURE OF STUDENT.ATHLE'If,S IN THf, PHILTPPINES BY RDIGUI,A,TING TtrE Rf, SII'ENCY REQUIRf, MENT AND PROHIBITING TIIE COMMENChJ,IiZATION OF STUDENT ATIILETES" saying rhat /Vo etrtrl u its tepresenbritp slatll ou xtrrre lo Nrlorn ,lE dl o., o sht&rrl othlcre d, thc sole rcoslx, oJ his,ht hattler lo dtbdrr sclxal ltac 1.d.1 .. ,lat no slebl giws irEoripleta grdes o, sltbjects ot vhrch lhe studcrrr-ahlele is exeqrcd by vtrlue olbeiry a slu&nt4lhlete. Funher Sectio[ 7 Authority ofrhe D€O8flrnenl of lducstioo (DepED) ard Coinmission of Higher Ed(rrion (CHED) saying lrra, lre DcpU) ih/utrlptdr*e u, ia tptfute lo superfise oll fusic edr.@tion ir$titariont ore lcreby furllvr aulk)rized k, regulak axl o*:rsee scfuxtt olhlclic aturcialtorll, . xl arc la\ked to enlurc ltel lhe tir$ls .rt shalent-alhlelct .rru reqEclel ard J*.tlecled. 6 Deily gchedulc of aaivities must be suicrly lbllowcd for implernenurion. Trairing Supervisors/Man Sers shrll nronitor 6itd ervaluste the progress of the rraining following thc tool to b€ us.d which will be submined irnmediately after cvery nronitoriog and cvaluating. This tool shall b€ subnined rhtu f.x Aun : MS. MANOLTTA BOLOS Prde{r D6rlopmcm Officcr ll ofESSD, this Offrcc wilh fax numbcr 088 ?t4?92. Schedule ofME slull be ewry Thursdrys rnd I'ridays $ening on thc l" wl.k ofthc said training Training Mrmgers shall also bc callcd rhrorgh mobile on the progress ofrhe rraining Iircloscd arc th. following template for guidsnce 8rtd refcreicc: 7 | Schcdule of Activities '1.2 lunctrons and roles of Coac}eJChaperons and Training SupcrYiso.s 7.3 Tool for Monitoing & Evaluadon 1.4 Tcmplatc on TraininS Plan/M.lrix 7 5 Atrcrdance Shect 7 6 IndividuaUTeam Ass€ssment Form 7.7 Canr Chan t Athlctcs, Coaclca. Chep.roos, 'l raincrs and Suppon $affshall bring thrir owr €ating gadgetgFnplEmalir and b€ddings at lhc 3an of the trlining up ro Prlaroo8 Pamba8a propd. 9 Io pronptc CI-EAN & CREEN UNVIRONMENT, cooches have to inculcstc the vslue of clernlincss and 3hall hi8hly observe rhe ZERO wAS'l'E MANAGEMENT in and ouside th€ camp l0 Tcac.hcr Coschcs,fch.FoEy'Traine6 who will s€wc on th€ cmire dunrion of tllc prc srd actual psl.ro are hcrGby rccommendcd with grant ofsan ice credit per DcpED Memo No -l'crchcrs. 53, s. 2ml rc Rcviscd DcpED Order for Gr.nting S.rvic. Cr€dirs for ll Traveling expcnscs in going lo thc trsininS vcnues on Fcbruary 21. 2016 shall bc chargod ag.inrr lo(xl funds 12 Prior ro deprrture to t,egrzpi. Albay, athlet.s, co.ches, chlpcronr rnd traincrs coming from thrce clusters shall cotlvergo on Msrch 2?, 2016 al Misamis Oricntal General Compreh€nsive Higi School (MOCCHS) for gencnl oricntntiorl seludo & prnde rehearsal, and th.nkrgiving rnass Trsvcling expensc. ofclustcr A, trrns?ondion shall bc provided by thrs Offic€. houiev€f,, Cluster C, thci. rrnvel shsll be reimbursed subjcct to rhe usual ac.osnting and audiring policics, rulcs and rcgulstioN. l3 Immdiatc dis!.minrtion ofthis Mcrnorandum is earoestly desircd ALIN Enclo6ur.s As satcd R.tcrEi.t Rcll rcAdNo 1058t To be indicaaed Undc, PcrD.rul ln&x STUDENTS TEACIIERS SPOR1S PROCRAM SCHEOUII OF ACTVMES D.y 1.F€bruary 21to Doy 40- Mrrch rl,2016 pti50 s tNvowEo DAY OAY 2 DAY 3 MY1 ttaf 5.. DAY tt(t TIME ACTIVITIES ' Prefect of Uscipllne 4:45 am Gll Xitdlen Parsonn€l 4:45-5:00 am Hot Eeverage 5:0&5:15 am CheckinE of Trainlnt Manters Attendance 5:15-5:30.m Pray€r/D€r,otlooal 56lal/Spirltual T.am 5:30-5:40.m R€min Foail Person 5:40-6O0 am Trainin&/Saludo Team 6i00-7:00 am 8o Conditioni 7:00.7r30 am Ereakfast Iitdren Parsonnel 8i00-12:00 am Tr.ining Proper by Event coach/Trcn.. 12t00-1:00 pm Lun.h rct(hen Perionnel 1:00'5:00 pm Tralnlnx Proper by Evcnt Coachfrainer 5i00-6:30 pm Salu Danca Saludo leem 6.30.7:00 Fn Dlnner Kitchen Perlonnel 7:0G8:00Fn Meetin&/Other Concem All comarn t{ot.: Tik r.h.dulc ust b. sttkth lollou,rd GANTT CHART Event: Gender: L6vsl SKILLS I I I l I I I I I I i I i lI I I I I i Pr€paGd by Check by: EvaluatGd by Rocommonding Approval Aptrov€d; Co€ch Training Manag€r Supsrvisor Assht Camp Dlructor Camp Dk€ SOCCSKsARGEN REqONA ATHLEIIC ASSOCIATIoI{ (SR^AI Training Matrix EVENT GENDER LEVEL: DATE : FROM TO: TIME VENUE OAIECTIVES/ SKILLS TO BE DEVELOPED ACTIVITIES EXPECTEO N OUTPUT Prepal€d by: Checfi by Evoluatod by: R€coflm€n4rg Approval Applovedr Coadl Trarning Managor Sup€rvisor Assist Carlp Dircctor Camp Di.. SOCCSKSARGEN REGIONAI AIHLEIIC ASSOCIANON (SRAA) MOnlTORr 6 SHETT )3ia Monitorrd N! rr (i Aihletds "ti [.nd.ncr of c@rr Athl.ra to o:ic ^ Pert'nlnl PaDarr ol Athirt6 .nd Cor(he'. iond'uqr ol 6ir6l Athl.ler !n.ortron oi PliyrntVcnu(' No ot Attrin.d Cmpel€a.i.' {Ph.!€R lho trainirE dn,8ri iassnofi rr8.<cx4.nda!oa: Hrion ?tSS tvp€rvl'or FUiICTIONS OF 1BAITI G MANAGERS . Moritor the intenew Eairiry of th€ .lhlates . Asslrs thc kvll oI pcrform.hc. by Eh!.kioB th. .c.ur.cY of th. ts!.ts.n.nt form usld bY th€ . Provide tadrni<al assrstanc" to th€ team asstncd . Ch.* thr .tt.ndanae of th. cntirc tcam . Motiv.tc.thktes and co.ch6 in tlra act ua I comD.lition . conduct assatgnent meetings dorlrts nEht dm€ . Serve a, p.rents of ttE .thhte! .

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