March 16, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 6 7369 BEAN of Illinois and DAN BURTON of Indiana, in German Luftwaffe bombed Belgrade in Oper- Jon E. Cutler—the only Jewish Chaplain cur- honoring a treasured constituent of mine and ation Punishment. Mr. Vujnovich was a first- rently serving in western Iraq. And as a former one of the unsung heroes of World War II, re- hand witness to the bombing, nearly losing his paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division who tired Major George Vujnovich. Major life when a falling bomb destroyed a nearby served in Baghdad 5 years ago and the first Vujnovich, a proud Serbian-American, was in- streetcar. After the bombing, Mr. and Mrs. Iraq war veteran to serve in this great body, it strumental in ‘‘Operation Halyard’’ and one of Vujnovich fled Yugoslavia, and he accepted a fills me with tremendous pride to be Rabbi the last surviving members of that successful job in Ghana as assistant airport manager Cutler’s Congressman. Rabbi Cutler has set wartime mission. while Mirjana moved to Washington, DC to an example for all of us—not just through his In the summer of 1944, Americans and Al- work at the Yugoslav Embassy. When the US spiritual leadership—but through selfless serv- lied airmen flew hundreds of sorties over Eu- entered the war, Mr. Vujnovich received a ice to our community and our nation. rope with the aim of disrupting the Ploesti oil commission as a second lieutenant and as- In Iraq, Rabbi Cutler serves as the 3rd Ma- complex, Adolf Hitler’s most important oil pipe- sumed command of an airbase in Nigeria. rine Aircraft Wing Chaplain, and assists the line. During their treacherous journey from While working at the airbase, he was recruited entire Al Asad Marine Air Base. Prior to his Italian bases to the Romanian oil complex, by the OSS for the clandestine services, and service in Iraq, Rabbi Cutler served as the pul- 1,500 of our brave men were forced to bail out was later sent to the OSS post in Bari, Italy. pit rabbi of Tiferes B’nai Israel in Warrington, over Yugoslavia. Scores of American crewmen From this post he saved the lives of his fellow Bucks County, Pennsylvania for the past 8 were trapped behind enemy lines and depend- servicemen and earned the title of hero. I am years. ent on Serbian villagers to hide them from the honored to have this opportunity to acknowl- As the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Chaplain, Germans. edge Major Vujnovich’s contribution to the Hal- Rabbi Cutler supervises 20 Christian chaplains Although Yugoslavia was enemy territory at yard Mission. and chaplain assistants, and has worked to the time, much of the country’s Serbian re- f create a center for Jewish troops who are gions remained under the control of Yugoslav serving in Anbar Province. The congregants of guerilla resistance leader General Draja IN CELEBRATION OF MARTIN J. Tiferes B’nai Israel even contributed to this ef- Mihailovich and his Chetnik forces. General AND ELEANOR R. KEARNEY fort, sending tiles and paste to be used for the Mihailovich remained loyal to the Allies, and chapel floor. under his orders the Serbian people shielded HON. RICHARD E. NEAL As the Rabbi for Tiferes B’nai Israel in War- these airmen and protected them from capture OF MASSACHUSETTS rington, Rabbi Cutler worked tirelessly to unite and imprisonment by German troops. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his congregants, both old and new. He strived General Mihailovich passed information Monday, March 16, 2009 to make new members feel welcome while re- about the downed American airmen to the specting the needs and wishes of long-stand- United States authorities. The Office of Stra- Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts. Madam Speak- ing members. Before he was deployed to Iraq, tegic Services (OSS) put together Operation er, I would like to acknowledge Martin J. and he also proudly received his Navy commander Halyard, a daring mission to save the men Eleanor R. Kearney for being named the Irish pins on the pulpit at Tiferes B’nai Israel. without drawing the attention of the Nazis. The Couple of the Year by the John Boyle O’Reilly Commander Cutler has been a chaplain in mission entailed flying and landing C–47 cargo Club in Springfield, Massachusetts. They were the U.S. Navy Reserve for 23 years. He was planes into enemy territory, picking up the awarded this deserved title on February 7, the only Jewish chaplain serving with the Ma- downed airmen, and flying back to allied terri- 2009 for their support and contributions to the rines in Desert Storm, and after 9/11, he was tory. Before the mission could