TREATY WITH THE OSAGE, 1815. lHl Jim KiJltmck, his x mark, [L. S.] Kaitchaynee, his x mark, [L. s.] Captain Beaver, his x mark, (L. 8.) Waymeego, or W. H. Harrison, liis McDonald, his x mark, (L. S.] x mark, (L. s.] Seneca chiefs: Louison, his x mark, [L. s.] Tabummindoyeh, or between Osheouskeebee, his x mark, [L. s.J words, riis x mark, (r,. s.] Miami chiefs: Yonundankykueurent, .Qr John Paean, his x mark, [L. s.] Harris, his x mark, (L. s.] Singomesha,ortheowl,hisxmark, [L. s.) Masomea,orCivilJohn,hisx mark,[r,. s.] Totanag, or the butterfly, his x Saccorawahtah, or wiping stick, mark, . [L. s.] his x mark, [L. s.] Osage, or the neutral, his x mark, "[1,. s.] Potawatimie chiefs: Wabsioung, or the white skin, his Topeeneebee, his x mark, [L. s.] x mark, [L. s.) Noungeesai, or five medals, his x Wapaassabina, or white racoon, his mark, [L. s.] x mark, (L. s.] Naynauawsekaw, his xmark, f1,· s.l Ottei1taqua, or a blower of his Joeeonce, his x mark, L. s. breath, his x mark, (L. s.] Cocneg, his x mark, fL. s. Makataeabina, or black racoon, his Ohshawkeebee, his x mark, L. s. x mark, [L. s.) Waineamaygoas, his mark, L . Wapeshesa, or white appearance in Meeksawbay, his x markx , [r,. s.ls. the water, his x mark, [L. s.] Mongaw, his x mark,. [L. s. Motosamea, or Indian, his x mark, [ L. s.) Nawnawmee, his x mark, [L. s. Shacanbe, his x mark, [L. s.] Chay Chauk, or the crane, his x Shequar, or the poor racoon, his x mark, [L. s.] mark, L. s.~ '\Vanaune.iskee, his x mark, fL. s. Cartanquar, or the sky, hisxmark, [1,. s.) Plll!hapow, his x mark, L. s. Okemabenaseh, or the king bird, Hon~~~:,ni, or the chief, his his x mark, . [L. s.] xfL. s. Wapena...--eme, or the collector of Neesscatimeneemay, his x mark, L. s. birds, his x mark, [r,. a.] Ponngeasais, his x mark, L , s. Mecinnabee, or (he setting stone, Nounnawkeskawaw, his x mark, [L. s. his x mark, [L. s.] Chickawno, his x mark, (r,. R. .Annawba; his x mark, [L. s.] Mitteeay, his x mark, fL. s.]1 Mashepesheewingqua, or tiger's Messeecawee, hfa x mark, - L. s.] face, his x mark, [L. s.] Neepoashe, his x mark, r,. s.] Signed in the presenee of- A. L. Lan~han, ·secretary to the commis- Francis Janeen, sion, James Riley, interpreter, Lewis Case, William Kingg, ,Tames Miller, hrig. general U.S. Army, Francois Mouton, Willoughby Morgan, major U.S. Army, John Kenzie, interpreter, A. B. Woodward, F. Duchouquet, united States interpre- Hv. B. Brevoort, late Major Forty-fifth ter, w.J lnfantry, Louis Butait, Indian interpreter, John Bidder, Captain U. S. Corps Artil- J. Bts. Chandonnai, interpreter, lery, W. Knagi?S, James May, J. P., Antoine Bondi, Peter Audrain, Reg. L. O. D., Jean Bt. .l\faseac, his x mark. Jn. K. Walker, Wyandot interpreter, TREATY WITH THE OSAGE, 1816. .A treaf/y of_pea,ce and friend.9/J,ip, rnade and crm.r:luiu.d bemcee:n William __s_ep '-t_. 1_2,'-- 1_s1_;;_. _ Ola·rk, Ninia·n Edwar·ils, and Auqwte Clwutem1, Co·m:missi011.ers , stat., 13.1. Plenipote:ntiat·,11 of t!te United States of America, on the part and l!atifiedDec.u,isi5. belw]j' of t!te said State..q, of the onepart; and the itndersiq·ned King, Chiefs, a11d Warrimw, of the Grea.t and Little Osage Tribes or Natwns, on tlie part and behalf of thefr said Tribes m· Nations, of the other pa.1·t. THE parties being desirous of re-establishing peace and friet;tdahip between the United States and the said tribes or nations, and of being placed in all things, and in every respect, on· the same footing upon which they stood before the war, have agreed to the following articles: ARTICLE 1. Every injury, or act of hostility, by one or either of .I,njuries, etc •• ior- the contracting parties against the other, shall be mutually forgiven gmn. and forgot. 