355 WEST RIDING YORKSHIR:El. GOOLE. improved by warping; the euMoll is peat and bog. The 4,1861 ofthe pnrlsb, 7,711; tbe area is4,838 acres, ofwhich ebiefcrops a.re J(taln, of which large quantitie!!t" ar~ pro- 14:2 are waterJ The rateable value of Goole towmlhtp is duced ~ potatoes are grown also to a great extent for the .£18,260, and the gross rental, £19,811; the area of the London and Manchester markets. ecclesiastical parish is 5,631 acres. The population of tHe township of Goole (1811.) was Acting Pari8h Clerk, Edwatd Deyes. Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c. POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Savings Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Burial Board, The Cemetery, George Hamilton, clerk Office, East parade. County Court, held at the Court house, Alre street, F. A. Bed well esq. jurlge; Edmund Wilson, l'egistrar; Ed ward Postmi8tress· , Miss Mary Storr. Gill, clerk ; Henry Jackson Earushaw, high bailiff; London &: all partR, arrive at 5.30 a. m. i delivered at 7 a. m. John Bulstrode, under baili:H: The county court is held Second maill.O p.m; third mail at 3.0 p.m ; delivered at every 6 weeks; the district comprises the following parishes 3.30 p.m & townships in its jurisdiction :-Adling-fleet, Airmyn, Dispatch-Box closes at 8.30 a. m.; dispatched at 8.55 a.m. Cowick, Eastoft, Fockerby, Garthorpe (Lincoln), Goole, at 12.30 p.m.; dispatched 12.45 p.m. Gowdall, Haldenb~, Hook, Luddington (Lincoln), Ouse­ at 7.40 p.m.; extra 11tamp, 7.55p.m. fleet, Pollington, Rawcliffe, Reedness, Snaith, Swinefleet dispatched 8.0 p.m & Whitgift Dispatch of mails ort sundays 7.45 p.m.; closing at 7.15 p.m Chamber of Commerce, J. H. Rockett esq. president; R . .Money orders are issued & paid from 9 a.tn. to 6 p.m. ; T. C. Lyth, treasurer; H. T. Gardiner, secretary saturdays to 7 p.m Posr. MoNEY ORDER 0FFICB & SavinJrS Bank, Bridge County Police Statton, Aire street, George Dixon, super... street.-Thomas Earl, receiver. Box clvses at 6.30 p.m. ; intendent for Lower Osgoldcross division on sundays at 5.40 p.m Custom House, Custom House buildings, Lewis Evans, RECEIVING OFFICE, Old Goole.-William Plowes, re­ collector, receiver of wreck, & superintendent mercantile ceiver. Box closes at 6.30 p.m. ; no dispatch on sundays marine ; Frerlerick Pockett, first clerk &: assistant WALL Box, Booth Ferry road.-Cleared at 8.30 a. m. & receiver of wreck & mercantile marine; James L. 8. 7.5 p.m. week days only Chappell, clerk 2nd class ; William Boultou, writer ; A. J. Buckingham, writer; Thomas Wales, first examiaing COUNTY MAGISTRATES officer; George Phillips, second examining officer; Eli Acting in & for the Lower Division of Osgoldcross sitting at Lockw6od, acting examining officer; R. W. Fawcett, Goole & Sna.ith. G. B. Jackson, D. E. McCarthy, out-door officers 1st class Robert Cornelius Empson esq. Ousefleet grange&. Goole hall Fire Bell, at Lancashire & Yorkshire Goods offices, near Ralph Creyke esq. M.P. Rawcliffe hall, Selby the Railway dock, & Aire & Calder Steam fire whistle at .James Beacbell eeq. Ivy lodge, Rawclifle, Selby the Engine house, Ship dock Benjamin Sbavr fsq, Cowick hall, Selby John Bladworth esq. Percy lodge, Howden Fire Engines, Steam Shipping Co. Limited, Lanca'lhire &; William Coulman esq. Eastoft hall, near Goole Yorkshire Railway Co. &: Aire &: Calder Navigation Co J"amea Hanks M.D. Snaith, Selby Gas Works, Doyle street The Right Hon. Lord Beaumont, Carlton towers, Selby Goole ~ Marshland Ckamber of Aqriculture, William Thomas William Tew esq. Carlton grange, Pontefract Burton esq. president; R. T. C. Lyth, treasurer; TbomWl Charles M. Weddall esq. West bank, Carlton, Selby Goulton esq. hon. sec Adam Jessop esq. Castleford Inland Revenue Office, Sydney Commercial hotel, Aire The Hon. Miles Stapleton, Carlton towers, Selby street; Morris