CELEBRATINGCELEBRATING 8787 YEARSYEARS OFOF SERVICE!SERVICE! Vol. 87, No.11• 50¢ A NEWSPAPER OF RECORD Thursday, March 21, 2019 INSIDE Alsobrooks Releases FY 2020 Budget New county budget Local Hospital Receives proposal primarily High Honor Doctors Community Hospital announced on March 12 that it had focused on education received a four-star rating from acknowledging that the Board of Ed- Hospital Compare, the highest rat- By José Umaña ucated requested more county fund- ing of any hospital in Prince @Jose_M_Umana George’s County and one of the ing, she said that the possible ap- highest in the entire state of Mary- LARGO – County Executive proval of school construction bills in land. Angela Alsobrooks presented a pro- the Maryland Senate and payments posed $3.5 billion budget for the fis- from the Kirwan Commission would Page 3 cal year 2020 on March 14, centered add more state money to Prince around the continued focus on educa- George’s County Public Schools tion, increased security in the county (PGCPS). and the first of many beautification The county executive has spent projects by reintroducing a food “about two days a week” for the past waste pick-up program. three months together with school of- During her presentation, the ficials in Annapolis, championing the county executive announced the bud- need for more state funds for school get, which experienced a three per- improvement needs, PGCPS Interim cent increase from the previous year, CEO Monica Goldston said. as an important step forward of com- “It is evident that our county ex- pleting her campaign objectives after ecutive is continuing to focus on edu- being elected in November. cation,” Goldston said. “You can see today that (over) 60 percent of the op- “The vision we have articulated ‘Anything Goes’ erating budget goes towards educa- over and over again is that we are ex- tion and so what she says she does or cited in the pride we are developing in A delightful performance of focuses on; it is evident in what you “Anything Goes” runs through Prince George’s County,” Alsobrooks saw…this is a great example of when March 24 at Slayton House The- said. the school system, local government atre in Columbia. In her proposal, 60 percent of the and our state are saying the same budget was allocated to education, thing.” Page 9 continuing a previous trend complet- If school funding bills pass the ed during the Baker Administration, state Senate and are signed into law, PHOTO BY JOSÉ UMAÑA Alsobrooks said. Of the $3.5 billion County Executive Angela Alsobrooks announced the FY 2020 County Alsobrooks said she expects “super proposed budget, $2.092 billion is go- Budget Proposal which primarily focused on education and beatification projects to the county in Largo on March 14. Story continues on Page 4. ing towards the school system, a 2.2 percent increase over last year. While See FY 2020 Budget, page 4 Alsobrooks releases Transition Report supporting strategies to benefit county Budget and Finance, Central Ser- gion Rosie Allen-Herring. Group, and President and CEO of the By Jessica Ricks vices, Economic Development, Edu- The 12 workgroups were chaired Greater Prince George's Business @jessica_ricks25 Champions! cation and Workforce, Health and Hu- and composed of leaders from both Roundtable Jim Estepp was a leader LARGO — Prince George’s man Services, Public Engagement public and private sectors such as of the Public Safety group. Eleanor Roosevelt High County Executive Angela Alsobrooks and more. Prince George's County Public All of the groups of the Transi- School overpowered Broadneck announced during a press conference “I’m excited about where we’re Schools (PGCPS) Interim CEO Mon- tion Team compiled a report with the with a 77-48 victory on March 16 on March 5 the release of the Transi- going, very excited,” Alsobrooks ica Goldson, Bowie State University help of experts consisting of volun- to become state champions for the tion Report compiled over the last said. “The best part of it is I know that President Aminta Breaux and Univer- teers, staffers and county representa- fourth time. three months by her Transition Team excitement is also felt by the people sity of Maryland President Wallace tives identifying opportunities within Page 26 detailing recommendations to support we represent. I can’t tell you just what Loh leading the Education and Work- their focus area and strategies for how strategies to benefit the county. a thrill it is to be the county executive force group. to achieve each one. Shortly after her election as in a place where the love and opti- County Council Chair Todd The Budget and Finance Group county executive, Alsobrooks formed mism is so high everywhere I go.” Turner and Prince George’s Chamber identified goals such as ensuring suf- a Transition Team with the goal of The Transition