September 22, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8337 power which constitutes the greatest threat Contrary to their claim of nation-building visional ethnic terminologies have become to Israel’’ and that a division of Iraq ‘‘into in Iraq and nurturing democratic institu- conspicuously common in daily political dis- provinces along ethnic/religious lines . is tions, the neoconservatives have made sure course. possible. So three (or more) states will exist that every effort must be made to prevent Regardless of the outcome of the ongoing around the three major cities: Basra, Bagh- the Iraqis from exercising their rights to run debate concerning the constitution, the dad and Mosul, and Shiite areas in the south their own country and establish an open and neoconservatives have already inflicted dam- will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish free country. When General Jay Garner at- age to the fabric of Iraqi society. north.’’ tempted, in early 2003, to allow Iraqis to Fragmenting Iraq and kindling sectarian/ Critics and political commentators agree chart their own destiny, he was immediately ethnic discords are weapons of cultural and that the neoconservatives are obsessed with replaced. His successor, Paul Bremer, closely national destruction, a menace to civiliza- a grand design to militarize the globe and followed the neoconservatives’ agenda. tion. They represent a threat to American globalize fear. Knowledgeable observers, The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported interests and to regional stability. More im- however, acknowledge that the core of the (June 3, 2005) that the occupational author- portantly, they evidence a purposeful activa- neoconservatives’ thinking revolves around ity has institutionalised corruption. The cor- tion of the clash of civilizations. ruption has paralysed the economy and fos- the Middle East and the role of Israel. Unlike f Bush, the neoconservatives harbour the be- tered the creation of dysfunctional institu- lief that freedom for the Arab people, pros- tions. This, along with the ever rising new LEAVE OF ABSENCE perity, and cultural renaissance are a threat trend of terrorism, constitutes a threat to By unanimous consent, leave of ab- to Israeli security and vitality. It is for this Iraq’s social fabric. Indeed, a growing num- ber of Iraqis question the virtue of the deci- sence was granted to: reason that neoconservatives make a power- Mrs. CHRISTENSEN (at the request of ful argument for creating instability and sion taken by the occupational authority in Ms. PELOSI) for today. chaos in the Middle East. This was well ex- mid-2003 to dissolve the Iraqi border police pressed by Michael Ledeen former US under- and leave the Iraqi borders open for extrem- Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas (at the re- secretary of state and a leading ists. The Iraqis also question the reluctance quest of Ms. PELOSI) for today after neoconservative, when he stated: ‘‘Stability of the occupational forces to train the 11:00 a.m. on account of Hurricane is an unworthy American mission, and a mis- newly-established Iraqi army and police and Rita-related issues in the district. leading concept to boot. We do not want sta- supply them with adequate weapons to de- Mr. HINOJOSA (at the request of Ms. bility in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and even fend themselves and their country. PELOSI) for today on account of Hurri- Saudi Arabia; we want things to change. The In a radical but alarming move, the neoconservatives have espoused a sectarian cane Rita-related issues in the district. real issue is not whether, but how to desta- Mr. KIND (at the request of Ms. bilize.’’ and ethnic policy in conducting government PELOSI) for September 20 and 21 and Indeed, the neoconservatives have been ex- and political affairs in Iraq. The policy is ceptionally successful in promoting four pri- contrary to America’s officially pronounced after 3:00 p.m. today on account of a mary propositions: goal of nation building and constitutes a for- death in the family. 1. The welfare of American people and the midable obstacle to Bush’s vision of a demo- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington (at the prestige of the US in the world are contin- cratic and unified Iraq. In fact, the policy request of Mr. DELAY) for today after gent upon the ability to dominate the world has devastating consequences and may lead 3:00 p.m. on account of attending a fu- and especially the Middle East. to the ruin of Iraq. It should be mentioned neral. 