120 TRE.A.TY WITH THE SA UK, 1815. Perpetuulpe11ceand friendship, ART. 2. There shall bejerpettial/eace and friendship between alL the citizens o-f the Unite States o America and all the individuals . composing the said Osage tribes or nations. 11 1 ogmzedF?rmer trea.ndt es con-rec- ART • 3• The· contracting·. parties, in the sinceri~r of mutual friend- firmed. ship recognize, re-establish, and confirm, all an every treaty, con- tract, and agreement, heretofore concluded between the United States and the said Osage tribes or nations. In witness whereof, the said William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau, commissionern as aforesaid, and. the king, chiefs, and warriors of the said tribes or nations have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed their seals, this twelfth d.ay of September, in the year of our Lord. one thousand. E:ight hundred and -fifteen, and of the independence of the United States the fortieth. Wm. Clark, [L. S.] The Little Osages: Ninian Edwards, [L. s.J Caggatanagga, the great chief, his x Auguste Chouteau, [L. s.J mark, [L. s.J Teshuhimga, or white hair, his x Nechoumanu, the walking rain, his -mark, [L. s.J x mark, [L. s.J Caygaywachepeche, or the bad Wata.shinga, he who has done lit- chief, his x ma.rk, . [L. s.] tle, his x mark, [ L. s. J Couchestawasta, or the one who N ehujarnega, without ears, his x sees.far, his x mark, [L. s.] mark, [L. s.] Gradan:msa, or iron kite, his x Ososhingga, the little point, his x mark, [L. s.J mark, . [L. s. J Mahsa, his x mark, [L. s.] Akidatangga, the big soldier, his x W anougpacha, or he who fears not, mark, [L. s.J his x mark, _ [L. s.] Wabesongge, his x mark, [L. s.] Hurate, the piper bird, hisx mark, [L. s. J Nehreegnegawachepecha, his x ·"\Vasabatougga, bigbear,hisimark,[L. s.) mark, [ L. s. J Nekagahre, he who beats the men, Grecnachee, he who arrives, his x his x mark, [L. s.] mark, [L. s.] Mekewatanega, he who carries the W ahadanoe, of the Missouri tribe, sun, his x mark, [L. s.J his x mark, [L. s.J Nangawahagea, his x mark, [L. s.] Asooga, the little horn, hisx mark, [L. s.J Kemanha, the wind racer of the Mathagrhra, the cutter, his x mark, [ L. s.] Arkinsaw band, his x mark, [L. s.) . Done at Portage des Sioux, in the presence of- R. Wash, secretary of the commission, Maurice Blondeaux. Thomas Levers, lieutenant colonel, com- Samuel Solomon, manding First Regiment, I. T., Noel Mograine, P. Chouteau, agent Osages, Interpret.era. T. Paul, C. C. T., P. L. Chouteau, · James B. Moore, captain. Daniel Converse, third lieutenant.· Samuel Whiteside, captain. Jno. W. Johnson, United States, factor and Indian agent, TREATY WITH THE SAUK, 1815. 3 1816 Sept. i , • A treaty ofpeace and friendship, malk and concluded between Wi'lliam 78ta t., l34. 26 1815 Olark, Ninian Eawar<k and Augu..~te Chouteau, Oomm.issioners RatifiedDec. ' · Plenipotentiary of the dnited States of .A:merica, on the pm·t and beluilf of the said State.s, ofthe one part/ and the undersiqned Chiefs and Warriors of tllat 1;>0rtion of the Sac Nation of lndian8 now residi'ng on the .Mwsmtri river; of the other pa1,t. · WHEREAS the undersigned chiefs and warriors, as well as that por- tion of the nation which they represent, have at all times been desirous of fulfilling their treaty with the United States, with perfect gooci faith; and for that purpose found themselves compelled, since the commencement of the late war, to separate themselves from the rest of their nation, and remove to the Missouri river, where they have continued to give proofs of their friendship and fidelity; and whereas the United States, justly appreciating the conduct of said Indians, are .
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