RESIDENT & FELLOW SECTION Pearls & Oy-sters: Section Editor Bifocal germinoma of the brain Mitchell S.V. Elkind, MD, MS Review of systems is key to the diagnosis Partha S. Ghosh, MD PEARLS age but for the previous 2 years she had had irregular Tanya Tekautz, MD • Intracranial germinoma is the most common menstrual cycles, occurring once or twice a year. Her Sudeshna Mitra, MD malignant intracranial germ cell tumor. It usu- appetite was preserved and her weight was stable ally occurs in children and young adults and within 6 months preceding the diagnosis (54.5–55.7 with the current therapies, many patients expe- kg). Her general physical as well as the neurologic Correspondence & reprint examinations were normal. The above features were requests to Dr. Ghosh: rience long-term survival. [email protected] • Suprasellar region germinoma can present with suspicious for an intracranial mass lesion around hy- isolated hypothalamic–pituitary axis dysfunc- pothalamic/suprasellar region. Her evaluation re- tion such as diabetes insipidus, delayed growth, vealed central diabetes insipidus (DI) based on the menstrual irregularities, or precocious puberty, history, low urine specific gravity (1.002–1.004), Ͼ while pineal region germinoma can present and high urine output ( 5 mL/kg/hour). Urine os- with features of raised intracranial pressure and molality was 51 mOsm/kg, which increased to 251 Parinaud syndrome. mOsm/kg after starting oral desmopressin. Follicular • Pineal and suprasellar region germinomas can stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels coexist in the same patient. Such a combination were low; prolactin, insulin-like growth factor, thy- is called a bifocal germinoma. roid hormone, and cortisol levels were normal. Her pregnancy test was negative. MRI of the brain OYSTER showed an intra-axial hypothalamic mass with • Intracranial germinoma in a child or young ependymal extension to the right lateral ventricle in- adult may be easily missed if careful evaluation volving the body and right frontal horn. There was a of review of systems with reference to endocrine second mass in the pineal region. Both the masses functions is not undertaken. enhanced intensely and were hypointense on T2- weighted images, suggesting a radiologic diagnosis of CASE REPORT A 17-year-old girl presented to the germinoma (figure 1). Spine MRI did not reveal any Pediatric Neurology clinic with new onset headache metastases. There was evidence of early onset acute ␣ of 8 weeks duration. She experienced a daily head- obstructive hydrocephalus. Serum -fetoprotein (AFP)   ache described as a pressure-like sensation over both and -human chorionic gonadotrophin ( -HCG) the temporal areas, 4/10 in intensity. This baseline were within normal limits. She underwent an endo- headache was interrupted by a few episodes of scopic intraventricular tumor biopsy which con- pounding bitemporal and occipital headache, 10/10 firmed the diagnosis of germinoma. CSF analysis for in severity, worse with activity. The severe headaches tumor staging was withheld owing to hydrocephalus. were associated with dizziness, photophobia, phono- In view of midline tumors she was presumably con- phobia, vomiting, and “zig-zag lights” in front of her sidered to have CSFϩ disease and treated with cra- eyes and often would occur on awakening. She occa- niospinal irradiation (CSI) without adjunctive sionally described “whooshing sounds” associated chemotherapy. She got CSI plus posterior fossa boost with the baseline headache. On review of systems it with a total dose of 4,500 cGy. was noted that she had poor energy level. She had At 1-year follow-up she was completely headache polyuria, nocturia, and polydipsia for 3 years. The free. The polyuria and polydipsia resolved with des- polydipsia was attributed to psychogenic cause in the mopressin but menstrual cycles did not completely context of ongoing serious personal and familial psy- normalize. Follow-up MRI after 9 months showed chosocial stressors. She had menarche at 13 years of complete resolution of the tumor masses (figure 2). From the Pediatric Neurology Center (P.S.G.), Pediatric Hematology-Oncology (T.T.), and Pediatric Neurology Center (S.M.), Children’s Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. Disclosure: The authors report no disclosures. e8 Copyright © 2012 by AAN Enterprises, Inc. Germinoma usually occurs along the midline of Figure 1 MRI brain (preradiotherapy) the body, common locations being the pineal and the suprasellar regions, but can also develop in the basal ganglia region. Tumor cells can seed within the ven- tricular cavity and the CSF and drop metastases have been described in the spinal cord.5 CSF examination and MRI of the spinal cord are needed for appropri- ate staging of the disease. At the time of diagnosis, 2%–18% of the intracranial germinomas show bifo- cal distribution with simultaneous pineal and supra- sellar manifestations. It remains unclear whether the bifocal tumors result from simultaneous tumor de- velopment or represent metastatic disease.6 Brain MRI showing (A, B) hypointense mass lesion on T2-weighted image in the hypotha- There