The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS 16th Annual U. N. D. Night April 17 Sacred Heart Church Vol. 17 MARCH-APRIL. 1939 No. 5 134 The Notre Dame Alumnus March-April. 1939 Pope Pius XII is Honorary Alumnus The ALUMNUS is uniquely proud and pleased to prci%nt these pictures of Pope Pius XII, taken at N'otre I5ame on October 23, 19:16, u-ben the then Eu^enio Cardinal Pacelli jrraciously accepted from the University the honor* ary decree of Doctor of I^ltei-s. The pictures show the Hojy Father cnterinR: Washington Hall with Rev. James W. Donahue, CS.C.: leavinjr his car (in a heavy rain), with Most Rev. Francis 5i»eIIman, D.D.. auxiliary bishop of Boston, assistinir: with Kev. John F. O'Hara, C.S.C.. on the stase of Wash­ ington Hall: in prayer in the sanctuary of Sacred Heart Church. The Notre Dame Alumnus JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, 75 The masazine is published from October to June inclusive by the Alumni Association Men^KF of die Americaji Edilor of the University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, Indiana. The subscription price is $2.00 a year; the price of single copies is 25 cents. The annual alumni dues of $3,00 Include Alumni Council WILLIAM R. DOOLEY, 26 a year's subscription to THE ALUMNUS. Entered as second-class matter January 1, Member of Nat1. Catholic Afartaging Eitlor 1923, at the post office at Notre Dame, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Alumni Federation Vol. 17 MARCH-APRIL. 1939 No. 5 Many Activities Commemorate K. K. Roclcne Memorial Fieldhouse Open; Warner Brothers Plan Film of Rock's Life; Gifts Raise Total of Alumni Giv­ ing to Memorial Fund; Marker at Crash Dedicated Knute Eockne was killed in an air­ the University until March 1, and was plane crash on March 31, 1931. for a time in charge of dramatics. There was world tribute, then, to His long experience in educational his genuis, and universal prediction work at Beloit, Notre Dame and that his work and the ideals which he Georgetown, his ver'satile talents in a symbolized would live. broad program of activities, equip him admirably for his new post. Assist­ That these were not just the usual ing him in the management of the eulogies has been proved in the short Fieldhouse at the present time is eight years ensuing. Grover Malone, '20, former varsity football player, whose residence in Fieldhouse Opens on Campus South Bend since graduation has kept On JIarch 1, 1939, the Rockne Me­ him in close touch with the Univer­ morial Fieldhouse, erected on the sity. Notre Dame campus at a cost approx­ imating ?600,000, of which some fifty Life of Rockne in Films per cent will come from alumni and Coincident with the opening of the public subscription, was opened to the Memorial is the news that Warner students, in part. Brothers is to film a picture tentative­ The beautiful new swimming pool ly titled "The Life of Knute Rockne," and the locker rooms which provide No casting has been announced, but locker facilities for all students, were Mrs. Rockne's consent and the cooper­ ready for use on that date. ation of the University have been His Spirit Lives Response of the students to the fa­ secured. (Continued onPage 149) cilities of the pool was prompt and conclusive evidence that the claims for the Memorial, — that it would be a living memorial, that it would bring 16th UNIVERSAL NOTRE DAME NIGHT the wholesome gospel of clean, healthy bodies which Rock preached into ac­ Notre Dame alumni throughout the from a meeting of one of the active tion,— were understatements. Since world will observe the Sixteenth -An­ Notre Dame Clubs. the opening, a steady parade of boys nual Notre Dame Night on Monday, The Association has again asked from evei-y hall on the campus, fresh­ April 17. the participation of the local radio man, sophomore, junior and senior, stations, particularly this year en­ has worn already a path to the Me­ To alumni, little more need be said. listing the cooperation of the Clubs. morial. Boys obviously not athletic The custom, inaugurated in 1924, of These local programs have done a are finding in the large and modem world-wide simultaneous meetings of great deal to bring the Night more pool a source of exercise and i-elaxa- Notre Dame men, to pay tribute to intimately into the various Club com­ tion which should build up the entire their Alma JIater, has become not munities, and the -A.lumni Ofiice is this health program at Notre Dame. only a familiar Notre Dame institu­ year emphasizing this contact. With the opening of the golf course tion, but is now known to the world Specific information on the national awaiting only a little assurance from at large. broadcast