Pope Paul Mourned Sorth B trp n joined the red of ttw world in imur A Funeral Mass for the P»P* dll (Thursday) d 7:3» P.M. in Qusen * f *aa«e Owrch, nmg the death of Pope Paul VI. North Arlington. The M ass, tdd Pattnr Martin OwrehM prepared spedal m n r i f l service*. O'Brien, pastor, will offer prayers far bdk tha tope And among those who had contact, even f leeringly for thehsp* that the worlddM cwdfcwe tasWw *Mh ttw prelate, ttw doath cam * at a How. m i for paaos and tocid justice, conosms to sM dt tope Among Hm mourners was Meyor-Fre*holder Pad was devoted ™ l " * • Carucd ir . of Lyndhurst who had an Cdofarating the Mass with Fdhir O'Brien will be audience with Piapo Pad on May 11. Father Jam s Brady, Father Vidor Kennedy, Fdhtr "I was sitting next to ttw spedd onvoy to Ufa World x Bernard Mohan, and Oadoans William SheHwmsr Conference of Churches," said Carucci. "Popo Paul and Gabrid Costa. mads a point of addressing him. Thus I had an oppor­ tunity to so* Pspo Paul at clooo rahge, and to listen to St. Mi dual's of Lyndhurst has services adwddsd *he conversation ho had with ttw envoy. for 9 A.M. Saturday. "Pope Pad teemed weary and failing at th* time. In Lyndhwd, Sacred H*aart Owrch will hdd a Italy then was in ttw throes *f despair over Mia M»ro memorial service Sunday at neon. assassination. No doubt H affected tope Paul deeply. At Ml. Csmwl in Lyndhurst a mass wtM be of Like so many others lw could not understand haw this ferod. Plans are underway for a mass bd outrage could happen." arrangements wore not comptotod depress Hms. Warm memories of Pop* M ar* held by Rev. Ruttwrfonfs St. Mary's Osurd. w»H hdd endow John Cassidy, assistant pastor at Rutherford's St. bd at press time a time had no* yd been fuwd. Mary's Church. Father Cassidy participated in tha canonisation/of Med Sacrsd Heart of Jesus, WbMinfen. will an­ Sister Seton in 1975. He said today ttw experience ups nounce the time for its memorial mass d Sudsy'* on* of the mast memorable of his Hfe. services. Minit-Ed J e f f Bell says that to deflate inflation the ge*r*rnm*nt must print lass money. The a l u — ---- - - - J — ^ _ M .— — ■ k M M M KSpJDlICafi CdfNluaiC TOT 1 BtWTt III I W HK'fnQ stnNmsnt reasoned that inflation is caused by (Commercial l i m b e r ass overabundance of msnay and i shortage of supplies. Fdr snough. Bd hew i£ e s capt square with his damand for a haavy cut in income taxes? Wouldn't a tax cut make and SDXTH-BERGEN REVIEW •VfHiflnv nw v money ror u n m mingt in iswn supply? BoH, d courw, probably knows thet paowirtsncy is th* lad thing expected of a Published at 251 Ridge Rd., Lyndhurst VOL. 57 NO. 1 TH U RSD A Y , AUGUST 1 0 , 1978 Second-Clou postage paid at Rutherford N.J. Subscription $6.00 Published Weekly Nothing Like A Circus Game To $40,000Gym Floor May Replace; Wash-Out Be Built At High School Rain waded out the CBS All-Star game with the Lyn- Although school reopening let — if the board approves asb esto s ceilings was Mhrin Ave. property was diurst All-Stars last Thur­ is just around the comer the By that time dasses will carried out during school rejected by the voters by a sday—and it washed out the Board of Education wants to have started again. hours two to one margin. big se rie s between th e rip up the gymnasium floor Should the /gym floor The bids on the new floor However, the capital i .im­ teams for this season for a $40,000 replacement replacement begin while and the school roofs are to provement program ap­ anyvray. or estim ates on the classes are in session it will be received next Monday at peared on the "FteJ. school out thfs "be- a continuation of the con­ II AM ballot and was approved along with the entire Softball Leagje which each from the board’s office in fusion that prevailed last The board’s plan for a the Town Hall. year when replacement of new middle school on its budget y e a r stages the ex ­ Of travaganza said that plans Where the $40,000 is are already in the hopper coming from is a mystery. f o r a replacement In the last school election a Man Loses License, Is game—probably on August capital program of about 31. $ 100,000 w as listed “We will piay a game," However, the only projects said Carucci. "The fans identified were new roofs Fined For DD in 197f> want it and we are going to for some of the elementary give it to them.” schools. Joseph