23666 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 25, 2005 a voice to the over 58 million American House of Representatives to join me as I rise cant numbers of Ashkenazi Jews. While the women who are over the age of 40. to honor the memory of a very special person, disease is very debilitating, it is treatable, and Founded in 1980 following a White House the late Addolorata (Dolores) Immacolata Gili, it is therefore particularly important that people Mini-Conference on Older Women in Des and to offer my congratulations to her family learn a great deal about it so that those who Moines, Iowa, the Older Women’s League and friends, and to the people whose lives she do suffer from it or are threatened from it are (OWL) has grown to over 40 local chapters touched in my Congressional District of Or- aware of what can be done to treat it. I com- and 4,500 members nationwide. The members ange, New Jersey. Mama Gili, as she was af- mend the work of the National Gaucher Foun- of these local OWL chapters engage in nation- fectionately known, was being honored on dation, and I encourage people, particularly wide education and advocacy campaigns to Saturday October 22, 2005 for her faithful de- Ashkenazi Jews who may well be vulnerable place issues of interest to older women in the votion to God, her community and humankind. to it, to take advantage of the foundation’s public spotlight and on the legislative agenda. She was the proud mother of five children, work to gain knowledge that may be of signifi- OWL members have worked diligently to Helen, Florida, Claudia, Caesar and Joseph cant benefit for their health and that of their highlight key older women’s health issues in- Jr., and the ‘‘adoptive’’ mother to many people families. cluding the Medicare prescription drug benefit, in the Orange community. f mental health awareness, osteoporosis and She emigrated from Atripalda, Italy to the better nutrition. In addition, the organization United States in 1909 and initially stayed with FISCAL SPENDING CONSTRAINT has launched a recent campaign geared to- her brother, Umberto, in Brooklyn, New York. ward women of all ages, entitled ‘‘Social Secu- After moving to Orange, New Jersey, to live HON. JEFF MILLER rity Matters.’’ This campaign educates women with another brother, she met her future hus- OF FLORIDA on the importance of Social Security and why band, Joseph F. Gili, whom she married in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES privatization could jeopardize their retirement. 1913. Tuesday, October 25, 2005 Perhaps one of the most important initia- Always a true believer in the omnipresent tives that OWL undertakes each year is the power and love of God, Mama Gili knew that Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, Presi- OWL Mother’s Day Report. The first OWL her life would be guided by His principles of dent Reagan once said, ‘‘We don’t have a tril- Mother’s Day Report was released shortly service to others. She opened her home to lion-dollar debt because we haven’t taxed after the organization’s inception and provides many Italian immigrants as they transitioned to enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because an in-depth analysis of a particular matter of a new life in the U.S. She also always made we spend too much.’’ I wish others would concern to older and midlife women ranging in time to lend an ear and give devout advice to heed his words and begin exercising more fis- subjects from Caregiving to Age and Sex Dis- people in her community. cal constraint. crimination in America’s Labor Force. Even though she prematurely lost her hus- We should start with our own paychecks Another important accomplishment for which band and endured the hardships of the Great and truly lead the American people by actions OWL has been nationally recognized has Depression as a single mother, her faith never and not words. been the establishment of the Older Ameri- wavered. In 1953, she returned, for the first I have introduced a bill—Rescind the Con- cans’ Mental Health Week, which occurs dur- time, to her hometown in Italy where she had gressional Pay Raise Act, which rescinds ing the last full week of May each year. This a providential meeting with a Franciscan Members’ salaries back to last year’s pay yearly public awareness campaign is designed priest. He showed her a picture of the Holy level. We cannot, in good conscience, entitle to highlight the many misperceptions associ- Face of Jesus from the Shroud of Turin. After ourselves to more money while others con- ated with mental illness and aging. To bring seeing this image, Mama Gili dedicated her tinue to willingly make sacrifices for the sake national attention to mental health, OWL part- life, until her death in 1985, to spreading the of our Nation’s future. ners with several mental health and senior cit- Word about the Holy Face to those in her