go forward, club. The couple has been active with the club called to the Pentagon to counsel family mem- however, the Allied forces cut ties with Gen- for over fifty years. Both have helped with bers who lost loved ones during the tragic eral Mihailovich and no longer had specific in- fundraisers and dances. Eleanor is an avid events of that terrible day. formation about the location of the American baker for the club and Martin was a strong When not serving our troops in Iraq or his airmen. Major George Vujnovich, the OSS op- supporter of the new building fund. A recep- congregants in Warrington, Rabbi Cutler has eration chief stationed in Bari, Italy, discovered tion dinner was held in their honor on March served as an instructor at Gratz College for that Mihailovich was hiding the airmen near 1, 2009. Jewish education and a visiting professor at Martin was born in the Great Blaskett Is- his headquarters in the city of Pranjani. He in- Philadelphia University. He received his B.A. lands in Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland on De- formed U.S. officials of their location and Op- and M.A. in religious studies from Temple Uni- cember 31, 1926. Eleanor is a life-long Spring- eration Halyard progressed. versity, and holds a Doctor of Ministry in Pas- field resident who was born on December 17, As the mission advanced, Major Vujnovich’s toral Counseling from Hebrew Union College. 1932. Martin came to America in 1951 where experience and expertise were indispensable. Rabbi Cutler was ordained by the Reconstruc- he soon met Eleanor. In 1953, they were mar- Major Vujnovich was responsible for selecting tionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, PA. ried in Saint Thomas Aquinas Church in members of the Halyard Mission, and orches- Rabbi Cutler has contributed enormously to Springfield. Martin became a member of the trating the initial parachute drop into the area. the citizens of Bucks County and given so John Boyle O’Reilly Club in 1953 and now The rescue plans hinged on his direction and much to so many servicemen and women both Martin and Eleanor are life members. the ability of local Serbs to build an airstrip serving abroad. He leads by example and is The John Boyle O’Reilly Club was founded without any modern tools and without German committed to service, spiritual leadership and in 1880. The club consists of dedicated Irish detection. education. Madam Speaker, I am proud to and Irish-Americans whose goal is to preserve Operation Halyard took place between Au- recognize Rabbi Cutler for his outstanding and promote their Irish heritage. The club’s gust and December 1944 and was a complete work, and am extremely honored to serve as motto is culture, family and tradition. Since success. Hundreds of men were rescued be- his Congressman. March 1970, the club has been located on 33 hind enemy lines and no lives were lost in the f Progress Avenue in Springfield, Massachu- mission. The Halyard Mission was a success setts. Today, the club is very active in their HONORING REVEREND DR. F.O. thanks to the brave men and women of the community, awarding the John Boyle O’Reilly HOCKENHULL OSS and the courageous Serbian locals who Scholarship every year to college-bound stu- risked their lives to safeguard American air- dents. HON. DALE E. KILDEE men. Thanks to a keen mind and tactical ex- OF MICHIGAN pertise, Major Vujnovich demonstrated the f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES courage and selflessness that mark him as an HONORING RABBI JON E. CUTLER American hero. Monday, March 16, 2009 Major George Vujnovich was born to Ser- HON. PATRICK J. MURPHY Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today bian parents in 1915. In 1934 he received a to pay tribute to Reverend Dr. F.O. Hockenhull OF PENNSYLVANIA scholarship from the Serb National Federation as he celebrates 40 years as pastor of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and left his home in New York to attend col- First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church in my lege in Belgrade. While living in Belgrade, Mr. Monday, March 16, 2009 hometown of Flint, Michigan. A banquet in his Vujnovich met and married his wife, Mirjana. Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. honor was held last Friday in honor of this oc- Their life was disrupted in 1941, when the Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor Rabbi casion. VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:51 Jun 30, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E16MR9.000 E16MR9 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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