MONDAY, MAY 31, 2021 Intelligent . In-depth . Independent Issue Number 3674 / 4000 RIEL WHO VOWS LASTING BUSINESS ARBITER VIETNAM DISCOVERS SUPPORT FOR COVID UPDATES RULES FOR HYBRID VARIANT OF BATTLE IN KINGDOM ‘NEW NORMAL’ ERA COVID CORONAVIRUS NATIONAL – pagE 2 BUSINESS – pagE 8 WORLD – pagE 10 4.5M vaccines to arrive in June, shots on target Mom Kunthear planned, an additional 4.5 mil- cinated be patient while wait- that vaccines could not be other areas in order of priority, state Or Vandine, who is also lion doses of Covid-19 vaccines ing for the vaccines to arrive. distributed to the provinces with vaccines being adminis- head of the national commission CAMBODIA’S next shipment of will arrive in June along with He noted that it remains yet as they are not the prior- tered first in the most popu- for Covid-19 vaccination pro- Covid-19 vaccines will arrive in another batch a month later. important for everyone to ity now as vaccine distribu- lated areas. gramme, on how to prioritise June, accelerating the vaccina- We can give jabs to at least five maintain health guidelines tion in the Kingdom would “So from now, I suggest that distribution in the provinces. tion drive and enabling it to to six million of the target including the “three protec- adhere to the government’s all ministers, municipal and According to the health min- reach five to six million people number of 10 million people by tions and three don’ts” and “blossoming strategy”. provincial governors stop ask- istry’s report on May 29, Cam- this year, Prime Minister Hun the end of this year," Hun Sen that these measures also This strategy begins in the ing me to provide vaccines bodia had vaccinated 2,514,790 Sen announced on May 29. said in an audio message. applied to people who have capital and neighbouring Kan- here or there first,” he said. people – or 25.15 per cent – of "We will have enough vac- He also requested that peo- already been vaccinated. dal province before expanding He said he will discuss with the nation’s target number of cines for our people. As ple who have not been vac- The prime minister added outward in all directions to Ministry of Health secretary of 10 million people. Gov’t lends a hand for local durian cultivation Thou Vireak "Nowadays, some people cultivate durian in accordance HE Cambodian gov- with the agriculture ministry's ernment is developing guidelines, especially small- a policy to expand the and medium-scale farmers, cultivation of durian, because they have the ability Tas the fruit garners increasing and budget for investment as support on the domestic mar- real commercial businesses," ket, and mapping out a long- he said, adding that other term export strategy to pursue farmers merely grow durian in due time. for family consumption or for Minister of Agriculture, For- leisure, without consideration estry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon for the proper techniques. Up in smoke on May 29 said durian cultiva- Sakhon said the government Smoke billows from the Singapore-registered container ship MV X-Press Pearl on Saturday, which has been burning for tion is booming in Cambodia, will also encourage the private the tenth consecutive day in the sea off Sri Lanka's Colombo Harbour, in Colombo. Authorities said last week they believed STORY > 9 the fire was caused by a nitric acid leak that the crew had been aware of since May 11. SRI LANKA AIR FORCE/AFP buoyed by an increasing recog- sector to increase investment nition for the pungent fruit's to boost production chains quality and safe production and increase supply to the practices and operations. domestic market and for The ministry is also preparing export, and set up the Cambo- ASEAN opposes Myanmar arms embargo plans and a set of objectives to dian Agro-Industrial Federa- expand the cultivation of durian tion to support, encourage and NINE out of the 10 members tenstein, reportedly with the its current form, especially in Myanmar is to be helpful to and other fruit with commer- promote agricultural develop- of ASEAN want a draft UN support of close to 50 other from all countries directly countries in ASEAN, then it cially viable domestic and inter- ment, agro-industry and agri- resolution to drop a call for an countries, nine members of affected in the region". needs to be adopted by con- national markets, he said. business in Cambodia. embargo on arms supplies to ASEAN, excluding Myanmar, Further negotiations are sensus," the letter said. He added that the govern- The federation will, among the Myanmar military in the asked for the removal of a sen- needed "to make the text The military's crackdown on ment will develop the neces- other things, set up breeding wake of its February 1 coup tence calling for "an immedi- acceptable, especially to the protests against its seizure of sary infrastructure to facilitate and production stations for d'etat and the ensuing brutal ate suspension" of sales or countries most directly affect- power