The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 71 , Number 12 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Funerals held for Sister Sheila Jane, Father NORTH COUNTRY Lederman I PAGES 4,6 The unique vision of a Latin American pope I PAGE 10 CATHOLIC JULY 20,201 6 Pope: pray for those who scorn IN PRAYER VATICANGTY(CNS)-Pray for those pie, wish them well and "ask province of Lyon, who are joseph Wresinski, who min­ FOR PEACE responsible for extreme jesus that they convert, and homeless, living in poverty istered to deprived families poverty, for the rich who I assure you that if you do or coping with an illness or in urban and rural parishes. As world sees feast unaware of people in this, there will be great joy in disability. Meeting with the group need at their door, and for the church, in your hearts The group was on pilgrim­ july 6 in the Vatican's Paul VI angry, violent priests who ignore those and also in your beloved age to Rome with Cardinal audience hall, the pope told who are hurting, Pope Fran­ France," the pope told his au­ Philippe Barbarin of Lyon them he had a favor to ask behavior cis told people living a pre­ dience. and the All Together With them, or rather, he said, he carious existence. The pope met with about Dignity Fourth World move­ was giving them a mission to Say a prayer for these peo- 200 people from the French ment founded by Father carry out. NFP Week ON THE PATH TO PRIESTHOOD to be held July 24-30 CNS PHOTO/GREGORY A.SHEMITZ Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brook­ lyn, N.Y., prays during acandlelight vigil Ju~ 11 at Grand Army Plaza in the Prospect Heights section of Brooklyn.The interfaith service was organized by the Diocese of Brooklyn to moum the victims offatalshoot­ celebrated on Ju~ 24-30.This yea~sslogan ings by ponce in Louisiana and Min­ is: Natural Family Plannin!t Love Mer~ Liff, nesota earlierthis month and the opening the heart ofmaffiage. NFP Week is fIVe ponce officers subsequently anational education campaign to celebrate killed by asniper in Dallas. Bishop God's vision for marriage and promote tile Terry R.LaValleyaddressesthevio­ methods ofNFP. lence erupting across the country in FULL STORY, PAGES 8-9 his Follow Me column this week. uDuringthisJubHee of Mercy, we are PHOTO BY TOM SEMERARO especially aware of how much our NCC summer Six men currently preparing for the priesthood in the Diocese of Ogdensburg joined Father Bryan Stitt. diocesan director ofvo­ wortd needs each one ofusto bean in­ cations, fora seminarian gathering July 11-13 atthe Guggenheim Lodge in Saranac Lake. From left are Deacon Todd Thibault, schedule St. Mary's in Canton, who is anticipating priestly ordination Oct.S; Leagon Cartin, third year of college seminary; Matthew Con­ strument of peace and recondliation: Bishop laValley said. The bi-weekly publication of the ger, first theology; Father Stitt. Douglas Schirmer,first college; Nicholas Olley, first college;and Deacon Michael Jablonski, fourth theology.The men are all students at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus,Ohio. FULL STORY, PAGE 3 North Country Catholiccontinues; the next issue ofthe diocesan paper will be dated AugJ HOLY FRIENDSHIP: On the importance of Christ-centered relationships ... p.16 II N OR T He 0 U N T RY C AT H 0 Li e DIOCESAN LIFE JULY 20,2016 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLlC Box 326 Ogd ensburg, N.Y. 13669 Leadership for healing USPS 0039-3400 As a member of the diocesan sian and a plan for action." changes that will bring healing. economic injustice; increasing BlSHOPTERRY Public Policy commit­ Wow. Fortunately, for our commit­ religious intolerance and the R.LAVALLEY tee, I was asked to be For most of us in the tee - which batted around denial of religious freedom; President part of a discussion on Diocese of Ogdensburg, ideas without coming up with a widespread vitriolic language REV.JOSEPH A.MORGAN two agenda items dur­ our first responsibility plan - we are not alone in see­ being lashed out towards oth­ Vice President ing our july meeting is to make ourselves ing the need for a response to ers; and the breakdown of mar­ JAMES O. CROWLEY which we hadn't con­ aware of the racism these violent times. riage and family values." Secreta ry-Treasurer sidered at any of our and threats of violence For this week's North Coun­ The answers? MARYLOU KI UAN previous gatherings. that actually exist in try Catholic, both Bishop LaVal­ Both Bishop LaValley and Fa­ Editor/ After the opening our relatively quiet part ley and Father Muench offered ther Muench ask to look