r a ' • TW EIfTY MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1968 ISanriiiratrr Ett^nitig ffm iU i ATMm ■Mb Nat F lw Rob The Weather For The Wask IMsd TbundsHhowan sadlng to­ Angaid 8,1888 night Liow about 70. Tomorrow A bou t Tow n Camp Kennedy parily sunny, h ot humid with Legion of Merit shewsrs dwsloping in after­ . T b« m MnpiojrM of Uir O. T. lEumtig fcalft 14,685 I allnnni and Aaaodataa, Inc. InLastWeek ~ B ITU M IN O U S noon. High about 90. M a n eh o it m > ' A City of ViUage Charm Ibo-LaBomi* l.ife Inauruice Mandiester's Camp Kannedy AfCDey have been Invited for a Atvarded to Keish is In Ite last wesk o f Its six- D R IVEW AYS Sri Page U ) ■■niaar outlnf Auc- 10 by Mr. weak 1988 operation, with two vm.' Lxxxvn, n o . m (SIXTEBN PAGES—TWO SECnONS) BfANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1968 PRICE TEN CENTS Parklnt Areas s Oas Staiioiw a Bpsketimll OMntn ■ad Mra. LaBonne at their ram- Air Force Ool. Frederick C. Kedsh, a Manchester na­ oookouta scheduled, one tomor­ aiar bonne, Black Point, NlanUc. tive, recently was awarded the Letrion of Merit, the sec­ row by Larry Longo of the Ad­ Wow Booking For BeasdisI W«»k ond highest award for service ami conduct. miral Floor Servlee: the other An Work Personally Saparvised—Wa Are 188% Itaiirsd Wwha ’ Gta«le of Bmami^ *rae citation accompanying ----- - Friday by Mf. "Annonymous" O airoh ^^amen win have a work the award stated that Col. Keish of Mra. Jo Toumaud of Hart- and friends. fa v M tonnorrow night at 7:30 at "disnUguiahed himself by excep- ford, formerly of Manchester, DeMAIO BROTHERS Both cookouts will utilise a IM PARK SnUIB# 0 ie tam e of Mra, Hugo Oarleon tionally meritorioua conduct In and Mra. Keish have two new flreplaoe, provided by 8U-2289 SDfOB 1888 ' 649-181 Nixon Hopes fo r Party Unity^ e< XM Hackmatack S t the performance of outstanding aons, Frederick Jr., a Junior at Brotherhood in Action. service to the United States as Michigan State University, and Camp Director Harry F. Mae Avamarie Opaladi of 23 base commander, Phu Cat Air ' Kent, a high school senior. Smith has anxmnosd ths iMinea Oottage St left laat week for a Baae, Republic of Vietnam, from Kelah preaenUy ia serv- of five additional volunteer taor o t Togoalavta, Greece, the Oct. 27, 19M to Sept. 27, 1967.” *■ commander-in-chlef of oouiwelom, all from Manches­ Graak lalanda, and Italy. A re­ fvii Pacific Air Forces, Oom- ter. They are Linda Rand, Paul Sees Victory on Early Ballot cant gnadnate of Mt. St. Joaeih Control Divtskm, at Bcttum and Janies ObuehowsM. FLETCHER CUSS 00. * ^ “ ***™* Academy, Weat Hartford, Mta strucUon <a the 3,000-man air Hlckham Field, Honolulu, Ha- They bring to 86 the number t^palach will enter St. Francis haae wWoh was completed in a wail. He began the three-year of volunteer oouiMtors who do­ MLAiMl BEACH, Fla. record six months. It is located tour in November 1967. M94521 Hna|iital Sdtool of Nursing in nated their services this year. (AP)—Richard M. Nixon HaiMord In September. Retiresf Cited ’ ill a atrategfic position In a prov- _______________ Ool. Frederick O. Keiah 54McKfiEsmeer Ince which Col. Keiah described Smith acknowlsdged the. re­ today he will not at­ ceipt of I3.B0, In the form of tempt to raid the critical Mystic Review, NASA, wUl Navy Lieut Raymond J. as “file home of the Viet Cong moblla had burst into, flames Wish to Change Waiting Lists movement." " Blaze Put Out balloons and Idlypops, from J. F. KENNEDY. DECANTER ... .$1D. fevorite-son delegations of bold a meeting tomorrow night Shane, serving at the DefenM inside a gang*. eight-year-old Usa Aim LaVae P. D. ROOSEVELT.......................... at 8 In the Odd Fellows Hall. Blectronica Supply Center In A 1998 graduate of Miancheater In Wastebasket Major damage was sustained of IBO Bryan Dr. She raised the CaliforniA, Ohio and Michi­ U M ANOELBS (AP) — High School, he entered the Air M. L. K IN G ....................................... gan in hts quest for tiie “How do yon pleadT” the Dayton, Ohio, recently was by the car, but little damage ■um at a nimmaga sale of doQs R. F. KENNEDY.............................. A Bible class wUi be conduct- Force under the ROTC orogram A fiSl________ alarm____ call unit of„ the Republican presidential Judge asked Ernest Dagley, awarded the Joint Service Com­ to the garage, according to fire and dolls attire. % td Wednesday at 7:90 p.m. at officials. nomination. 