TNDEX TO VOLUME 23 Leading articles are in bold face type; notes, abstracts and reviews are in ordinary type. only minerals for which definite data are given are indexed. Acmite occurrence in riebeckite- Apatite-phlogopite deposits of microgranite.(Nockold)..... l2l Quebec. (Landes). 359 Actinolite. 371 Arshinov, V. V. Pocket mineralogi- Actinolitic amphibole from New cal or polarizing magnifier.. 287 Zealand.(Hutton).... .. 539 Artz,L. C. Occurrenceof wavellite, AdelieLand rocks.(Stewart)... .. 464 GilesCo.,Va..... 664 Afirondack garnet deposits, gene- Ascharite(F). (Godlevsky)....... 294 sisof. (Miller).. ... .....174,399 Asovskite. (Efremov). 667 Ahlfeld, F. and Reyes, J. M. Aspland,V.t.... ........ 415 Mineralogie von Bolivien. Atacamite. ........706 [Book review]. 538 Atomic packing models of some Almandite. ..351.816 common sillicate structures, Aluminum and silicosis. @mmons, @orris, tr'rondel, Gtissow, Fries). 654 Lopez, Lotd, Parrish, Shimer) Alunite. jS4 ......65,182 Amalgams, natural. @ennan, Har- Austinite and brickerite, identity court).. 761 of. (Brendler) 347 Amarantite. 747 Australites, a unique shower of Aminoffite. (Hurlbut) 293 glassmeteorites. (Fenner).. 4Ls Amphibolization of sills and dikes Autunite. 275 in Libby quadrangle, Mon- Axinite,notes on. (Peacock)..... SZ2 tana.(Gibson, Jenks). ..... 3Oz Azurite. 7lO Anauxites and kaolinites, struc- tural relationshipsof .(Machat- Bandy, M. C. Mineralogy of tlree schki). tl7 sulphate deposits of Northern Andalusite in pegrnatite from Chile... 669 Fresno, Co., Calif. (Macdon- with Peacock, M. A. Un- ald, Merriam) 58S gemachite and clino-unge- Anderson,B. W... Zg3 nachite, new minerals from Anderson, C. A. Volcanoes of Chile... 314 Medicine Lake Highland, Bandylite. 704 Calif.. 166 Bandylite and a:rtofagastite, new Andradite. 432 copper minerals from Chile. Anhydrite ....... 898 (Palache, Foshag). 85 Anthophyllite and curnmingtonite- Bannerman, H. M. and Stoiber, grunerite series. (Winchell). 329 R. E. Fluorite deposits in Antipov-Karatajev,I. N........ Zg4 Westmoreland,New Hamp... 166 Anterlite. 7l3 Bannister,F. A... .721,356,539 Antofagastite and bandylite, new Barnes,'W. E. and'Wendling, A. V. copper minerals from Chile. Nature of twinning in K and (Palache, I'oshag). 85 Rb dithionates.. ... 397 Antofagastite. 705 Bauer, L. H. and Bermaa, H. with Apatite group, structural investi- Palache, C. Yeatmanite and gation of the isomorphisn of. sarkinite from Franklin, New (McConnell). ...1,173,606 Jersey. ....176,527 907 908 INDEX Baumhauerite, crystallography of . - and Parrish, w. unit cell (Palache). 82I and spacegrouP of tourmaline 182 Bedenite.(Efremov) 470 Buie, B. F. with Larsen, E. S. Pot- Beljankin, D. S. and Petrov, V. P. ash analcime and Pseudoleu- Occurrenceof cristobalite in a cite from Highwood Mts. of sedimentaryrock. ........ '. 153 Montana 837 Berek, M. Optical methods of Butler, R. D. Silicification tYPes measuring in reflected polar- along hanging wall of the ized light 181 London fault, Mosquito Berg, E. L. Notes on catlinite and Range,Colo.. 167 the Sioux qltattzite 258 with Buerger, M. J. Data Berggren,T,..... 542 for models illustrating ar- Berman, H. and Harcourt, G. A. rangement and Packing of (A, Natural amalganrs. 