tMt> IN ADVANCE. DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF NORTHERN IDAHO AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. P E R Y E A M -Ï» I t , liBWlOTOHU IDAHO TERRITORY, THURSDAY, KOVKMBË1I 2S IH8», i W N B G R 9 PHYSICIANS. O.)VEIlN0»S AND DELEGATES i fcaWJ.« TEUER JAG W. KEÏD, GOVERNOR MOORE S RETIRING wealth by enacting laws 1er the millions ! ADDRESS IN WASHINGTON. who are to dwell therein. You have the »N M riiÏNTV OFT ICI Al PANA Attorney - at - 1 aw, The following is a list of Governors A T ;TON, Ladies and Gentlemen: A custom storehouse of the cent unes from which and Delegates for Idaho from its organ-, .N uV . 28. '»■89. LEWISTON, IDAHO TERRITORY. has growu up here at Ihu Capital City to draw; the crystaliz :d experience of ization to tho present time, the dutty «ml cryst.ilig-d into unwritten luw which lawmakers from tho.days of tho code ol Physician and Surgeon, Will practice it nil tho courts of Idaho C-OR. 2 d wild C S T R E E T S . giving tho commonemcnt of their terms g rar v fau td ay Evening ami WùshingtOu Territories. Kusiuess requires the rctiiing governor to deliver Justinian down to present times. To LKW1STON, l. T, before tho Lojal in office: ad <J t tieral Land Offices his own valedictory And also to salute fail to give us good laws will t o to “sin < iffie«* .«n*i Keeiiier..»—Mont/ouory Slree’ ami the Department at Washington pmeiptly W. H. Wallace, March 17, 1S63. A . L E - dispatched. tolled jeive diligent at the incoming administration. In accor against light.” Unto whomsoever much tention. LEWISTON, IDAHO. Cilqb Lynns, March 2, 1864. OlFICK—Main Street, opposite T eller dance with that custom l am h»re as the is givcu, ot him shall bo much required. D. W. Ballard, June 14. 1866. fill if Soburiftui ai Coin Mes : jj. B. MORRIS M. D. Ofiee, 21 tf last of the race of territorial governors to Tho eyes of all the prople aru upon you. Thos. 8. Bowen, July 12, 1871. I Phyaioian and Suigeon. MME LE FRA N CÖ IS, PioprietreSs say ‘-Hail and Farewell.” Unit to the It is hoped and confidently expected you Thos. W. Bennett, Dee. 24, 1871. ....... $3 00 C#rr *■* * BAa .......... OFFIOR—in Haïe à Cooper** bulldln». KK.S- lusty young state of Washington, “ rising will bring to tho discharge of ymir duties, D. F. Thompson, Feb. 24, 1876. g i* Mo»t h «. ...... 2 00 i IDENCK—at T. S. Hilling'?, I,3»istin, T # • M#*t h » ...................... I 00 Has all the Comforts and convenience! like a giant in its strength;” farewe'l to wisdom, industry and lofty patriolisu i John D. Noil, Aug. 4, 1880. Id ah o . :l:i-:im. Hgiaher «•••«•• ..>•*•••• .................... J0 o f a old territorial days. It is an occasion for that when your work is done it will bo ■ t i» p U eases demanded. All i n- John N. Irwin, April 24, 1883. ttinaeu when time of subscription reminiscence—lor retrospection. To found to have been well done; that capital Win. N. Bunn, Juno 25, 1884. C. W. 3HAFF. M. D. those ot us who have watched at the and labor will hero have equal recogni­ E. A. Stevenson, Oct. 10, 1885. »!«•?*• LELAKP- CHAS. F. LF.LAND. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL cradle ot Washington’s p litical child!» d 1 tion aud absolute protection; that here Goo. L. Shoup, April 30, 1889. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. will arise an ideal commonwealth, the Corner 5th and Montgomery stg, this transition to statehood lias its pa'hel o DELEGATES. •I AP»»«-**»1"“ *n <'°'K Cffice on north si lo of Main street, over F irst Tuts house has been long and favorably home of a race to match our mountains, > (I inch in e .lu tn n ) 1 insertion $1 60 nuwn as tho stranger's home. side. It stirs within memories of the Wu». II. Wallace, March 1^ 1864. National Rank. 31-tf worthy lowest the name of Washington. rîa^W U W .»! »«««rUon........................ M LEW ISTON I. T “brave days of old.” The past rises be E. D. Holbrook, March 4,1867. fiaiiun***' insertion ............................. 2 0» Now that l am about to surrender my [ * ? .? * H i t ! « ,! in ee rtlen ........................... 1 UU fore us. We see agaiu the long trains ol IltST-CLASS BAR IS IN CONNECTION Jacob K. Shafer, March 4-, 1869. I |s»g| gee »ret tn eeftio n ................. 3 Ui* rpHIS HOTEL IS NEWLY BUILT trust and return to private life, I desire white canvas covered wagons leaving the Samuel A. Merritt, March 4, 1871. I iShttditioaal insertion ........................... 1 oo 0 c. BL/itiDEY, M- B-, l hard finished throughout, bus all the to testify my grateful appreciation of the •u, inneres insertion ......................... 3 SO fringe of settlements ol tho then Weit.wn S. S. Fenn, March 4, 1875. ™ ’i»Mitls«il insertion ........................... 