will be sent to alumni as the coy Hoosier weather man, use of This year, again, we hope to ar­ soon as it is available. the lockers, showers and pool will in range a radio program on one of the Speakers from the campus, and the all probability be multiplied. national net\vorks. If plans material­ few movies available, have been signed Directing the Memorial, and guar­ ize, alumni will have an opportunity up well ahead this year, so that the anteeing maximum titilization of its to hear the President of the Univer­ familiar names are already in the splendid facilities, is Thomas E. Mills, sity, the President of the Alumni As­ books, but the Office will be happy to assistant football coach under Knute sociation, and numbers from the cam­ woric with any Club in arranging for Rockne in 1927 and 1928. Mr, Mills pus musical organizations. The ad­ a program in which a campus repre­ has been on the faculty of speech of dresses will probably be broadcast sentative can participate. 136 The Notre Dame Alum r. us March-April, 1939 UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS « « •M'OTRE DAME SCIENTISTS have sphere atop the tripod of insulating designed for the use of students of •'•^ added the electron, lightest of all legs. This belt acts as the carrier of the junior high school level and will particles pervading matter, to the list negative electrons destined for the be published by the Notre Dame • of agents capable of smashing the accelerating tube. Press. It will be ready for use in atom, it was disclosed here. Hitherto, The experiment with the electrons Catholic school classrooms this fall. radioactit'ity and the submicroscopic is a part of a physics research pro­ Publication of the book was pre­ particles, neutrons and protons have gram at Notre Dame which embraces cipitated by a nationwide demand been successfully used by scientifts the study of atomic disintegration. from Catholic educators as a result of in dividing the atom, once considered X-rays, and artificial radioactive sub­ a Commencement address Professor the smallest and the indimsible unit stances. Manion gave at the conclusion of of matter. The technical paper describing the Notre Dame's summer school session Using a weird looking apparatus, experiment appeared in a recent issue last August. Professor Manion, noted termed an electrostatic generator of The Physical Review. throughout the country as an elo­ whose voltage strength of nearly two quent speaker, frankly told the as­ million is one of the most powerful sembled educators that they were in the country. Dr. George B. Collins, TNDIANA AUTOMOBILES are "mistaken" in their approach to the assistant professor of phj'sics, and his •*• wearing the gold and blue of Notre teaching of American civics. Educa­ assistants, bombarded a piece of me­ Dame on their license plates this year tors tend, he said, to emphasize the tallic beryllium with electrons. After after the state universities, Indiana "forms" governments take, while ig­ the attack it was found that the atoms and Purdue, have been recognized in noring all the important "principles" of berj'llium, an excessively light the years just previous. At the from which the "forms" derive their metal; had disintegrated into two direction of Frank J. Finney, state vitalizing spark. The speech, later atoms of helium gas and one neutron. commissioner of motor vehicles, the distributed in pamphlet form under license "1842" was this year granted The electron is the particle respon­ the title "God and Government," to the University's official car in forms the nucleus of the new text. sible for the passage of electric cur­ recognition of the approaching cen­ rent through wires and is an essential tennial. of radio tubes. The Manion approach to the study of civics is vigorous yet clear in its In the Notre Dame experiment the simplicity. He simplifies theories of electrons were i-eleased in the interior QNE "DICK WALSH," posing as a go\-emment by stripping them of ver­ of a hugh 12-foot copper sphere, top­ ^ former Notre Dame student sadly bose complexities and reducing them ping a tripod formed by three insulat­ in need of money, has victimized sev­ to terms which the adolescent mind ing legs, rising 20 feet from the floor eral staunch N.D. men in Chicago may readily understand. of the laboratory. Once liberated in with his solicitations for subscriptions this sphere, the electrons were hurled to an alleged "Outdoorsman" maga­ at enormous velocities down a 25-foot zine as a representative of Christy JOHN JOSEPH CRONIN, graduate glass tube, from vrhich all air had Walsh. There is no such "Dick Walsh," been removed.
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