761 atoms in crYstals. AB and 47t with Palache, C. and Bauer' ABe types). M. Preh- L. If. Yeatmanite and sar- with Fraser, D. Penna. 583 kinite from Franklin, New nite from CooPersburg, Jersey. ...176,527 in smithsonitefrom New Bismuthinite ard cannizzarile Cadmium Mexico. (Schaller,Fairchild). 894 from Vulcano. (Wolfe).. .. 790 Cahn, L. with Rogers, A. F. Bixbyite otr topaz, orientation of. with pinakoid faces (Pabst). 342 Quartz from Nathrop, Chaffee Co., Bjlrlykke,H..... 293 Colorado 178 Bloedite. ........ 719 Calumet stock, Colorado,structure Boracite. ........ 899 of. (Howland) 172 Bornite. 702 Cameron, E. N. Mineral deposits Botryogen. 749 of northeasternPart of Hum- Bowen, N. L. Mente et malleo boldt Range, Nevada. 167 atquecatino. ......123,166 C artizzaite a-ndbismuthinite f rom Brammall,A..... ....356'415 Vulcano. (Wolfe). 790 Nagpur, India, crys- Braunite from Catlinite and the Sioux quartzitet 649 tallographyof.(Switzer). .... notes on. (Berg). 258 Brauns, Reinhard, memorial of. Cayeuxite. (Sujkowski) 542 (Kraus) 131 Center Strafford, New lfamPshiret Brendler, W. Identity of austinite pegmatite, paragenesis of. and brickerite 347 (Switzer). 811 Brickerite, identity with austinite. Chacaltaite.(Kaloczkowska). .... 666 (Brendler) 347 chalcanthite. 718 Brochantite 713 chalcocite.. 7ol Bromyrite from Tombstone, Ariz. Chalcopyrite. 7O2 (Rasor). I57 Chamosite and daphnite. (Halli- Buerger, M. J. Surface reflection mond). 539 areas in Weissenbergphoto- chenevixite. 7rl graphs. 166 Chirvinsky,P....... 667 and Butler, R. D. Data for Chrysocolla. 7l0 models illustrating Eurange- Clay minerals: dickite, halloYsite ment and packitrg of atoms in and hydrated halloYsite' crys- crystals. (A, AB, ard AB2 types).. 47L :l :i*:*:::i 1l::i':::i"o,,nu INDEX 909 Cleavage-lumidescencein mica. Diadochite,a mineraloidfrom New (Meen). 174 Idria mine, Calif. (Rogers) . 178 Cliftonite, re-examinationof. (Hey) l2l Diaphorite, crystallography and Clino-ungemachite. (peacock, x-ray data. (Palache, Win- Bandy). 3I+ chell). 821 Clino-ungemachite.. 258 Diaspore clay cast of fossil wood in Columbite . 276 a Missouri diasporepit. (Kel- Copiapite... 737 ler) Copper. 699 Dickite, crystal structure of. (Hen- Copperpitch. Z0g dricks) 170,295 Coquimbite 729 Diopside, atomic packing model Covellite. 7OI of. (Parrish, Giissow) .70,182 Cristobalite, occurrencein a sedi- Dollar,A.T.J...... 356 mentary rock- (Beljankin, Pet- Dolomite.... 898 rov)... .. 153 Donnay, J. D. II. Set of grids for Crook, W. J. Method for photo- determination of non-opaque graphing petrographic thin minerals 91 sectionsat low magnifications. 114 Significanceofcrystal habit 168 Crystal habit, significance of. Dorris, J. E. Atomic packing model (Donnay). 168 of olivine. .57.182 Crystal models illustrating ar- Double diaphragm method, sen- rangement and packing of sitivity of. (Saylor).... 779 atoms for types A, AB and Dunicz,B. L.. 542 ABr. (Buerger,Butler). .. 47I Cummingtonite-grunerite series, Eakle, A. S. (Pabst, A.) Mineral (Vlinchell).... 329 Tables. [Book review.] 538 Cuprite. 707 Edwards, A. B. Formation of id- Cuprocopiapite. 732 dingsite.... 