inside General Manager prayer, Sister Donna of the country. their own "leadership for heal­ ourselves first. Franklin, chair of the It's easy to believe we ing" as the killings continue. How do we - you and me - Publish 45 is- committee, called on are immune from the Bishop LaValley included a live our lives without anger or ® sues per yea r: us to consider the re­ MaryLou kind of deadly violence list of the forces that have violence in the way we treat ." Weekly except cent violence in the Kilian seen in Baton Rouge, brought us to this place: "We every person with whom we skipping one United States with the Orlando, Minneapolis have seen: increasing erosion come in contact. week in Jan question "what type of and Dallas. I'm sure of respect for authority; disre­ It's certainly not easy but and April and eve ry other leadership for healing can we people in those communities gard for the dignity of every with commitment, prayer and provide for the diocese?" believed the same thing. None human person, beginning in more prayer, we can and must weeXk beginning Jul y through Aug. and skipping one wee k Next we were asked to "look of us can afford to wait for the the womb, regardless of the have hope that we can make a in Dec. by th eDio cese ofOg- at issues of racism with discus- worst to happen to make color of one's skin; growing difference. densburg. 622 Washington Street. Og­ densburg, N.Y. 13669. APASTOR'S PERSPEGIVE Editorial Office: 622 Washington Street, Violence, anger and hatred: unacceptable Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669. I would like to go back to the and hate. Many people ask pen.The history of our country Telephone: Good Samaritan Parable with 'Father Bill Say~ "what I can do about all of this? has many examples of leaders. (315 ) 608- 7556 you again. As you remember, tipastor22 @ gmail :Z~~ I am just one person and far Our Church has many exam­ this parable was the Gospel from all of this violence." ples of leaders who have led us E-mail: reading a few Sundays ago. ~ \ I would like to believe that in the spirit of rejecting vio­ news@northcountry This parable like all of jesus' we can do something. lence and anger. We all know catholic.org parables is a story, cleverly ~ I think it is time for us the examples of important crafted by jesus to teach us all Catholic Christians to set a leaders who have suffered vio­ Entered atthe a lesson. ".' Fr. \Villiam G. Muench tone, a tone that will make a lence and yet continued to re­ Post Office: They are so well done, these basis, each Christian has the difference in this world of ject a response of anger and Ogdensburg, NY stories; jesus was such a mas­ ours. We all must be ready to violence. 13669 and opportunity of being a Good terful story teller. His stories Samaritan. Many opportunities declare that we know how to Violence is unacceptable - additional mailing offices as are so clever that some people live well in the Spirit of Our anger is unacceptable - hatred Periodical Postage. come up to help those in need. think they really happened. Sometimes these opportunities Savior. Our Good Samaritan re­ is unacceptable. This can be They didn't. They are simple are rather simple: helping a sponse must be a readiness to our way of being Good Samari­ SWsaiption: and wonderful stories. remove all that is of violence, tans today: by saying to our Foroneyear. neighbor or friend do some In-Diocese Rate:$27 This Good Samaritan is an chore or other, possibly reach­ that is of anger, that is of ha­ world that we know how to Outside ofDioceseRate: $30 image of what a Catholic Chris­ ing out to cheer up someone tred from our lives. In this live, we know how to bring tian should and must be. Such who is going through a diffi­ way, we can set a tone - a tone help to this world by rejecting Mattersf or publication a Catholic cares and is con­ cult time. This is part of the that may help to remove vio­ hatred and anger. We show should be cerned for those in need, task of being a Good Samari­ lence from our communities, that we can and should live in addressed to standing in readiness to help tan. from our families. In this way the Spirit of Our Savior in re­ PO Box 326 as much as they can. Then again many Good we declare to all that we know sisting anything of violence. Ogdensburg, NY 13669 In addition, a Good Samari­ Samaritans are challenged to how to live as good Christians jesus showed us the way in his and should be received by tan does not reject anyone be­ do something rather serious or free from all violence.
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