Team is co- of Commerce President David Har- ficient funding for capital budgets and coming up with long-term and short- chaired by President and CEO of rington were leaders of the Economic critical county funds as well as im- term opportunities to improve Prince Strategic Solutions Center Major Rid- Development Group. District 21 Del- proving tax policies, leveraging tech- George’s County during her time in dick and President and CEO of Unit- egate Joseline Pena-Melnyk was part office in 12 focus areas including ed Way of the National Capital Re- of the Health and Human Services See Transition Report, page 4 2 THE PRINCE GEORGE’S SENTINEL MARCH 21, 2019 OPINION The Prince George’s Sentinel, published weekly by Berlyn Inc., is a Experience does matter community newspaper covering Prince George’s County, Maryland. It However, he just chose not to run. Age is a very definite concern nation's prominence on the world is a newspaper of record. Our offices By Paul K. Schwartz are located at 9458 Lanham-Severn I like Kamala Harris. Anyone amid all of the cries to move away stage and our place as the leader of Road, Suite 203, Seabrook, MD 20706. @PKSpaul Sold for 50¢ per single copy, subscrip- who could get Jefferson Sessions to from the so-called old guard and to- the free world. When his experience tions to The Prince George’s Sentinel If Speaker of the United States cry out “You're making me nervous” wards a newer and younger cadre of with the Obama programs is com- can be obtained at these rates: $31.50 per year, $26.20 for senior citizens. House of Representatives Nancy during a Senate Judiciary Committee leaders. However, running against an bined with his experience dealing Higher rates apply outside MD/VA/DC. Pelosi and President Donald J. Trump hearing as I witnessed first hand incumbent, any incumbent, can be a with Congress, Biden becomes a bet- (ISSN 1041-262x, USPS 444-840) have proven one thing above all else, would be more than capable of ex- challenge. While no one ever expect- ter candidate to restore the Obama it is that experience does, indeed, posing the disastrous presidency of ed Trump to win in 2016, somehow accomplishments than even Obama. Bernard Kapiloff matter. Pelosi has demonstrated the A 78-year-old, going up against PUBLISHER EMERITUS value of experience in politics and a 74-year-old is not a major problem, Lynn G. Kapiloff how well she can get things done in but an 82-year-old running in 2024 is. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/ our nation's capital, especially when Accordingly, my proposal for De- PUBLISHER dealing with an unfit, unqualified and mocrats is that Joe Biden should [email protected] highly inexperienced egomaniac make it clear that he is running for president. one term and one term only with the Mark Kapiloff Who best, then, to challenge expressed purpose of digging our ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Trump in 2020? The easy answer is country out of the shambles left by [email protected] anyone! First, there is no guarantee Trump and restoring America's place that Trump will be the Republican as the leader of the free world. Taking nominee. The possibility of impeach- this approach, however, will require EDITORIAL ment looms large as we get ever clos- that his running mate in 2020 be er to learning the findings of the Spe- someone who represents the next Daniel Kucin Jr. cial Counsel investigation. generation of leaders and possesses EXECUTIVE EDITOR Will Congressional Republican the attributes to energize the elec- [email protected] enablers abandon Trump as it be- torate. Other than Bernie, any of the comes apparent that his demise will other candidates mentioned previous- José Umaña result in their own? Will losing the ly would serve that purpose. To that CITY EDITOR support of his enablers result in list, feel free to add in Montgomery [email protected] Trump willingly stepping down County's own Congressman Jamie rather than face the humiliation of an Raskin. No one knows the Constitu- Jessica Ricks impeachment hearing? Unlikely. tion better than Congressman Raskin, STAFF WRITER Will the smell of blood embold- and no one uses that knowledge bet- [email protected] en the likes of John Kasich or Larry ter than Congressman Raskin to ex- Hogan or Ben Sasse or some other Tabatha Yeatts Trump. I like Elizabeth Warren who, he did. pose Republican hypocrisy. CALENDAR EDITOR Republican to challenge Trump's as much as anyone, is the voice As for Biden, no one is in better Placing Kamala Harris or Beto [email protected] candidacy? Possibly. It all depends against income inequality and the ar- position to go up against the Trump O'Rourke or Raskin or, for that mat- on how vulnerable he appears as a re- chitect of the Consumer Financial administration.
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