1 on x t r a Ac com m odal ions uniform kindness, forbearance and cour­ Physician and Surgeon, MODERN CONVENIENCES frontier; through tear dimmed eyes we Joho Hailey, March 4,1877. S inlf yearly anil quarterly mlvertH- tesy aceorded mo by the people of S. W. Cor., First and Main Streets sec them disappear down behind the George Ainslic, March 4, 1879. ‘ ir*’.' lanrn than (our squares inserted Olympia »nd by ull the citizens of Wash­ naniiai oontraot. ROOMS 5 AND 6 , PORTLAND, OREGON For the Com fbrt of GUests for Commercial western horizon, launched upon that vast George Ainslin, March 4, 1881. and Artisans Cards of one 1 3m. ington it has b"cn ray good fortuno to ignnm nr loss, p er q u a rte r........................ 3 00 terra iueognita, the Great American Theo. F. Singiser, March 4. 1883. meet during my brief term of offioe. ■•dau in Ineal oolumn (except voluntary) And Î8 kept as a T r a v e l e r s desert our of schoolboy atlas. We sio John Hailey, March 4, 1885. ’"TS*........................................... 2« I shall always cherish among the pleasant Irtnain far lau than. .................................. I 00 tho meniergo after months of weary trav-.l Fred. T. Dubois, March 4, 1887.’ 1IBST-CLASS IIOCSE expciiences of my Ute the seven months |„My (irnrtinsuinnta and rns ilntionn par P. Js BOSTOIST, a; on the plains of Eastern Washington; Fred. T. Dubois, March 4, 1889. airsaoh i,aartl« n ............................——..... tv OREGON RAILWAY A NAVI passed hero as Washington's last terri­ laitl AOvarUtlat Helen. I, Cala : t»r later hewing out paths in the wilder Bellvue Press. torial governor. Sheriff’» HaMO and all otbar I» GENERAL STAGE OFFICE GATION CO. ness, striving to reach that “Eden they n l natioan pur inah fffst insertion. ... ..$1 50 To your young governor eleen you Willis Sweet Appointed. iatk lubsaquont inaOftiuu.......... ... 50 call Fuget Sound. ” Hither ypnr by Aud headquarters tor all express lines run­ need no introduction. If not a pioneer All musiaat adrartiaetdanU and notiaea ning to and from Lewiston • m year enmo tho pioneers aud built their W ashington, Nov. 19.—The presi­ 1 duiuandad, all othara paya­ he is at leust an old settler. It is a ble quarterly.____________________________ homes, and planted the symbols of their dent to-day appointed Willis Sweet of, M R S .R .S A U X A Ce» “Columbia Elver Boute.*’ graceful tribute to this class that one of faith upon the banks of your rivers, in Idaho associate justice of the supreme Proprietors. I heir number was selected to be (trat irflCIAL DIRECTORY OF IDAHO 4.9-t tho sun kissed valleys ot your Inland oourt of Idaho. DENTIST. Leaves Lewiston.... ............ ........... 7:30 a. m gnvernoi’of the state. It affords me Arrives at Almota .......... .. .< ...........0:30» a. m Fmpire, nndcr the shadows ot your grand ItiiM M i» O o i g r u i .............~ F . T . D ubois AH dental surgery performed skillfully and ............2:30, a. m plensurc to testify So his thorough and Explorer Stanley. " ..................................A. A . S tev en so n . Leave Uiparia...........»...-a... mountains and upon the shores of this gauranteed to give satisfaction or money re- ASK YDUR GROCER FOR THE Arrive at K iparia.................... .................5, p. m< absolute devotion to its interest«. His lt,n*~~J ......................... Edward J. Curtin fun led. OJBee—Up stairs in Vollmer.A Co.'s Leaves Walla Walla ........ ..........5:2ô, a. ,m vast inland sea. Berlin, Nov. 20.—The Reichs Utttmj O s o t r t l ..................... R. Z. Johnaou brick building, Lewiston, Idaho. 51 Arrives at Walla Walla.......... ..........5:20» a. m ever tho ught is instinct with love for the Very gradually we grew. The dona­ Anzicger publisher a dispatch from glltq ,l .................. ......................... K. B aird Leaves Pendleton.................... .............8:45 a. m (air young state. I bespeak for him 0 .8 . A tta r an y .......- ..............J. H. Hawley Arrives at Pendleton ............. ........... 7 :75, a. m tion act passed by congress September 27. Capt'aio Wismann dated at Nepwapwa, LAWYKhS Arrives at Portland................. ........... 6140* p. m your generous eo operation and assistance. f e a r e r ..................................C h arle s H im rod 1850, giving to each man and his wife C satreller......................... ,J. H. Wickeriham October 13, saying that tour of Stanley’s Steamer arrives at Lewiston every Sunday und who would settle thereon a square mile Jipl. P u b lic In s tru c tio n ..........S . W . M oody PHILIP T1LLINGHAST, Thursday, and leaves Mondays sud Ir iidays» THE MANITOBA LINE. soldiers und one of Emin’s men arrived.' JOOSIS A OL*R*§ of land in this fertile reuion, attracted there.
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