DIE MAGAZINE OF DIE CRUISING YAClff CWB OF AUSTRALIA the more you go North. he more you know about sailing, the more you'll know North ABOVE /LC 40 Class start at 1996 is the sailmaker to choose if you' re committed to achieving Kenwood Cup North 3DL sails finished 1-3-4-5-6-7*-8-10 in class. your best. Whether you're a rock star or a weekend warrior, T 1996 Telstra Cup ....... 1-2-3-4-5 North commits more resources to helping you sail faster than any 1996 Sydney to Hobart ... 1-2-3*-4-5 other sailmaker.. far more: 1996 Bruce & Walsh Regatta ► Only North has 3DL, the revolutionary molded sails that have IMS Racer Div. ....... 1-2-3*-4-5 set new standards for low stretch, light weight and shape retention. 1991 Sydney to Mooloolaba, Div. 1. .. 1*-3- 4-5 ► Only North has PRG (Performance Resource Group), eight Div. 2. 1-3-5*-6 accomplished North Sails specialists whose only job is to translate • partial inventory Sharon Green photo winning speed into tuning guides that help North customers and their crews achieve maximum performance.. fast! We call it "turnkey speed." North tuning guides are ► Only North has over 58 lofts in 28 countries, the largest designed to he lp · and most varied performance database of any sailmaker in you and your crew reach maximum history. performance ... fast' ► More races are won using North sails than with all other sails combined. At North we're committed to being the best, and to helping our customers achieve the same. Call your nearest North loft today. Let our committment be your key to success. North Sails Sydney (02) 9997 5966 The new shape North Sails Melbourne (03) 9534 0363 of sailmaking From the Commodore's Desk Sydney Harbour and cial slipways on Sydney Harbour, it is sailing arid pleasure.boat clubs are not essential that environmentally friendly able to fund such developments indi­ the environment alternatives are developed and made vidually or even collectively. If recre­ ecreational boating on Sydney available for harbour users. ational boating is to remain part of the Harbour is in urgent need of a Facilities that will be acceptable to colourful and traditional make-up of Rlong-term plan to solve the the EPA in the future require that the Sydney Harbour, tl].en the State Gov­ looming problem of slipping and run-off from the cleaning and preening ernment, particularly Wa terways, and cleaning boats in an environmentally of boats be captured and not run into the boating community need to work friendly manner. The Clean Water Act harbour waters. These types of facili­ together to find a solution. of 1970, along with the Draft Guide­ ties need significantly more space than Peter Bush, Commodore lines for Marina and Slipways recently traditional slipways as they require issued by the NSW Minister for the lifting boats out of the water and park­ Environment, have highlighted the ing them on a hard stand. need for the provision of environmen­ Whilst there are already too few In Brief tally friendly slips as traditional slip­ such facilities available within Sydney Peter Bush re-elected ways are phased out over time. Harbour for both recreational boating The Draft Guidelines, currently out and charter operators, it is equally con­ as cycA Commodore for public comment, state, in short, that cerning that such a fac ility at Birken­ Peter Bush has been re -elected new and upgraded slipping facilities head Point has already closed down. unopposed fo r hi s second term as must comply with both the Guidelines River Quays, further up the Parramat­ Commodore of th e Cruisin g Yacht and the Clean Water Act. For existing ta River, will be developed as water­ Club of Au stralia. Alan Gree n has facilities, the Guidelines acknowledge front apartments. also been re-e lected. unopposed as both the economic difficulties of This proves the point that water­ Treasurer. upgrading and specific difficulties front land in Sydney is more valuable However, ballots were necessary associated with site locations that, by for residential than commercial use. for the election of other Flag Officers their nature, make it .difficult or poten­ The remaining facility at Berrys Bay, and Club Directors at the annual gen­ tially impossible to comply by the North Sydney Marine Centre eral meeting on July 14. Results will grandfathering. operated by Noakes Rigging, be publ ished in th e next issue of However, the Guidelines OFFSHORE. "It is is the benchmark for point out that this grand­ future slipping facilities youth Academy fathering is overridden absolutely clear on Sydney Harbour. by the requirements of that the various Over the past ten sailors heading nonh the Clean Water Act. sailing and pleasure years a number of The Club's Youth Sailing Academy is I am sure we all boat clubs are not attempts have been going from strength to strength , with agree that a Clean able to fund such made by Harbour up to 30 students about to head north Water Act, that pre­ developments yacht clubs, in co-oper- in the Sydney - Gold Coast Classic cludes