Facilitating Learning and Knowledge Transfer through Mentoring Ileana Hamburg Institut Arbeit und Technik, WH Gelsenkirchen, Gelsenkirchen, Germany [email protected] Keywords: Mentoring, Social Media, Web-based Platforms, Communities. Abstract: Mentoring is a human resources development process supporting learning and knowledge transfer. Social media and Web services can be used for learning, communication with mentors and monitoring bringing also other advantages. In this paper formal and informal mentoring aspects and the use of IT in mentoring particularly social media and Web support will be shortly presented. Examples of projects where besides knowledge transfer, formal, informal learning also learning in a Web-based community is used are outlined. 1 INTRODUCTION in new forms of employment, changing management or at implementing a learning organisation. Mentoring is a human resources development Informal learning accounts for over 75% of the process supporting learning and knowledge transfer individuals and companies learning processes, it is – KT (Argote and Ingram, 2000). It can be organized necessary to support the use of this form of learning to address aspects like knowledge gaps and shortage more efficiently also in the mentoring, counselling skills (Hamburg and Marian, 2012). Mentoring, is and coaching and to combine it with new IT commonly used to describe a KT and learning services. Strategies using intensively informal process in which an existing staff member or an learning, e-Learning, mentoring and new IT media, external one guides new comers or less-experienced embedded into business and work processes in people in a task and helps to develop professional companies, responding not only to requirements of skills, attitudes and competencies (Johnson and work/career but also to employees interests and Ridley, 2008; Edelkraut and Graf, 2011). Mentoring supporting collaboration, knowledge sharing and is a complex process involving not just guidance and performance should be developed. suggestion, but also the development of autonomous According to organizations using mentoring, skills, judgments, personal and professional master social media can be used for communication with ship, expertise, trust and self-confidence over the mentors and monitoring bringing also other advanta- time (Richert, 2006; Breipohl and Hamburg, 2011). ges. The use of social media support social learning; The nature of mentoring is “friendly”, “collegially”. forums, blogs, virtual market places, extend face-to- Relationships within mentoring processes are face traditional mentoring allowing mentoring to often divided in informal and formal ones. In the take place over distance and in different time next part we will give some characteristics as well as periods. This approach supports also not only infor- advantages and disadvantages of these two types. mal but also formal mentoring, more accepted by the Due to mentoring effectiveness for developing organizations because they see direct benefits more productive staff, many organisations are making also possible that more mentees are interested to support it. Some examples of mentored. professional contexts in which mentoring can take In this paper formal and informal mentoring place are induction programmes to maximise the aspects and the use of IT in mentoring particularly graduate´s learning, continuous professional social media and Web support (O´Reilly, 2005) will development supporting professionals to develop be shortly presented new skills and gain additional experience and Example of projects where besides KT, formal knowledge, career development, outplacement and informal learning also learning in a Web-based helping individuals (particularly some with special community (Wenger et al., 2002) is used, are needs) to integrate into work or to make transitions outlined. 219 CSEDU2013-5thInternationalConferenceonComputerSupportedEducation 2 FORMS OF MENTORING mentoring. The type of appropriate mentoring for an organisation depends on its business and The range of mentoring relationships is a continuum qualification needs, on the needs of mentees. The going from informal mentoring to formal, highly success will depend on whether the parties involved structured and planned mentoring. in the mentoring process have the skills required and Informal mentoring is created spontaneously if the context of the organisation is supportive. or is initiated by special interest i.e. when the mentee could be a potential employee. An informal mentoring relation can be required by a mentee who 3 SOCIAL LEARNING approaches a mentor for his/her intentions. ENVIRONMENTS AND Some characteristics: • Goals of the relationship are not completely WEB-BASED SUPPORTED specified MENTORING • Outcomes could not be measured in totality • The process of KT cannot be explicitly described IT platforms supporting social networks can be and it is based on the ability and willing for this considered as tools for KT, ways to store organisa- process tion knowledge and spaces where employees share • Access is limited and could be exclusive knowledge and guide colleagues. One disadvantage • Mentors and mentees are often selected on the of existing social learning platforms is that they do basis of personal chemistry that means an initial not support a synchronous communication. Web connection or attraction between facilities as moderated forums, wikis, and blogs • Mentoring lasts a long time improve the mentoring process in this context. Web- • The organization benefit indirectly, as the focus based supported mentoring in networks and a is exclusively on the mentee. platform by using social media has benefits: Some advantages are a relationship of trust and res- • Provision of a 24 hour access of saved know- pect between the partners, high degree of compati- ledge, for training material and communication bility and cooperation and flexibility of the relation. • Accessible anywhere with internet availability This kind of relationship has a risk of ambiguity and • Provision of a platform even if face-to-face tension when it becomes too intensive and there are communication is not possible rare possibility to be applied to groups. The most • Learning assessment and progress monitoring of used form of learning in this context is an informal the mentor/mentee relationship one. Social networks support this type of mentoring. • Accounting for different learning abilities of Formal mentoring is often facilitated and mentees supported by the organisation which makes also • Overcoming limitations in time or space etc. of tools available to participants for an efficient pro- traditional training environments cess. • Reducing limitations of the classroom Some characteristics are: • Allowing the learner to work at his or her own • Goals are established from the beginning by the space, speed and depth with structured support organization, men-tors and mentees from both, the educators and the other learners. • Outcomes are measured Important aspects for a successful mentoring process • Knowledge which has to be transferred is known are trust and the depth of relationships. Face-to-face at the beginning interaction and socialization processes consolidate • Access is open to all who meet the criteria the relations between members and group member- established by the organization for the ship. Trust is important for KT and this develops corresponding mentoring program primarily through face-to-face interactions so • Mentors and mentees are paired based on traditional elements of monitoring/mentoring have to compatibility be affiliated (Eby and Allen, 2008). A constant • Organisation and employees can benefit directly. presence of experienced and qualified mentors in the Aspects as the difficulties by paring with the risk Web-based platform is required. The platform of poor one and less flexibility of relationships should support motivation and retain students in the between mentor and mentees and of the mentoring learning process and a real mentoring and not be process are disadvantages. Formal mentoring understood as a supervisory tool. relationships are more suitable for using e-Learning and Web-based systems can support formal 220 FacilitatingLearningandKnowledgeTransferthroughMentoring 4 EXAMPLES activities in Germany. A learning suite has been developed including a training module for mentors. One European project within Leonardo da Vinci The module which has been required by SME programme is Net Knowing 2.0: Web 2.0 representatives and other users of the learning suite Technologies and Net Collaborating Practices to has been translated in German to be used in further support learning in European SMEs mentoring processes in Germany. The few (www.netknowing.com). It aims to support KT in mentoring activities carried out till now in Germany European SMEs by using informal learning, net- have been positively evaluated by companies, working and mentoring and to help them to turn colleagues and mentees. More moderated forums their daily work into a source of corporate learning. have been required. Within the project we discussed with SMEs about introducing a mentoring system facilitating performance and KT, supporting retention and leadership development. Mentoring is less used in Germany. Within a workshop with German representatives of SMEs some tactics for implementing a mentoring program in their companies have been discussed. One possible approach is that experienced in Brandenburg. The mentors are external persons who should support
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