L. Nazare, 282 Van tried on a death by auto wound was inflicted or by An opponent wder con­ Bids are also going out for Buren St., appeared in Lyn­ charge by the county whom. j , ■' sideration is the Budweiser the new roofs. dhurst Municipal Court prosecutor's office before The judge reserveo Belles, a classy softball According to some m e m Thursday night on a being heard in municipal decision after hearing team that has won the state bers of the board no vote drunken driving charge court on the drunk driving testimony on both side on championship. The team was taken on replacement lodged by Ptl. Thomas Graf- charge, and was recently the drunk driving charge features a couple of area of the high school g y m ­ fam on Sept 17, 1976. The convicted on that charge brough by Ptl James girls and would make in­ nasium floor. It was charge followed an accident Anthony Nazare, Jr . of Mileski against; William C teresting competition. declared that t he in which Roland Lagrutta, Copeland Avenue, Lyndhur­ Borkowski of 536 Page There will be. as usual, replacement probably is bartender at Angelo’s st, and his wife, Agnes Avenue The officer signed the game between the necessary because of a fault Restaurant, was killed when Nazare, of 20 Davis Avenue, the complaint after being firemen and policemen to in one area of the gym. Nazare ran the red light at Keamy, appeared before detailed to the scene of an set things off. The board spent several the comer of Ridge Road Garde on cross complaints accident at Ridge Road and P ro c e e d s will go to thousand dollars trying to and Valley Brook Avenue of “threat to kill ” Garde Page Avenue on the evening charity. correct the condition. and crashed into Lagrutta’s told the couple that this is of Jixie 10. However, it has been d eter­ Cadillac. v- an indict i ble offense and This was the third* time mined th a t a new floor Nazare was pleaded guilty therefore he had to send it Borkowski appeared before Craft Show should be installed. by his attorney, Frank to the county prosecutor’s the judge The other two RIDING HIGH. What’s i i thitMng than a rid* on an elephant At Hcde’s Circus Tining of the project is Ludanna. Judge John C. office for possible gFand times he asked permission Cancelled la st w s*k, sponso red Lyndhurst Kiwanis, youngsters got that thrill. Other open to question, however. G arde assessed a fine of jury action Garde said he to have the hearing adjour d i e pictures of us on sr* on pag* 4. With th e summer a lm o st $500 and $20 costs of court could hear testimony and ned so he could retain the The Lyndhurst P ark s over, it will be at least- two and suspended Nazare’s see if there was probable services of an attorney and Department under the Old Gets Long Hearing---------- months before a c o n tra c t driving privilege for a year. cause, for a trial but that he each time Garde granted direction of Gonnisdoner The case of George Woer C Garde. parking of* amusement far the new flooring can be Nazare had first to be would still have to send the him the postponement Ronald W. Bogle and the tz. Sr., Lyndirst Construc­ Woertz cited several equipment forma lot on the case to the prosecutor The When he appeared this week Lyndhurst Cultural Arts tion Official apunst Jennie violations of the towndiip opposite side of her house, couple elected to waive the still without an attorney to Comcnttee regretfully an­ V endola of C o p e la n d building code after com­ against a town ordinance Volunteers Wanted probable cause hearing and represent him, the judge nounce the cancellation of Avenue, pendng for more plaints o f n d $ i » r s on the Mrs. Vendola had been Sonior Citizens — Houmw ives — College Students, they will have to appear in said he would hear the case the proposed Sunday, than a year, had its first street charging Mis. Ven- represented by attorney ttw Lyndhurri Chapter of the American Red Cross Hackensack court. Anthony without further delay. A ugust 20th - "Craft Show .” hearing last Wednesday doia with destroying several Gabriel Ambrosio but he mods wriunteor drivwn to help transport people to was recently fouid in his Borkowski seemed to act as The Cultural Arts Com­ night with only the township feet of curbing and cutting recently resigied form the area hospitals.
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