Grand Valley State University ScholarWorks@GVSU Volume 18 Lanthorn, 1968-2001 5-15-1984 Lanthorn, vol. 18, no. 24, May 15, 1984 Grand Valley State University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/lanthorn_vol18 Part of the Archival Science Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Grand Valley State University, "Lanthorn, vol. 18, no. 24, May 15, 1984" (1984). Volume 18. 24. http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/lanthorn_vol18/24 This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Lanthorn, 1968-2001 at ScholarWorks@GVSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Volume 18 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@GVSU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Who can Arts & Entertainment P 7 beat Reagan? Controversy P 4 Sports P 9 S rr nr \[ wrrk'.s voiillj^glik ir ? Student Living P 6 grand valley statecollege's Student run newspaper * t r r the lanthorn Volume 18 THURSDAY. MARCH 15. 1984, ALLENDALE. MICHIGAN Number 24 Students don't have to be 'true' Michigan caucus sites to e Itot at m w toeee to eeefc M r k t. k* democrats to voteSaturday ito to to i RALPH HEIBUTZKI The caucus will not allow gan primary which it replaced News Editor absentee ballots to be cast, and m 1983. is the State does not Kent County there w ” -dso be no secret bal spend as much as money on Gr»r>d Valley students want toting the election County I mg to participate in Saturday's Joseph Sancimino. a Grand "The primaries were state Dtotrict 1 County I Presidential caucus vote need Valley Student Senator who is wide and open to anyone The District 2 advantage is that it (the cau only to sign statements dectar also helping in Hart's campaign County mg themselves a Democrat for said that there are good reasons cus) costs less to the State Dtotrim 2. I? ft 1ft the election. for both rules The citi/en has a chance to ex Camay Co mm—tew District 4 Bob Pomeroy, a Grand V jl "It's (the caucus) like a press his preference as to Cmenty Ccmmtosron straw vote Democrats express who’ll be the party nominee in ley student and volunteer District S ft 1ft worker for Gary Hart's Presi to each other who they sup the November campaign County Commtoston dentia! campaign, said the port You're only voicing your There's a few specific locations District ft ft 13 voter only has to sign a "non opinion to your fellow Demo which saves money for the County Commission binding statement identifying crats." Sancimino said of the State He (the voter) has to Ototrict 7ft 8 County Comm iwon secret ballot rule make more of an effort to par yourself as a Democrat ' District 9 "You don't have to be a He added that absentee bal tiopate." Sancimino said County CommWron card carrying member of the lotmg is not allowed because Sancimino and Pomeroy District 10 Democratic Party You're not Democratic Party members said that an Information Booth County CommWtsw Districts 11 ft 1ft declaring yourself a Democrat "are more dedicated in their will be set up m the Kirkhof County I dedication and participation Center later this week They for life. Between 10 a m. and District 14 4 p m. you go to one of the Both Pomeroy and Same also added that a meeting of County I local caucus sites and cast your mmo agreed that the caucus's ballot." Pomeroy said mam advantage over the Mich• see Caucus p-tge 5 IT County I Gourman Report ranks Grand SC- Grand Wspirit District 20 ft 21 Valley State as barely adequate Muskegon County Blue Lake. Cedar Creak. Oaftan. Habers. BECKY BURKERT in Michigan with a rating of 3.02 tftlft E. Rriay That i Pd. Man*spue Twpe.. -------- — ■ us )ftfi>i|.iuHfwiwspngii Editor Gourman selected 37 of Michigan's public and Eruidand.Lskasaii Twpe. MurirapnnTap private institutions He ignored many of the 2736 W. Ottts ftri.. Bra. 2 ft 3.ft C ity * Nw«h Muekepea Muskspsw County City ef Muekapon Michigan's 56 independent colleges and didn't Grand Valley students may be surprised to M 0 Tenaw 0t. learn they attend an institution that rates as barely evaluate any of Michigan's 29 community colleges City of Muatoapan H**" adequate According to a newly released report The Gourman Report rated the University of m. though. Grand Valley State ranks lowest of Michiqan as highest in Michigan. Michigan State City af Marta* S*«eree. Raoaawh Pert Michigan's higher public undergraduate institu University was ranked second, followed by Wayne 706 tpbsie Twp, MiMkepen T w p . h a l. i tions. Siaie University. John Gracki. assistant vice president tor tea L i f t ? The Gourman Report, authored by Jack Gour ewapweii Saw.w . Twptom ft V S w i * man. a professor of political science at California demic affairs, dismissed the report. "The results St t 1 i State University at Northridge. ranks institution's don't make sense." said Gracki. "There's got to Cp m Pl Maari overall academics on the following scale: 4.41- be something strange with a report when it puts 4 99, strong. 