C. Wren, officer Petty sessions held every Wednesday in the Court house. Mar!let Hall, Booth Ferry road, Richard Haldenby, sec Places within the division of Lower Osgoldcross are :­ Odd Fellows' Hall, North street, Thomas Earl, sec Adlingfleet, Airmyn, Balne, Beal otherwise Beaghall, Crid­ Pilot Office, Steam Ship lock, Samuel Wright, pilot ling Stubbs, Eastoft, Egf;tbrough, Fockerby, Goole, Gow­ master ; E . .A.shton &; J oseph J ackson, pilots dall, Haldenby, Heck, Hensall, Hook, Kellington, Little Public Rooms, Adam street . Smeaton, Ousefleet, Pollington, Rawcliffe, R.eedness,Snaitb, Sailors' Institute, Bank's terrace, B. W. Roulston, sec & Cowick, Stubbs, Swinefleet, Walden, Whitgift, Whitley, School Board Office, Alexandra st. Geo. Hamilton, clerk Womersley Stamp Office, Ouse street, Hy.Trevor Gardiner, distributot; Clerk, E. E. Clark, for Goole & Snaith. Assistant, West York Rifle Volunteers (5th Battalion), George Ralph Blasdale, 2 BurUngton crescent Thompson, captain; Robert Hlair :r.l.D, acting surgeon; W. Lee, drill instructor LocAL BoARD. Clerk, George England, jun. East parade GOOLB UNION. MedicalOfficer,J .MitchellWilson M.D.Thorne rd. Doncster The Goole union eomprises the following townships :-Ad­ Inspector, John Upton, Paradise place lingfleet, Airmyn, Cowick, Eastoft, Fockerby, Gartborpe Surveyor, E. C. B. Tudor, 6 Bank's terrace (Lincoln), Goole, Gowdall, Haldenby, Hook, Luddington Collector, Thomas Bunker, 9 East parade (Lincoln), Oueefleet, Pollington, Rawcliffe, Reedness; Snaitb, Swinefleet & Whitgift ; rateable value £96,390 , INSURANCE AGENTS. population (1871), 17,270. The Board of Guardians British Empire Mutual Life, E. P. Porter, East parade meet evf'ry fortnight on wednesday at 10.30 a.m., the Rural Sanitary Authority on the first board day in each Commercial Union. W. Pease, Banks terrace month at 10.0 a.m. the Assessment Committee on the LitJerpool t London 41' Globe, C. Bromley, Adam street same day at 10.0 a.m. & the School Attendance Com­ London Assurance C01•poration, W. A. Haigh, 14: Dutch mittee on the second board day in each month at 10 a.m. River eide . in the board room London&' Staffordshire Fire, H. Kitching & Son, l.ower Clerk, George England, jun. East parade Bridge street Treasurer, Richard Thomas Chalmers Lyth, York City & Manchester Fire, R. J. Wake, Aire street County Bank Phami:x: Fire, J. E. Porter, Victoria street; Hind & Assistant Overseer, George Green6eld, 3 North street, fur Everatt, Booth Ferry road Goole & Edward Buck, East parade, for Hook Queen, C. Gleadhow,. Bridge •treet Collector, Thomas Bunker, East parade, for Goole & Royal, F. Hartmann,t Eaat parade; J. Bennett, Railwat dock Edward Buck, East parade, for Hook Scottish Equitable Ltfe~ E. Gill, Con~g Court office Relieving t Vaccination Officers, Alfred Wilson, East Scott-ish Unicm t Nstiun,al Fire~ LiJe, J. Oooderidge, parade, for Goole ; H ugh J ennings, for Snaith &: R. Hal­ Market hall denby, for Swinefleet Scotti8h Widows' Fa11tf, G. Hamilton, The Cemetery ~ J .~ Med'ical Oiftcers., W. E. Cass, Goole; William Fen ton. E. Porter, Victoria.lltreet Reeduess; P. c. Ellis, Crowle _; Thomas Perkins, Snaith; Standard Life,T. H .. Goulton, Alrmyn grange,near Howden G. E. East1 Swinefle(lt Sun Jt'ire, C. A .. B. TudOl', Banks tetrace Superintendent Registrar,Geo. England,jun. Eas,t parade Yorkshire Fire~ Life) R~T • .C. Lytb, York City &County !!i!Juty,. Richard Haldenby1 F.ast parade bank & J. H. Rockett- Revistrarsof Births t Deaths, William E. Cass,9 Bank'• terrace, for Goole j H, Jennings, for Snaith & William VlCE-CONSULS. Squireg-, "for Swineneet Belgium t Den mar~, .losepb A. Bray,Custom House bldngs Regiatrars of Marriages, Edward Buck1 East parade & Steeden t Norway, Alexander Meek, Custom House bldgs Charles Bromley, Adam street ~3· .
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