49, charged wHh gambling at ^ Departmeiii'^espo^- NUUNE REPRODUCTIONS FROM number at Inst Calvary Church. mendation Medal, on hia re­ veralty of ConnocUcut. He flew ^ ^ The Eighth District Fire De­ NEW FLAG TO FLY TIm front-running candidate a or^p game. tirement from miUtary service. combat mission in both Worid ^ " Tmparta of a fire at the said be would keep hands off the “Not guilty," npUed Dag­ yenr and siwsst dooMe tte partment put out a small grass SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) nomber «d plnoss nvnllnMe There wUl be a service of lA. Shane ia married to the War n and the Korean conflict Market, 294 Oak S t, fire Saturday at 2:36 p.m. on — The Brlfish flag flies over Now is the time to bring In your sroeens to be repaired. big delegations in the Interest of ley. Itan be put Us hand In Holy Communion Wednesday at and altogether has logged about Kxlay- Storm window glass reptaoed. party unity, but his statement a pocket and two dice M l to OonunoriMgr coOege ollM nIs former Sylvia Urbanetti whose Nelson PI. Rhodesia two and a half years aimoiBoed Mbriday s pridl to 10 a.m. at St .Mary’s Episco­ 10,000 hours' flying time “ rival, flremen quCUed after this former colony seised cleariy indicated ha has been tbe floor. pal Church. parents live at 913 Main St He t “ Your point is sta4r quip­ on for spoto bn tan olgM com- In.9 addiUo .Anto uihis mosta recent. ^uad soiall in fire that independence from Brltalit. AUTO INSTALLED unabls to crack the imcommlt- is a native of Philadelphia, Pa. ted stanos of Govs. James A. ped a policeman. mimtty ooBegM, aad aO eel- awam. Col. Keiah also holds the Teclinology Fertile Prime Ifinlster Ian Smith ia- togestavs wnMrigItoto. Jehovah's Bntnesses wUl have The award honors bis serv­ dicatea a naw flag is in ths CLASS FURNmiRE TOPS Rhodes of Ohio and George Beocverlng Us dice snd his group discussions of a Bible aid ice as deputy chief of Quality LONDON — A survey of the works. Ronrney of BOehlgan. dignity, DaiJieir ^Bold, “Yoob Psrilctdarly foelliig tta aqueene are Oreafsr Hart­ Wedneeday at 7:90 p.m. at 281 Aaaurance fOr the Dayton Dis­ 140 major technological devriop- Hie strategy of Nixon’s chief honor, 1 vrishim duinge my “ We have simply retained ths ford Oommrmtty College In Woodbridge S t, 736 N. Main St., trict of Defense Contract Ad­ Turn?ES^rs^-r H r employed to draw the smoke ments of the past two decades flags which the country was us­ mmiORS (FiraplaM aii Door) rivals for the nomination. Govs. plea. To guOt^" Hartford, mddlfloox to Mid- U Chambers St., 144 Griffin Rd. ministration S ervice at DESC “"ler to make found that 60 per cent originat­ ing at the time of our independ­ Nelson A. Rocksfellsr of New He was lined 890 Mondiiy in South Windsor, and French H t^men- it readily serviceable for cua- ed in the United Statea. Only PICTIfflE FRAHmie (all typos) York and Ronald Reagan of Cal­ In Municipal Court. dlototm, arid HMtataok to since February im . During cation Medal with one cluster. tcmters. ' ence pending the adoption of a Rd., Boltan. that time, his dlvlsloa experi­ 15 per cent were atarted in new fl^ for Rhodesia,” he said. 9 0 CK TT TO *ESf— Ridurd M xon Gestures in Emphasizing Point ifornia, hinges on keeping the Watoftony. Stadorilo w in apply now enced an 80 per cent increase He la married to the former Saturday at 1:28 a.m., town Britain, 10 per cent in Germany, "The government is at present m OPUTE GLASS major delegations of Ohio, Manchester AssemUy, Order Jeanne Toumaud of Mcmches- flremen ruAed to 599 Hartford 4 In SwKserland and 8.0 in Swed­ probaMy w on't evon mako It in workload without any addi­ studying reomnmendatlons for a BQchlgan and California out of to waHtog Bata for tta faU, of Rainbow for Girls, will con­ tional personnel. ter. Mrs. Keiah la the daughter Rd. where a late model auto- en. new design." Nixon’s camp. offletolo oald. duct a mystery ride Sunday. He entered tbe Navy in 1949 Holding a news conference at Rocky Hails Those planning to attend will and served aboard tbe USS Oo- his headquarters hotel, Nixon meet at the MaaOnic Temple at bia and the USS Redfln. Fol­ Launch Secret Satellite, predicted he would win the nom- li.firtlrk lvagh F ririk n f' 8 a.m., and are reminded to lowing a three-year tour as Inatlon on on early baUot. If he -■-'•“ W f l bring bathing autta, ball gioce, electrical officer aboard the does, he said, he may travel to P ictu re empty coffee can, hUl of string, USS Procyon, he was assigned the Soviet Union this memth. three aafety pins, and sareatar. to the DESC at Dayton. He And he said If eleoted presi­ F rom Evans Those who have not been con­ also has completed Inetructor Seek Intelligence Data dent, he would travel to Paris to B ecom es tacted are aaked to call Kathy assignments at file New Lon­ work to "re^ariabUsh a dialogue BOABn BEACH, Fla.
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