2. The U.S. invasion of and military pres- that, in practice, Saddam Hussein espoused a ence in Iraq ensures American safety, secu- sectarian and racial outlook after 1978. But f rity and world peace, this was never acknowledged as a guiding SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED 3. The U.S. goals coincide with Israeli principle and was disliked by the majority of goals. Therefore, the invasion of Iraq served the population. By unanimous consent, permission to the interests of both countries. In Bush’s second term, the address the House, following the legis- 4. The Arab people are inherently anti- neoconservatives appear to have secured un- lative program and any special orders American and a threat to American inter- disputed domination in designing American heretofore entered, was granted to: ests. Thus, the presence of American forces foreign policy. They have situated them- (The following Members (at the re- in the region is an imperative necessity and selves at the core of the three primary agen- quest of Mr. SCHIFF) to revise and ex- is essential for world peace. cies responsible for foreign affairs: The Na- tend their remarks and include extra- Neoconservative thinkers Lawrence tional Security Council, and the state and Kaplan and William Kristol assert in their defence departments. With the presence of neous material:) book, The War over Iraq, that the decision Ambassador Zalamy Khalilzad in Baghdad, Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. about what course to take in dealing with the neoconservatives are positioned to pur- Mr. SCHIFF, for 5 minutes, today. Iraq, ‘‘is about more even than the future of sue their vision for Iraq with zeal, con- Mr. BROWN of Ohio, for 5 minutes, the Middle East and the war on terror. It is fidence, and energy. today. about what sort of role the United States in- Middle East experts and responsible inter- Ms. WOOLSEY, for 5 minutes, today. tends to play in the world in the 21st cen- national observers make a strong point that Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, for 5 min- tury.’’ They argue that the only plausible the neoconservatives are progressing with utes, today. and sensible mission is to persistently apply unexpected ease in translating their vision Mr. VAN HOLLEN, for 5 minutes, American might in these parts of the world for Iraq into practical steps, which will even- today. that constitute a threat to American inter- tually change the fate of Iraq profoundly. In (The following Members (at the re- ests and foresee Iraq as a starting stage; the particular, the neoconservatives have ‘‘mission begins in Baghdad, but it does not strengthened and widened their network of quest of Mr. WOLF) to revise and extend end there.’’ influence well beyond their traditional allies their remarks and include extraneous The mission, as Michael Ledeen defines it, (e.g. Ahmed Chalabi, Masood Barzani, material:) is to ensure the total submission of the peo- Barhem Saleh, Ayhem Al Samarai, Meshaan Mr. JONES of North Carolina, for 5 ple in the region. He stated in 2001, ‘‘we will Al Jabory, Moufaq Al Rebuey, etc.) and in- minutes, September 27. not be sated until we have had the blood of clude powerful individuals and newly emerg- Mr. HUNTER, for 5 minutes, today. every miserable little tyrant in the Middle ing organizations inside and outside Iraq Mr. BURTON of Indiana, for 5 minutes, East . and every last drooling anti-Se- that actively promote and espouse the September 27 and 29. mitic and anti-American mullah, imam, neoconservative design for fragmenting Iraq (The following Member (at her own sheik, and ayatellah is either singing the and creating semi-independent sectarian/eth- request) to revise and extend her re- praises of the United States of America or nic units in place. pumping gasoline for a dime a gallon on an The presence of terrorism and extremism marks and include extraneous mate- American military base near the Arctic Cir- in Iraq is a development that accompanies rial:) cle.’’ the occupation. Its threat is real with pre- Ms. DELAURO, for 5 minutes, today. From the beginning, the neoconservatives dictable consequences, especially the sudden f viewed the invasion of Iraq either as a stag- and mass exodus of whatever is left of the ing ground for their perpetual war or secur- middle class. Nevertheless, once the Iraqis EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ing its instability. While the introduction of are free and are in charge of their destiny, By unanimous consent, permission to economic sanctions against Iraq in August they will more likely be able to uproot ter- revise and extend remarks was granted 1990 and the subsequent attack in 1991 along rorism and extremism. The kindling and to: with the presence of an oppressive regime institutionalisation of sectarian and ethnic Mr. SCOTT of Virginia and to include have tremendously weakened Iraq and discord, however, have unpredictable and demoralised its people, it was the invasion in frightening consequences. For many decades extraneous material, notwithstanding March 2003 that enabled the neoconserva- sectarianism and racial discrimination were the fact that it exceeds two pages of tives to directly manage Iraqi affairs and put almost alien concepts for the majority of the RECORD and is estimated by the their vision into practice. Iraqis. Since the invasion, sectarian and di- Public Printer to cost $3,224.
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