Mr. Speaker, now is the critical time for izen organizations, including the American As- community. Congress to step up to the plate and do what sociation for Geriatric Psychiatry, American She was honored by the Italian Tribune is necessary to control this spending gone Society on Aging, AARP, American Associa- newspaper with the Woman of the Year award awry. Let us start with ourselves. tion of People with Disabilities, Depression in 1965 for her work with many charities and, f and Bipolar Support Alliance and Families for for helping both to establish the Capuchin RECOGNIZING LOCAL MARINES Depression Awareness. Franciscan Friars and to organize the Third FROM INDIA COMPANY FOR Finally, it has been an honor to have a local Order of St. Francis in Orange. This past Sat- THEIR SERVICE TO THIS NATION advocate for OWL at our side, Betty Perry. urday, she was again being honored with the Betty Perry has been instrumental at the Sac- dedication of Minton Place between Lincoln ramento OWL chapter and OWL of California Avenue and Scotland Road in Orange, NJ. HON. BRIAN HIGGINS in providing a powerful voice for older women Renamed ‘‘Mama Gili Place’’, this memorial OF NEW YORK in regards to prescription drug benefits, equal will be a tribute to her steadfast dedication to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pensions for older women and fighting against her faith and community. Tuesday, October 25, 2005 Social Security privatization. Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Mama Gili’s Mr. Speaker, I am honored to pay tribute to friends and family on their efforts to keep her Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I stand here the Older Women’s League’s 25 years of ad- legacy alive. I also wish them continued suc- today to express thanks to the Marines from vocacy and empowerment of women. I am cess on their journey towards her Beatifi- India Company who have just completed a confident that this organization will continue to cation/Canonization to Sainthood. tour of duty where they fought heroically on play a crucial role in bringing national attention f behalf of the United States of America. to issues affecting midlife and older women. I The brave soldiers from India Company ask all of my colleagues to join with me in NATIONAL GAUCHER FOUNDATION were deployed to Iraq in March of this year to wishing the Older Women’s League continued AWARENESS MONTH aid in Operation Iraqi Freedom and have just success in all its future endeavors. recently returned to be with their families in f HON. BARNEY FRANK western New York. TRIBUTE TO ADDOLORATA OF MASSACHUSETTS In particular, I would like to recognize Sgt. IMMACOLATA GILI—DEDICATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Eugene O’Connor, Cpl Joshua O’Connor, PVT OF MAMA GILI’S PLACE Matthew Shaw, Sgt Gary Spengler Jr., PVT Tuesday, October 25, 2005 Jarred Leavitt, Cpl William Maher, Sgt James Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, Thompson, LCpl Chris Manns, LCpl Jason HON. DONALD M. PAYNE last month, September, the National Gaucher Florea and Cpl Jonathan Monaco, our local OF NEW JERSEY Foundation devoted its efforts to publicizing heroes who selflessly defended peaceful inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES what the foundation calls ‘‘the most prevalent national relations and helped secure freedom Tuesday, October 25, 2005 genetic disease facing United States Jews.’’ for the Iraqi people. Each played an integral Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, it is with great en- The National Gaucher Foundation is dedicated role in their company and deserve our rec- thusiasm that I ask my colleagues here in the to combating this disease that affects signifi- ognition and respect. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:41 Mar 01, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00139 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK17\NO-SSN\BR25OC05.DAT BR25OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE October 25, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 23667 Through their valiant efforts they assisted 2005 Monarchs successfully beat the Con- civic pride to the city of Sacramento. Their stabilizing the city of Hit in the province of Al necticut Sun three games to one in a thrilling success and loyal following is truly a testa- Anbar, protecting Iraqis and their comrades, best of five games series to be crowned ment to the ever increasing importance of aiding in the arrest of 116 insurgents, and as- WNBA royalty. By winning the 2005 WBNA women’s professional sports, and it is a great sisting in exposing over 150 weapons stores championship series, the Sacramento Mon- honor for me to have the opportunity to com- and 160 bombs. archs gave Sacramento its first national title in mend them on their accomplishments.
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