discharging of any individually" ation with various Gov­ and then on to Hamilton Island for foreign materials into har­ ernment departments, to Race Week. Eight students have bour waters is desirable for the find an acceptable site on har- been chosen to sail aboard John long term condition and mainte­ bour foreshores to locate an appro­ Needham's Sidewinder following nance of this most remarkable water­ priate facility. Several sites were evalu­ training throughout the Winter Series. way. However, the nature of the Act ated and at least one acceptable site Other yachts carrying Academy and the Guidelines defaulting it, effec­ identified crew will be Never a Dull Moment, tively renders the traditional style of However, the stumbling block at the Elusive, Hogs Breath Witchdocto r, A rail and cradle slipways unusable. time was the cost of development crewed Interest, Razors Edge, Foxtel Whilst at this time the Environmen­ funding driven again by the value of Amazon, Bashful/ and Assassin. The tal Protection Agency is not enforcing waterfront land for residential versus Academy thanks owners and crews the Act in its strictest sense and its commercial use. The price tag for the of these yachts for their continued future intentions are unclear with land was $20 million! support in presenting opportunities regard to many private and commer- It is absolutely clear that the various for youth to sail' offshore. jj Aug ust• Septe mber 1997 -- Offshore THE CRUISING YACHT CLUB OF AUSTRALIA New Beach Road, Darling Point NSW 2027 Phone: (02) 9363 9731 Fax: (02) 9363 97 45 e-mail: [email protected] FLAG omCERS AND DIRECTORS COMMODORE: PETER BUSH VICE-COMMODORE: HUGO VAN KRETSCHMAR REAR.COMMODORES: HANS SOMMER, JOHN MESSENGER TREASURER: ALAN GREEN DIRECTORS: BOB BRENAC, MAURICE CAMERON, ROGER HICKMAN, DENNIS McDONALD, JOHN MESSENGER, GEOFF CROPLEY. Commodore Peter Bush, j CHAIRMEN, CLUB COMMITI'EES MANAGEMENT & FINANCE: COMMODORE PETER BUSH unopposed, stresses th SAILING: VICE-COMMODORE HUGO VAN KRETSCHMAR providing new slippin YARD & MARINA: REAR-COMMODORE HANS SOMMER Harbour •• •••••••••••••• HOUSE: DIRECTOR MAURICE CAMERON STRATEGIC PLANNING: DIRECTOR DENNIS McDONALD PROMOTION & SPONSORSHIP: DIRECTOR ROGER HICKMAN RIGGING GENERAL MANAGER: BRUCE ROWLEY Sydney sailor and SAILING MANAGER: PHIL THOMPSON maintenance ex e Sean talks about h" a for woo .55 EDITOR Peter Campbell (02) 9869 8197 DESIGN/PRODUCTION Hardy Graphics (02) 9719 1963 PHOTOGRAPHERS: Ian Mainsbridge, Sydney (02) 9624 5039 Richard Bennett, Hobart (002) 29 2559 From ports around the world, he PRODUCTION EDITOR: Helen Hayes (02) 9948 4861 latest ne In yachting . ... .. .. .. ......56 FILM SEPARATIONS Halagraphics Pty Ltd (02) 9542 7022 ADVERTISING Jan Cooke (02) 9452 2093 OFFSHORE CALENDAR Program of major yachtln PUBLISHED BY Jamieson Publishing PO Box 197, Cronulla, NSW. 2230 Phone: (02) 9544 1501 in Australia and ovarse Fax: (02) 9544 1502 Subscriptions: (02) 9544 1501 . Net address: http://www.merli n.eom.au/offshore/ EDITORIAL OFFICES: Peter Campbell & Associates, 64 Boronia Avenue, Cheltenham NSW 2119. Phone/Fax: (02) 9869 8197. CompuServe 100036, 2315. SYDNEY 36 For the second year in successi9n a yacht EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS: designed by lain Murray and Associates MELBOURNE - Kevan Wolfe (03) 9560 8674. and built by Bashford International has been HOBART - Bruce Montgomery (002) 24 2196. named Sailboat of the Year •••••••••••••••••.•••••••• 43 PERTH - John Roberson (09) 430 4944. BRISBANE - Ian Grant (07) 3349 9147. UNITED KINGDOM: Bob Fisher + 44 (1590) 68 2267. ADVERTISING: destinations Jan Cooke, Phone/Fax (02) 9452 2093 or Jamieson Publishing, PO Box 197, Cronulla, NSW 2230. SYDNEY HARBOUR & BROKEN BAY Phone (02) 9544 1501 Fax (02) 9544 1502. Charter companies such as Sunsail and Ausail have DISTRIBUTION: much to offer with a range of modern charter Network Distribution Co, 54 Park Street, Sydney 2000. yachts to sail on these beautiful waterways •••••• 30 The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia nor the Publisher. All rights reserved. No COVER: A Sunday gale on Sydney Harbour created havoc among part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the the fleet racing in the CYCA's Winter Series, with several written permission of the Publisher. dismastings, a man overboard situation and many wild broaches. Photographer "Ace" Mowtell captured the action as • The cover price of $4.95 (NZ $5.95) is the recommended this crew struggled to keep their yacht upright. maximum charge for this publication. OPPOSITE PAGE: THIS PAGE: PRINTED BY ROTARY OFFSET news features b r WINTER WIND WHAT TO WEAR AFLOAT The CYCA's Wi tar eries o~ Sydney Harbour The latest in clothing and accessories for the keen and attracted a record leet and winds that varle casual sailor from our leading companies ............19 from drifters to a gale ......................................4 OPTIMISING CUP.
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