SEPTEMBER 1983 $2.50 MAMMOTH MACHINES FOR 2001 HERMAN KAHN'S FINAL VISION THE SECRET SOVIET SPACE SHUTTLE CASPAR WEINBERGER ON v WAR IN SPACE onnruiVOL. 5 NO. 12 SEPTEMBER 1983 EDITOR & DESIGN DIRECTOR: BOB GUCCIONE PRESIDENT: KATHY KEETON EXECUT.VE CDiTu-:. D-CK TERESI GRAPHICS HIRrCIO."' ""ANK DEVINO ART DIRECTOR: ELIZABETH WOODSON CONTENTS PAGE FIRST WORD Opinion Cyril Ponnamperuma 6 COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence 12 EARTH Environment Dian Fossey 18 SPACE Comment James Kitfield 20 MIND Behavior Mark Teich 22 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Computers Phoebe Hoban 24 BREAKTHROUGHS Technology Michael Edelhart 26 THE BODY Health Judith Hooper 28 EXPLORATIONS Travel Doug Garr 30 LIFE Biomedicine Rick Boling 34 FILM The Arts Jonathan Rosenbaum 38 PERFORMANCE The Arts Robert S. Ryan 40 CONTINUUM Data Bank 43 QUEST FOR FLAME Article Kathleen Stein 52 MAN-MOUNTAIN GENTIAN Fiction Howard Waldrop 52 HERMAN KAHN'S FINAL VISION Article James Reston, Jr. 68 MAMMOTH MACHINES FOR 2001 Article Frank P. Davidson 80 and John Stuart Cox BOUNDARY ECHOES Ficlion John M. Ford 86 MERLIN'S ROCK Pictorial Pete Turner 94 SEVENTH SENSE Fiction Robert Haisty 100 CASPAR W. WEINBERGER Interview Richard Halloran 108 OMINOUS ICONS Pictorial Rails' 116 SECRET SOVIET SHUTTLE Article James E. Oberg 124 CARRION COMFORT Fiction Dan Simmons 132 ANTIMATTER i^n^^^ UFOs, elc. 147 BOOKS The Arts A. A. Attanasio 172 TECHNOLOGY The Arts Patrick Tierney 174 STARS Astronomy Marcia Bartusiak 176 ^r. ^r^ COMPETITION RESULTS . J}} Oughtagraphs Scot Morris 180 GALACTIC WEB Phenomena R. Hamilton Smith 188 GAMES Diversions Scot Morris 192 LAST WORD Humor John Ficarra 194 .flc/ie/ Tcherevkoff, one OMNI (ISSN 0149-3711) is ' o! New publish monthly In he United States and Canada by Omni Puolications International Ltd., 1965 Broadway, ' : i' ; ..' I ark's leading ' - - ! .; advertising " ' "". ! 1 f hotographers, is a tecnnical vizard in his Held. '' designs 1'. i He * ill. .. .„ .1! ! . , ,|.n. Miilur.il nd photographs all his Ivy Ci.ir'.K "r:.. ,.|- r,r- Cc^aa.i,-. 2! -Mr;!«-s;:r l.iri.s :\%s: L'jaiiwriN MJ 07006 iv.i vVf:.; i -: -i - London UB77QE England Entire contents copyrighted Nothing els y/',',';.i,n (ho confines o! his Manhattan studio. this '' In 1 " 1 ,.:,,.,. :gl9COLesi.-";3inJ.3 /iFO ;::] icture, a sphere is bisected Car ad 3 icUii.. ore- K:5-;M 7-5=1 70 in ,;,,:i ; ' " ' ' ' ' '' ! " '.1. 'rirurrrri.im y the transcendental number -n. OMNI . - ' ' " . i-ooa is Ihe single most important then there arc those r^> who profess 's squireiTiSrir to r life The need tor-food is certain exuberant hope, that science can uri've'aai.ii- !he enflreoiosphem and solve ali : f problems, Panels Bacon '.gave: if/ % the ' success with which each individual us ills idea of uropia. The modern 'propo- obtains the elements arid compounds- i its 01 ! iopi ,i i. essential for.an ariequatedisfde^rmir-f;; '..I rrv: its in sci m ;> ultimate s- from the conquest of space, to rhe gmw.th of world populaucn. food has hamessmg of the stom. to the decoding ' toer ore. of ONA. Toe Apollo program was without ' : Al.;hou.gh ' American tiieirry patterns ' question a.'supreme triumph of -science mfgtri . suggest otherwise. ;he moment of anc: technology. ; The casting o f of the decision is upon us. A sense of umenov : shackles that bound us to Earth and - peri/ades scientific talk. At a ree-ni ' gave us the exnilarasng freedom to access tome American '' Chemical- explore the ' . unlveme will be recorded as Society Nobel -aureate Norman .;.-. ,. ;, Bo'rlaua - ,., pievements mtnerotthe Green Revolution, .'' Bu' perhaps there rs a fallacy in the. Une eommenteo that 'expanding food.' of sangutn production raet '''' enough to meet the . .science can peagioba! elixir. The truth'' . increasing meeds-of -a large and growing .-. lie " may somewhere between the poles of population 1 over the next tour ' decades- disma pessimism and undue optimism. win be- vita; - to the survival of civilization. How can the wold food supply toe . In the sphere or fomign policy, she £ increased? Is II possible or man to need -to confront world-hunge: problems - produce some loco independent 'of; has also.come ro the fo.ie. ihe.Presioen. .climate?- Th.e che-mma! synthesis of-food / ftal n FIRST . Commission on Worm hunger, w hie s a fantasizing area of exploration, if ss under the Carte; we oan make materia! for our shirts, can . Administration, recommended mar beoin- we not make the substance of our hirtg imthe Eight"es. -tie Unfed WORD States" -inches^ Carbohydmms arise from- Ihe should make 'he ' elimination of hunger trig fixing of carbon, hydrogen, '.By Cyril Ponnamperuma - and oxygen. primary toeus of "ts relationship with the Proteins result from the same three' deveiop.ing.