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M.lchl'lD GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, August 8, 1968 tOe Per COpy 44 Pages-Two Sections-Section One -11-E-A-O-L-'N-rE-S--W-o-nd-e-r'-H-.o-w-j-T-he-:Y-iJ';ge-'-L-oo.-k-s-f-ro-m------------- !Schools' Progress rOrdin~ces of the I Put Penalty WEEK Depends. on Votersjon Hobbies ~:O~S:m::i:~eb~~: O"'l September 12 I One ~abledl but Second, ~--------,., I , I 8annlng Use of Motor- Thursday, August 1 ized Model Planes, AI>' TWO STEEL INDUSTRY Educational Jmprov~~ents-i=or All Levels ~f I proved by Council giants announced price increases Instruction Contingent Upon Passage Wednesday less than 24 hours of Millage Proposals at Election !I By Pepper Whitelaw after the ~nited SteelworkeJ's . .. Youngsters really took a Union won a new biUioll-do!tar I d d th t b d t t f th labor contract. The nation's sec- . nClu.e In e wo-year u ge proJc~ Ion 0 e I whomping Monday night at Grosse Pomte Public School System, contmgent upon ._ Steel,ond largestannouncedproducer,an increaseBethlehemof passage of the September 12 operational millage proposi-I theF .WoOds Counell m.eetIng. almost five percent acro~s the tion, are provisions for a number of educational im- aCing the Council were board_ U.S. Steel Corp., the big- provements for all levels of instruction_ two ordinances aimed di- gest steelmaker !lnd usually the ' "Our tentative list is, in our~ reetly at youngsters' hob- pacesetter for, industry prices, opinion. minimal for a growing 1 S I G d . posted increases for several of school system." Dr. Theos 1. Au. 'I to en 00 S bles. its tin mill products, although de r son, Superintendent of ' The first referred to the use some items wera reduced. A Schools, said_ "We earnestly IF' d. C of unlicensed mini.bikes, go- U.S. Steel spokesman said "This hope that the public will permit I onn In ar carts, scooters and the like OIi is a price increase. No question us to keep abreast of the times I public or private property other about it" There was immediate by making changes in the cur. II Of Speeders than streets a!!d roadways. The comment from Washington, riculum and program." proposed orG.nance would pro- President Johnson indignantly I Bioh on the list is additional I -- hihit the use of these unlicensed stating the increases must not pro\'~ion for pre.school and pri. Police Chase Pair After vehicles ~thin the City of be allowed, as they would have mary education for children • S .. f Grosse Pornte ~oods ~n~ ~hey a drastic effect on the nation's with predictable learning uiIfi. Beco.m In 9 L!SPICIOUS 0 would ~e consldered In)urIOUS economy. Despite this, the culties. Creation of a develop. I TheIr Car Parked On to pnbllc safety. smaller companies were follow. Inental kindergarten roo m to Mack Avenue Failure to comply with the ing today with their announce- serve the north end of the dis- ordinance would mean a fine not ments of price increases. tricl will be considered_ The ad- . City Police 0 f fie e l' s to exceed $500 or imprisonment • • • I dition of a teacher at each ele- Edward Miller and Jerome in the city or county jail for a Friday, August Z mentary school to work with P t t- t I period of 90 days or both, at the DETROIT DAILIES are ex. II children with learnin~ disabili. e z were on rou me pa. 1'0, discretion of the court. h d ties and to provide direct as. traveling east on Mack at Council members felt the ordi- pected to be bdaSckoDdt e sftan ~, Plclure by W.lter X. Brennan sistancl' in this field to the University on T u e s day, nance es written needed more b)' }'riday an atur ay 0 nex When w. e published a picture of the On-The.Hill School in tne upper right background. The busy J I 30 t 428 h ~ week now that the Detroit Free b' d' t . t f k classnom teacher is also a pos- U y ,a : a.m., w en clarification so tbe matter was Press and the DetroitNews have us mess IS rJC a ew wee s ago, we promised a view Kercheval avenue section between Neff aJld Cadieux, sibility. they noticed a '65 OIds- tabled and referred to the Com. reached an agreement with the of the City's shopping area_ Here it is. That's Maire and all the parking lots are plainly seen, Additional Teachers mobile par ked without mittee Of.the.Whole w hi,: h Mailers Union. This would put ----;---.-~---- .... -- - .. ----- .--------...