277 Currier, L. W. Regional granitiza- Efremov,N. E.. 470,666,667 tion and metamorphism in Electrical counter to replace inte- NewEngland.... 168 grating microscope stage. Curvature in crystals of vein (Hurlbut). I72 quartz.(Dollar)..... 356 Ellestadite. 73 Emmons, R. C. and Fries, C. Alu- Dahllite. minum and silicosis 654 Dake, H. C., Fleener, F. L. and Enargite.. 703 Wilson, B. H. Quartz family Eosphorite(optical data). 818 minerals.[Book reviewj... .. 905 Epsomite. 7l7 Danburite. 900 Erwin, H. D. Some metamorphic Daphnite. (Hallimond) . 539 terminology ll9 Davison, E. H. 538 Etch figures, interpretation of. Deans,T....... 539 (Wherry) 156 Deer,W.A...... 121 Deforrnation of single calcite crys- Fairchild, J. G. with Schaller, tals underhigh confining pres- W. T. Cadmium in smithsonite sures. (Griggs) 28 from New Mexico..... 894 Dehrnite... II Fenner, C. 4I5 Delafossite,crystal structure and Fermorite.. 10 densityof. (Pabst). Ferrinatrite .. 731 910 INDEX Fibroferrite 7+8 Garnets from vesicles in rhyolite Fisher, D. J. Stereoscopiccrystal nearEly, Nev. (Pabst)... '.. 101 drawing. 169 Gedroitsite. (Antipov-Karatajev, U-stage axial angle appa- Sedleckij). 294 ratus. 169 Gianella, V. P. Vivianite from Fleener,F. L. and Wilson,B. H. Ruth, Calif.. ........ 414 with Dake, H. C. Quartz Gibbsite. 352 family minerals. fBook re- Gibson, R. and Jenks, W. F. Am- viewl . 905 phibolization of sills and dikes Fluorescence, mineral, sfudies in. in the Libby quadrangle' (Smith, Mont... 302 Parsons). 513 'W' Fluorite deposits in Westmoreland, Glass, J. J. with Stoser G. New Hamp. (Bannerman, Gaftet crystals in cavities in Stoiber) Fluorite of England and Wales, glomeratein York Co', Pa.. 430 rare-earth content of. (Asp- Glauberite,twinning in' (Hawkins) l7O land, Brammall, Leech). .... 415 Godlevsky, M. N. Foschallasite.(Chirvinsky).... 667 Goldschmidtine,anewantimonide Foshag,W. tr'.Sodium bicarbonate of silver. (Peacock)' .. .. 176 from Searles Lake, Calif.. 169 Gonyer, F. A. with Richrrond, 'W. with Palache, C. Antofa- E. Pollucite.. 783 gastite and bandylite, new Gordon, S. G. Making structure copper minerals from Chile. 85 models. 170 Francolite.... ....... ........ 7 Newmineral hall of Acad- Francolitefrom sedimentaryiron- emy of Natural Sciences,Phil- stones of the coal measures. adelphia l7O (Deans,Vincent) 539 Graftonite (optical data) ' . 815 Fraser, D. M,, Butler, R. D. and Graphic method of determining Hurlbut, C. S. Jr. Prehenite optic sign and true arial angle from Coopersburg,Penna.... 583 from refractive indices of bi- Freieslebenite, crystallography and axial minerals. (Lane, Smith) 457 'Win- r-ray study. @alache, Grids for determination of non- chell) . 82I opaqueminerals. @onnay). ' 9I Fries, C. with Emmons, R. C. Gnggs, D. Deforrnation of single Aluminum and silicosis.. 654 calcite crystals under high Frondel, C. Atomic packing model confiningpressures. ' . .... ' 28 of muscovite. .... .73,182 Grossularite. 351 Oriented inclusions of Gtissow, W. C. with Parrishr W. brookite, zircon and garnet in Atomic packitrg model of diop- muscovite. 170 side.... ....70'182 Gypsum' .... ... 717 Gahno-spinel.(Anderson, Payne). 293 Gypsum veins, fibrous,
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