-.cpun tries The prospect »7/7e chemical- of elements, w'lh nitrogen thrown Inlo-tbe-' synthesis disaster. is at hand it is clcss-rtha.n most bargain. ' Tho laboimory of Pure achieves is. of food a tantalizing are's - people; realize or of am prepared to admit. Ibis result through the complex process 2015 our exploration, ft 3y planet will be the noire of of plant we photosyid.hesis anp animal' ..- almost 3 Pillion peopie double r today mefaoollsrii. In the laboratory of modem . can make the material for our population it wiii not suffice,- however, to chemistry, tne shortcut. from molecules- shirts, ' double our food production: can't we make the we must xc meais >s wiih.n seientitic "p reach. --The re is' at least triple "t. Two fh-ds or humamfy are. an in-siguing sc ; ence-ficiion .substance of our ": stom about . lunches?^ already suffering " . from inadequate nutri- a gourmet restaumnf. where the cniyVaw '.i:.i i u. i . ,i , a the .,; is 'wou c material that emem- the building is coal. say. In street oarlance. they are sfarvmg. Such a concept may no: tie a mere The gap- between ine hPe-us of hungry technological 'auiasy. people ; and the amount of food neeoeo ! is to f commonly beloved that naiure 7 [ .-.. eee Pen , . knows best. .Molecmar biology has.gitfeir . Population reduction is the obvious u.s.ample evidence that in many answer But the numerical staP-iicattou of - Ih r the . ! human race , . will i i.-m breeding pt -"-'i .a decade; nor in two .but perhaos half m oiants, the rectjction of mspiratiomann- ' a century if w7. ror at i.east another the improved efficiency of photosynthesis -. generation we mus! turn to '' science and 'nignr doupie file yield of ourcrops. technology to provide -food fornurnahiiv. - tnhancedbioloaica-' nrffogeu fixation,- f This, is a louTiidabie proleci In trio nex"" accompi shed by exploiting ths-symD?otic , 40. years alone, world food production tela'tonship of certain algae with .the must be Lipped by at least as much as It roots of cemais—-the Azo'ia with rice, .%.''; was increased dunrg the emlre )2.0W- example, a e.ir'cumstariee understood . year period from the bedinriing of' by the ancient Tha- and Vietnamese and i ... agncjltum tc Mm eni d iv rediscovered today— is a potential area i be choices are bewildering. On one forac ! -ve research Epoch- makma . on the cliscpveries of recombinant ONA' have other, '. a certain scientific optimism-. .After' Opened horizons of wondrous proportions- . the World Food Conference, ; '7- sponsored Wgareon-the-iireshoid of major new ' " by the ' United Nations., there were even "-'' adyances: The Green llovolution will vieki some scientists', wno advocated the. totally- to the Gene Revolution. CG unthinkable and absolutely aohorrent' "' ' solution, of fiilage: Let the hungry c : e.of ; - •"•— : 137.1. Cyy;'Pi in'n'afFipsrurria — they said, whilethe strong ' -milabie supplies o* food for . id meu -amiNes Maryland CONTRIBUOS DRJIRJIBU! Engineers who plan and execute correspondent for The New York Times. according to his critics, as journalist massive, superhuman-scale Weinberger is Reagan's most influential James fleston, Jr., reports in "The Wrath projects are a breed unto adviser and Cabinet official and has of Kahn" (page 68). themselves. Macroengineers, as they are complete responsibility for the actions of Reston was shocked and saddened by called, are big dreamers with rich plane- the Pentagon. Weinberger elaborates Kahn's death. "For all our disagreements, tary fantasies. Consider: a transoceanic on Reagan's now famous "star wars" it was clear that he was an extraordinary tunnel linking Europe and North America; speech and on the President's policies and vital human being. He loved intellec- a single-building metropolis rising one as they refer to the military development tual engagement, and I think he was mile high; a transcontinental bullet train " of space: the deployment of weapons looking forward to the product of our many linking Tokyo and Paris, with a connection that use laser beams, particle beams, and hours of sometimes-heated discussion. under the English Channel to London other directed-energy weapons that can He was an important man who and Edinburgh and a subsea tube to track and des'.ioy So .-el missies. He thought about important things." Dublin. Our article "Megaworks" (page proposes to utilize artificial intelligence It has been a productive year lor 80), adapted from Macro—a book to for defense, and he predicts high-tech, Resion. His first film, 88 Seconds in be published by William Morrow and millisecond-long battles fought with Greensboro, was offered In the new PBS Company and coauthored by Frank P. new weapons, all of them computer-aided Frontiine series, and his second play, Davidson and John Stuart Cox— reveals in design. For a top-level prediction of Kaituma Sunset, will open in October, plans tor fantastic engineering feats the American way of war, see page 108. This month we present four new that are technologically feasible today.
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