has, according to mul- processes at all stages of pro- seeds of durian and other crackdown. transfers of weapons and ed and who are now engaged tiple reports, left more than duction for durian and other popular fruits that provide A key reason for this is ASEAN's munitions to Myanmar. in efforts to resolve the situa- 800 civilian protesters dead. fruits, and organise farmers' farmers with easy access to need to keep open channels for Reuters reported that the let- tion", it said. Many hundreds more, includ- cooperatives to boost produc- domestic and foreign markets, dialogue with the military. ter, dated May 19, said the draft "It is also our firm convic- ing journalists, have been tion in line with market stand- In a letter in response to a resolution "cannot command tion that if a General Assem- thrown in jail. THE STRAITS TIMES ards and requirements. CONTINUED – pagE 6 resolution drafted by Liech- the widest possible support in bly resolution on the situation (SINGAPORE)/ASIA NEWS NETWORK THE PHNOM PENH POST Tax hike suggested to National help trim tobacco use Inside page 3 2 THE PHNOM PENH POST MAY 31, 2021 WWW.phnompenhpost.COM National Ratanakkiri to contain WHO set to assist Kingdom spread of chikungunya Mom Kunthear Aedes, mainly Aedes aegypti. in Covid vaccination efforts Chik was first identified THE Ratanakkiri Provincial in Cambodia in 1961. Since Mom Kunthear Department of Health is 2000, blood samples have planning to launch a cam- been collected from sentinel ORLD Health paign to eradicate mosquito hospitals that are part of the Organisation larvae and prevent aedes Dengue Surveillance System (WHO) Rep- aegypti mosquitoes from such as Battambang, Siem resentative to breeding after dozens of Reap, Kampong Cham and WCambodia Li Ailan said chikungunya cases were re- Takeo provinces, and then WHO will continue to sup- ported in the province. sent to the Institut Pasteur port the Cambodian people As of May 25, a total of 230 du Cambodge in Phnom in carrying out the nation’s suspected cases of chikungu- Penh for testing. vaccination campaign as nya, or chik, were reported in Eng Kunvuth, chief of the the Kingdom remains at a 11 provinces across Cambo- Rattanakiri provincial health critical stage in its Covid-19 dia, according to information department’s communica- response. from the National Dengue ble disease bureau, told The “The world remains in a very Surveillance System at the Na- Post that the Chik situation dangerous situation... Cam- tional Centre for Parasitology, was not overly-concerning bodia remains at a very criti- Entomology and Malaria Con- and that he was monitoring cal stage of [its] Covid-19 re- trol. More than 90 per cent of its development. sponse. There is no shortcut. the cases were found in Ra- “This week, I will also Only effective interventions tanakkiri, Kampong Chhnang launch a campaign to ad- today with the combined and Prey Veng provinces. minister the anti-dengue measures will determine [the] A report from the parasi- larvicide Abate in 500 vil- Covid-19 situation in the near tology centre seen by The lages in 52 communes in future,” she tweeted. Post on May 30 said that in nine districts of Ratanakkiri During an online cer- Ratanakkiri the number of province. We have 10 tonnes emony to hand over oxygen cases had increased sharply of Abate to eradicate mos- concentration measurement from 14 cases in April to 76 quito larvae and prevent ae- devices to vaccination teams WHO Representative to Cambodia Li Ailan speaks in a press conference last year. HONG MENEA cases as of May 10. des aegypti mosquitoes from from three provinces on May According to the report, as breeding,” he said. 29, Ailan said: “I will con- WHO in Cambodia re- current Covid-19 situation The report said Cambodia of May 25 a total of 175 sus- The last Chik outbreak oc- tinue to help the Cambodian leased a report on May 24 and discussed strategic ap- had used many detection pected cases had been re- curred in 2020 and affected people, especially by sup- saying that Phnom Penh and proaches for prevention, re- strategies, including a system ported from eight villages in 22 provinces with a total of porting the Covid-19 vacci- Preah Sihanouk province search and control of Covid- to track the disease through O’Chum and Bakeo districts. 7,200 cases. Provinces locat- nation campaign. have reached the second 19 including vaccinations. community participation that The local authorities have ed in the west of the country “I firmly believe that Cam- stage of transmissions – one It said the transmission was being established and claimed that around 40-70 accounted for more than 80 bodia will get past this seri- in which the transmission stage assessments were made put into trial at health centres per cent of those villages’ per cent of the total reported ous outbreak [because] the of the virus branched out to using multi-source surveil- and in the community.
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