is a definite relationship between the clini- lamic and pineal region respectively with early hydrocephalus and (C) intensely enhancing cal presentation and tumor location in cases of ger- masses on postcontrast T1-weighted image with ependymal extension to the right lateral minoma. Lesions in the pineal region can obstruct ventricle involving right frontal horn. the cerebral aqueduct and cause hydrocephalus with features of raised intracranial pressure (ICP) as the DISCUSSION Intracranial germinoma constitutes first presenting symptom; they can also present with 50% to 60% of CNS germ cell tumors (CNSGCT), Parinaud syndrome.7 Tumors involving the supra- accounting for 0.5% to 2.0% of all primary intracra- sellar region usually present with hypothalamic–pitu- nial tumors.1 There is considerable variation in the itary axis dysfunction such as DI, delayed growth, geographic incidence of intracranial GCT; it is 5–8 menstrual irregularities, hypogonadism, or preco- times more common in Japan and the far east com- cious puberty. Patients may also have visual distur- pared to the western countries.2 CNSGCT occurs bances due to compression of the visual pathways. mainly in children and young adults with a peak age Interestingly, patients with bifocal germinoma tend at onset between 10 and 18 years. Overall, male pa- to present with symptoms associated with the supra- tients are affected more than female patients. WHO sellar mass initially.6 The central endocrinopathy as- classifies CNSGCT into pure germinoma, embryo- sociated with suprasellar GCT is thought to be a nal carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, consequence of direct pressure by the tumor on the teratoma, and mixed germ cell tumor.3 CNSGCT critical hypothalamic areas. These endocrine symp- arises from the primordial germ cells. These cells toms tend to occur sooner than a similar sized mass appear in the yolk sac wall by the third gestational week and migrate into the genital ridge by the in the pineal region. Additionally, in patients with sixth gestational week. If migration of these pri- bifocal disease, the suprasellar mass is frequently the 6 mordial germ cells is disrupted, some cells may larger of the 2 mass lesions in children. Thus the migrate to the ectopic sites (retroperitoneum, me- diagnosis may be missed if this possibility in not con- diastinum, or diencephalon) where they can de- sidered as headache and features of raised ICP may velop into extragonadal GCT.4 be a late manifestation. The role of protein markers such as -HCG and AFP that can be measured in the serum or more pref- Figure 2 MRI brain (postradiotherapy) erably in the CSF plays an important part in the di- agnosis of CNSGCT.3 Yolk sac tumor secretes AFP and choriocarcinoma secretes -HCG. Embryonal carcinoma usually does not secrete tumor markers but it occurs with other GCT-like yolk sac tumors and is considered as a mixed GCT.8 Pure germino- mas do not secrete tumor markers. Ancillary tests with typical neuroimaging findings can aid in the diagnosis of CNSGCT without the need for per- forming brain biopsy. Intracranial germinoma is considered as a highly curable brain tumor. Radiotherapy is the standard modality of treatment in such patients. With an irra- Follow-up MRI at 9 months post-treatment showing complete resolution of the hypotha- lamic, pineal masses and hydrocephalus on T2-weighted images (A, B) and no abnormal diation dose of 4,000–5,000 cGy, long-term survival contrast enhancement in postcontrast T1-weighetd image (C). is achieved in more than 90% of patients.9 Metastatic Neurology 78 January 10, 2012 e9 intracranial germinoma requires simultaneous radia- headache and should be thoroughly investigated to tion to the craniospinal axis.6 The side effects of CSI, look for abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary- like neurocognitive deficits, pituitary dysfunction, gonadal axis. Intracranial germinomas are exquisitely and secondary malignancies, are of real concern, par- radiosensitive and chemosensitive and thus are ticularly for younger patients. In order to minimize highly curable. New therapeutic strategies are focus- these, combined modality therapy using cisplatin- ing on dose reduction of therapy (radiation and che- based chemotherapy regimens with reduced volume motherapy) while still achieving the same cure rates and dose irradiation have shown promising results, we currently experience. showing only 9%–14% local failure rate and a sal- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS vage rate of over 50%.10 Dr. Ghosh collected and organized the data and wrote the first manu- There were a number of distractors in the clinical script (including the first draft). Dr. Mitra conceptualized the study. Dr. history of this case. Headaches with positive visual Tekautz and Dr. Mitra verified the results and revised the manuscript at phenomena could have been interpreted as migraine all stages. with aura. However, our patient had several features REFERENCES which were atypical for migraine, such as bilateral 1. Packer RJ, Cohen BH, Coney K.
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