- .. -- ------------ Additional teachers of s!lecial lights in front of 18136 would report back 'to Council ~~.~::.o~ ~;ik~e~~~~.b~::~~~ Liggett Says ',..Citizens for Education Woma,'J Dlees ~~:j:f:~ ~O~n~le:~~~~~~eJ~h~~~~ Mack_ before further action is take!!. 1 .. tatlvely, t't has beell estl'mated As the police car approached, Model PlaDeI Banned Detroit wit h 0 u t major loca the Olds left the curb, and the newspaper c.ov,.~.er.a*ge_ ,Resid.entsMay;Endorse School Proposals In Crash OIl. that eight staff members are driver turned on the lights. Of- However, another ordinance .9 I needed to improve the progra~. ficers drove along side of the which would .prohibit the .opera. PRESIDENT JOHNSON has .G d. On S mhe 12 B II 0 La I Improved programs of tn- car and determined that the oc- tion of motorIZed model aircraft .TOUR service training are projected cup ants were a whltemale'and Witbinthe city of Gr"sse Pointe L'" summoned congressional leaders Use S .epte r a ot wn wn I of bOth parties to the White _______ for the two.year period. In- a Negro male. Petz and Miller Woods was passed_ Residents I House to discuss the c r i s i s M b f G H R f S I cluded would be workshops COD- attempted to stop the vehicle to near Parcells Junior High bror,gbt about by the increase A 9 r e erne" t between em ers 0 roup ear eport 0 pecia Daughter Loses Control of ducted locally. question occupants as to why School have complained bitterly in steel prices. Informed sources School, City and Home. Committee at Meeting Held in Pierce Car and Rams Tree For some time the schools they were loitering near stores. of the noise and the safety said that the President wished owners Formalized Junior High School on August I While Delivering have been considering the im. The car took off at a higb rate hazard of these craft, wbich are to "brief" leaders on the sleel plementation of advanced data of speed, ignoring the officers flown primarily in school play. situation but they knew of no after Long Con. At a meeting held Thursday night, August I, the Mofher Home processing procedures. The mod. signal and the flashing blue grounds by model plane enthusi. specific action Mr. J 0 h n son troversy II membership of Grosse Pointe Citizens Education un~ est beginnings already made lights. asts. A petition signed by 162 would ask Congress to take in . _-_ animously voted to support the two millage proposals One woman was killed will be bolstered by the acqui. The driver then disregarded a residents was presented to the order to try to bring about a Once again the matter of to be ,vote? on Sept~mbe~ 12. A~ th~ meeting, which was and another seriously in- sition of improved equipment red traffic light at Mack and Council. steel price rollback. ,held m PIerce JUnIor HIgh audItorIUm, members heal.'d jured at 12:19 a.m., Sun- ,,:nd the employment of addi. Calvin. Petz and Miller, in pur. The ordinance declares that • • • the use of LIg~et Schoo, the report of a special millage committee which had A honal ?~rsonnel. suit, radioed to all departments the operation of internal com- Saturday, August 3 grounds by De)ghborhood been investigatin2 the matter. day, ugust 4, when the Ad~llIonal st;tIf has been advising them of the chase. bustion model airplane engiMs ~ vehicle in which they were tentati~ely budgeted for the Force Car to Curb within the Woods is a public PRESIDENT JOHNSON, in children appeared on the Co-chairmen of the committee e------------- riding hit a tree in Stanhope school~. cen~al Department of Woods police officers James nuisance and the use of such is a major confrontation with the Woods Council agenda, this were Arthur Sherman, Jr. of posed millage increase was avenue in the Woods_ !nstruchon, m an a~teln.pt to Weyhing and DOOllld Schmaltz, prohibited. Persons violating steel industry. has authorized time in the form of a letter Hawthorne road, Dr. Frank necessary and appropriate to Improve overall coordmatlOn of . d d Killed was CarmeUa Ciaccia, (Continued on Page 2) the ordmance coul be face a boycott of firms who boost written by John R. Jen- Parcells of Buckingham road provide the funds to meet these 81, 2120 Stanbope. She died at programs. with a line not exceeding $500 their costs, in an effort to try nings president of the and James Mast of Cloverly budgets_ One subcommittee, st.
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