4.0T4.40, good; 3.51-3 99. accept three line area private schools below us." able plus, 3.013.50, adequate, and 2.012.99. Gracki was referring to Calvin College Aaumas marginal. Grand Valley State was ranked 17th see Report page 5 TOUGH CHOICE Improvements in sex education may solve abortion dilemma SUE SHAUB figure from 1982 shows a six percent de- Sport* Editor crease from 1981 statistics which record ed 44.031 abortions in Michigan. Cur rent ■ i^ary" has lust returned from a visit 1983 figures show that from January to to her doctor. She is pregnant. "M ary" September. 29.196 women in Michigan may tie an eleven year old child, a 16 year have chosen the method of <t>ortion. an old teenager, or a 30 year old careei wo other projected Hec",a«'* horn 1982 man. She may be single, divorced, or mar Despite j notable decrease, pat-on ried. the hacks for an abortion rate hover Whatever the case may be, in Michi mg around 30 40,000 would seem ab gan. "M ary" has a choice Should she surd. Those figures in fact, should ring keep the baby or have an abortion? enough alarm to know that not enough Most of us would like to think that is being done or efforts are being direct­ 'Hilary" falls under accepted social star ed in the wrong places. dards and is a woman who is married, The Right to Life Organisation would planning a family, and is delighted by the tell "Mary" that the has no choice and news of her pregnancy. that if she chooeet the route of abortion, Many times however, this is fantasy she is advocating murder. rather than reality. In 1982. 43.512 fe­ Whether the human embryo has a males chose to have an abortion, acc­ right to life it a question that haa bean ording to the Michigan Department of Health and Vital Statics. Surprisingly, the saa Abortion PriM ? 2 ihekjmhorn thvnday. march 15. 1984 Talk of murder distorts abortion issue from page 1 debated for decade*. It is alto a question carrying a child for nine months rs taken own bodies and the right to choose same chance to become pregart as fe­ that hat vet to be given a universally ac lightfy. Also, we don’t know what race whether or not they should have an abor males that we'd have half the number of cep ted ant ere* "Mary s" child will be or whether or not tion. unwanted pregnancies." AJso involved, it the time allotment in it will escape any birth defects. Both Pro Choice and Right to Life ad "Education is a big hunk of the pro­ which a a oman chooses to have an abort "Tf ere still is a fair number of people dress the issue of abortion but neither blem." said Renaud. "We must be able ion. Does a three month-old fetus have wt>o v ■ ant to adopt but most of them group thoughly cover the underlying is to talk about the issue and learn to deal more rights than a m o week old fetus? with the symptoms. We tend to be a soc­ "Nature is one of our greatest form* For iety that is crisis orientated What we would like to do n eleminate the need for of abortion," taid Biology Professor Carl HEALTH SERVICES trained staff to abortion." Bajema "Half c* the human eggs fertili £954611, «jrt 3280. zed don't survive to brrth because of nat NEW CLINK, FOR WOMEN Education in the form of abstinence PLANNED PARENTHOOD ASSOCIA­ may certainly be effective however, oral causes Nature doesn't put great 320 E. Fulton, Grand Rapids, Ml 49S02, TION OF KENT COUNTY proves to be unrealistic. value on the early embryo but there are phone: 466-6727 those who question that we shoud. 424 Cherry SE. Grand Rapids. Ml 49603, "ft's true that if we didn't have sex we "When you take a sperm and egg that phone: 4593101 4 die dime include wouldn't have abortion but this certainly is fertilized and call it life is considered Fees are on a sliding testing, pelvic exams isn't a solution that society would abide sacred by many religions but it •$ not by and it's ro t realistic," said Renaud.
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